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FGD~ Time to get SHTL done


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, California
In the last part of my dream within a dream, I was watching home movies of myself. These were movies I have never ever seen before but it felt so real to me. I noticed my neck twitch though in the movie, and I thought, "what?" So when I went to go grab the remote to rewind it, my neck in the movie just started spasm-ing. That's when I noticed my mother turn into a demon, I jumped like 10 feet in the air, and when I landed I assume I died as I woke up into my first dream.

EDIT: I saw Inception weeks ago though.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Strange, props on knowing what lucid dreaming was :p

I am unable to do it :( I know that I'm dreaming but I can't actually access the dream and change it to what I want, it sucks :(


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
At least You wake up when you die, well, kind of die, I usually wake up when the hands hitbox reaches my throat ;)

To be fair, I haven't had a dream/nightmare that I remembered for a couple years now

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
I have sleep apnea sometimes, so my dreams reflect what kinda happens in real life. ^^"
But randomly! I had dreams that would go normal and suddenly something strange happens and I choke because of it. lol

Like one time, there was a guy I was talking with and he would randomly headbutt my chest and presses his head against it so I can't breath and such. >_<


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
I have sleep apnea sometimes, so my dreams reflect what kinda happens in real life. ^^"
But randomly! I had dreams that would go normal and suddenly something strange happens and I choke because of it. lol

Like one time, there was a guy I was talking with and he would randomly headbutt my chest and presses his head against it so I can't breath and such. >_<
That sucks! :( I was going to ask you for some reason if you've ever woken up and felt like you were out of oxygen due to a dream, Haha apparently I'm semi physcic. Has it happened recently?


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, California
Man, what is it with the Fox boards and dreams? Uzimakisensai actually taught me all about dreams and how to control them, which is how I knew what lucid dreaming was. The strangest thing happened though.

Usually to control your dreams, you look for reality checks. Uzi described to me, how in a dream, if you look at a clock the numbers should spin around like crazy (just one of several examples). From there you can start to recognize how the world you are in living in is false, and call upon a "dream guide" to help have you control things.

However. in my first stage dream, I checked the clock to see how long I had been "asleep" or in my stage 2 dream. It specifically said 8:00 pm. Those numbers were as clear as day to me, although the time I admit was a bit unrealistic. The lighting of the environment fit, but I usually go to bed by the earliest of 11pm. I reasoned to myself I had taken an early afternoon nap...

Maybe we should all have a dream seminar soon or something?

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
What I know about lucid dreaming is that if you have a note in your pocket or something with a written word on it that you won't see easily written on a note, you can see if you're dreaming or not. Just get out the note, check it, and if you can't read what's standing on there, you're dreaming. Or so I heard from a lucid dreamer.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2009
The Cold
now i kind of want to start lucid dreaming... sounds pretty cool.

but i jut don't dream anymore... between my insomnia and how little i think during the night... it just doesn't happen.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
holy **** i'm so nervous atm x.x

so i live on ground level alright. and i was sitting there, in front of my PC. the room i am in kinda looks like this:
window --> |___room___| <-- where i am sitting at.

i was doing some stuff, as suddenly i heard something rumble. so i turn around and see some leg hanging in my opened window. i couldn't see much more cause except for the screen it was dark. i jumped up and yelled at the guy who had his leg in, so he jumped out and ran through the yard out of the building. i called the police then, the policeman then told me that it probably was some drunk who was trying to get some roof to crawl under since it was raining like hell.
but still, god****, this was horrid, i currently am ultra-sensitive on noises of all kind. to add in, i was a bit paranoiac to begin with. x.x

i have no idea if i'll be able to sleep tonight. :(


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
What I know about lucid dreaming is that if you have a note in your pocket or something with a written word on it that you won't see easily written on a note, you can see if you're dreaming or not. Just get out the note, check it, and if you can't read what's standing on there, you're dreaming. Or so I heard from a lucid dreamer.
Clocks. Anything that in IRL you know what it'll look like, you won't/shouldn't be able to see tit clearly. you can be sitting in a desk and see the desk clearly, because it is a different desk than you've sat in before.

Once you realize your in a dream, whie inside the dream you can contort anything to your desires. you can make a car appear next to you, you can have conversations with yourself, it's neat, and literally nothing will be able to **** with you. nightmares get pwned, because you can actively think of ways of beating them, and give yourself the tools to do so, on top of knowing if you die, you'll simply wake up


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I had a dream within a dream last night. It lasted 2 hours long in this world but felt like I had been asleep for a whole night. I could go into detail... but essentially I lost my sense of reality. I woke up refreshed, but it was only 2 am in the morning, but it felt like I was still sleeping. I was literally scared to go back to sleep. As awesome as it may sound to have up to 4 hours of sleep in one, when you can't control anything, it's pure torture. I have my reasons to believe what exactly happened to me, but right now it seems the shock of the situation has finally worn off. Luckily, I got my girlfriend on the phone to convince me I was in real life. I joked with her that in Inception they killed themselves to wake up, and that I should probably commit suicide. This is scary now, while I was thinking it was just a joke, part of me wanted to actually test it out, see if I was still dreaming... by actually killing myself :/. I can't explain how literally mind****ed I was last night. I had to do "normal people" things such as the laundry, drink lemonade, and I think what was my saving grace was eating a banana. I worship bananas now. I figured since in my dreams I could never replicate the sensation of eating, I would know I was awake if I could eat a banana. And I did. It sounds ridiculous to even me now, but I was not of right mind last night. When I woke up into my first dream, I managed to completely convince myself I had woken up in real life. Looking back now, I was in the same room, it was still dark, but my room was not arranged correctly,and a house had appeared outside, and my self-perspective was off. But somehow I still managed to convince myself I was safe. When I actually woke up I almost cried to be honest... I was afraid to believe in reality anymore.
what is this I don't even

wall of text

this thread

ahhh what's going on!

I might actually see Inception on Saturday with my ex-girlfriend.
I'm still not sure why she wants to hang out with me.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2009
The Cold
cherry that actually sounds awesome... but can people seriously train themselves to do this? or do you need some psychological guy to help you

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
basically, the window is at one side, and on the other side of the room my computer is. if you want to, the "west wall" (dunno if its west though haha) is the window, east wall is the computer.

and yea, i locked the window. rationally, i am fully aware that guy is gone for good, but i'm still scared to no end.
well, actually, i'm a bit better now as it's almost 2 hours ago, the police was here and i had a smoke and whatnot... but still.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
**** joel that's scary O.o. I wouldn't sleep if I was you, just to be safe ^_^.


Well, I can't sleep anyway, cause i'm still scared like hell, lol.
Although I'm really tired and exhausted, that was a lot of emotional stress I went through. It was the first time i had something like that happen too. I probably will try to catch some sleep once the sun rised.

Scented napkins/tissues and a little private internet browsing time is all you need. Ask Toronto Joe, he knows.
Heh, I wish that was true, though I couldn't get a boner even if I tried to at the moment. =P

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
i've actually calmed down a lot by now. still a little overzealous about stuff, but it's dawning and i probably will try to get a couple hours of sleep soon.
thankfully nothing has happened to me, nothing got damaged and nothing got stolen.

i'm really glad i noticed it... it still was one of the scariest moments in my life. i hope something like that won't ever happen again. >.<


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I'm kind of confused... was your window wide open? How does that even happen? What kind of neighborhood do you live in, was that an apartment or house?

He accidentally his whole leg?


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
I ****ing love full disclosure! this is the board for me!

what is this I don't even

wall of text

this thread

ahhh what's going on!

I might actually see Inception on Saturday with my ex-girlfriend.
I'm still not sure why she wants to hang out with me.


Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Back again from a few hours of sleep. That was very needed. ^^"

I'm kind of confused... was your window wide open?
Considering I was awake and I usually have my window opened to get fresh air in, it was wide open.
It's hard to describe that window though. I'm living in a building from the 19th century, the windows are really high, but not specifically wide (this is more like normal window size) and have double layers, which both were open. In between them I keep a sort of curtain.
In my appartment, the windows are easily accessible, they are actually going to my hip, at the lowest point, then like 2 meters up. Outside, though, the ground is lower, so its a bit deeper down, there the lowest point is at my face.

How does that even happen?
I have no frigging clue how this happened. As said, I live in ground level, but it's also the very first time I had something like that happen in the almost 3.5 years I'm living here.

What kind of neighborhood do you live in, was that an apartment or house?
Well the neighbourhood is Vienna, so I have no clue. Although we have many migrants here in this district, it's one of those with the lowest criminality rate, if I remember even the absolutely lowest criminality rate in the city.
It's an apartment.

He accidentally his whole leg?

Supreme Dirt

King of the Railway
Sep 28, 2009
So I'm deciding to pick up Fox for Brawl. I main Ganondorf, but I intend to go to MLG, so, yeah, need at least a semi-decent character. Tried to pick up MK, but I hate playing as him.

So yeah, where should I start? I've already got a fair idea of his moves and priorities, and comboing shine into stuff is pretty awesome. iirc, shine can be comboed into itself from a dash, can't manage that yet.


Smash Cadet
Mar 20, 2008
Mapleton, Utah
Know Fox like the back of your hand.

The Fox Compendium of notable threads: Click Here.
Fox's Matchup-Guide: Click Here.

Watch vids of good Fox players (particularly TKD).

TKD's YouTube Channel: Click Here.
How to SHTL: Click Here.
(Watch all of the Brawl "friendlies" TKD has uploaded.)

5 Great matches of TKD (Fox) vs. Tlako (Snake):
Click Here.
Click Here.
Click Here.
Click Here.
Click Here.

If possible, upload vids of your Fox and post it in the Fox Video Critique Thread: Click Here.

This is obviously not a guaranteed way to get good, but it will help.

Happy smashing!


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I main Ganondorf
everybody point and la-

So I'm deciding to pick up Fox for Brawl.
oh, good choice :) he does take a lot of practice though, so be ready for that. Also be ready to switch back to Ganondorf if your opponent plays Pikachu. ... (or pick up another character for Pikachu)

And I guess PBnJ did all the work for us. Watching videos of TKD is a must, if I'm not mistaken he's the undisputed best Fox?


Smash Cadet
Mar 20, 2008
Mapleton, Utah
Watching videos of TKD is a must, if I'm not mistaken he's the undisputed best Fox?
A lot of people are of the opinion that Yui is better than TKD.

And Pika/Sheik/IC's can be pretty lol-worthy matchups as they have the capability of pulling off some ridiculous shenanigans.

And I wouldn't suggest going Fox against a MK on Brinstar or RC. But that pretty well goes without saying...
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