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FGD~ Time to get SHTL done

Uzima (Uzi)

Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2008
Colorado Springs
Happy birthday guys : D

Auto-canceling is jumping and timing your aerial correctly so that the entire move finishes before you hit the ground. This eliminates any landing lag from the attack (although you still have a very little amount of landing lag from the landing animation) and allows you to chain moves together more quickly and efficiently.
note quite the right explination.

Auto canceling is when you utilise auto-cancel frames inside an attack animation

there are certain frames, usually towards the end of an attack, that when you hit the ground(while still in the aerial attack animation) you land as if falling totaly normaly with no attack out and have 0 landing lag.
the best example of this is fox's back air, if you short hop that attack off the stage you fall for a pretty long distance, but if you short hop and use b-air over the stage, you will hit the ground while still in the animation yet have absolutly 0 landing lag.

I really should make a video about this sometime >.>

Ok. Thats pretty obvious. I'm pretty sure people do that without even thinking about doing it, like DI.
and no, not really. specially when you toss platforms into the mix.
its how fox is moving so fast in my sig, 0 langing lag on everything he did cept the illusion and up-smash.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I am just ignorant. I like let my foot slide off the brake and floored my car into the car in front of me. It felt like illusioning off the stage.
...EPIC comparison. I Illusioned off the stage on a livestream draft crew match once >_>
very embarassing. My thumb just slipped and hit the B button :/
Even though I use the Y button for Specials. Maybe I should change B to something...?

Also, have you played Chudat's Kirby?

also, cuz I'ma noob, can anyone tell me or link meh on when I need to use an aerial to auto cancel, i want to know for all four aerials ;3
before that other explanation of autocanceling, I thought you could just do the following with each aerial to autocancel:
Uair: short hop, uair ASAP, don't fastfall
Fair: same
Dair: same
Bair: ...probably not the same but it doesn't have much ending lag anyway.
Nair: same


I'm a nub? There are specific frames in each aerial that have lower/no ending lag?

O_o on another note, there goes 750 dollars of my money thanks to me rear ending someone...

Wow, that sucks??! wtf

Dunno if I mentioned this before... you guys know about "phantom lag/triple jump glitch/recovery carry on lag" right?

If not, try airdodging into the ground without letting go of the shield button, and see how quickly your shield comes out. Then, use Firefox or Illusion onto a ledge, and ledgejump onto the stage, airdodging into the ground while continuing to hold the shield button again, and notice how your shield takes longer to come out than it did before. This is what that "phantom lag" is, it's a ******** glitch that only affects some moves. Predictably, MK, Snake, Wario, Diddy, and a bunch of others don't suffer from it.

Fox, Falco, Wolf, Kirby (Hammer and Stone, not Final Cutter), Captain Falcon, Mario, Luigi, Ganondorf, etc. etc. DO suffer from it.

If you didn't know about it before, I'm sure you've gotten harshly punished while coming back on stage because of it. The best way to get rid of it (or rather, the ONLY way to get rid of it, besides getting KOed) is to do a low-lag aerial into the ground as you're landing. With Kirby, I do Nairs all the time out of habit by now, to get rid of 'phantom lag.' With Fox...I use the same move. Dunno if it's the fastest move to use, but it has decent reach, and will keep people off me if they try to punish me as I land.

Sooo, now that you know about it, don't get yourself killed because of it, and look for opportunities to punish your opponents with it. :3

tl;dr version: if you Firefox/Illusion onto a ledge, the next time you land on the ground from the air, you'll suffer from lag that totally incapacitates you for a brief second, which is more than enough to TOTALLY **** YOU UP THE ***. Do an aerial into the ground kthx.

Special moves won't remove this lag, it will be there the next time you land on the ground even if you did something like SHTL previously.

Brawl developers failed SO BAD. Not gonna discuss if Brawl+ is good or bad here, but I know they got rid of this glitch, so obviously it's possible. -.-


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2008
tl;dr version: if you Firefox/Illusion onto a ledge, the next time you land on the ground from the air, you'll suffer from lag that totally incapacitates you for a brief second, which is more than enough to TOTALLY **** YOU UP THE ***. Do an aerial into the ground kthx.

Special moves won't remove this lag, it will be there the next time you land on the ground even if you did something like SHTL previously.
You didn't know about this? It's been in SCOTU's manual forever.


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, California
Yeah Adioh, RPK told me about it, but I didn't know it affected Fox that much. Now that I think about it... I get punished for it all the time! Like, after ledgejump, I'll airdodge into the ground and hold shield and get ridiculously hit by a move that was supposed to be shielded! I literally scream at my TV "I SHIELDED THAT WTF!?" Thanks for clearing that up, it sucks balls.

Cause like every other SHAD>Shield works more than fine.

And lol, I never did read SCOTU's manual.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2008
yeah that happens with like every character. called the "third jump glitch"

totally stupid.

totally gay.

totally jenkins.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
No, I've known about it for a loooong time, I just figured that it's something that a lot of other people overlook.

I was right. :p


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Taken is the most awesome movie I've ever seen.

So badass.

Sasukebowser still needs to watch it.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2009
The Cold
i got punched REAAALLLY hard in the chest today, it hurts like a ***** 6 hours and one hockey game later.

i hope nothings broken T_T...
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