Smash Lord
11th & 12th April, 2009
Note : These pools may change if I notice some are unbalanced, or if two people from the same location are in the same pool (it only works to a certain extent, for instance, spanish players are more than 16 and therefore, some have to have another spanish player in their pool). Please notify me anything like that if you spot it.
Pool 1 :
Pool 2 :
Lal Tsuna
Pool 3 :
Pool 4 :
Pool 5 :
Pool 6 :
G aR
Pool 7 :
Pool 8 :
Invevitable (Adam)
Pool 9 :
Pool 10 :
Pool 11 :
Cash Mooney
Pool 12 :
Pool 13 :
Strawhat Dahean
Pool 14 :
Over (the French one)
Pool 15 :
Overtriforce (actually the spanish Over)
Wii Lee
Pool 16 :
It took a long time, but it’s finally here !
After a long moment of hesitation, Epita Smash Arena 3, the sequel to one of the worst european tournament ever, which was itself the sequel to one of the best european tournament ever, will gather again some of the best Europeans near Paris. The two-day event will be held at EPITA, the most famous school in the whole european smash community, featuring singles and double tournaments, as well as regional crew battles.
With a well-prepared organization, good financial means, a great venue and its staff experienced with big tournaments and the problems they may encounter (sic), Epita Smash Arena 3 is likely to be one of the most important Smash events of 2009. We’ll make it a tournament no one wants to miss !
Tournament page on All is Brawl
April 11th and 12th, 2009.
Full schedule to come.
Address :
66 rue Guy Moquet
94800 Villejuif
For those who may not be familiar with the ESA series, the tournament will take place once again in the computer science school EPITA, located in Villejuif near Paris.
We have the possibility to have a whole floor of the school for the tournament, which allows us to provide housing at the venue during the tournament.
You can find it on a map here. (Use streetview and search for the big blue building, it’s the venue !)
Details as well as some pictures will be posted later.
The tournament will be run by SSBUP, the association of French Smash Players, and Cycom, a gaming association of EPITA students. SSBUP will take care of the tournament itself, while Cycom will take care of logistics and pretty much everything besides the tournament itself. This time, SSBUP will be more in touch with Cycom’s work in order to make sure their plans really fit the needs of the Smash community.
The event will be under the direction of 3 main directors :
Lithium, president of Cycom
Slhoka, president of SSBUP
Poilon, host and link between the Smash scene and Cycom/EPITA.
The date is confirmed, you can book your tickets.
Registration and Entry Fees
Registration will take place on Cycom’s website. The full registration system isn’t totally finished, but will arrive soon.
Entry Fees :
The amount of the entry fee is 30€. It includes participation to both singles and doubles and and pretty much anything, but doesn't include food.
Due to time constraints and venue size, the tournament's limit of participants is 256.
Important note : This tournament will be a Melee only event. This isn’t a hate act toward Brawl, even though the hosts prefer Melee, but a way safety for the tournament’s organization. We learned, with ESA2 for instance, that trying to pull to many events during a single event may have devastating effects on organization. ESA3 will be a two-day event, and it would be definitely too hard to include both games if we want to do more than one tournament per game.
We apologize to Brawl players who showed an interest for this tournament, but we won’t be able to provide them an event focused on their favourite game. They are still welcome to play Melee and enjoy another Smash game, though.
Well OK, some Brawl and N64 stations may pop up randomly during the freeplay moments, it’s not like every game but Melee was completely banned.
I planned the tournament for 128 players. To be honest I don’t think we’ll have that much players but we’ll have enough to handle that many people, and a few more.
Assuming we have 128 players :
The singles tournament will start with 16 pools of 8 players. Top 4 goes to a 64-man bracket.
Doubles tournament will be similar : 16 pools of 4 teams, top 2 goes to 32-team bracket.
Schedule :
Friday :
The venue will open at 21h. Don’t come earlier if you don’t want to wait outside.
You’ll be able to freeplay as much as you want during Friday night, nothing is planned, but I may organize a few little tournaments for fun. Just do whatever you want, but we’ll have to get up early, so don’t play too much if you don’t want to sleep during singles.
However, we won’t take care of your stuff on friday night, so keep them with you.
One or maybe two rooms will be at your disposal so you can rest.
Saturday :
7h30 : We wake everyone up ! You will take all your stuff, and gather in Epita’s entry hall.
8h00 : Registration start. We take the setups you bring (details about that somewhere below in this post. Just scroll down). As soon as you are registered and everything, you can go freeplay until registration is over..
10h00 : Registration is over. We gather everyone somewhere (probably in front of Epita like last year, assuming the wheather is good), and we make a little speech about general rules and tournament rules. And maybe some other stuff, we’ll see what we’ll have to say. Then, pools are announced, and the tournament starts.
10h30 : Pools start.
12h30 : Pause for lunch.
14h00 : Pools continue.
15h30 : Pools should be over.
16h00 : Singles bracket begins.
19h00 : Diner break. Singles should already be at the quarters finals, both winners and loosers brackets and then put in standby.
20h30 : Regionals (or any related crew tournaments, we'll discuss it according to the number of foreigners present).
23h00 : End of the day, you may either do some freeplay during the whole night or go to bed, or do whatever you want, it's up to you
Sunday :
9h00 : We wake you up.
10h30 : Pools for the Teams tournament start
11h30 : End of Pools, Teams bracket should be starting.
12h30 : Lunch Break.
13h30 : Teams bracket keeps going.
16h00 : End of the Teams bracket. Singles bracket gets back on tracks.
19h00 : Theoric end of Singles bracket!
19h30 : Reward ceremony.
21h at max : ESA3 is over, get out !
Some explanations about this schedule:
Splitting the singles bracket in two might be shocking you, but the tournament is going to last very long. Indeed, if pools are done quick enough, I plan to start the bracket with best of 5, at least for the singles. But it may only happens if everything is going fine. The main advantage is keeping the finals for the end (next after the Teams bracket) so it may have the greatest ambiance ever lasting for a moment =D.
Why are we having tiny pools for the teams tournament? And why should we do the teams tournament on sunday and not on saturday? In fact, the pools will allow teams to play at least 3 differents matches before getting eliminated, in the Bracket 1/4 of the teams will be eliminated in 2 matches. And it's happening on Sunday so people may have some times to watch other players matches and do some freeplay.
This schedule may change depending on how smoothly the tournaments will be run.
Crews :
Crews' rules will be depending on the number of foreigners present.
As for everything else, rules are pretty much the same as the singles rules with one difference : Every match will be played on random stages.
Food & Housing
Since ESA2 is a 2 days event, we will try to house as many players as possible on sunday evening. The tournament doesn't officially start before saturday morning, but the venue will be open on Friday night, so you can be housed there. However, ESA2 proved that housing everyone just isn’t possible for events of such scope. Therefore, we’ll give priority to those who come for far.
We’ll do our best to motivate Parisians players to host people, and we’ll make a list of people able to house other players and contact info but it will be up to you to contact these players. We won’t take care of everything like we tried to do last year, because it’s clearly too much to do.
Unfortunately, food won't be provided this time. However, Cycom will have a stad where they'll sell food and drinks. You can also buy something outside of the venue.
On Saturday night, anybody who paid for it will sleep in a separate sleeping room, where you'll be able to put your bags and jackets during the day. This night should be the only one you will spend in the venue.
We won't give you anything but space for the night, so you better bring your sleeping bag, sleeping pad, pillow, teddy bear or whatever else you'll need.
Travel Informations
Paris is pretty easy to reach by plane or train depending from where you come from. I suggest you check for cheap plane tickets (arrive at Paris Beauvais).
Other airports like Charles de Gaulle or Orly are better because they are closer to Paris. It takes about 2 hours to get to Paris from Beauvais, about 1 hour from Charles de Gaulles and about 30 minutes from Orly.
• From Orly : Once in the airport and free to go, follow the signs "Trains to Paris" and take the RER B direction Paris. To go to Epita, stop at the station "Denfert Rochereau" and follow the connexion to "Ligne 6 direction Nation". Stop at "Place d'Italie" and follow the connexion to "Ligne 7 direction Villejuif - Ivry". When you take the train, make sure it indicates both on the train itself and in the air on an electronic board that this train goes to "Villejuif" and NOT "Ivry". You may want to ask people, "Villejuif?" pointing at the train, they'll answer "oui" or "non"
. Once you boarded the train, wait for the station "Villejuif Paul-Vaillant Couturier" and get off. Now you just need to walk for 5 minutes looking for the Epita school. Turn right after the Ford building right outside the metro station. You should see a "Franprix" (a chain of cheap stores), a Chinese restaurant and then a little place with a Bakery at the angle. Take the big street to the right (you should see a lot of mess with a new building growing... that's the street). Go straight forward and turn right after you've seen the hospital on your right. Again, go straight for a few minutes and you should see what looks like a school on your left. here you are !
Here's a map of the way from the metro station to the venue.Google's dumb and tells you to walk right in the center of the road, but don't worry, sidewalk do exist in France too.
• From Charles de Gaulles : Once in the Airport, follow the signs "Trains to Paris", you may have to take a (free) bus to switch to another terminal. Take any train going to Paris and stop at the station "Denfert Rochereau". For the rest, it's the same as when you come from Orly.
• From Beauvais : You have to take a bus to the central station of Beauvais, then take a train to Paris, then you arrive in Gare St Lazare. From there, you have tons of ways to get to "Ligne 7 Villejuif Paul-Vaillant Couturier". You may take "Ligne 14 direction Olympiades", stop at "Châtelet" and follow the connexion to "Ligne 7 direction Villejuif - Ivry". For the rest, read the Orly way.
• By Train :
- The Eurostar
The Eurostar train departs from London at Waterloo station. You will have to go through customs and show IDs. You arrive at Gare du Nord. Follow the signs for metro "Ligne 5 direction Place d'Italie". Get off the train at the last station, Place d'Italie. For the rest, read the Orly way.
- Other trains
If you come from Belgium or The Netherlands, you will arrive at Gare du Nord, always. So the same itinerary as the Eurostar one just above.
If you come from Switzerland or Italy, you will arrive at Gare de Lyon (yes, this is a train station in Paris, a big one !). From there, you can walk to "Gare d'Austerlitz" and take metro "Ligne 5 direction Place d'Italie". For the rest, refer to the Eurostar's explanation.
• By Bus
I don't know any other company than Eurolines but I believe most busses stop at two main bus terminals.
- La Défense
La Défense is a huge bus station (and an economical center). When you arrive with Eurolines, You have to follow the metro signs and walk through a long pedestrian-only tunnel. Take metro "Ligne 1 direction Château de Vincennes". Take the connexion at station "Louvre" and follow metro "Ligne 7 direction Villejuif-Ivry". When you board the metro for this connexion, make sure you take a metro going to "Villejuif" and NOT "Ivry". For the rest, refer to the Orly explanation.
- Gallieni
From Gallieni, follow metro "Ligne 3 direction Pont de Levallois Bécon" and stop at station "République". Follow the connexion to "Ligne 5 direction Place d'Italie" and get off at the last stop. For the rest, refer to the Orly explanation.
Various Costs
- Orly to Paris by RER costs 2.10€ euros One way.
- Charles de Gaulle to Paris by RER costs 8.20€ euros One way.
- Beauvais train station to Paris Gare du Nord costs 11.70€ euros One way.
- A single metro/bus/tramway ticket costs 1.50€ euros.
- A pack of 10 metro/bus/tramway ticket costs 11.10€ euros. (I advise you to buy that if you're a group and planning to visit Paris a bit).
When you buy a RER ticket, once you get in Paris, you can use it as a metro ticket, no need to pay 1.50€ extra. Same for the way back, buy your RER ticket, use it for the metro and then for the RER.
Useful information : In Paris, when you are caught in the metro or bus without a valid ticket, you'll have to pay a 40€ fine (or some simillar amount). Controls are not so frequent, but keep that in mind if you don't want too much extra costs (right Spaniards ? ^^')
General Informations
Bring Your Own Controller !!! This rule applies here aswell. And keep your things with you, one never knows.
If you happen to bring a wavebird, bring a wire controller in case there are too many wavebirds (16 out of 200 is easy to reach). If you bring a wavebird, please report it when you get checked at the entrance.
For the general well-being of everyone, no one can justify throwing something on the floor. There will be enough trash cans all around the venue.
Drinking alcohol in the venue will be completely forbidden. For people who will drink, it will be difficult to climb up 2 levels of stairs to get back inside the venue ! Think about it...
Drugs under any form will be forbidden.
Any player breaking these rules will be excluded from the event without any refunding.
The tournament will be run by Slhoka with tio tournament organizer, and we hope nealdt will be able to release the next version before the ESA3. (We even more hope nealdt suddenly wants to attend a tournament in Europe, but well, the new version of tio would already be a good thing too).
Results will be posted here and in SWF's Results section and as well on All is Brawl.
Cash Prizes
The cashprize it will be 15€ x (number of players), for exemple if we have 128 players the cashprize will be 15x128 = 1920€ (which will be devided between singles and doubles).
Contact :
Slhoka :
Check my profile for emails, msn, and every way of contacting me before the tournament.
During your trip : my phone number is : +33..6..82..12..30..84.
On friday I won't be available before 7:00 PM. If you need to call someone before that hour, call Doraki :
I'll add someone else so you can call someone if I'm not available.
Random Things :
This time, we’ll have a mic and speakers, which means I’ll still have a voice after the tournament.
As always, our aim is to have many TVs. And this time, we’ll make sure to take CRT screens, juste to be sure (even though ESA2’s TV problem wasn’t caused by one of our decision). So far, we are sure to have at least 32 TVs.
We should have a projector which works, this time.
Coming to this tournament isn’t only a matter of Smash ! No matter how much I hate it, Paris happens to be a beautiful city, which I strongly advise you to visit.
Well, hopefully, see you in Paris !
11th & 12th April, 2009
Note : These pools may change if I notice some are unbalanced, or if two people from the same location are in the same pool (it only works to a certain extent, for instance, spanish players are more than 16 and therefore, some have to have another spanish player in their pool). Please notify me anything like that if you spot it.
Pool 1 :
Pool 2 :
Lal Tsuna
Pool 3 :
Pool 4 :
Pool 5 :
Pool 6 :
G aR
Pool 7 :
Pool 8 :
Invevitable (Adam)
Pool 9 :
Pool 10 :
Pool 11 :
Cash Mooney
Pool 12 :
Pool 13 :
Strawhat Dahean
Pool 14 :
Over (the French one)
Pool 15 :
Overtriforce (actually the spanish Over)
Wii Lee
Pool 16 :
It took a long time, but it’s finally here !
After a long moment of hesitation, Epita Smash Arena 3, the sequel to one of the worst european tournament ever, which was itself the sequel to one of the best european tournament ever, will gather again some of the best Europeans near Paris. The two-day event will be held at EPITA, the most famous school in the whole european smash community, featuring singles and double tournaments, as well as regional crew battles.
With a well-prepared organization, good financial means, a great venue and its staff experienced with big tournaments and the problems they may encounter (sic), Epita Smash Arena 3 is likely to be one of the most important Smash events of 2009. We’ll make it a tournament no one wants to miss !
Tournament page on All is Brawl
April 11th and 12th, 2009.
Full schedule to come.
Address :
66 rue Guy Moquet
94800 Villejuif
For those who may not be familiar with the ESA series, the tournament will take place once again in the computer science school EPITA, located in Villejuif near Paris.
We have the possibility to have a whole floor of the school for the tournament, which allows us to provide housing at the venue during the tournament.
You can find it on a map here. (Use streetview and search for the big blue building, it’s the venue !)
Details as well as some pictures will be posted later.
The tournament will be run by SSBUP, the association of French Smash Players, and Cycom, a gaming association of EPITA students. SSBUP will take care of the tournament itself, while Cycom will take care of logistics and pretty much everything besides the tournament itself. This time, SSBUP will be more in touch with Cycom’s work in order to make sure their plans really fit the needs of the Smash community.
The event will be under the direction of 3 main directors :
Lithium, president of Cycom
Slhoka, president of SSBUP
Poilon, host and link between the Smash scene and Cycom/EPITA.
The date is confirmed, you can book your tickets.
Registration and Entry Fees
Registration will take place on Cycom’s website. The full registration system isn’t totally finished, but will arrive soon.
Entry Fees :
The amount of the entry fee is 30€. It includes participation to both singles and doubles and and pretty much anything, but doesn't include food.
Due to time constraints and venue size, the tournament's limit of participants is 256.
Important note : This tournament will be a Melee only event. This isn’t a hate act toward Brawl, even though the hosts prefer Melee, but a way safety for the tournament’s organization. We learned, with ESA2 for instance, that trying to pull to many events during a single event may have devastating effects on organization. ESA3 will be a two-day event, and it would be definitely too hard to include both games if we want to do more than one tournament per game.
We apologize to Brawl players who showed an interest for this tournament, but we won’t be able to provide them an event focused on their favourite game. They are still welcome to play Melee and enjoy another Smash game, though.
Well OK, some Brawl and N64 stations may pop up randomly during the freeplay moments, it’s not like every game but Melee was completely banned.
I planned the tournament for 128 players. To be honest I don’t think we’ll have that much players but we’ll have enough to handle that many people, and a few more.
Assuming we have 128 players :
The singles tournament will start with 16 pools of 8 players. Top 4 goes to a 64-man bracket.
Doubles tournament will be similar : 16 pools of 4 teams, top 2 goes to 32-team bracket.
Schedule :
Friday :
The venue will open at 21h. Don’t come earlier if you don’t want to wait outside.
You’ll be able to freeplay as much as you want during Friday night, nothing is planned, but I may organize a few little tournaments for fun. Just do whatever you want, but we’ll have to get up early, so don’t play too much if you don’t want to sleep during singles.
However, we won’t take care of your stuff on friday night, so keep them with you.
One or maybe two rooms will be at your disposal so you can rest.
Saturday :
7h30 : We wake everyone up ! You will take all your stuff, and gather in Epita’s entry hall.
8h00 : Registration start. We take the setups you bring (details about that somewhere below in this post. Just scroll down). As soon as you are registered and everything, you can go freeplay until registration is over..
10h00 : Registration is over. We gather everyone somewhere (probably in front of Epita like last year, assuming the wheather is good), and we make a little speech about general rules and tournament rules. And maybe some other stuff, we’ll see what we’ll have to say. Then, pools are announced, and the tournament starts.
10h30 : Pools start.
12h30 : Pause for lunch.
14h00 : Pools continue.
15h30 : Pools should be over.
16h00 : Singles bracket begins.
19h00 : Diner break. Singles should already be at the quarters finals, both winners and loosers brackets and then put in standby.
20h30 : Regionals (or any related crew tournaments, we'll discuss it according to the number of foreigners present).
23h00 : End of the day, you may either do some freeplay during the whole night or go to bed, or do whatever you want, it's up to you
Sunday :
9h00 : We wake you up.
10h30 : Pools for the Teams tournament start
11h30 : End of Pools, Teams bracket should be starting.
12h30 : Lunch Break.
13h30 : Teams bracket keeps going.
16h00 : End of the Teams bracket. Singles bracket gets back on tracks.
19h00 : Theoric end of Singles bracket!
19h30 : Reward ceremony.
21h at max : ESA3 is over, get out !
Some explanations about this schedule:
Splitting the singles bracket in two might be shocking you, but the tournament is going to last very long. Indeed, if pools are done quick enough, I plan to start the bracket with best of 5, at least for the singles. But it may only happens if everything is going fine. The main advantage is keeping the finals for the end (next after the Teams bracket) so it may have the greatest ambiance ever lasting for a moment =D.
Why are we having tiny pools for the teams tournament? And why should we do the teams tournament on sunday and not on saturday? In fact, the pools will allow teams to play at least 3 differents matches before getting eliminated, in the Bracket 1/4 of the teams will be eliminated in 2 matches. And it's happening on Sunday so people may have some times to watch other players matches and do some freeplay.
This schedule may change depending on how smoothly the tournaments will be run.
- No items.
- 4 stocks limit.
- Time limit: 7 minutes.
- Allowed stages: Final Destination, Dreamland 64, Pokémon Stadium, Yoshi Story, and Fountain of dreams are allowed in the Random stage selection. Battlefield, Jungle Kongo 64 are allowed for counterpicking.
- Pools will be held in best of 3.
- Pools results are there to qualify you and to choose who you're going to fight in the bracket.
- Bracket will be a Double-elimination one.
- Most part of the bracket will be held in best of 5. The best of 3 tours and the best of 7 tours will be depending on how smoothly the tournaments will be run and will be known by all of you to avoid any errors.
- Both of the players have to choose their respective characters at the same time. A referee may be asked.
- The first stage will be random, and will feature one of the stages enumerated above.
- Once the first match is done, the looser has to choose the next stage, then the winner has to choose his character and finally the looser chooses his character.
- DSR enabled (the looser cannot select the last stage that granted him victory).
- PSR enabled (you have to be hasty when deciding your character and the stage).
- Wobbling is forbidden.
- Stage banning is currently discussed and will be decided by a poll.
- No items.
- 4 stocks limit.
- Time limit: 7 minutes.
- Friendly Fire enabled.
- Allowed stages: Final Destination, Dreamland 64, Pokémon Stadium, Yoshi Story, and Battle field are allowed in the Random stage selection. Jungle Kongo 64 is allowed for counterpicking.
- Pools will be held in best of 3.
- Pools results are there to qualify you and to choose who you're going to fight.
- Bracket will be a Double-elimination one.
- Most part of the bracket will be held in best of 5. The best of 3 tours and the best of 7 tours will be depending on how smoothly the tournaments will be run and will be known by all of you to avoid any errors.
- Both of the teams have to choose their respective characters at the same time. A referee may be asked.
- The first stage will be random, and will feature one of the stages enumerated above.
- Once the first match is done, the loosers' team has to choose the next stage, then the winners' team has to choose their characters and finally the loosers' team chooses their characters.
- DSR enabled (the looser cannot select the last stage that granted him victory).
- PSR enabled (you have to be hasty when deciding your characters and the stage).
- Wobbling is forbidden
- Stage banning is currently discussed and will be decided by a poll
Crews :
Crews' rules will be depending on the number of foreigners present.
As for everything else, rules are pretty much the same as the singles rules with one difference : Every match will be played on random stages.
Food & Housing
Since ESA2 is a 2 days event, we will try to house as many players as possible on sunday evening. The tournament doesn't officially start before saturday morning, but the venue will be open on Friday night, so you can be housed there. However, ESA2 proved that housing everyone just isn’t possible for events of such scope. Therefore, we’ll give priority to those who come for far.
We’ll do our best to motivate Parisians players to host people, and we’ll make a list of people able to house other players and contact info but it will be up to you to contact these players. We won’t take care of everything like we tried to do last year, because it’s clearly too much to do.
Unfortunately, food won't be provided this time. However, Cycom will have a stad where they'll sell food and drinks. You can also buy something outside of the venue.
On Saturday night, anybody who paid for it will sleep in a separate sleeping room, where you'll be able to put your bags and jackets during the day. This night should be the only one you will spend in the venue.
We won't give you anything but space for the night, so you better bring your sleeping bag, sleeping pad, pillow, teddy bear or whatever else you'll need.
Travel Informations
Paris is pretty easy to reach by plane or train depending from where you come from. I suggest you check for cheap plane tickets (arrive at Paris Beauvais).
Other airports like Charles de Gaulle or Orly are better because they are closer to Paris. It takes about 2 hours to get to Paris from Beauvais, about 1 hour from Charles de Gaulles and about 30 minutes from Orly.
• From Orly : Once in the airport and free to go, follow the signs "Trains to Paris" and take the RER B direction Paris. To go to Epita, stop at the station "Denfert Rochereau" and follow the connexion to "Ligne 6 direction Nation". Stop at "Place d'Italie" and follow the connexion to "Ligne 7 direction Villejuif - Ivry". When you take the train, make sure it indicates both on the train itself and in the air on an electronic board that this train goes to "Villejuif" and NOT "Ivry". You may want to ask people, "Villejuif?" pointing at the train, they'll answer "oui" or "non"
Here's a map of the way from the metro station to the venue.Google's dumb and tells you to walk right in the center of the road, but don't worry, sidewalk do exist in France too.
• From Charles de Gaulles : Once in the Airport, follow the signs "Trains to Paris", you may have to take a (free) bus to switch to another terminal. Take any train going to Paris and stop at the station "Denfert Rochereau". For the rest, it's the same as when you come from Orly.
• From Beauvais : You have to take a bus to the central station of Beauvais, then take a train to Paris, then you arrive in Gare St Lazare. From there, you have tons of ways to get to "Ligne 7 Villejuif Paul-Vaillant Couturier". You may take "Ligne 14 direction Olympiades", stop at "Châtelet" and follow the connexion to "Ligne 7 direction Villejuif - Ivry". For the rest, read the Orly way.
• By Train :
- The Eurostar
The Eurostar train departs from London at Waterloo station. You will have to go through customs and show IDs. You arrive at Gare du Nord. Follow the signs for metro "Ligne 5 direction Place d'Italie". Get off the train at the last station, Place d'Italie. For the rest, read the Orly way.
- Other trains
If you come from Belgium or The Netherlands, you will arrive at Gare du Nord, always. So the same itinerary as the Eurostar one just above.
If you come from Switzerland or Italy, you will arrive at Gare de Lyon (yes, this is a train station in Paris, a big one !). From there, you can walk to "Gare d'Austerlitz" and take metro "Ligne 5 direction Place d'Italie". For the rest, refer to the Eurostar's explanation.
• By Bus
I don't know any other company than Eurolines but I believe most busses stop at two main bus terminals.
- La Défense
La Défense is a huge bus station (and an economical center). When you arrive with Eurolines, You have to follow the metro signs and walk through a long pedestrian-only tunnel. Take metro "Ligne 1 direction Château de Vincennes". Take the connexion at station "Louvre" and follow metro "Ligne 7 direction Villejuif-Ivry". When you board the metro for this connexion, make sure you take a metro going to "Villejuif" and NOT "Ivry". For the rest, refer to the Orly explanation.
- Gallieni
From Gallieni, follow metro "Ligne 3 direction Pont de Levallois Bécon" and stop at station "République". Follow the connexion to "Ligne 5 direction Place d'Italie" and get off at the last stop. For the rest, refer to the Orly explanation.
Various Costs
- Orly to Paris by RER costs 2.10€ euros One way.
- Charles de Gaulle to Paris by RER costs 8.20€ euros One way.
- Beauvais train station to Paris Gare du Nord costs 11.70€ euros One way.
- A single metro/bus/tramway ticket costs 1.50€ euros.
- A pack of 10 metro/bus/tramway ticket costs 11.10€ euros. (I advise you to buy that if you're a group and planning to visit Paris a bit).
When you buy a RER ticket, once you get in Paris, you can use it as a metro ticket, no need to pay 1.50€ extra. Same for the way back, buy your RER ticket, use it for the metro and then for the RER.
Useful information : In Paris, when you are caught in the metro or bus without a valid ticket, you'll have to pay a 40€ fine (or some simillar amount). Controls are not so frequent, but keep that in mind if you don't want too much extra costs (right Spaniards ? ^^')
General Informations
Bring Your Own Controller !!! This rule applies here aswell. And keep your things with you, one never knows.
If you happen to bring a wavebird, bring a wire controller in case there are too many wavebirds (16 out of 200 is easy to reach). If you bring a wavebird, please report it when you get checked at the entrance.
For the general well-being of everyone, no one can justify throwing something on the floor. There will be enough trash cans all around the venue.
Drinking alcohol in the venue will be completely forbidden. For people who will drink, it will be difficult to climb up 2 levels of stairs to get back inside the venue ! Think about it...
Drugs under any form will be forbidden.
Any player breaking these rules will be excluded from the event without any refunding.
The tournament will be run by Slhoka with tio tournament organizer, and we hope nealdt will be able to release the next version before the ESA3. (We even more hope nealdt suddenly wants to attend a tournament in Europe, but well, the new version of tio would already be a good thing too).
Results will be posted here and in SWF's Results section and as well on All is Brawl.
Cash Prizes
The cashprize it will be 15€ x (number of players), for exemple if we have 128 players the cashprize will be 15x128 = 1920€ (which will be devided between singles and doubles).
Contact :
Slhoka :
Check my profile for emails, msn, and every way of contacting me before the tournament.
During your trip : my phone number is : +33..6..82..12..30..84.
On friday I won't be available before 7:00 PM. If you need to call someone before that hour, call Doraki :
I'll add someone else so you can call someone if I'm not available.
Random Things :
This time, we’ll have a mic and speakers, which means I’ll still have a voice after the tournament.
As always, our aim is to have many TVs. And this time, we’ll make sure to take CRT screens, juste to be sure (even though ESA2’s TV problem wasn’t caused by one of our decision). So far, we are sure to have at least 32 TVs.
We should have a projector which works, this time.
Coming to this tournament isn’t only a matter of Smash ! No matter how much I hate it, Paris happens to be a beautiful city, which I strongly advise you to visit.
Well, hopefully, see you in Paris !