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Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
What do you mean about the Kat part?

@Circus where is your very first cop crumb? Answer this before the day ends.
Kat stated that he was very unsure about how safe claims were to work in this game. However, assuming Jdietz is scum, we will get some information on that. For example do they have a character safe claim? What role is Jdietz? These questions will be answered.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Gotcha. I'll be so salty if Circus had a cop safe claim. His play just seems to line up so perfectly as a person who legitimately has cop as their role.

Anyways JTB/Kat guys. Calling it a day. If we (nl) happen to die please just do this.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
I agree with above. Also Inferno aint scum. Gotta retract my suspicion Ran.

@Kat: I asked you this a couple of times but I'm not sure if you ever answered. What was the point of these questions:
Originally Posted by Kataefi
When you come talk to me about gheb pretty plz. What do you make of his death? How did your read on him progress as a bystander throughout D1?
These were @ Circus around the start of d2. What were you looking for with these?

Reading through Kat & Circus atm, and this is a little odd. Why did you blame this on the keyboard? haha I mean that's clearly not a keyboard issue >.>?
@The Circus: regarding your break into the game here: "diediedie" is strong... couldn't you have gone into detail about Garg being scum at this point? Why can you hardly remember this? Also your vote simply attacks Dark and doesn't in anyway explain the "diediedie" aspect you found in Garg which I find odd, because it looks to me like your voting moreso dietz than you are Garg (wouldn't garg comprise the bulk of your vote here and this be the opportunity to present it?) Want to hear your thoughts on this slot a lot more plz.
*attacks Dietz silly keyboard

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Kind of can't even believe the stupidity of the Zen/Soup slot this game. I did not think I would have to police you guys; if you wanted to quicklynch someone, why couldn't it have been Jditz?

Marshy, I don't know if you just got bad or if you seem worse now because people are starting to go with your quicklynch psychosis or if you're just scum in every game now, but this is ridiculous.

If the scumteam is somehow NL/Marsh/Ran, I'm gonna laugh-sob myself to sleep in post game.

Jdietz, shoot me toNight or I'm gonna wrestle thread power away from the stooges toMorrow and make sure you're the lynch. You best believe a wall of your shady-*** play is coming at you if I'm alive on D3 (or toDay, if I get enough time to stack it up before Gorf comes with the flip). Reading over D1 again, that slot's been sitting obvscum since the beginning, and somehow it's still alive.
Gosh dam Circus. So like I was saying this definitely lines up to me with regards to Circus' sudden change on to us on to D2. I don't think he was just trying to find away to switch from his buddy. It really looks to me like he legitimately just got a guilty on us over the night.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Yeah Inferno & Soup & Ran, look at Circus vs Dietz after the hammer on DSH d2. It doesn't really seem faked to me. I could see a scenario in which Circus really did get a Cop safe claim and decided to hard bus his buddy to show the legitimacy of it, but I don't think this is really that likely to be frank. Especially seeing as he had JayKay as his planned inno/actual inno & not Jdietz as his planned guilty.

Though I must say @Circus: Would you really expect us to assume that you got an inno on Jkay from that post? All you said was "pleased with Jaykay". But you had "Garg should diediedie" right after. Had you flipped scum we all would have assumed you investigated Garg especially based on how you were pushing him D1. This really doesn't looked like a JayKay investigation crumb at all, but rather a Garg one which supports the above theory.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
#89 is still such an odd post. I really hope Dietz flips indy. I can't find any connections to him by either Kat or JTB, but I've noticed a couple of weird interactions between Kat and JTB. Regardless of whether or not they are scumbuddies, Kat is scum. Mafia or Indy. Don't matter.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Not if there's only two mafia.
I find that highly unlikely. 11 vs. 2 is so stupidly in the town's favor it's not even funny. Town would get 4 mislynches and after the 5th they would lose. If you mislynch 5 times in a 13 man setup then there's a problem. 10 vs. 2 vs. 1 is basically the same thing is still really against scum trying to make mislynches.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
^Greetings, alien :alien:

The stuff I posted d1 and yeah it is different. He's been saying how we've just been putting him in the background but that's not the case, he has been putting himself there. He hasn't made himself the driving force for any lynch. Even when yesterday Marshy was telling him that he would follow him, he took forever to actually vote and even then he wasn't putting much force behind it. Now with JayKay's flip in mind it seems odd to me that he even picked JayKay when he had stronger reads on Dietz and Circus.
Awww shii. You right.

Glad you my town bro man. How can I do this without you? <3

You got a point.
It's sad to see this because I think you're going to mess this up. Firstly I asked J questions from D2 - at what point did he respond?... He didn't. Not a single question answered despite promises of this. I asked Circus a whole bunch of questions from D2 - at what point did he respond?... He didn't. Not a single question answered up to this point. Again, same thing applied with Dietz.

I asked players to bounce off my read on Dark Horse/Circus even in live chats so I can look into this. What happened? People ran away (lol). Again I asked players why they considered Detective over Circus and why they weren't interested in players that looked more meaningful to them... What happened? People ignored my questions and started floundering about at random.

I'm not suddenly on a scum team with all these players to be able to set that scenario up...

Next the environment in this game was created such that it was hyper-active. Look at my scumhunt D3... there was no closure, because I didn't get the answers I was seeking. We had 6 days until the deadline and in this time there would have been opportunities to get answers and progress. There were even talks of potential mylo... Anyone with half a brain cell would have equated D3 as a Day that needed to be taken slow and steady and that any votes accumulated on players are not to be taken as a sign to hammer like a madman...

Yet now look at the hyperposts and millions of pages that ensued to acquire J's lynch prematurely after I pointed this all out...

You can't sit there and blame me for not closing my scumhunt based on an environment suddenly created by trigger happy players on D3 when things were more critical. I took "forever" because it was taking forever for anyone to get back to me about anything... I don't accept this accusation because it doesn't look like you realise it is one that accuses me of something beyond my control... Yes peeps can say I was inactive during the time J was lynched but how many times am I going to remind this Town I'm on a very different time zone... I've been "inactive" consistently across this game in times when the thread has exploded not because it's scummy to do so but because I'm not American and able to stay awake at 4 in the morning...

This is all common sense though. Also BIM3/Pikmafia/Halo are games when I was at university. TT/Lost/Gigabots are games where I work and are my most recent games. If you do bother to read my last 3 games, you'll see that I never become a driving force on any lynch... because I don't have the activity to be able to do this anymore. Find it a bit cheeky you would cite TT Mafia as a contrast to my behaviour here... especially when Soup is playing with you. It probably explains why he wants me as a "townbro" :grin:


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Yeah that makes me like Cicrus even more seeing as he didn't just figure out that there was no cop by the end of d3 and decided to claim today. Kat what do you say about this?
There's a possibility this is believable but iirc there were talks of red herrings from as early as D2 when the SK didn't kill. No scum has flipped so there's no insight into potential roles they themselves have... there's a possibility that this is a gambit, alongside safe role claims like Xiivi used to do.

All I know from his play are these things that stand out to me:

- He had a simultaneous town read and scum read coming into D3 and allowed the Townie to get lynched leading us to emergency situations...

- He hasn't investigated Dietz in 3 Nights despite outright stating this player shouldn't allowed to have a "free pass" into lylo alongside plenty of other strong word choices here to suggest he should have investigated him.

- He had mod-confirmation on your guilty in lylo yet leans Dietz, banking on a confident read a cop result could have outright confirmed in the 3 Nights he was suspecting him.

- I can see matching behaviours between himself and Dark Horse in their treatment of Garg/Dietz.

Then there's the concerning issue of the double cop result:

it says we are a backup for "anybody", so I'd assume universal.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I was reading what you said Zen. I mostly agree with you but kata just feels brownie townie, and I already felt that with a dead miller a cop would be likely.

I just don't get why we're the only one who is a true backup if that's the case, and all the rest are red-herrings, I suppose it makes sense that the game is relied on red herrings but still has informative roles.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Kata makes good points too. I'd say JTB is the safe-lynch tommorow and then consider Kata/Circus the following day.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
#89 is still such an odd post. I really hope Dietz flips indy. I can't find any connections to him by either Kat or JTB, but I've noticed a couple of weird interactions between Kat and JTB. Regardless of whether or not they are scumbuddies, Kat is scum. Mafia or Indy. Don't matter.
Indy? Maybe. That'd be a better flip than mafia scum tbh.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
It's sad to see this because I think you're going to mess this up. Firstly I asked J questions from D2 - at what point did he respond?... He didn't. Not a single question answered despite promises of this. I asked Circus a whole bunch of questions from D2 - at what point did he respond?... He didn't. Not a single question answered up to this point. Again, same thing applied with Dietz.

I asked players to bounce off my read on Dark Horse/Circus even in live chats so I can look into this. What happened? People ran away (lol). Again I asked players why they considered Detective over Circus and why they weren't interested in players that looked more meaningful to them... What happened? People ignored my questions and started floundering about at random.

I'm not suddenly on a scum team with all these players to be able to set that scenario up...
What does this last line even mean even?

Your point against me claiming that you took forever to decide d3 is true. I'll drop that point against you. That still doesn't explain why you chose Jkay when you had a stronger read on Circus. Please explain this. As for being in the background thing, it's complete bull I'm sorry. Living in a different Time Zone & being busy have nothing to do with it. It's how you present yourself in the game. Vanderzant, Swiss, Gheb, Xonar all play the game fine. Vanderzant I would say has as busy as a schedule as you do and doesn't get to post often, but when he does post (at least as town) he contributes/makes himself a part of the game. You do this too. Your time zone excuse does not work here. I noticed this same backgroundy kind of play from Vanderzant in the recently ended Celebrity mafia. It was because he was scum not because he lives in a different time zone. Your play just lacks the town "umph". You make statements and point things out, but there is just no spirit behind it!

You claim that people have been ignoring all of your questions and wont bounce stuff off of you, but that's what happens when you make general statements that no one in specific is to answer to you. Yes you have sited specific people that have ignored your questions to them, but those happen to be the scummy players. To say that the town players have been ignoring your questions is false because you haven't asked us any specific questions/brought up specific concerns you would like us to bounce back and forth with you. You can't just make a general statement and expect everyone to hop on it as if it is expected of them. It's not as if we haven't been reading your stuff. Much of it is just not stuff that one responds to. Town hasn't put you in the background, you've simply been a backgroundy player.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
I find that highly unlikely. 11 vs. 2 is so stupidly in the town's favor it's not even funny. Town would get 4 mislynches and after the 5th they would lose. If you mislynch 5 times in a 13 man setup then there's a problem. 10 vs. 2 vs. 1 is basically the same thing is still really against scum trying to make mislynches.
Indy? Maybe. That'd be a better flip than mafia scum tbh.
Maybe a traitor or another mafia supporter. Gorf seems to like those. (see traitor/mafia converter in Celeb & Judas in Mario Party). If he converts that will be stupid. I really hate the concept of punishing town for lynching right. Hopefully he flips traitor because then things align with JTB & Kat being scum together.

The thing about Circus is that his play does look scummy when you look at him from the perspective of being aligned with Dietz. But his play also lines up really well from the perspective that he legitimately believes he is cop. If Dietz flipped traitor/indy/role that Circus could not possibly know that he was aligned with him, then his play is just strait up town to me.

I honestly think Kat is playing us right now soupa.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Kat your points against Circus are good I admit. I'll let him answer to them. Though the thing about speculation of the setup early d2 isn't true. There was no talk about it at that time. Circus' first post into d2 (second post in game) specifically claimed cop so the only option for Circus scum is for he to have a cop safe claim.

One thing I just thought of is have you guys hear of a role that could like take the identity of a night kill? Kind of like how Janitor gets the role of the ??? player but in this case the player doesn't turn into a question mark, but just given another role name. I could see Gheb as being a cop, scum nightkilling him and getting his identity, and so forth. Something in support of this that stood out to me when he first pointed it out is that Circus was the first person to notice that there probably wasn't a Serial Killer in the game. It was curious to me that he picked up on that when no body else had. Him knowing that Gheb's role was fake would explain this. I dunno what do you think Kata & JTB?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
In the lonely land that the guys call town
There seemed to be an unfortunate frown.
With all their work and all their might,
the townspeople kept offing themselves, that ain't aight.
But finally, with intent joy
The town lynched scum, oh boy oh boy!
Too bad JDietz wasn't much of a boon
For he was only Justin Bieber, mafia goon.

It is now Night! Send in your Night actions before 6/6/11 at 11:59 PM EST!

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
So yo, let's put on a show
For all the bro's and all the ho's.
The Night was one that was very fierce,
The howling of dogs and cats, and ear would be pierced.
Alas, everyone rose from their rest
Except one, No Lynch, shot in the breast.
How could Master Chief, Town Deputy die?
There must be more liars, who like to lie!

Day 5 Begins! Deadline is set for 6/17 at 11:59 EST! With 5 alive it takes 3 to lynch!

Circus- (0)
JTB- (0)
Kataefi- (0)
Inferno- (0)
Ranmaru- (0)

Not Voting- (5) Circus, JTB, Kataefi, Inferno, Ranmaru


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Kat, Circus had a guilty on no Lynch but he flipped town. Is Circus lying or was his result tampered with?



Apr 3, 2008

Baby baby baby, ohhhh
Like baby baby baby, gooooo
Baby baby baby, ohhhh
Go go go go go scum team, -team...


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Ugh so much WIFOM right now. I'm wondering if Circus is scum and was dumb enough to kill his own guilty or if scum is trying to set him up for a ML on him. Like this situation really sounds like the easiest way to set up a mislynch, but honestly with a scumdeitz flip, NL was more or less cleared.

@Ran - I'm willing to risk the game on you being town. Who do you think are the remaining scum?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
JTB is most likely scum. So we'll lynch him ToDay.

So the problem is one of Circus/Kat.

What's your opinion on Kat?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Also, if you want to talk about Circus, don't get yourself stuck in the nk.

Just look at his actions during the day, I think that's much safer. (Basically you aren't thinking in the way scum would want you to cuz of wifom)


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Ran, why is Inferno town to you? I thought you said he was null at the end of yesterDay


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Circus also needs to get in here ASAP with those cop results


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

How effective do you think Circus's results will be?


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Circus' results will be integral to who we lynch toDay.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Also, explain how you came to Inferno town by PoE


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
JTB scum, one scum out of Circus/Kat.

What is your opinion on Inferno?


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
You still are not explaining the full process. You are clearing him because I'm scum (which you haven't explained) and that one of Circus/Kat is scum (which you also haven't explained).

I don't care about Inferno at this moment, I'm only concerned with what results Circus' will bring and you.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
There is no full process, you are deff scum. The problem is deciding between Circus/Kat.

You asked me about my inferno town read, now I'm asking you about your inferno read.

Now tell me. Who do you think is scum, regardless of Circus's results?


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006

ill come back to you after more people post then


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Gotcha, goes to show that you still don't have any real stances.

This is why you will be the lynch today
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