So yo, let's put on a show
For all the bro's and all the ho's.
The Night was one that was very fierce,
The howling of dogs and cats, and ear would be pierced.
Alas, everyone rose from their rest
Except one, No Lynch, shot in the breast.
How could Master Chief, Town Deputy die?
There must be more liars, who like to lie!
Day 5 Begins! Deadline is set for 6/17 at 11:59 EST! With 5 alive it takes 3 to lynch!
Circus- (0)
JTB- (0)
Kataefi- (0)
Inferno- (0)
Ranmaru- (0)
Not Voting- (5) Circus, JTB, Kataefi, Inferno, Ranmaru