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#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
aye. well done. i think that cop claim was pretty good. most protown players are terrified of lynching a cop claim regardless of the slots play
Thanks, man. Like I say in the QT, the Cop claim was initially just a move of desperation because I replaced into a scummy looking slot. I was not planning on using it to get to lylo at all. I just wanted to try to make the slot last a couple of Days and maybe see if I could wreak some havoc while I was alive. I was convinced one of either Jdietz or I was going to be the lynch on D2, for sure.

The way I saw it, one of two things would happen:

1. I'd be able to convincingly CC the "real" cop and either out it or maybe even get it lynched first, saving us a Night Kill.

2. The Cop would flip and I could claim "VT crumbing Cop to attract the NK."

But then when it became apparent that there wasn't a Cop, I just decided to turn into the skid and see what I could do. And that apparently worked out pretty well.

I had the entire scum-team haha. *sad panda*
I commented on this in the QT. Reading that post by you, I was all:

The number of people that were throwing around my name and Dietz's, and even Kata's was really unnerving. In fact, my first post of D2, in addition to being a Cop crumb, also contained an intentional, light scumslip and me referring to Dietz's slot as Garg specifically to make myself and Dietz look separated. At that point, I was mostly focused on making sure that one of us would look better by virtue of the other's flip (which didn't totally work, but we still got it done, so).

Circus buddying me had me the most worried even throughout the game because it was so foreign!
I never really "buddied" you, per se. I just whiteknighted you because I was faking an inno on your slot, which I only really did because you would absolutely be the first person I'd investigate if I were actually a Cop.


I was hoping you wouldn't mind me biting your style for that one. Situation was just too perfect.

God, this whole game was red herring, like I suspected. JTB was inherently town-telling in the end and I would've likely gone after circus.

Which is why we killed youuuuuuuu.

Sorry 'bout that. You and Zen really did play quite a good game overall.

i think replacing out helps scum

"give im a chance to catch up!!" etc

This is true, and was actually something I was intending to address after the game regardless of how it ended.

Dark Horse (and Garg, but I don't know if you'll ever even check this), for the future, replacing out because you're losing is kind of a ****ty maneuver. Dietz and I ended up having to fight for survival a fair amount over this game, but town certainly gave us a chance coming into D2 that you two probably wouldn't have gotten. I understand the frustration; I've been in really dire straits as scum before. In fact I've been lynched on D1 in the most annoying way possible before. But there's (almost) always a chance at a way out of those situations, or at least ways to contain the damage. Next time you're in a rough patch, I urge you to try work through it. If nothing else, it could be a good time to experiment with some crazy gambit. You never know, it might just work.

Also, Ran, I feel like someone says this to you in, like, every game, but I noticed in this one that you've really leveled up. I think I talked about it briefly in the scum QT and you were basically always on the table as a possible NK target. Good ****, keep it up, but only when I'm town from now on.

Overall, other than my decision to shoot Purp on N2 (although I actually think his Miller flip may have boosted my Cop claim a bit), I'm pretty proud of my play this game. Replaced into a sinking slot and sailed it to shore. Can't ask for much more than that.

Kata, hopefully this makes up for the fact that I had to bail on you guys in Lost Mafia.

By the way, thanks for hosting, Gorf. This ended up being a lot more fun that I was expecting before I replaced in (and a lot a lot more fun than what I was expecting immediately after replacing in).

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Ha nice PM's Gorf. Though you rhymed 'place' with 'place' in ours :p

I actually really loved this setup. It really kept town from limiting their scumhunting to just role speculation, but at the same time people were still able to give tells based on what they thought their role to be. There reason I had a hard time with Laundry's misinformation game is that you couldn't really determine that your role was a red hearing/useless, but here town was able to put it together.

I feel inactivity between some of our town players ultimately is what brought down fall upon town. However, that is not to downplay scum's play here. You all did really well. Circus your cop setup was fantastic. You played to it really well. And you really do post as if you are coming from a town standpoint. You are great & fun opponent. I didn't want to express much suspicion on you after the JayKay lynch because I knew if it came down to us vs you, we would have lost and been lynched. So I tried to remain level headed and keep suspicion on you to a minimum until we got the Dietz lynch through to reestablish our credibility. I did think you were more likely town than not though. Splendid job. Kata it was strange how no one actually had much motivation to lynch you. You played the middle ground nicely. Even though you had suspicions placed on you, you were still more of an asset than a liability and managed to make just enough legit points against people to keep you going til endgame. Like I said, the reason why I felt you were scum is because it felt like you were riding along rather than putting yourself in the driver's seat. But it worked out for you. Dietz you played your part. Most of the scumhunting on you and all our cases against you were made by Soup. He had you pegged hard, but you put up a nice fight. Kind of hilarious looking back on it. Give us your scum buds before hammering next time, alright?

Town *brofists* to all who played the game. Even with the loss, this was seriously fun. Everyone who was actually putting effort into the game had town reads on each other. That's why I feel if our other town buds had just been more into this, we would have had it. I definitely don't regret quicklynching at all. I don't even think those were really that quick. Ridding off the inactive/scummies was really our best plan of action. Stalling out the days for people to catch up whatever would have just been stalling out our loss.

Three mistakes I made this game were 1, not ignoring Whiz' back up claim. I had unvoted him once he started to get into the game and was contemplating going Garg which would have done us great. But I ended up voting him again because his claim contradicted ours and felt he likely made it up. 2, lynching JayKay of course. J your response to my case on you made me get town on you, but man your reasoning for your reads were really just weird. I was genuinely surprised that you were town because I did not see how you could actually be using the reasoning you were as town. That coupled with my generally paranoia of you every game led to that. I have some subconscious complex that urges me want to lynch you every game haha. Especially when you call me scum because you're supposed to be one of the best at reading me. 3, hoping that scum would keep me alive because of the guilty. Near the end of the day I had found some stuff that I really wanted Kata and Circus to answer to. I was going to ask them to answer it even if I died but the day ended. I wanted Circus to answer to his "crumb" posts where he was clearly crumbing a guilty on jdietz, not an inno on J. And there was the fact that Kata chose to lynch JayKay over his top pick, Circus when Marshy gave him the choice.

Kary you played very much townie d1. I really didn't understand what you had against me :urg:. Apologies if you felt I was trying to instigate you, but I genuinely was not. I feel that there's something that really irks you about my play style because you were getting on me in Newbie as well. What's up dude? Inferno great job man. Your play was solid town play. You definitely are improving, looking back on the first game I played with you, Upick pokemon. I really enjoyed playing with you this game. You remained cool headed the whole time and did well into reading intent this game. If it's influence you're looking for, you first gotta start with establishing credibility which pretty much just takes a game or two of ballin play. I'll also let you in on a trade secret. This goes to Soup as well. When attempting to push the things you want (lynches, claims, etc) you should ask individuals separately what their thoughts are or if they will join you. This as opposed to just making a general question towards every player. When you do this, people tend to avoid answering. Scum especially. When you ask one person specifically, it puts them on the spot light. Where as if one reads a question addressed to everyone, they will expect others to answer it (by standard effect). That's how I've learned to gain support for lynches that I want to go through.

Marshy again nice solid town play. I thought you would be someone who I would be paranoid of all game, but you were really obv townie and I never really considered you suspicious other than when you were looking into our slot. My bad for not working with you to have Dietz on you with the BG. That would have worked probably worked more in our favor. Scum chose to be cowards with their night kills :mad:. I get the looking into our slot. I've learned to try and just give the person that's looking into me what they want which is usually a reaction. Whenever I don't over react, people start to get a paranoid sense as if I'm trying to play them. Ran this is also the reason why I "over reacted" when you started to consider us scum after the DSH lynch, calling you a traitor and all that. Every time I don't react like that you take it as a scum tell for some reason haha. I don't want to do that next time so don't take me being nonchalant as a scum tell yo. I'm glad that you were able to see through the setup when you did. Had you not been there when we claimed deputy, we probably would have been lynched on the spot. That alley-oop was epic beyond proportions.

JTB gonna be strait up here. Really bad play there. That self voting bit was no good. And the Inferno vote was even worse. I understand the inactivity, but I do wish you would have put more effort into trying to stay in or at least replace out. Had you been active this game could have gone pretty differently in the end.

Soup One of my all time favorite hydra partners. When I'm not posting you seem to know exactly where my head had been at such as when you were rebutting Circus' case against us. I like the fact that we agree about 70% of the time. It allows us to be in sync but without just blindly agreeing to everything either of us puts out there. My bad on the JKay lynch man. We had Dietz right there and you had put in all the work. So yeah that was wak.


Apr 3, 2008
...Aww no one has anything cool and elaborate to say about my emmy award winning performances on scumteam's behalf

(I was secretly hoping it was mvp worthy since it helped us win so hard)

EDIT: You know what, now that Newbie 18 has ended I'mma in Tekken just for u Kat <3, k? k.)


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
I've never brofisted before :grin: brofists for Circus/Dietz for being dirty little scummies.

NOW... *****slaps to marshy/no lynch/jaykay/ran/inferno for being good townies. Next time play worse plz :awesome:

this was a lot of fun! I knew Dark Horse was considering replacing but was surprised to see Garg replace... I hope he wasn't scared away and should reconsider coming back most definitely.

The QT was intense due to the emergency situations we all found ourselves in... but that's a learned response. I guess it's true what they say in that the more you have a go at someone, the harder they bite back... Some of the most interesting convos happened N2 onward and it's cool to see this behaviour in hindsight. my fave scum team evah!

I thought it was do or die for Town as well on D3 and the quicklynch environment added to the fire... I didn't want to take my vote off JayKay for this reason, and when Dietz lived passed then it was somewhat easier to get rid of the peeps who had their heads screwed on and then just take it from there. I mean sooooo much time/logic had been invested on Dietz that he ended up inherently being a human meatshield for all players as he occupied a majority of everyone's thoughts enough to make other actions look less interesting... so when he finally actually died (!) it almost felt like a fresh game to me. The Chronicles of Dietz Mafia changed back to Epic Rap Battles where everyone had to rely on what little they really knew about everyone else in the game... I guess this explains why D5 everyone was up in the air as to who was scum and inevitably those that had great reads or could have picked up the pieces were long dead... JTB not being active srsly didn't help either >__>

Circus cop gambit was wicked! I didn't realise this at the time though but it did actually mean he would split into 2 Town cops... I thought this would have definitely incriminated him but luckily it didn't catch on! I thought when Soup mentioned Dietz + Circus as a potential scum team D4 it was ggs for us!

Such a rollercoaster of a game. Good job Gorf!


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
eew... it's swiss...

i used to get scum a lot when i first started playing... i kinda liked it but i think overall i prefer being straight-up vanilla.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Whenever KevinM, Frozen or I are killed N1 everybody who's town should instantly tunnel the people that were on our scumlists without asking any questions and leave our town reads alone. In retrospect I only wish I was more vehement on why people should mistrust Kat, who was left alone all game for reasons not quite clear to me. But DH was so obvscum ... I can't believe the slot was left alive :c

Zen, you stepped it up this time. Just focus a little more on what matters and eliminate whatever doesn't have a purpose in your play and you'll be where you should be by now.

Vote: No MvP


#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I was actually considering giving MVP to Kat; tbh I didn't read much of this game, but seeing how Kat had, at the most, mild to decent suspicion, and was the first one to introduce the idea of this game being a red herring setup and ultimately turn the game COMPLETELY around for scum (I thought by the beginning of D1 this was gonna be a shut out town victory), but I'd rather have other opinions since I didn't fully read this game.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
Whenever KevinM, Frozen or I are killed N1 everybody who's town should instantly tunnel the people that were on our scumlists without asking any questions and leave our town reads alone. In retrospect I only wish I was more vehement on why people should mistrust Kat, who was left alone all game for reasons not quite clear to me. But DH was so obvscum ... I can't believe the slot was left alive :c
i feel like youre exaggerating here. no one was like "man **** what gheb thinks": ruy (who you pushed a last minute wagon on d1) was hardbodied ****ed outta hear d2. katae was wagoned at some point and its largely the preoccupation with scumdietz that let him sail along but even then its not like he wasnt pressured (katae and i started playing our own little mafia game on d3 and zen was saying that he was scum shortly before getting nkilled). i understand the frustration with the kary lynch and dhorse slipping away however



Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
My bad on RR. And ghebis right about DH. He should've been dead and if I didn't start the wagon on DSH he probably would've been the guy lynched. So as townie as I was I still ****ed up a lot. Sorry :(

vote: no MVP

There were some good townies but some other people in town were so scummy it messed up a lot.


#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
as for mvp...eh. all the scum did what they needed to do. id say katae would be a good choice cuz hes the only one who didnt replace out thus making it more "pure". jerkus' cop claim was tailored perfectly and the uneasiness behind lynching a cop ****ed with town pretty good too

read the damn game and decide for yourself gorf :mad:


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
I won't accept mvp (lol sorry gorf). I might have suggested the red herring idea early but all us scummies had input on that... plus we each had good input on all the big decisions we made (even to the extent where we were even giving each other a lot of good advice in how to look more townie blah blah)... So it was definitely a team effort.

Plus town ****ed itself over with its players being invested in the game differently which likely affected reads (no lynch/jtb for example being opposite ends of the spectrum...) Who knows what would have happened had JTB actually been invested in the game at the same level as some of the massive posters this game...(then again I guess that could be said for anyone)

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
yeah i was in the game and didnt even read a lot of it either. dont blame ya

i wanna say give it to katae but it should be the mods decision i believe



*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Unless... :awesome:... you give MVP to all 3 of us... and then MVP to No Lynch/Marshy/Ran and that cool block of townbros there... :chuckle:

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Vote: No MvP

Thought Circus/Katae played well, but it was a damn miracle the last Day went the way it did. I can't see Circus wiggling out of having claimed a guilty on a player who flipped town, and with Inferno/Ran both being pretty damn town I think they may well have pegged Katae as the last scum. Both of you were very convincing, and seemed genuinely town, but I think your stances would have caught up to you eventually.

Besides, I still don't know how JDietz got through Day 3, and a lot of that has got to be my fault rather than him playing well. No offence JDietz, but I had you as super-scummy from like 2 posts you made, and I have no idea what I was thinking not pushing for your lynch there and then.

So yeah, that's just my thoughts on MvP-ness. It was a fun game overall, great performances :)

I'm going to throw down some comments and congratulations at some point soon, don't you worry. There will be smiley faces all round :)


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Kary if I were to give you some advice it's this: just because people disagree with you doesn't make them scummy. I had you as an early scum read because you butted heads with everyone and just thought everyone who didn't think like you was scummy.

Pink Lemonade

Smash Rookie
Feb 28, 2011
Inferno: I want to tell you that you shouldn't think anyone with your playstyle = town. I think when I attacked Garg you felt like I was attacking him for his playstyle, which was not the case. You have to seperate playstyle from the person's motivations.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Yo, the shoutouts, the congrats, the lowdown.

First up thanks to everyone.

[COLLAPSE="Them shoutouts and things"]
Right, first up, Zen/Soup/No Lynch.
I can't read you guys, especially Zen. Your thought process is completely opaque to me right now. I literally laughed out loud when you flipped town. Shouldn't have tunneled you Day 1, I apologize, but i did think you were just fluffing and trying to avoid questions. Like, when Purple suggested you should try and let me read you I was like, 'yeah, you should' and just went for it again.
Still, the next couple of Days didn't get much better. Couldn't see why you were pushing the waggons you did, or why you decided to go for Red Ryu over Jdietz after your push on him. You just seemed really waggon-happy for no reason, and without much care as to who you killed. Then, your whole case on JDietz. Man, that was a difficult read; it seemed so reachy to me. And you kept calling JDietz on really damn stupid things, like when he said 'J and NL are scum'. You're not going to sell me on selective reading of what a slot says, sorry. So yeah, I thought you were probably bussing JDietz.
Then, there's your push on us which I just dislike full stop. When I posted this:
We think at least one of you/Kata is scum.
We think you might be indy, might be town.
We think one of you/Dietz should go today.
And you tried to suggest this meant we were scum, that basically sealed the deal. It's a huge leap to say that because our thoughts on different slots don't add up that we must be scum, especially when they're just our thoughts. And the thing is, they totally do add up- J was right.
So yeah, I genuinely thought you were trying to bus JDietz or swing to us. The only thing that might have convinced me otherwise was Circus' case on why you were both scum, because the only other option was Circus + one of you two. I actually said as much in our Hydra QT, but Circus went and lurked and you ended up lynching me before I heard from him.
So yeah, sorry I had you guys all wrong. But I hope some of that explains why; I'm going to try and get better at reading your train of thought, and I'm definitely not going to attack you just because I can't understand what you're doing.

Yo marshy. Thanks for the input. I was a bit downbeat Day 3 after two mislynches and people saying J was scum. Still, I was also trying to play to that to stop us getting quicklynched outta there, because I was finally piecing together the scum team and thought we'd be screwed if our slot died. J picked the sad kenny avatar, though. I got the wrong impression of you Day 1, didn't like you vs. RR, but by day 3 I had you as a town. Still couldn't seem to convince you of much but no worries. I didn't really have any problems with your play (other than lynching us I guess) and the governer shenanigans was just hot damn hilarious, whichever way you look at it. Going to try and work on my game and hopefully one day we can both be quicklynching to victory.

Inferno, man. Sorry about attacking you Day 1. Got a townish read off you over the Garg interactions and you calling me on stuff, but when you came in criticizing me after I'd been whaling on NL I really went overboard in my response. Basically I thought you were setting me up for a fall by saying things like I'd attacked KWK (which, incidentally JDietz tried to push), and I thought you were just trying to trash any credibility I may have had. Looking back on it, and in the way you then didn't vote KWK, I was ok with you, and stuff like you starting pressure on DSH and pushing massclaim I didn't actually agree with you on, but gave me town vibes so that's cool. So yeah, sorry. I actually have no problems with people disagreeing with me, but I struggle to tell whether people doing it are genuine, especially if I can't see where they're coming from so I need to work on that. Like, my whole playstyle needs some work lol, I hope we can be bros when we meet again.

JDietz... you were obvscum. No, that's a stretch. You were superscummy, and if weren't for NL tunneling you to hell, you'd have been so dead so quick. Your push on us was super forced, and the responses you gave me to those couple of questions I asked just hit all the red flags. Like, i'm going to give you credit in that I know you probably weren't planning to live that long, but I could smell scum the moment Day 3 started and I wasn't that surprised when you did eventually flip. I mean, I was super-relieved, but I wasn't that surprised.

... I had you as supertown Day 1... but when you voted for us I knew something was up! I will admit J helped my very much in first suggesting you as scum, and without that I may never have caught onto you so well played. On the other hand, your insistence that we answer you eventually moved towards a tunnel, and set off all sorts of warning signals! Still, you won in the end so props to you! I like your style of posting and will be looking out for you in particular- perhaps we can be super town bros one day.

Circus, or should I say, Lurkus.... Well played man I really liked your posts as well. You more or less had me sold on NL vs. JDietz as scum vs. scum, and nearly everything you did seemed earnest and smart, so I think you fooled me good. Terrified to think how things might've played out if you'd been in the slot all along, so yeah, nice.

Ranmaru!! Didn't like you sheeping NL, bro! But that's not your fault, buddy. You had some good points, I think we just hit it off wrong. I've got to find a better way of communicating with you in particular because we seem to think so differently. You have good points sometimes and I just can't understand them! At the time I had doubts about your town-ness, but in hindsight I was being dumb. Don't think you should quicklynch so much, but I had faith you could've sorted everything out in the endgame so yeah.

Yo JTB, I had you as town due to crippling disinterst in the game, lol. I'll admit i did my part in making it unreadable, though. Still, I had faith that you might come through in the end so no worries, and don't sweat how it turned out.

DSH, man I liked that gambit, you did not deserve to get lynched off of that, unlucky.

Gheb, lol at the rhyme posts. Thought you might've drawn the kill because of that, so that's cool. Thanks for the advice, and I will try and pay more attention to what the rest of town is saying (once i manage to decipher their rhymes).

Roxy / Purple, you were town, and you were awesome, I don't know what more to say.

Kreative, man you came in guns blazing towards my slot but that's cool. As I've said, I had you as town so was sad to see you guys go, and it sucked that your claim really didn't help at all. Liked your play overall, it was pretty much straight to the point so that's cool.
[/COLLAPSE]Man, overall this game I just needed to calm down and do a bit less. Got to work on being concise, and persuasive. When I sat down and re-read me vs. Kreative, I got a pretty strong town feel from them, but I just couldn't get that across. Also, I need to let my reads settle more before I push them, otherwise I just go off on a tangent and end up helping no-one. Bleh.

I tend to overdo things I guess, like in this big-*** post. Hope some people like reading it, and it clears up some stuff. I'm going to try and stick around and get better.

Super shout out to J who was amazing and awesome and so on. And he wasn't scummy at all, so there. Much thanks.

Oh and again props to Gorf for modding, and lol at all the roles being useless... I did wonder whether rap battles would be all bark and no bite and that's the way it turned out. So yeah, thanks.


all in all, good game, I had fun, thanks again!

:pika: :144: :secretkpop:

edit: ****, i promised smileys: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Whenever KevinM, Frozen or I are killed N1 everybody who's town should instantly tunnel the people that were on our scumlists without asking any questions and leave our town reads alone.
mfw you compare yourself to KevMo and Frozen

For the record, we didn't kill you because your reads were right or wrong. We wanted to kill someone who we thought would be a struggle to mislynch later in the game, but we didn't want to try for someone like Marshy because we were still Doc/Watch paranoid at the time. Honestly, if No Lynch hadn't claimed VT, we probably would have shot that slot. You were the next best "middle ground" option that could have been a PR.


Apr 3, 2008
I didn't want to take my vote off JayKay for this reason, and when Dietz lived passed then it was somewhat easier to get rid of the peeps who had their heads screwed on and then just take it from there. I mean sooooo much time/logic had been invested on Dietz that he ended up inherently being a human meatshield for all players as he occupied a majority of everyone's thoughts enough to make other actions look less interesting... so when he finally actually died (!) it almost felt like a fresh game to me. The Chronicles of Dietz Mafia changed back to Epic Rap Battles where everyone had to rely on what little they really knew about everyone else in the game... I guess this explains why D5 everyone was up in the air as to who was scum and inevitably those that had great reads or could have picked up the pieces were long dead...
Thank you lol, it doesn't seem like anyone else appreciates my fine scum art, or how much I was pivotal to the scumteam. Everyone's just "he so scummy nah we pegged you lol" but don't realize that's how I wanted to be perceived to suck away reads and got away with it...

No one appreciates my scum-stylez, or even seems to think I did a good job doing what I did. And that's super dissapointing :<

EDIT: Like, I'm not even sure anyone GETS that's what I was going for and are just writing me off.

Pink Lemonade

Smash Rookie
Feb 28, 2011
JD I could tell you were being scummy on purpose (after the Marshy governor thing) and that's why I was fine with lynching you and looking at WHY you were doing so. I could smell a setup.


Apr 3, 2008
Like, I don't mean to be an ***, but give me some credit folks.

I was actually considering giving MVP to Kat; tbh I didn't read much of this game, but seeing how Kat had, at the most, mild to decent suspicion, and was the first one to introduce the idea of this game being a red herring setup and ultimately turn the game COMPLETELY around for scum (I thought by the beginning of D1 this was gonna be a shut out town victory), but I'd rather have other opinions since I didn't fully read this game.
Gorf, that was me. :c
Kat suggested one of our roles could be red-herring, I suggested the game itself was (which it was)

12:50 PM ET (US)
Hmmm, you're right about that. I forgot they even HAD a backup.

How farfetched do you think it would be for EVERYONE in the game to be VT?

I.e. Every single one of these roles is a red-herring.

FBI with no SK, Godfather with no cop, Ninja with no tracker, Backup for PRs that don't exist?

I'm starting to think this might be the case. Gorf moved his original ERB setup to Mario Party mafia, remember? It's totally possible that he dreamt up a "flavorful" vanilla game of mafia as a quick replacement.
i feel like youre exaggerating here. no one was like "man **** what gheb thinks": ruy (who you pushed a last minute wagon on d1) was hardbodied ****ed outta hear d2. katae was wagoned at some point and its largely the preoccupation with scumdietz that let him sail along but even then its not like he wasnt pressured (katae and i started playing our own little mafia game on d3 and zen was saying that he was scum shortly before getting nkilled). i understand the frustration with the kary lynch and dhorse slipping away however

Vote: No MvP

Thought Circus/Katae played well, but it was a damn miracle the last Day went the way it did. I can't see Circus wiggling out of having claimed a guilty on a player who flipped town, and with Inferno/Ran both being pretty damn town I think they may well have pegged Katae as the last scum. Both of you were very convincing, and seemed genuinely town, but I think your stances would have caught up to you eventually.

Besides, I still don't know how JDietz got through Day 3, and a lot of that has got to be my fault rather than him playing well. No offence JDietz, but I had you as super-scummy from like 2 posts you made, and I have no idea what I was thinking not pushing for your lynch there and then.

So yeah, that's just my thoughts on MvP-ness. It was a fun game overall, great performances :)

I'm going to throw down some comments and congratulations at some point soon, don't you worry. There will be smiley faces all round :)
No one seems to think what I did was any good when most of it was calculated action... I'm so sad, I was really proud of myself this game :c

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Well okay let me explain why I am kind of seeing everyone else's PoV with your play this game Ditzy. It was the fact that, everyone had you as scum and no one really saw you as town really. From a town PoV, that doesn't scream good scum play, especially when you were the only scum member lynched the next day because everyone felt it was just obvious you were part of the mafia.

During the Day phase of the game no one really saw your play as "spectacular" by any means. You may have had good calls in the Mafia QT but the thing is, it didn't come across as the game was going and is a bit hindsight bias in the sense that, yes you guys did win, but it wasn't solely based on your actions alone. It was based on how you guys worked as a team and then Circus' cop claim is what really sealed the deal. Kata was the middle ground of you guys pretty much.

I mean, I do believe you did play a good game and have been improving Ditzy, don't get me wrong there. I just feel that this game isn't like a really FANTASTIC example of scum-play. What we saw was just a scummy who floated a bit longer then he should have due to hasty decisions made by town.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Zen said:
I have some subconscious complex that urges me want to lynch you every game haha.
Dude, I have that for you and Sang as well. However, whenever you call me scum I'm just like:

Because it means the game is about to get more fun. (well, for us at least) Though, we have already talked on skype so we good bro.


Apr 3, 2008
Dude, that's just it. We would have never gotten as far as we did without my intentional sacrifices to dissuade my teammates from the noose, and no one seems to like care that they were crucial and just sees "He bad, also died. Meh" :<

No disrespect to Kat and Circus, we couldn't have done it without them to take endgame once I was gone, but they couldn't have done it at all without me to set it up that way. Kat couldn't have floated under the radar, Circus would have been scrutinized, No Lynch's opinions would have actually been listened to instead of written off with doubt, JayKay wouldn't have been lynched. I just want one "You did good hanging in there and securing the victory" without a "but" tacked on that isn't deserved just because I chose to be the sacrifice :<

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Ditzy, you have gotten a "You did good" from people but it seems like you are asking for more accolades. Your faction won, be proud of that fact alone. You were a part of the victory, yes, but try not to take all the credit and say that your "sacrifices" were the main reason the scum-team won because that wasn't really the case. =/


Apr 3, 2008


EDIT: Ok I'm over it now. I just had to let everyone know how self absorbed I am lol :D

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Circus, I have a similarly accurate read-ratio as frozen / kevin jfyi. But that's not the point, it isn't even about this game in particular ... I just generally think people who die N1 probably should be listened to more and usually that's frozen, kevin or me. And while my reads may not have been your reasoning, I still think it's not coincidence that the people who get killed N1 usually *do* have their reads on point as well so I think people should value their input more. I know Kevin used to kinda rage about it when he dies N1 and has the right people figured out and nobody cares about what he used to say prior to his death.


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
No one seems to think what I did was any good when most of it was calculated action... I'm so sad, I was really proud of myself this game :c
Yo JDietz, you sound like you need some support so let me talk to you some more. When I was reading your interactions with NL, I was super confused. Your arguments were hella dumb and I couldn't tell whose fault that was. Now, you seemed like the slightly more sensible of the two and so I was inclined to agree with you, so props.
But now, I struggle to read people when they're on the defensive, and in the space of like 2 of your posts (as I mentioned before) I was confident you were scum; like, when you were asking why J voted you off 3 specific posts, when that clearly wasn't what happened. So yeah, while I appreciate that your big-*** case Day 3 etc. was designed to draw attention to yourself etc. you did just seem straight-up scummy.
Now, this'd be grand provided either Kata or Circus got some town points of the back of your lynch. I've not read your QT or how you planned it, but both of them claimed they were suspicious of you but didn't push you much at all, which didn't clear them at all in my eyes. So unfortunately for you, while your sacrifice may have been noble, awesome, and well done, it wasn't actually amazing scum play in my opinion.
Don't get me wrong, you played well. I mean for crying out loud you managed to lynch our slot, and you put on a great performance for your team. But you were still obvscum :)

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006

the reasons i believed ruys daykill were

1. gorf had a day killer in another ongoing game so i honestly believed he could have one in another game. i obviously couldnt mention that during the game here

2. i had absolutely zero problem believing ruy could be that dumb


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I was gonna post this if I died lol

Hey ho hum
Suspicious scum!
Chewing some gum
Sipping the Tums
Drinking the rum
Kicking the bums
Ran the sleeper
Can't go any deeper
WHOA- Catch to side sweeper
Blew up by a creeper!
Dancin in the lawn
Sleeping till dawn
Mauled by big bear juan
Shades on but yet GONE!
To the members of town
Pick up your gowns
Sock the clowns
still workin on those shout outs
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