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Enemy Controller Presents: No Maps! Princeton, NJ


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
This thread is priceless.

Diem is the master of this kinda ****, I don't know why people even bother anymore. I'ma leave before he hands my *** to me like he did to the other guy.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Not unemployed. I like how you make **** up.

I'm important. The more you unimportant people keep **** talking us superkids, the more people dislike you. you're hated. even people who you think are your friends hate you.

You're hideous. You're bodytype is the reason other countries hate america. slob. Your face is the reason people make clearasil commercials. gross.

Inui does talk **** irl. and so do I. However, you're taking your **** too far. From this point, you're done going to tournaments. You're constantly attack people who are nice to you and I'm done with it. I will make sure you never enter a tournament in tri-state again. Don't show up. You may think I don't have that kind of power, but you'd be **** wrong, you ****ing mess. Be a gambler. If you try to start ****, I'll call the cops, and have you removed from the venue to make sure you're gone. I'm done with you.

Who brags about having a 1992 nissan? loser. Your car is uglier than you are. btw, I have a newer car, and it's way sexy. if you came near it, you might melt.

The biggest communal problem is no name ****ing losers like you, coming into results threads to a tournaments they didn't go to, and **** talking people. Is your life such a horrible awful piece of **** that you need to trifle in the affairs of other's to such an extent? I let all your bull**** go before because I pitied you, lunchbox. I felt bad that you would show up and everyone would hate you. It made my heart sad. But now, here you are attacking me, even though I stuck up for the kid, human pantry. You have nothing good to say ever, and to most of the community, you're less than an afterthought. See, you can't be an afterthought if we never think of you.

Disappear, you disgusting loser. We all hate you and wish you were dead.


also: @darkpeach: I'm just messin with ya, man. Take it easy ^_~
Jesus christ, I was about to feel sorry for someone until I realized who it was directed at.


Sonic main since 08'
Mar 15, 2008
Debug Menu
Your car is uglier than you are. btw, I have a newer car, and it's way sexy. if you came near it, you might melt.
Other than this Brandon, that whole paragraph was pretty good, be like that all the time.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 13, 2009
Not unemployed. I like how you make **** up.

I'm important. The more you unimportant people keep **** talking us superkids, the more people dislike you. you're hated. even people who you think are your friends hate you.

You're hideous. You're bodytype is the reason other countries hate america. slob. Your face is the reason people make clearasil commercials. gross.

Inui does talk **** irl. and so do I. However, you're taking your **** too far. From this point, you're done going to tournaments. You're constantly attack people who are nice to you and I'm done with it. I will make sure you never enter a tournament in tri-state again. Don't show up. You may think I don't have that kind of power, but you'd be **** wrong, you ****ing mess. Be a gambler. If you try to start ****, I'll call the cops, and have you removed from the venue to make sure you're gone. I'm done with you.

Who brags about having a 1992 nissan? loser. Your car is uglier than you are. btw, I have a newer car, and it's way sexy. if you came near it, you might melt.

The biggest communal problem is no name ****ing losers like you, coming into results threads to a tournaments they didn't go to, and **** talking people. Is your life such a horrible awful piece of **** that you need to trifle in the affairs of other's to such an extent? I let all your bull**** go before because I pitied you, lunchbox. I felt bad that you would show up and everyone would hate you. It made my heart sad. But now, here you are attacking me, even though I stuck up for the kid, human pantry. You have nothing good to say ever, and to most of the community, you're less than an afterthought. See, you can't be an afterthought if we never think of you.

Disappear, you disgusting loser. We all hate you and wish you were dead.

you guys feel bad for him? I feel bad for diem's keyboard....


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Kai, in all honesty I probably am one of the best vs falco on the east coast regardless of my character choice and Bloodcross was the hardest falco I've ever had to deal with period.... so trust me he is legit. Neo told me last night how amazing bloodcross was and that he would have no problem losing to him.

Keitaro goes for kills much more often than most other falcos, this is a primary reason why he ***** so many of you lol. Keit fsmash is 2 good.

Bleachigo is faster and much more technical than keitaro but lacks the spontaneity as a player.

Bloodcross is waaaaay faster than bleachigo( no offense lil homie) and finds very creative ways to kill.

I mean, its obvious that keitaro has the most impressive victories with falco on the EC so that pretty much shuts down the meaningful definition of better. If you want to debate on some other criteria....I wouldn't be so quick to count bloodcross out.


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
I agree with eazy he definitally is worthy of being a great falco but his anger holds him back

take what dark peach did blood cross and do the same lol notice how dark pch has so much fun now AND places high

mvp of the tournament imo is dark pch enough said


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I agree with eazy he definitally is worthy of being a great falco but his anger holds him back

take what dark peach did blood cross and do the same lol notice how dark pch has so much fun now AND places high

mvp of the tournament imo is dark pch enough said
This is the first time in a long time I did DECENT in a tournament. It's not really much to go on about. Lets see if I can keep this up or will I slack off yet again and fail and more tournaments. I just decided to play a lil different than I usually would.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
Kai, in all honesty I probably am one of the best vs falco on the east coast regardless of my character choice and Bloodcross was the hardest falco I've ever had to deal with period.... so trust me he is legit. Neo told me last night how amazing bloodcross was and that he would have no problem losing to him.

Keitaro goes for kills much more often than most other falcos, this is a primary reason why he ***** so many of you lol. Keit fsmash is 2 good.

Bleachigo is faster and much more technical than keitaro but lacks the spontaneity as a player.

Bloodcross is waaaaay faster than bleachigo( no offense lil homie) and finds very creative ways to kill.

I mean, its obvious that keitaro has the most impressive victories with falco on the EC so that pretty much shuts down the meaningful definition of better. If you want to debate on some other criteria....I wouldn't be so quick to count bloodcross out.
I trust your judgement, however for the time being I see Keitaro and Bleachigo. Keitaro did get 9th at this compared to his 17th. Bleachigo did get some impressive wins as well. You have your points however I would never blindly accept over confidence without seeing something to make me think such. I don't recall putting him down, but I stand by what I said earlier. Not that it matters but if I am proven wrong then so be it. I'd encourage top player character diversity than see it shrink.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
some of neos words on bloodcross or bloodplus according to seph LMAO blood+...its a cross seph not a plus!

mcabreact (2:01:12 PM): blood cross is good
Boutdabux23 (2:01:13 PM): dude was SOOOO fast
mcabreact (2:01:21 PM): yeah
Boutdabux23 (2:01:25 PM): yo i took him 2 castleseige
mcabreact (2:01:25 PM): his control over falco
mcabreact (2:01:27 PM): is ********
mcabreact (2:03:16 PM): ya
mcabreact (2:03:18 PM): naw blood+
mcabreact (2:03:21 PM): is no joke
mcabreact (2:57:21 PM): cross is wanna of those scary n1ggas im glad holds himself back so i dont have to worry about him too much
mcabreact (2:57:23 PM): lollllll


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
I trust your judgement, however for the time being I see Keitaro and Bleachigo. Keitaro did get 9th at this compared to his 17th. Bleachigo did get some impressive wins as well. You have your points however I would never blindly accept over confidence without seeing something to make me think such. I don't recall putting him down, but I stand by what I said earlier. Not that it matters but if I am proven wrong then so be it. I'd encourage top player character diversity than see it shrink.
Yea of course. As you know however, placings are purely circumstantial and rarely if ever tell a true story as far as player comparison. For instance...keitaro got 9th and blood+ got 17th, but blood+ was knocked out by me who has never lost a set 2 keit, and by cable who won his last set with keit. If you were to switch their brackets, I might say that keit could have gotten 17th as well you see? But regardless, I hope they all step it up and get me ready for the cali falcos...who are on a WHOLE other level than these east coast boyz!


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
This is the first time in a long time I did DECENT in a tournament. It's not really much to go on about. Lets see if I can keep this up or will I slack off yet again and fail and more tournaments. I just decided to play a lil different than I usually would.
Yea of course. As you know however, placings are purely circumstantial and rarely if ever tell a true story as far as player comparison. For instance...keitaro got 9th and blood+ got 17th, but blood+ was knocked out by me who has never lost a set 2 keit, and by cable who won his last set with keit. If you were to switch their brackets, I might say that keit could have gotten 17th as well you see? But regardless, I hope they all step it up and get me ready for the cali falcos...who are on a WHOLE other level than these east coast boyz!
yeah dark it was no meatriding intended just saying you had a much better attitude and you went through a hell bracket

and eazy you make alot a sense XD

doom walked up to me he was like "yo you wanna face bloodcross again"

i was like hell no lmao hes too good

"naw son u beat him last time"

i was like barely >.> hes prolly gotten better i'm afraid lmao

but bloodplus i wouldnt let this get to your head you still gotta prove yourself lol like u said


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
Other than this Brandon, that whole paragraph was pretty good, be like that all the time.
It's funny how you're trying to dodge the burn. I hope everything I said seeped into your skin and left a ****ing rash. You're nobody here, you're nobody anywhere.

You're stupid, arrogant, ugly, a bad player, unfunny, and mean. You should see a psychiatrist.

The Earth doesn't notice if someone dies, Ophelia. But you're the only person I know that if they died, no one else would notice, either. Disappear. Seriously, be gone.

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
Yea of course. As you know however, placings are purely circumstantial and rarely if ever tell a true story as far as player comparison. For instance...keitaro got 9th and blood+ got 17th, but blood+ was knocked out by me who has never lost a set 2 keit, and by cable who won his last set with keit. If you were to switch their brackets, I might say that keit could have gotten 17th as well you see? But regardless, I hope they all step it up and get me ready for the cali falcos...who are on a WHOLE other level than these east coast boyz!
Agreed, I put Bleachigo and Keitaro in the same spot knowing that bleachigo got 17th as well. He proved it in significant matches though. It is clearly opinionated what I think as it is from anyone else but seeing how I have yet to see anything other than one close match with you and arrogant comments, I stand by what I said once again. However, I hope I'm wrong, and will see it differently at future events. We'll see


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Well to be technical....I clearly have the best falco on the east coast:)


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
Your still ****ing posting like that!? holy ****!

This isnt the way an 11 yr old should be talking to people. and actually live up to ur money matchs and actually be better than dapuffster when u wanna team with good people.
Are you kidding me? Live up to my MMs i offered anything to play and pay back next tourney to play for like 50 cents anything i could've done to get them in. I had exactly enough money to get in and very little for food which me and my brother had to split. Also i never said puffsters bad i just said he got lucky kills on dubz i have nothing against him.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ

M2K is right, wtf is wrong with this state, seriously. Why the **** are we soooo angry and hateful and ****. It's sooooo annoying :/ People need to learn to relax and be more friendly and people need to not take **** talk so seriously. Doing these both will make things better but as of right now, I'm a little sad to be living in such a cocky *** state with people making personal insults consistently (except for DM, cause his **** too funny!!)

@ Bloodcross: I saw your Falco and it's soooo fast!! Everyone has a faster Falco then me so I'm jelous :( I heard from Eazy you're really good so I can't wait to play some friendlies and meet you @ Viridian.

Kai is a beast at saying shocking things in the most calmest matter.


Ummm....can't remember much more, and I wanna sleep, so I may do full shoutoutz later.

@ Dapuffster: I don't know why, but people just seem to dislike you consistently. Actually I think I do know why. 1 reason is because of how gay you play, but I actually LOVE the way you play cause it's so gay, lol!! Sometimes I wish I could not care about the other player's feelings, it might make me place higher.

Another reason you probably get trash talked so much is because you let it get to you and it shows, making them want to do it even more.

Also trying to main Jiggs is FAAAARRR from the answer to not be gay. Jiggs is SOOOOOO GAAAAYYYY!!! Well....to me at least, so I could have easily told you not to use him to have people hate your playstyle less.

You're one of my favorite players and always have been since Melee so I hope you don't fully quit as I love rooting for the gay like Spam, Anti, and ADHD.

A big no homo after that last sentence.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
I have to admit puffster was a cool guy tho he was calm somebody you could just chill with kinda like JG ^,^ XD i think hes coming back tho.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Diem, where do you get this quality.

That's the first time i witnessed someone go that hard on the boards.

Your the god of Trash talk.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey

You're one of my favorite players and always have been since Melee so I hope you don't fully quit as I love rooting for the gay like Spam, Anti, and ADHD.

A big no homo after that last sentence.
At first I was gonna say something, but the no homo saved you.


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
I'd hate to be dm's keyboard and be around while he gets off to people giving him ammo to verbally **** them...


Smash Master
May 1, 2009

also Kelvin does the bottom half of your name get cutoff in your sig on you computer too? or is it just my computer?
don't quote me on this but I think the maximum height for a sig is around 125 pixels. I say 125 because even my sig gets very slightly cut off at the end and its height is 130 pixels.

edit: you edited your post, making this pointless!
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