If you are taking suggestions then I'd like to suggest Viewtiful Joe. Problem is to get a good Joe you'd need to base it off Link's B moveset and I dunno how all this editing stuff works, can you make someone use another persons specials? If yes then I could easily get a list of moves and how you could make them together (based on what I have seen you and other people do, IE use Character X Animation, use X model, Etc). A master of speeding up / Slowing things down would be pretty unique to me.
Np, keep up the good work
Well, I fixed the glitch with Zero jumping out of dash... but can't seem to get it to crash with turning. Out of curiosity, do you use tap jump?
Eldiran a little more feedback on the whole Shield not having much potential as a move modifier.
Why not make it so Down B Equips / un-equips his Z-saber. You could use Tatsunoko vs. Capcom youtube footage for reference for some unarmed moves. It would make more sense than trying to turn that shield into a situational replacement for the dash.
Edit - Just won a normal brawl then went to practice, game froze again. Not sure if its B+ or Zero related but I have not had it crash going to training without Zero, so just letting you know.
I actually considered that intially, but Link's hands when not holding something are so incredibly shrimpy it just looked terrible. I also didn't know there was any precedent for it, so it seemed very un-Zero-like.
As for the crash... I can't say I've ever had such an experience, and as the main tester for this guy, I've been going back and forth from Brawl to Training very often.
You know what's fun with Zero?
His side taunt is reflectable, Absorbable, and bucketable
I tried Zero, he feels really weird.
His grab is strange and has no hookshot, but he still has a grapple in his Zair
also i dont really get the side b's
basically when u press down b, zero pulls out a shield and his side-b becomes a boomer throw?
hes a pretty complicated character, but he's really fun to play.
PS : recovery is too good
Thanks! That's basically how the shield works, yeah. I tried my hardest to make Zero unique, so it sounds like I succeeded.
Alright, I keep seeing the reasoning that a move has a single good aspect so it's "meant to lack" the others. ...
In all seriousness, make his fair and up air capable of killing, destroy the lag on his nair, give him some ground mobility in his run and walk to make side B something you WANT to use instead of something you HAVE to use. Add range to his ground kill shots. Give his descending uncharged autocancel properties. Being able to follow up into a 3 damage easily power shielded and punished laggy grounded shot is not something that will overpower the chracter, most people arent gonna risk doing a standing shot because the punishment potential is too high. All of these suggestions, if you put them together, will still not make your vbrawl zero overpowered.
I understand what you're saying, but (as someone who is very conservative when making characters) I think I treat things as having more power, range, and speed than you do. I actually feel Fsmash's range is mediocre more than bad, for example. But -- still, I see the point you're making. And it's a very good way of thinking about move design that I never thought of (at least not so clearly) so thanks for that.
Anyway, I finally got some good testing done with real people lately (not a lot of people to play against here), and I used a rather buffed version of Zero for it. Now that my opponent is becoming accustomed to Zero, I found us doing about evenly.
So basically... yeah, Zero's due for some more buffs.
I'd take the first part off of Ftilt so that it would be a sort of mid-range poke. Zero has few options there right now, as the Z-Buster or Shield Boomerang is too slow/punishable, and a dash slides him into attack range with few options on the way in.
More like a very long range poke... but to be serious-- I think I like the current Ftilt too much to do that. It's not a good poke, but it's very good when used defensively. Also it looks cool and unique.
I also agree with Rykoshet in giving him aerial killmoves and upping his non-dash mobility. Being forced to dash around is extremely frustrating when trying to mix up your approach, even with canceling added. Also, if the only moves with true killing power are on the ground and Zero can't force an opponent to stay there, he's doomed because he can't stay alive long enough for them to work. He can do hit-and-runs pretty well, but unless you try to combo an airdash Nair into Usmash, you'll never take them out.
Cutting his wall-jumps by about 5 and giving him a tiny increase in jump height would also be good, as a sort of movement balance.
I'm stubborn about the non-dash speed because the way it currently is is actually rather true to the games he's in. Aerial killing power is probably going to recieve some improvement, but he would probably not have anything that qualifies as a kill move until quite high percents. As for his smashes, they aren't as impossible to land as you might think. (Though they are still difficult to hit with.)
I did introduce some hard limits on wall-jumps, namely that after jump 5 he has no more double jump. This really damages any stalling potential. Increasing his jump height is a unique consideration though.
Only under certain conditions. Coming from below, he moves at mostly right angles and is easy to predict. Recovering from walls on solid floor stages is too easy, though.
This is very true- Zero's recovery is largely dependent on stage.
Call it an experiment, just implement all of my suggestions at once and let people play it for a week, see if the character's overpowered. I'll put straight money on it being balanced. I'd be the first to tell you if something is stronger than it should be.
Amusingly, I basically just did that and found it to be fine.