By the way, the PSP is actually a good handheld when I had my old one. You have to take advantage of the PSN functions, not just the UMDs.
With PSN, you can get any form of fun/entertainment. I personally like the demos and downloadable games (which are more fun than any UMD). You can even download PS1 games, like a VC funtion w/ the Wii but on a handheld. You can't do this VC thing w/ the DS, maybe 3DS, but that hasn't been confirmed yet I believe. Would be cool though, but I think Ninty plans on remaking classic titles w/ 3D, but I assume no one cares about this reading your reactions w/ The Sly Collection. You want Sly 4, I want the next big Starfox, they'll both have to wait.
EDIT- @Spire, the guy playing is garbage. He has no idea about the homing attack. If people realised this they would not be whining over such a small graphic detail. No wait, yeah they would, because they're stupid conservatives.