I guess we can get the panel to rediscuss it, but I'm honestly not taking the stance I am in spite of Xzax. I was questionable about it as well during the panel discussion. The reason I've taken the stance I have now is mainly because we talked as a panel, specifically brought up MK ban tournies, came up with a decision, and now before even the next rankings period (or philly tournament for the matter), people all of a sudden want to change the rules. People can't just decide to change the rules whenever (especially when the past rules that we're decided on haven't even been used yet) as that invalidates the whole purpose of coming up with rules for how to do rankings in the first place.
I think it's safe to say though that we can't have it not count AT ALL. Lesser weight, fine, but if Xzax was to enter with his 2nd like Pit or Snake and get last, we can't just 100% throw out the fact that he got last, which in a sense would hurt him somewhat. Him not entering in the first place would make him better off. It's like a gamble in a way similar to the SATs. If you answer a question right, you get a point. If you answer a question wrong, you lose .25 points, if you don't answer at all though your score is unchanged.
Furthermore, it's more complicated than it sounds. If we allow for it to be rankable with a change in "importance" of the tourney sets that Xzax is a part of at a MK ban tourney, do we:
-Give more credit for him beating peoples mains with his secondaries? (Remember character matchups)
-Give him less bad credit for loosing to someone's main with his secondary?
-Give someone less credit for beating Xzax's secondary?
-Give someone more bad credit for loosing to Xzax's secondary?
This effects a lot more than just Xzax (or the MK player) here. We also have to consider in instances of people who dual main, or have multiple characters they already play in tourney, like if Vex were to CP with DDD or GaW. It's confusing really, which is why originally we just had all tourney sets matter. Only slight change due to matchup ratios (since they can't be controlled as in who u face in tourney, but do not apply to MMs since you willingly accept it).
So if we decide to allow this somewhat, we need set out everything before hand. And it has to be set out because of the problems we've had in past seasons with trying to rank people, and the bs some people try to pull in tourneys saying they did bad because they were tired or just randomly played bad that match. Rankings are based on how you do in tournament, so it must be an accurate representation of that.
As far as I saw, most people wanted you to not ban MK if the SBR didn't officially ban him. No matter our personal opinions on the issue, the fact is that if MK is not SBR banned, banning him in PA (since realistically, your tournies basically make up PA -- or at least the Philly area -- atm....) is only going to hurt our region.
I've already disproved it hurting our region many times. Lets say at a tournament like 15% of people main MK. Most people on average play like what, 4 tourney sets? So the chance of someone on average coming across a MK in tourney is still only like 2 or so, most likely 1 though. If you are saying that we get weaker as a state because each PA player on average loses the possibility of playing a single tourney set versus a MK every other week, then that's ridiculous, something is wrong with those players. You can get far more experience versus the character with some friendlies before or after the tourney, or in the 2 weeks between each biweekly. If you want "something on the line," then do a money match or a serious set. Not to mention all of the MK allowed tournies in the area.