Smash Lord
Because Falco's d-air ***** Dr. Mario to death. And Falco controls Doc's movements overall.I lose to Falco's.
I mean Falco's d-air is too hard to challenge, and it has enough hitstun to lead into to other attacks pretty much always. And Falco's defense is amazing. Falco's b-airs and up-tilts do alot more than one would think.
Doc's crouch-canceling gimmicks are useful tools in other matchups. But vs. Falco, crouch-canceling is pretty much deleted off the playlist of things that work in the matchup. Getting grabs is tough against a Falco that is always moving everywhere. Falco's jumps over Doc relatively easliy so it's hard to keep Falco grounded. And aggressive Falco's can be tough to get away from, but campy Falcos are the worst. There's not much you can get in on a Falco that likes to hang above Doc.
All you can really do is conserve your shield (lighshielding works wonders) in this matchup. Plus lightshielding can disrupt Falco's spacing. And against good Falco's you will have to mix up your options out of shield. Full hop pills out of shield between lasers keep Falco from approaching freely, but it won't stop him from approaching at all. Wavedashing back and forth out of shield are also good mixups. The cape is good but it's not that hard for Falco to bait and punish the cape (especially when Falco is closing distance).
The matchup is good for Falco, because as long as Falco stays a wavedashing distance from Dr Mario, Falco is pretty much winning. Doc's wavedash approaches are easily covered by Falco's b-airs and d-airs. The only other reall approach Doc has out of shield is to hop out. But hopping out of shield is really slow at high level play. So it is perfectly viable for Falco to do d-airs or lasers in place from that wavedash distance to cover all of Doc's options. If Doc decides to hop out of shield instead of rolling or wavedashing forward into Falco's d-air or shine, Falco still has time to outspace Doc before he lands from his hop. By the time Doc lands on the ground, it's a FREE approach for Falco. OR Falco could just re-space wavedashing distance away from Doc and then rinse and repeat. And you could full-hop pills all you want, but Falco can always maneuver around them.
Not every pill actually hit HugS in that match. There were plenty of pills that Shroomed actually got punished for throwing. It seems like Samus' f-airs ate right through pills everytime.I just watched Shroomed v HugS at WGF
how do every one of your pills hit
swear it's like magic