Do you guys think we're getting another first party or no? I can see the last two being one last big third party around E3 time and ending with a first party who's relatively popular but might be considered underwhelming.
Either way, I'm so happy with our first party picks!
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Maybe? Smash tends to have cycles with promotional first-parties; Corrin, Incineroar, and now Byleth. Granted, Bayo was the last reveal, but Corrin was revealed in the same livestream and dropped in the same update. That being said, there aren't many major first-parties left to fill that niche; We already have ARMS and XC2, Astral Chain, Ring Fit Adventure, and Pokemon have been Spirited, and the Squid Sister Miis indicate that we won't be getting any big Splatoon packs. If we want to include third-party exclusives as well, BD2 got Spirited, Monster Hunter got Mii'd, and Arthur got both. It should also be noted that all the "promotional" characters had about half a year to a full year between their debut release and their DLC, so I doubt we'd be getting any BDSP Pokemon.
Given the promotional trends and the focus on the Switch's library, I think the best bet statistically would be Ayumi. The FDC remakes are coming out early enough for her the be introduced, and given that they were announced as far back as 2019, I'd imagine the original release date would've been early enough as well. That, and the fact that she was planned as far back as the original Smash 64, so she'd tie a nice bow on things-Though admittedly, that's not the most solid of points.
The other notable first-party would be Euden. Dragalia Lost is a decently major new Nintendo game, and their first original mobile IP to boot. Not quite part of the Switch's library, but it's worth keeping in mind. I expect we'll get
something from that game in Smash, even if Euden's not a fighter.
Or maybe he'll get Chrom'd by Midgardsormr or Mym like Rex and Spring Man