Monkey's Paw:
He gets Sora right too, but Sora turns out to be
levels of broken with the ability to string together Touch of Death comboes without risking much himself, has a magical arsenal even more devastating than Hero's, and Genie as his Arsene that buffs both areas.
A Dota 2 character, where every stun is a Deku Nut on steroids.
Other than that, Chief (and Dame-probably-not-appearing-in-this-game KOS-MOS) would draw cries of "broken!!!" just because of the sheer amounts of weaponry and the ways they could be built to tack on damage from a distance.
Especially if the Energy Sword does ****tons of damage when Chief hits someone from behind.
Also, for Ultimate specifically, you'll want to look for example to:
* Characters that have amazing air mobility, whether natively or built into one of their moves. Air mobility is emphasized in Ultimate thanks to every character getting off the ground at the same time (3 frames or 1/20th of a second, it's that fast) and aerial attacks - usually - having a lot of utility to them. Characters like
benefit from their air mobility a lot.
* Some stupidly quick attack that can be thrown out on a whim and give tons of reward.
's Boost Kick was - before this patch - 4 frames start up (now it's 6 which is still quick).
was not nerfed this patch, and his Up B remains at 3 frames. ZSS' Up B kills pretty damn early, while MGW literally cannot be trapped in shield because he can just call his firemen for the escape.
* The ability to not just combo, but also carry people to the blastzone.
(yeah, really) can do this and return pretty safely thanks to how their attacks work and how much distance their recovery moves cover.
So, in other words, Sora.