Eh, the Shotos don't use a universal Street Fighter mechanic but rather one from the first game, which they were the only characters you could play as. Chunners would likely be different, especially as SFII and Alpha, her most wellknown games, use super meters and ****
So command inputs, normal to special cancels, and always facing the opponent aren't universal mechanics (ignoring the first game for the second one)? The only game specific mechanic they use is the Focus Attack. And since their playstyles look to Street Fighter II: Turbo for inspiration, there's no garuntee of a Super Meter for Chun-Li. It will really depend on whether or not they want to add mechanics on top of the ones she would already have to drum up interest, or if they want to keep the Street Fighter characters consistent.
Still though, I'm pretty sure people just see a fire ball and speeen and go "well obviously she'd play like the shotos" even though her Up Special would act quite differently, there's a non-zero chance that she'd drop the Focus Attack, Kikoken would likely serve a slightly different purpose from Hadouken, and Spinning Bird Kick would at the very least feel very different due to being a charge move.
EDIT: Also if we're going by Street Fighter II: Turbo, then she'd dethrone Marth as the fastest walking character in the game.