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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Couldn't they just, you know, add Eevee because of its popularity and marketing and not because of a new Eeveelution? Casuals will eat it up regardless.
I dunno. Ask Nintendo.

This dude is W I D E
Nah that's not a problem. I mean, Mewtwo still got that tail hurtbox. :4pacman:

Side Tangent: So recently I saw what looked like Lucario getting K.O.'ed because it got hit in the tail. Does Lucario have a tail hurtbox? If so, do all tailed characters have one?

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
So command inputs, normal to special cancels, and always facing the opponent aren't universal mechanics (ignoring the first game for the second one)? The only game specific mechanic they use is the Focus Attack.
I didn't count the general mechanics as I honestly forgot they had them due to playing nothing but Terry for well over a year, but I was referring to the pressure sensitive attacks, those were exclusive to SF1.
That is one character who is too big for smash:4pacman:

This dude is W I D E
I'd post a size chart of all the Tyrants and Dimitrescu but the file size is too large for SB to handle smh


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Thought I saw someone say something about a new 7-11 ad, this time for MHR. Can someone bring that up again? Also, are we still going off of this or do we consider it dead after the last one didn't line up with Sephiroth?

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Thought I saw someone say something about a new 7-11 ad, this time for MHR. Can someone bring that up again? Also, are we still going off of this or do we consider it dead after the last one didn't line up with Sephiroth?
Where’d you see that?


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Thought I saw someone say something about a new 7-11 ad, this time for MHR. Can someone bring that up again? Also, are we still going off of this or do we consider it dead after the last one didn't line up with Sephiroth?
I don't think we'd look at a Monster Hunter Rise ad regardless; It's not directly related to Super Smash Bros.

Also, wasn't the previous ad just super weird since it didn't have Steve on it or something?

You know how their normals change depending on if you tap or hold the button? That entire mechanic's taken from the very first Street Fighter and got removed because it was unfun and damaged the machines iirc
Ah got'cha. I didn't even notice when playing Street Fighter because normals were hard to hit and did very little and a Hadouken did like 25% so I just did that. Well...tired to at least.
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Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
Well, it's more like pre-established characters from all sorts of series instead of one. Look at the reaction to Android 17 being FighterZ DLC, it was anything but "Ugh, an assist? Should've been Jotaro, the hype would've been epic".
I honestly don't get why this point is going over so many people's heads, nor do I get why people are getting so irrationally angry about it.

Smash is the fighting game where its fanbase and speculators care the most about expanding the scale of its crossover through adding guests by far. While the crossover characters are often the ones that get the most attention, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, and Soul Calibur's fanbases are all perfectly comfortable with adding both newcomers and veterans that are within the world of the original game as DLC. People weren't automatically opposed to Fahkumram or Groh because they failed to live to Noctis or Geralt.

Contrast this with Smash, where some fans have an incredibly difficult time conceiving picks that don't add something new to the crossover as viable choices. There seems to be this idea that how many people will scream in front of their computer at their reveal trailer is the only meaningful measure of a character's worth and, honestly, it has made our fanbase far more toxic than it otherwise should be.

A good chunk of people had a difficult time accepting the idea of an ARMS character simply because it strayed away from expanding the crossover, even though we had yet to see what this then unrevealed character was bringing. Of course, once Min Min arrived and people could actually get their hands on her, most people appreciated her inclusion as it added an extremely unique and fun character to Smash. That being said, I'd have a hard time saying that many people learned their lesson from Min Min, as people are still pretty reluctant to discuss characters who go against this image of Smash as a video game hall of fame first and a fighting game second.

Also, lol at "we shouldn't discuss these characters because we're going into wishlist territory". Yeah, this thread has never once ventured off-topic to talk about interesting or exciting yet unlikely ideas before. That page worth of discussions about what it could be like if we got two DMC packs with Dante and Virgil was totally grounded in objective argumentation about how that's definitely going to happen and wasn't just people shooting the **** because it was a cool idea.
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Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
Thought I saw someone say something about a new 7-11 ad, this time for MHR. Can someone bring that up again? Also, are we still going off of this or do we consider it dead after the last one didn't line up with Sephiroth?
ok I've seen people mention this before but what does 7-11 have to do with Smash?
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Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
I honestly don't get why this point is going over so many people's heads, nor do I get why people are getting so irrationally angry about it.

Smash is the fighting game where its fanbase and speculators care the most about expanding the scale of its crossover through adding guests by far. While the crossover characters are often the ones that get the most attention, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, and Soul Calibur's fanbases are all perfectly comfortable with adding both newcomers and veterans that are within the world of the original game as DLC. People weren't automatically opposed to Fahkumram or Groh because they failed to live to Noctis or Geralt.

Contrast this with Smash, where some fans have an incredibly difficult time conceiving picks that don't add something new to the crossover as viable choices. There seems to be this idea that how many people will scream in front of their computer at their reveal trailer is the only meaningful measure of a character's worth and, honestly, it has made our fanbase far more toxic than it otherwise should be.

A good chunk of people had a difficult time accepting the idea of an ARMS character simply because it strayed away from expanding the crossover, even though we had yet to see what this then unrevealed character was bringing. Of course, once Min Min arrived and people could actually get their hands on her, most people appreciated her inclusion as it added an extremely unique and fun character to Smash. That being said, I'd have a hard time saying that many people learned their lesson from Min Min, as people are still pretty reluctant to discuss characters who go against this image of Smash as a video game hall of fame first and a fighting game second.

Also, lol at "we shouldn't discuss these characters because we're going into wishlist territory". Yeah, this thread has never once ventured off-topic to talk about interesting or exciting yet unlikely ideas before. That page worth of discussions about what it could be like if we got two DMC packs with Dante and Virgil was totally grounded in objective argumentation about how that's definitely going to happen and wasn't just people shooting the **** because it was a cool idea.
The whole notion of "adding something to the crossover" seems extremely distorted, too.

It's like saying that Sephiroth's reveal would have been any less hype if FF had all of those Spirits and songs as base game content and Sephiroth was a Spirit upgrade himself.

Deleted member

tbh I would really like it more if we got more obscure characters and dark horses in the fighter’s pass. It’s not very fun to me speculating about the same 3-5 characters because we “know” those are the only options.(except for the times we don’t)

Young Wizard for Smash daddy Sakurai please


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
tbh I would really like it more if we got more obscure characters and dark horses in the fighter’s pass. It’s not very fun to me speculating about the same 3-5 characters because we “know” those are the only options.(except for the times we don’t)

Young Wizard for Smash daddy Sakurai please
Don't worry, all my most-wanteds are darkhorses. Regardless of how likely they are, I'm going to keep pushing Reimu, Adol, Bandana Dee, and...
Oh dear, there's nothing left of Klonoa to push


Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
Don't worry, all my most-wanteds are darkhorses. Regardless of how likely they are, I'm going to keep pushing Reimu, Adol, Bandana Dee, and...
Oh dear, there's nothing left of Klonoa to push
There probably was, but it got canceled. Along with the comic and the animation.

Goddammit why


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
The whole notion of "adding something to the crossover" seems extremely distorted, too.

It's like saying that Sephiroth's reveal would have been any less hype if FF had all of those Spirits and songs as base game content and Sephiroth was a Spirit upgrade himself.
To be fair there were people who thought the idea of Sephiroth would be disappointing until he joined.
like, a 7-11 ad about them being in smash?
7-11 is more popular in Japan than elsewhere, so it's a good place for finding ads.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I honestly don't get why this point is going over so many people's heads, nor do I get why people are getting so irrationally angry about it.

Smash is the fighting game where its fanbase and speculators care the most about expanding the scale of its crossover through adding guests by far. While the crossover characters are often the ones that get the most attention, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, and Soul Calibur's fanbases are all perfectly comfortable with adding both newcomers and veterans that are within the world of the original game as DLC. People weren't automatically opposed to Fahkumram or Groh because they failed to live to Noctis or Geralt.

Contrast this with Smash, where some fans have an incredibly difficult time conceiving picks that don't add something new to the crossover as viable choices. There seems to be this idea that how many people will scream in front of their computer at their reveal trailer is the only meaningful measure of a character's worth and, honestly, it has made our fanbase far more toxic than it otherwise should be.

A good chunk of people had a difficult time accepting the idea of an ARMS character simply because it strayed away from expanding the crossover, even though we had yet to see what this then unrevealed character was bringing. Of course, once Min Min arrived and people could actually get their hands on her, most people appreciated her inclusion as it added an extremely unique and fun character to Smash. That being said, I'd have a hard time saying that many people learned their lesson from Min Min, as people are still pretty reluctant to discuss characters who go against this image of Smash as a video game hall of fame first and a fighting game second.

Also, lol at "we shouldn't discuss these characters because we're going into wishlist territory". Yeah, this thread has never once ventured off-topic to talk about interesting or exciting yet unlikely ideas before. That page worth of discussions about what it could be like if we got two DMC packs with Dante and Virgil was totally grounded in objective argumentation about how that's definitely going to happen and wasn't just people shooting the **** because it was a cool idea.
The whole notion of "adding something to the crossover" seems extremely distorted, too.

It's like saying that Sephiroth's reveal would have been any less hype if FF had all of those Spirits and songs as base game content and Sephiroth was a Spirit upgrade himself.
God, it's like you want a divide between people wanting more new franchises and people who want more characters from already represented franchise. Did you think the issue with Nelson's post was "third party bad first party good" and not Nelson once again thinking that everyone who doesn't think ATs aren't happening absolutely hate the idea and that liking a character he doesn't like automatically makes you shallow and only want new franchises for the sake of new franchises, a mindset literally nobody has as the people suggesting new franchises are fans of said franchises?

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
New franchises are cool, but it wouldn’t be bad or disappointing if the next three characters were from already represented franchises.
Well it's a good thing that literally everyone in this thread actually like more characters from already represented franchises and the idea that people are opposed to it because they aren't the most discussed characters is a massive strawman, isn't it


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
The last ad was after Sephiroth but it did not have him on it, so the 7-11 was probably reusing ads. 7-11 theory is not dead quite yet.
Or that the people responsible for the ads believed that Sephiroth was going to be announced in January.

Deleted member

Well it's a good thing that literally everyone in this thread actually like more characters from already represented franchises and the idea that people are opposed to it because they aren't the most discussed characters is a massive strawman, isn't it
gonna be honest, I’m not sure what you’re getting at here. I don’t think any of us here are opposed per say to having more characters from series that are already in Smash, more like “it’s just more interesting to talk about than the 5-6 characters that are in every leak and highly requested”
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True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Well it's a good thing that literally everyone in this thread actually like more characters from already represented franchises and the idea that people are opposed to it because they aren't the most discussed characters is a massive strawman, isn't it
That passive aggressiveness is unnecessary and just make you look confrontational.

And no, the idea of there being people that are against characters from existing franchises as DLC is not a straw man as those people absolutely exists. They may not be in this thread, but that sentiment is real among some Smash fans outside this forum. No one here was being specifically called out.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
gonna be honest ,I’m not sure what you’re getting at here. I don’t think any of us here are opposed per say to having more characters from series that are already in Smash, more like “it’s just more interesting to talk about than the 5-6 characters that are in every leak and highly requested”
Yeah. I always hear the same characters brought up.


Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
God, it's like you want a divide between people wanting more new franchises and people who want more characters from already represented franchise. Did you think the issue with Nelson's post was "third party bad first party good" and not Nelson once again thinking that everyone who doesn't think ATs aren't happening absolutely hate the idea and that liking a character he doesn't like automatically makes you shallow and only want new franchises for the sake of new franchises, a mindset literally nobody has as the people suggesting new franchises are fans of said franchises?
I mean... nowhere in any of his posts did I get the impression he was saying that. Nor am I or Garteam wanting to "divide people wanting more new franchises and people who want more characters from already represented franchise".

You're the one who's being combative for no reason.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
gonna be honest ,I’m not sure what you’re getting at here. I don’t think any of us here are opposed per say to having more characters from series that are already in Smash, more like “it’s just more interesting to talk about than the 5-6 characters that are in every leak and highly requested”
That's my point. Nobody's opposed to it. For some reason people assume that because third parties are more discussed and more wanted that it means all these people think Nintendo is trash and every character from them would suck


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
In regards to the "Gaming Hall of Fame" mindset, I think people latched onto this because it's been such a focus on the advertising of the game. Sakurai said "Simply put, this is the biggest crossover in Gaming." in the 2018 E3 direct. Reggie at the 2018 Game Awards said that Smash Ultimate is "Dare I say it, the biggest crossover ever." And Sakurai throughout this whole DLC cycle has stated that there is unlikely to be another game like this with so many different franchises. This has pushed a mindset that Ultimate is about expanding the crossover. We hear things all the time like "Wouldn't it be cool to see Dante in this game fighting all these gaming icons" or "How sick would it be to see Bill Rizer fight Samus" things of that nature. It also doesn't help that after this game, it will be much harder for many characters to get in. Newcomers will be competing with veterans. Sakurai might want to prioritize bringing back Mega Man and Ryu, instead of making Phoenix Wright a new fighter. With this in mind, I completely understand this mindset. And honestly I'm a part of it. While I am open to characters from preexisting series like Kirby, Metal Gear, Mega Man, Xenoblade, etc. and there are several characters from this category I support, I do prefer if characters from completely unrepped series gets in instead. This might be the only time we could see Dragonborn fight Joker for example, or Isabelle fight Doomguy. In a lot of people's eyes, this game is giving their favorite character the best chance they probably will ever have.

Of course there are plenty of great options from preexisting series. Alucard, Bandana Dee, Dixie Kong, Zero, Chun-Li, SNK characters like Geese or Kyo, Raiden, just to name a few. And they do have good reasons to be in the game. But while we have every single veteran in the game, it would be nice to see new faces from brand new series while we have the chance.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
That's my point. Nobody's opposed to it. For some reason people assume that because third parties are more discussed and more wanted that it means all these people think Nintendo is trash and every character from them would suck
I'm not saying it's that extreme, but people who support normal Nintendo characters need to constantly deal with being told their characters are suddenly not important enough or "DLC material" anymore.

Min Min's reception was lukewarm and retrospectively people are often quite negative about her. But adding fresh new Nintendo IPs in the form of Olimar or Shulk in the past was never an issue. The values of the community have absolutely changed, up to you whether or not that's a good thing I suppose but to say "nobody is opposed to it" feels a bit disingenuous when there are absolutely people who ONLY want the biggest, craziest and hypest names.
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Deleted member

That's my point. Nobody's opposed to it. For some reason people assume that because third parties are more discussed and more wanted that it means all these people think Nintendo is trash and every character from them would suck
I mean, who wouldn’t want more third parties in smash?

But that doesn’t mean Nintendo Characters are bad and unwanted. There are alot of Nintendo characters that have large bases who want them in(such as Waluigi and Bandanna Dee) but talking about 3rd parties is more interesting I guess. I don’t know how you came to that conclusion.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
This might be the only time we could see Dragonborn fight Joker for example, or Isabelle fight Doomguy. In a lot of people's eyes, this game is giving their favorite character the best chance they probably will ever have.
Not that this statement is wrong or invalid but this mentality is equally valid for characters from pre-existing franchises. Characters like Rex, Chun-Li and Dixie Kong might never get another chance to duke it out with all these Smash characters again or perhaps make it into another game at all, so regardless of who you support, you will feel the pressure.


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
In regards to the "Gaming Hall of Fame" mindset, I think people latched onto this because it's been such a focus on the advertising of the game. Sakurai said "Simply put, this is the biggest crossover in Gaming." in the 2018 E3 direct. Reggie at the 2018 Game Awards said that Smash Ultimate is "Dare I say it, the biggest crossover ever." And Sakurai throughout this whole DLC cycle has stated that there is unlikely to be another game like this with so many different franchises. This has pushed a mindset that Ultimate is about expanding the crossover. We hear things all the time like "Wouldn't it be cool to see Dante in this game fighting all these gaming icons" or "How sick would it be to see Bill Rizer fight Samus" things of that nature. It also doesn't help that after this game, it will be much harder for many characters to get in. Newcomers will be competing with veterans. Sakurai might want to prioritize bringing back Mega Man and Ryu, instead of making Phoenix Wright a new fighter. With this in mind, I completely understand this mindset. And honestly I'm a part of it. While I am open to characters from preexisting series like Kirby, Metal Gear, Mega Man, Xenoblade, etc. and there are several characters from this category I support, I do prefer if characters from completely unrepped series gets in instead. This might be the only time we could see Dragonborn fight Joker for example, or Isabelle fight Doomguy. In a lot of people's eyes, this game is giving their favorite character the best chance they probably will ever have.

Of course there are plenty of great options from preexisting series. Alucard, Bandana Dee, Dixie Kong, Zero, Chun-Li, SNK characters like Geese or Kyo, Raiden, just to name a few. And they do have good reasons to be in the game. But while we have every single veteran in the game, it would be nice to see new faces from brand new series while we have the chance.
By the same token it could also be Alucard's only chance to fight Samus as a fully fledged playable character, there's no guarantee Castlevania will return after all and it's the same for all the others to various extents. Like Mario isn't getting cut ever so several characters still have the future chance to say they fought Mario. But a lot of the third parties and smaller franchises and characters don't have the safety net of being Mario.

It's just some people have a really tribalistic attitude and it ****ing stinks.

It's when people start pushing a wishlist as an honest prediction I have to take a step back. It's when I see people lashing out at people for wanting a certain character or two that I get fed up and that part in particular has been going on for way too long.
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Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Well with nothing to really speculate for a while now. Guess I'm gonna take a break from this thread until further notice. If y'all want to know where I am, I'll be in the social thread.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Min Min's reception was lukewarm
I wouldn’t go that far in saying that (she was far more well-received than Byleth who did get a lukewarm reception) but it is true that there were significantly more people underwhelmed by her because she was a lesser-known Nintendo character instead of a big name third-party character than with Shulk in Smash 4.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
I wouldn’t go that far in saying that (she was far more well-received than Byleth who did get a lukewarm reception) but it is true that there were significantly more people underwhelmed by her because she was a lesser-known Nintendo character instead of a big name third-party character than with Shulk in Smash 4.
I thought that she had a much higher reception because she was a Spirit in the base game, thus killing the infamous argument that "Spirits deconfirm".
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