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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Deleted member

Here is another game to kill some boredom.

Your second most wanted character becomes playable, but at cost of your most wanted character becoming Mii and coming with your second most wanted.
Would you take it?
So Young Wizard gets in but Blaster Blade is a mii?

Just that happening would be a miracle so that would be fine with me
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Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
oh that also reminds me

add one additional rep to each third party already represented.

mine (italics are my additions):
Konami: Snake, Simon, Richter, Raiden
Sega: Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker, Arle
Capcom: Mega Man, Ryu, Ken, Phoenix
Bandai Namco: PAC-MAN, KOS-MOS
Square Enix: Cloud, Hero, Sephiroth, Neku
SNK: Terry, Mai (albeit censored)
Microsoft: Banjo, Steve, Ori
Konami: Frogger
Sega: Arle
Capcom: Phoenix Wright
Bandai Namco: Heihachi
Square Enix: Lara Croft (I'm assuming Sora doesn't quite count)
Microsoft: Master Chief
SNK: Nakoruru

Deleted member

Considering most of my wants are either a) too obscure or b) not happening because anime I’m content with anything. I’m just here for the ride.

The only three that I think genuinely have a chance is a Terraria character(mostly because it’s stood the test of time and is oft compared to Minecraft) a digimon(I don’t think I need to explain why) and Young Wizard/Young Pirate(maybe not as likely now that Kingsile has been bought out but I’ll still dream)


Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
oh that also reminds me

add one additional rep to each third party already represented.

mine (italics are my additions):
Konami: Snake, Simon, Richter, Raiden
Sega: Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker, Arle
Capcom: Mega Man, Ryu, Ken, Phoenix
Bandai Namco: PAC-MAN, KOS-MOS
Square Enix: Cloud, Hero, Sephiroth, Neku
SNK: Terry, Mai (albeit censored)
Microsoft: Banjo, Steve, Ori
Konami: Frogger
SEGA: Either Arle, Sakura or Eggman
Capcom: Frank West
Namco: Chosen Undead
Square Enix: Sora
ATLUS: Jack Frost
Microsoft: Master Chief
SNK: Nakoruru


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
Considering most of my wants are either a) too obscure or b) not happening because anime I’m content with anything. I’m just here for the ride.

The only three that I think genuinely have a chance is a Terraria character(mostly because it’s stood the test of time and is oft compared to Minecraft) a digimon(I don’t think I need to explain why) and Young Wizard/Young Pirate(maybe not as likely now that Kingsile has been bought out but I’ll still dream)
Same here with me.

Evil Trapezium

Smash Master
May 16, 2019
Switch FC
oh that also reminds me

add one additional rep to each third party already represented.

mine (italics are my additions):
Konami: Snake, Simon, Richter, Raiden
Sega: Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker, Arle
Capcom: Mega Man, Ryu, Ken, Phoenix
Bandai Namco: PAC-MAN, KOS-MOS
Square Enix: Cloud, Hero, Sephiroth, Neku
SNK: Terry, Mai (albeit censored)
Microsoft: Banjo, Steve, Ori
Konami: Cormano
Sega: Axel Stone
Capcom: Phoenix
Namco: Klonoa
Square Enix: Ark or Crono
SNK: Simea
Microsoft: Doom Guy


Smash Master
Sep 22, 2013
Konami: Bomberman
Sega: Eggman
Capcom: Chris/Jill
Bandai Namco: Heihachi
Square Enix: 2B
SNK: dunno
Microsoft: Master Chief


Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
oh that also reminds me

add one additional rep to each third party already represented.
Konami: Twinbee
Sega: Asha from Monster World IV
Capcom: Arthur
Namco: Colette from Tales of Symphonia
Square Enix: Don't really have much in terms of experience here so uh... Lara Croft? If not her then maybe the Bubble Bobble characters?
Microsoft: Master Chief
SNK: Athena Asamiya

Deleted member

oh that also reminds me

add one additional rep to each third party already represented.

mine (italics are my additions):
Konami: Snake, Simon, Richter, Raiden
Sega: Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker, Arle
Capcom: Mega Man, Ryu, Ken, Phoenix
Bandai Namco: PAC-MAN, KOS-MOS
Square Enix: Cloud, Hero, Sephiroth, Neku
SNK: Terry, Mai (albeit censored)
Microsoft: Banjo, Steve, Ori
Konami: Dark Magician :yeahboi:
Sega: Eggman
Capcom: Phoenix Wright
Bandai-Namco: I don’t know enough games from them to pick
Square: Noctis
SNK: see bandai
Microsoft: Doom guy
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Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
oh that also reminds me

add one additional rep to each third party already represented.

mine (italics are my additions):
Konami: Snake, Simon, Richter, Raiden
Sega: Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker, Arle
Capcom: Mega Man, Ryu, Ken, Phoenix
Bandai Namco: PAC-MAN, KOS-MOS
Square Enix: Cloud, Hero, Sephiroth, Neku
SNK: Terry, Mai (albeit censored)
Microsoft: Banjo, Steve, Ori
Konami: Bomberman
Sega: Tails
Capcom: Zero
Bamco: Heihachi
Square Enix: Geno
Microsoft: Master Chief
SNK: idk, someone from Metal Slug I guess


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2019
Konami: Alucard or a Silent Hill rep
Sega: Kiryu
Capcom: Dante
Bandai Namco: Heihachi or Jin Kazama
Square Enix: 2B
SNK: Kyo Kusanagi
Microsoft: Master Chief

My problem with the "iconic" argument is that it varies a lot. For example, Terry is not iconic in the U.S, but he is in certain countries like Latin America. Touhou is iconic in Japan, but not in most countries. Doom is iconic in the West but that's not the same case in Japan. Heck, how are we even measuring iconicness?

While I do think being, let's put it this way, recognizable in at least a couple countries helps, it does get a bit scattered and confusing when it comes to arguing who is "iconic". My point is that while I do put some stock into "iconicness" as it definitely helps out characters, it is definitely not the end all, be all of character selection (and I should not need to bring up what the man himself said).
Same here. And if we talk about characters known worldwide we maybe have a few options left, that's it.
People should try to think with more perspective when it comes to these discussions. This goes to me as well.
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Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Okay, guys, I thought I'd play a lil game if you're all interested.
If you could add newcomers to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate from any (or every) series, regardless of 'importance' to their series, how many or how few characters are currently included, how many characters are in the game, fan rules, taking up 'slots' from someone else, or how relevant they are..who would you choose?
No judgments, just curious..here are my choices.
:ultmario:: Geno, Waluigi (ideally a Wario Rep..but he hasn't been in a Wario game yet..), Vivian, King Boo, Fawful
:ultdk:: Dixie Kong
:ultzelda:: Impa (AoC), Ganon (LttP-style), Midna & Wolf Link
:ultyoshi:: Kamek
:ultkirby:: Adeleine, Bandana Waddle Dee
:ultfox:: Krystal (Adventures-based, Assault Alt)
:ultpikachu:: Gardevoir (my fav)
:ultness:: Kumatora
:ultfalcon:: Black Shadow
:ultmarth:: Tharja, Lyn, Edelgard, Hector
:ultpit:: Medusa
:ultwario:: Ashley, Capt. Syrup
:ultsnake:: Raiden
:ultsonic:: Dr. Eggman, Shadow, Knuckles
:ultmegaman:: Zero (MMZ-based, MMX Alt), Bass.EXE
:ultshulk:: Nia & Dromarch, Rex & Prya/Mithra, Melia, Elma
:ultryu:: Chun-Li, Akira (Rival Schools)
:ultcloud:: Terra Branford, Tifa Lockhart, Rydia
:ultbayonetta:: Jeanne
:ultinkling:: Octolings
:ultsimon:: Shanoa
:ultjoker:: Aigis
:ult_terry:: Athena Asamiya (technically Terry reps SNK based on the Music)
:ultminmin: Twintelle, Lola Pop
Purely based on who I think would be cool with little regard for who would realistically be next

Mario: Petey Piranha, Dimentio, Waluigi
Donkey Kong: Dixie Kong, Funky Kong
The Legend of Zelda: Skull Kid, Midna, AoC Impa, Ghirahim, Ravio
Metroid: Uh ****innnnnnn Anthony Higgs?????
Yoshi: Unironically Shy Guy
Kirby: Bandana Dee, Marx, Prince Fluff, Dark Matter Swordsman
Star Fox: Krystal, unironically Peppy Hare
Pokemon: Scizor, Toxricity, N
Mother: Kumatora and Porky
F-Zero: Samurai Goroh and what the **** is that magician guy called, I want him in
uhhhhh retro Nintendo in general i guess (NES and Game Boy): Takamaru, Sukapon, Mike Jones, Mach Rider, Sable Prince
Fire Emblem: Arvis, Claude
Kid Icarus: Hades
Wario: Ashley, Captain Syrup and MY MAN Jimmy T.
Metal Gear: Raiden, unironically Senator Armstrong
Sonic: Knuckles, Eggman, Metal Sonic, Chaos
Pikmin: **** if I know
Animal Crossing: **** if I know
uhhhhhhhh I guess games with the Wii/Mii branding in general?: my guy Sebastian Tute from Wii Music would be the pinnacle of soup smash brother
Mega Man: Zero, Roll, Bass.EXE, Volnutt, Tron Bonne
Punch-Out: Doc Louis, Disco Kid, Aran Ryan, Super Macho Man
Pac-Man and 80s arcade Namco in general: Blinky, Mappy, Valkyrie, Rick Taylor
Xenoblade: Riki, Zeke
Street Fighter: Chun-Li, Vega, Dan, Alex, G, and technically Cody and Akira Kazama :yeahboi:
Final Fantasy: Tifa, Barret, Vincent, Squall, ****ing Laguna, why not
Bayonetta: Rodin
Splatoon: Octoling
Castlevania: Alucard
Persona: P3 protag, Aigis
Dragon Quest: Slime, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Banjo-Kazooie: uhhhhhh Gruntilda????
Fatal Fury: Geese and Rock Howard, ****ing Billy Kane
ARMS: Spring Man, Helix, Ninjara
Minecraft: scottish Steve is a separate character slot now
oh that also reminds me

add one additional rep to each third party already represented.

mine (italics are my additions):
Konami: Snake, Simon, Richter, Raiden
Sega: Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker, Arle
Capcom: Mega Man, Ryu, Ken, Phoenix
Bandai Namco: PAC-MAN, KOS-MOS
Square Enix: Cloud, Hero, Sephiroth, Neku
SNK: Terry, Mai (albeit censored)
Microsoft: Banjo, Steve, Ori
Konami: Bomberman
SEGA: Vyse and Axel and Kiryu and Ryo and Joe Musashi and Beat and
Capcom: Phoenix and Leon and Amingo and Jin and Edward Falcon and
Bamco: Don-Chan
Squeenix: Crono
Atlus: Raidou, yeah you ****in heard me right
Microsoft: Fulgore
SNK: Iori
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Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
Honestly, the only characters I really want from franchises already in Smash are Bandana Waddle Dee, Spring Man, Sigurd, and Mega Man X. Although, I wouldn't certainly be opposed to the likes of Geno, Tails, Shadow, Eggman, Octoling, Zero, or Alucard.
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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Purely based on who I think would be cool with little regard for who would realistically be next

Mario: Petey Piranha, Dimentio, Waluigi
Donkey Kong: Dixie Kong, Funky Kong
The Legend of Zelda: Skull Kid, Midna, AoC Impa, Ghirahim, Ravio
Metroid: Uh ****innnnnnn Anthony Higgs?????
Yoshi: Unironically Shy Guy
Kirby: Bandana Dee, Marx, Prince Fluff, Dark Matter Swordsman
Star Fox: Krystal, unironically Peppy Hare
Pokemon: Scizor, Toxricity, N
Mother: Kumatora and Porky
F-Zero: Samurai Goroh and what the **** is that magician guy called, I want him in
uhhhhh retro Nintendo in general i guess (NES and Game Boy): Takamaru, Sukapon, Mike Jones, Mach Rider, Sable Prince
Fire Emblem: Arvis, Claude
Kid Icarus: Hades
Wario: Ashley, Captain Syrup and MY MAN Jimmy T.
Metal Gear: Raiden, unironically Senator Armstrong
Sonic: Knuckles, Eggman, Metal Sonic, Chaos
Pikmin: **** if I know
Animal Crossing: **** if I know
uhhhhhhhh I guess games with the Wii/Mii branding in general?: my guy Sebastian Tute from Wii Music would be the pinnacle of soup smash brother
Mega Man: Zero, Roll, Bass.EXE, Volnutt, Tron Bonne
Punch-Out: Doc Louis, Disco Kid, Aran Ryan, Super Macho Man
Pac-Man and 80s arcade Namco in general: Blinky, Mappy, Valkyrie, Rick Taylor
Xenoblade: Riki, Zeke
Street Fighter: Chun-Li, Vega, Alex, G, and technically Cody and Akira Kazama :yeahboi:
Final Fantasy: Tifa, Barret, Vincent, Squall, ****ing Laguna, why not
Bayonetta: Rodin
Castlevania: Alucard
Persona: P3 protag, Aigis
Dragon Quest: Slime, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Banjo-Kazooie: uhhhhhh Gruntilda????
Fatal Fury: Geese and Rock Howard, ****ing Billy Kane
Minecraft: scottish Steve is a separate character slot now

Konami: Bomberman
SEGA: Vyse and Axel and Kiryu and Ryo and Joe Musashi and Beat and
Capcom: Phoenix and Leon and Amingo and Jin and Edward Falcon and
Bamco: Don-Chan
Squeenix: Crono
Atlus: Raidou, yeah you ****in heard me right
Microsoft: Fulgore
SNK: Iori
The magician guy? Assume you mean Spade from GX/AX?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2020
Hype Train to Splatsville
Switch FC
oh that also reminds me

add one additional rep to each third party already represented.

mine (italics are my additions):
Konami: Snake, Simon, Richter, Raiden
Sega: Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker, Arle
Capcom: Mega Man, Ryu, Ken, Phoenix
Bandai Namco: PAC-MAN, KOS-MOS
Square Enix: Cloud, Hero, Sephiroth, Neku
SNK: Terry, Mai (albeit censored)
Microsoft: Banjo, Steve, Ori
Konami: Bomberman
SEGA: Knuckles
Capcom: Phoenix Wright
Bandai Namco: Heihachi
Square Enix: Lara Croft
Microsoft: Master Chief
SNK: Kyo Kusanagi
And for completeness's sake, the third parties with no fighters yet:
Koei Tecmo:
Ryu Hayabusa
Marvelous: Travis Touchdown
Arc System Works: Sol Badguy
Ubisoft: Rayman
Bethesda (no, I'm not counting them as Microsoft now because the DLC was planned long before their acquisition): Doomguy
Digital Extremes: Whoever the player characters in Warframe are idk I never played the game
WayForward: Shantae
Toby Fox: Sans
...and a couple more I couldn't decide on whether they qualified.


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
Right but Cortez ain't going to be so lucky if he becomes a mii costume. I mean I'll take it if it ever happens but no one will bat an eye for him. oh well.
What are you talking about?! Haven't you seen how MASSIVE the Gil thread has become since Smash 4?

Umm......... What if all of your Most Wanted are tied?
Then your indecisiveness costs you EVERYTHING!

add one additional rep to each third party already represented.
Konami: Bill Rizer/Lance Bean [Contra]
Sega: Kazuma Kiryu [Yakuza]
Capcom: Arthur [Ghosts 'N Goblins]
Bandai Namco: Nightmare [Soul Calibur]
Square Enix: Bub/Bob [Bubble Bobble]
SNK: SV-001 Metal Slug [Metal Slug]
Microsoft: Rash/Zitz [Battletoads]
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Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2020
The Jungle, powerfarming to lvl 6
oh that also reminds me

add one additional rep to each third party already represented.

mine (italics are my additions):
Konami: Snake, Simon, Richter, Raiden
Sega: Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker, Arle
Capcom: Mega Man, Ryu, Ken, Phoenix
Bandai Namco: PAC-MAN, KOS-MOS
Square Enix: Cloud, Hero, Sephiroth, Neku
SNK: Terry, Mai (albeit censored)
Microsoft: Banjo, Steve, Ori
I feel like we play this game all the time, ah well it's still fun

Konami: Bomberman
Sega: Arle
Capcom: Dante
Namco: Chosen Undead
Square Enix: Neku
SNK: Geese (I have no stake here but this would be funny I feel)
Microsoft: Master Chief


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2017
oh that also reminds me

add one additional rep to each third party already represented.

mine (italics are my additions):
Konami: Snake, Simon, Richter, Raiden
Sega: Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker, Arle
Capcom: Mega Man, Ryu, Ken, Phoenix
Bandai Namco: PAC-MAN, KOS-MOS
Square Enix: Cloud, Hero, Sephiroth, Neku
SNK: Terry, Mai (albeit censored)
Microsoft: Banjo, Steve, Ori
Konami: Snake, Simon, Richter, Bomberman
Sega: Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker, Arle
Capcom: Mega Man, Ryu, Ken, Jill or Leon
Bandai Namco: PAC-MAN, Nightmare
Square Enix: Cloud, Hero, Sephiroth, Lara Croft
SNK: Terry, Marco
Microsoft: Banjo, Steve, Doom Slayer
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
oh that also reminds me

add one additional rep to each third party already represented.

mine (italics are my additions):
Konami: Snake, Simon, Richter, Raiden
Sega: Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker, Arle
Capcom: Mega Man, Ryu, Ken, Phoenix
Bandai Namco: PAC-MAN, KOS-MOS
Square Enix: Cloud, Hero, Sephiroth, Neku
SNK: Terry, Mai (albeit censored)
Microsoft: Banjo, Steve, Ori
Konami: Vic Viper(Gradius)
Sega: Max(Shining Force)
Capcom: Morrigan Aensland(Darkstalkers)
Bandai-Namco: Agumon(Digimon)
Square-Enix: Slime(Dragon Quest)
SNK: Earthquake(Samurai Shodown)
Microsoft: Fulgore(Killer Instinct)

(Even though Capcom is actually two separated companies, being LTD. and USA, I can't remember who owns who so I couldn't put two characters anyway, heh. Also, it's clear you meant playable, not in general, since you didn't list ones like Ubisoft).


Smash Ace
Dec 26, 2018
oh that also reminds me

add one additional rep to each third party already represented.
Konami: Afro (Dance Dance Revolution)
Sega: Shinguji Sakura or Shadow
Capcom: El Fuerte
Bandai Namco: Ninomiya Asuka
Square Enix: FF14 Warrior of Light
SNK: Asamiya Athena
Microsoft: Master Chief


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
oh that also reminds me

add one additional rep to each third party already represented.

mine (italics are my additions):
Konami: Snake, Simon, Richter, Raiden
Sega: Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker, Arle
Capcom: Mega Man, Ryu, Ken, Phoenix
Bandai Namco: PAC-MAN, KOS-MOS
Square Enix: Cloud, Hero, Sephiroth, Neku
SNK: Terry, Mai (albeit censored)
Microsoft: Banjo, Steve, Ori
Konami: Raiden, Pyramid Head
Sega: Sakura, Arle, Kiryu
Capcom: Phoenix Wright, Dante
Bandai Namco: Don-chan, Haruka Amami
Square Enix: Neku, 2B
SNK: Rock Howard, Geese Howard
Microsoft: Master Chief


Smash Champion
Aug 7, 2014
Switch FC
SW 2518 9259 3787
The reason we aren’t getting any more Bandai Namco characters is because Smash is being co-developed by BN, meaning BN is creating Smash versions of every character, therefore every character in Smash is a BN character.



Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
The reason we aren’t getting any more Bandai Namco characters is because Smash is being co-developed by BN, meaning BN is creating Smash versions of every character, therefore every character in Smash is a BN character.

What really sells it is the fact that you're using the smiley of Bandai-Namco's actual Smash character
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Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
He's opposed to Shadow because Shadow ****ed his wife and Eggman then ****ed the earth
Personally, part of me kind of saw Shadow as Asexual, so while I think the Meme is an interesting premise, and has an interesting conclusion with Eggman Screwing half the moon, It's unsure if that's actually an event that would happen

However there is another angle that could be taken to this

However one thing I've been thinking about recently is how Sonic had his relationship with Elise. while it is weird in concept, to be honest I think it does fit Sonic's rebellious nature if he was attracted to Human woman, instead of his own kind or other animals. You have people in the real world saying how Sonic and Elise was beastility, so perhaps in the Sonic world there's alot of that sentiment

Since Shadow is the dark reflection of Sonic, It might suggest that there may some of that attraction in Shadow too. This could suggest that perhaps when it came to Shadow's friendship with Maria, there may have been something more there, like perhaps attraction to her. perhaps her death thanreally shook Shadow to the core, perhaps not just with him having trouble making connections and friends, and being heavily reserved, but also denouncing the part of him that craves love and such

So then in that context, the Meme does seem kind of weird. Shadow in SA2 is avenging Maria, so if he had sex with Eggman's Wife, and Eggman's wife isn't some robotic creation, but an actual Human being (I assume Human being), perhaps Shadow was putting some repressed energy into the act. Perhaps he was further coping with Maria's death in this instance.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
If you could add newcomers to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate from any (or every) series, regardless of 'importance' to their series, how many or how few characters are currently included, how many characters are in the game, fan rules, taking up 'slots' from someone else, or how relevant they are..who would you choose?
Well under absolutely no limits adding whoever we want, I guess I'll just list off a bunch of characters I'd be happy to see.

:ultmario: - Geno, Waluigi, Fawful, Paper Mario, Captain Toad / Toadette, Dry Bones
:ultdk: - Dixie Kong
:ultyounglink: - Midna, Skull Kid, Tetra
:ultsamus: - Nobody else really, just declone Dark Samus
:ultyoshi: - Poochy
:ultkirby: - Marx, Susie, Magolor, Daroach, Adeleine, Gooey, Bandana Dee, Chef Kawasaki
:ultfox: - Krystal, Slippy
:ultpikachu: - Hawlucha, Gengar, Genesect, Meloetta
:ultness: - Porky, Duster, Kumatora, Masked Man, Flint, Poo
:ultfalcon: - Samurai Goroh
:ultmarth: - Anna, Tiki
:ultpit: - Viridi, Hades
:ultwario: - Captain Syrup, Ashley, Mona, Jimmy T
:ultsonic: - Dr. Eggman, Knuckles, Rouge, Blaze, Amy Rose
:ultolimar: - Bulborb
:ultisabelle: - Tom Nook, Mr. Resetti
:ultmegaman: - Tron Bonne, Proto Man, Zero, Roll
:ultlittlemac: - King Hippo, Glass Joe
:ultryu: - Chun-Li, Dan Hibiki, M. Bison, Alex, Makoto, Q
:ultcloud: - Vivi
:ultinkling: - Octoling
:ultsimon: - Alucard
:ult_terry: - Athena, Iori
:ultminmin - Max Brass, Helix, Dr. Coyle

Your second most wanted character becomes playable, but at cost of your most wanted character becoming Mii and coming with your second most wanted.
Would you take it?
I pretty much want all my MWs equally at this point, so yeah I'd take a Chorus Kid costume and a playable Arle. I'm so starved for Rhythm Heaven content and not expecting a character at all where I'd be happy to have just about anything but... would be a weird choice for a costume.

add one additional rep to each third party already represented.
Gonna do more than one for some just because I feel like spreading the love, first one listed is my first choice though.

Konami: Snake, Simon, Richter, Bomberman
SEGA: Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker, Arle, NiGHTS, Demifiend, etc.
Capcom: Mega Man, Ryu, Ken, Morrigan, Chun-Li, Jill Valentine, Leon Kennedy (ε), etc.
Namco: Pac-Man, Prince of All Cosmos, Don-Chan, KOS-MOS
Square-Enix: Cloud, Sephiroth, Hero, Crono
: Terry, Marco, Fio (ε)
: Banjo & Kazooie, Steve, Master Chief
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