Honestly same.
I started this speculation cycle liking Yuri and loving Lloyd but all the Lloyd bashing is starting to make me dislike Yuri.
I try not to make fans affect my love of a character but...
Gosh darn it, it hurts having one of your favorite games of all time constantly bashed purely to build up a game I find overrated.
It's actually turned me off of Velvet too and I was looking forward to playing that one.
It just feels like people can't talk about Tales anymore without bashing Lloyd and that really sucks the wind out of my sails.
I don't know I have barely seen people bashing Lloyd but maybe I'm wrong. So far what I saw was different opinions and perspectives about why Yuri could be a serious contender for Smash. Obviously in these cases biases play an important part and there's always people that don't know how to behave and will take advantage of these situations and start wars between fans of different characters, but luckily that's not the usual.
The biggest offensive point against Lloyd that I have seen around here is that "he's not really popular in the overall Tales community" or not really a "big fan request" or things like that, points I disagree with, by the way.
I guess for people who barely knows anything about Tales except Lloyd Yuri might seem like "people pushing this guy just for the sake to be contrarian and/or because they dislike Lloyd" but I don't think that's the case at all, besides a few exceptions. I see it more like people trying to show others that Yuri has his reasons to be the choice. I don't see it as "Yuri good Lloyd bad".
If we speak about their personalities and all, I prefer Yuri. But I also like Lloyd, he's a good guy. At the same time I probably enjoyed Symphonia a bit more than Vesperia, at least if we speak about the story and cast of characters. I felt more involved with Symphonia in that regard.
Music I'd say both are more or less equally good though I remember more tracks from Symphonia, and the combat is fun in both games but naturally more refined in Vesperia because it came out later.