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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
So here's my current mindset on CP11:
  • My active prediction is still Arle. She still has a lot of factors going for her (Growing popularity in West, popular in Japan, being pushed hard by Sega, fits very well with the theme of the last fighter being "underwhelming", etc.)
  • What my pessimism will say when it takes over my mind right before watching the reveal: Either a Pokemon or Rean Schwarzer
  • The character who I really want who has a realistic shot IMO: Phoenix Wright


Sep 26, 2013
Honestly, as much as others don't like it, I think this is something that I like most about the DLC.

Aside from Banjo, Steve, and to a lesser extent Pythra, pretty much every DLC character as been someone we would have never seen coming.

Plant? Nope.
Joker? Nah.
Hero? Well, ****, the datamine + Vergeben
Terry? No way.
Byleth? Maybe, but during Pass 1, people were set in their ways that it'd be 3rd party only.
Min Min? "Spring Man's an assist, ARMs missed the boat."
Sephiroth? No one expected him.
Kazuya? "It'd be Heihachi if anyone."

And that's what kinda made this DLC.... fun?

I know people will bemoan the lack of picks that appeal to a more hardcore crowd of fans, but I kinda enjoy being surprised more tbh.


Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
That is, if they do bring the costume back, which we don't know. Maybe they really scrapped the costume for good.

I believe the issue the poster pointed out is that the Mii costumes, like the events, follow a pattern where they are numbered next to each other, except with Joker, Pyra/Mythra and Kazuya. While Joker and Pyra/Mythra have tens of missing numbers, oddly enough, Kazuya only has one straight skip.

If you already negotiatied to have the Mii costumes, it's not that hard to move it whenever you want. Also according to the poster, the Mii costumes with Kazuya are demi-blood characters, which implies the missing costume is also a demi-blood.
Inb4 that Mii Costume is Demifiend.
Edit: Already outdated lol
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Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
I see people are placing their bets for who’s last soo I’ll place mine as well.

I’m sticking to my guts and I’m gonna say it’s Layton. I think we’re gonna see the puzzle genre and visual genre represented by someone and I feel it’s gonna be Layton or it’s gonna be arle who represents the puzzle genre

mii costumes i think will be if it’s Layton

shadow, arle, descole, hollow knight and jonsey

if it’s arle then the same lineup but I’d swap arle and Layton around and potentially swap out descole for a puyo puyo character


Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
Delzethin speculating on the final fighter for CP11.
While I don't see a new Zelda rep being added for similar reasons to why I don't see Nahobino being added, and Euden's game is at the beginning stages of shutdown, most of this is pretty reasonable, I'd say.

As far as third party reps go, I'm personally looking to Sega and Capcom - even if my gut tells me it wouldn't be my MWs from either company.

Watch it be no one mentioned in that video.
Just like how Kazuya wasn't mentioned by most people at all as even a slight possibility.
I mean, he was a few times. Before Heihachi's costume came back with Min Min, that is.

Like, I don't think Tekken was slept on at all before that. When talking about Namco reps, people usually defaulted (is that even a word) to Tekken or Tales because of how big they are.

If anything, what made us stop mentioning it is the community's idea of "no overlaps", not a lack of suggestions.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I see people are placing their bets for who’s last soo I’ll place mine as well.

I’m sticking to my guts and I’m gonna say it’s Layton. I think we’re gonna see the puzzle genre and visual genre represented by someone and I feel it’s gonna be Layton or it’s gonna be arle who represents the puzzle genre

mii costumes i think will be if it’s Layton

shadow, arle, descole, hollow knight and jonsey

if it’s arle then the same lineup but I’d swap arle and Layton around and potentially swap out descole for a puyo puyo character
Who’s Descole?


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
All I'm saying is that regardless of whatever theory you try to come up with, SMT fits into all of em.

Color Theory? Depending on what character you pick, teal, gold, dark blue, and silver are all free.
Parallel Genre Theory? FE is a shilled RPG to coincide with a recent title.
Unrepresented Company Theory? Sega, and especially Atlus, have been completely absent for the entirety of pass 2.
Mute Theory? None of the protags speak.
Smash Ends on a Disappointment Theory? I think that speaks for itself.

I'm telling yall, all roads lead to SMT.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Fr tho

watch as we get an AT promotion as the last character…

but it’s Ashley

Adrianette Bromide

Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2020
Beeland Capital
All I'm saying is that regardless of whatever theory you try to come up with, SMT fits into all of em.

Color Theory? Depending on what character you pick, teal, gold, dark blue, and silver are all free.
Parallel Genre Theory? FE is a shilled RPG to coincide with a recent title.
Unrepresented Company Theory? Sega, and especially Atlus, have been completely absent for the entirety of pass 2.
Mute Theory? None of the protags speak.
Smash Ends on a Disappointment Theory? I think that speaks for itself.

I'm telling yall, all roads lead to SMT.
Crack theory, Jack Frost was supposed to be a costume in Joker's wave but was moved to a wave that fit more ;)

Also I don't know why a Zelda rep has to necessarily "shill" anything. I mean hell, even if it was a BOTW character like a Champion, it could just come with more BOTW and AoC content. By the time Min Min came along, ARMS had been long gone in relevancy but f you, noodle girl time.


Smash Ace
Jan 26, 2020
I think we can agree that if its a third party rep, its most likely to be one from an IP minor to Tekken and likely from Japan.

Tekken is top 10 best selling (third party) japanese IPs, so there are lots of options to choose.

In addition, they like to give last DLC spot to a character from a game “that nintendo users are playing right now”, but because of development constraints, its generally from a game whose release was at least ~6 months prior coming into Smash. Both FE Fates and 3 Houses were released around june/july 2015/2019 (Fates was japan first) and were put in smash around january/february of the next year.

Giving this logic, CP11 could possible be from a switch game that was released early this year (or late 2020). But covid ****ed Nintendo’s original release scheduled. So its not that easy to predict.
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Smash Champion
May 11, 2014

Spoils a seven year old game
Acknowledges it
Likes the post
Confirms it's your fault for not playing it

A model for all of us.

All I'm saying is that regardless of whatever theory you try to come up with, SMT fits into all of em.

Color Theory? Depending on what character you pick, teal, gold, dark blue, and silver are all free.
Parallel Genre Theory? FE is a shilled RPG to coincide with a recent title.
Unrepresented Company Theory? Sega, and especially Atlus, have been completely absent for the entirety of pass 2.
Mute Theory? None of the protags speak.
Smash Ends on a Disappointment Theory? I think that speaks for itself.

I'm telling yall, all roads lead to SMT.
The only disappointing ending for me would be a Fire Emblem character using a sword or a starter pokemon. Anything else is a win.

Þe 1 → Way

Smash Champion
Dec 12, 2020
Wouldn’t You Like To Know?
I’m starting to feel Sega has the best shot. Likely being either Robotnik, Nobohono, or Jack Frost.

Though I still think Phoenix and a Konami rep are in a good spot, alongside a First Party of course.
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The Rhythm Theif

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2019
An Apartment With Stolen Forgery Art In Paris
Switch FC
Good news, your most wanted character gets into Smash. Bad news, the TVA has decided that character created a branch from the sacred timeline and thus your timeline is pruned from existence.
I'm willing to take that risk. I'm the person who believes in ghosts thanks to Yu-Gi-Oh, and all of the cards I have (both in real life & in Duel Links) come to life at night and party in my room.


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
I think it was less a meme and more, "While he has advantage for the first three gyms, he's a poor choice since all the gyms after the first 3 are poor match-ups for him."
Which is ultimately irrelevant, because once you're that far into the game, it's easy to catch your own water and fire Pokemon for the later gyms.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom

Delzethin speculating on the final fighter for CP11.
We are not getting all 4 Champions, but one of them is still technically possible. Getting one would definitely be a very interesting way to end Smash and it would address what is considered to be one of the biggest missing holes in the base roster (and a significant reason why Skull Kid was a hugely popular request in 2018).

Þe 1 → Way

Smash Champion
Dec 12, 2020
Wouldn’t You Like To Know?
I never got the idea of getting 4 champions. Nintendo almost definitely isn’t gonna devote the dev time of 4 potential individual fighters to be put in 1 for some side characters.
If they really wanna promote BOTW2 that bad they’ll pick 1 champion or Impa or something.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Besides the obvious Euden, it's kinda weird to me that people are still clinging onto the notion of there being a new Zelda rep.

Especially since A.) Zelda's anniversary celebration this year turned out to be a nothing burger and B.) BOTW2 is gonna be released way after this game's DLC is done with lol.
Newcomer characters almost never coincide with anniversaries so that point is not a mark against them. Also, they could just.... you know, bring in more content from Breath of the Wild 1, especially as that game only has 5 tracks.
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Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
View attachment 328992
Spoils a seven year old game
Acknowledges it
Likes the post
Confirms it's your fault for not playing it

A model for all of us.

The only disappointing ending for me would be a Fire Emblem character using a sword or a starter pokemon. Anything else is a win.
I don’t remember Cyndaquill being a weapon type in Three Houses?


Smash Master
Sep 22, 2013
Newcomer characters almost never coincide with anniversaries so that point is not a mark against them. Also, they could just.... you know, bring in more content from Breath of the Wild 1, especially as that game only has 5 tracks.
I mean those were two of the biggest arguments for a new Zelda character. That it was Zelda's 25th this year, and that it could promote BOTW2's release this year...neither of which came true.

There isn't really any need for a BOTW1 booster pack either when it has a playable character, a stage, some music tracks and dozens of spirits, as well as some Mii outfits.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Funny to see how these "front-runners" are more unbelievable than the numerous honorable mentions and long-shots.

Like bro,
Sword n Shield missed the launch date and got spirited with no clear frontrunner pokemon and no, that doesn't mean we're getting Pokemon Trainer 2. That's never happening again.
Dragalia Lost is in its death bed, with its most watched recent videos not reaching FEH's least.
Zelda isn't so unreasonable until you realize his idea is a four-in-one champion fighter.

Actually a little crazy how adamant Delz is when it comes to Pokemon SwSh and BotW when nearly everything points to them missing the bus.
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The Rhythm Theif

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2019
An Apartment With Stolen Forgery Art In Paris
Switch FC
Funny to see how these "front-runners" are more unbelievable than the numerous honorable mentions and long-shots.

Like bro,
Sword n Shield missed the launch date and got spirited with no clear frontrunner pokemon.
Dragalia Lost is in its death bed, with its most watched recent videos not reaching FEH's least.
Zelda isn't so unreasonable until you realize his idea is a four-in-one champion fighter.

Actually a little crazy how adamant Delz is when it comes to Pokemon SwSh and BotW when nearly everything points to them missing the bus.
And this is why Chazz'd guys like us hope for a Mega Man rep.

... That pun sounded much better in my head, I apologize.
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