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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
That would be Dissidia Final Fantasy. Dissidia was originally going to be a Kingdom Hearts fighting game that would've had you playing both Kingdom Hearts characters and Disney characters, but for whatever reason, Disney didn't like Disney characters getting beaten up, so it was changed into a Final Fantasy game. And both Dissidia and Dissidia 012 were awesome.

In case you're wondering if Disney has this mindset changed, I'm not sure whether to say yes or no, cause I thought I heard something regarding Marvel vs Capcom Infinite where in the character trailers, the Marvel characters were never beaten up.
Iron Man gets smacked around a bit by Ryu in the first trailer, and both he and Captain Marvel are the punching bags for specific segments during the gameplay section.

I wouldn't use Marvel content as an indicator of how Disney wants IPs like Mickey Mouse and the Disney Princesses handled though.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
That would be Dissidia Final Fantasy. Dissidia was originally going to be a Kingdom Hearts fighting game that would've had you playing both Kingdom Hearts characters and Disney characters, but for whatever reason, Disney didn't like Disney characters getting beaten up, so it was changed into a Final Fantasy game. And both Dissidia and Dissidia 012 were awesome.

In case you're wondering if Disney has this mindset changed, I'm not sure whether to say yes or no, cause I thought I heard something regarding Marvel vs Capcom Infinite where in the character trailers, the Marvel characters were never beaten up.
i love how we all act like NT never happened lmao

at least the cutscenes are neat, and the voice acting... and Kefka breaking the 4th wall in his victory screen

that's about it really


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I really like this Moveset. It's Flashy, has interesting mechanics, Game Accurate, and has one of the cooler Final Smash Concepts I've seen

The only thing I would say is I'm not sure if the Black Zero transformation should be activated at 100%, but perhaps at a earlier percent. I Imagine Zero would be one of the lightest characters in the game like usual, so having to wait till 100% to get a Transformation that will already add 15% to any hit you take might not be good for Zero. 100% works for characters like Terry and Kazuya since they are heavy

I guess it depends on how important you want the Transformation to play in Hypothetical general play. if you want the Transformation to have a more niche presence, keep it at 100%. If you want it to have more of a presence, perhaps lower the percent to 70-75% or something like that.
Ah, thank you!

If I'm being honest, Black Zero was actually just a ploy for me to add even more moves in there without making it even more complex than it already was lol.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
i love how we all act like NT never happened lmao

at least the cutscenes are neat, and the voice acting... and Kefka breaking the 4th wall in his victory screen

that's about it really
I had high hopes for NT, especially with talks about what they wanted to do with the roster. Felt like it could've been a celebration of all things Final Fantasy...

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I had high hopes for NT, especially with talks about what they wanted to do with the roster. Felt like it could've been a celebration of all things Final Fantasy...
dont get me started on the dlc

if you get the free edition on steam, all the dlc totaled is almost $700, granted most of it is cosmetics and weapons but still

and summoning is jank and the camera's really clunky, tbh they shoulda just ported 012 to modern systems with HD graphics and new character updates every so often and call it a day. 012's battle system was PERFECTION


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2019
Hey so if anyone cares I made a moveset for Zero from the Mega Man X series.

Yes, I'm aware he's an Assist Trophy, I am also aware we already have classic Mega Man, and I am also aware X technically should get first billing (though I am making a moveset for him too).
However, I have just played through the X legacy collection and Zero is the coolest so screw it, he deserves it:
Dude this moveset is really, really cool. To be honest I did start a moveset concept for MMX Zero months ago when I was playing the Mega Man X and Zero collections for the first time, but kinda gave up because while I felt he had a ton of options, I couldn't really focus on what to do with his moveset without making him too simple or extra complicated.

I think the one you made pretty much nailed overall.
The final Smash idea is great and I would have never thought of that. And I didn't expect that reference to this super cool fan made video (spoilers for the entire X and Zero series)

Srsly do not click if you haven't played MM Zero 3

I personally think Zero would be the next Mega Man addition if they ever decide to put another character. I really like X as well and he could have a very distinct moveset from classic Mega Man, but I feel they would go with Zero to be honest.

Which X games was your favorite by the way?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2021
The Spark Inside Your Soul
I find it quite humorous that people here take newcomer speculation in so many crazy directions ranging from characters notorious for their violence like Doom Slayer, Scorpion, and CJ from GTA, to characters that would be nonstop licensing headaches like Sora. Yet the idea of a certain kunoichi "tearing into the fray", even when similar precedent has already been set by the inclusion of Bayonetta, and even when Nintendo themselves have expressed interest in promoting more mature titles, is somehow too far-fetched.

Didn't that list already miss at least twice? What are we even doin' out here? Unless I'm thinking of the wrong list.
That 40 characters list was real. It's just that said list only applied to FP1 and not FP2, which is why so many people get confused about that leak. Sakurai has explicitly mentioned the existence of of these lists himself, and it would safe to infer that there would be differences between the lists for FP1 and FP2.


"When the Fighters Pass was first unveiled for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, we were told that Nintendo made the list of DLC selections that Sakurai was able to choose from. It appears that the combatants that will come after the Fighters Pass will be following a similar selection process.

In Masahiro Sakurai's latest column, he informed readers that Nintendo was once again responsible for creating a list of characters for DLC. Like before, Sakurai would have the final say in regards to who would ultimately be chosen."

dont get me started on the dlc

if you get the free edition on steam, all the dlc totaled is almost $700, granted most of it is cosmetics and weapons but still

and summoning is jank and the camera's really clunky, tbh they shoulda just ported 012 to modern systems with HD graphics and new character updates every so often and call it a day. 012's battle system was PERFECTION
I would love a 012 enhanced port for the Switch, and between Sony giving up on handhelds and the Switch being practically built for these kinds of multiplayer games it just makes sense. But who knows what kinds of monkey business is buried inside Sony's exclusivity contracts. And given the state of modern day SE and their desire to shovel out rubbish like DmC: Final Fantasy **** You, I'm keeping my optimism in check.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
even when similar precedent has already been set by the inclusion of Bayonetta, and even when Nintendo themselves have expressed interest in promoting more mature titles, is somehow too far-fetched.
Key difference is that Bayonetta absolutely rocks the whole sex positivity thing while being an adult, big difference between her and tearing off the clothes of 16 year olds who are still minors at the end of the day, not to mention nobody saw Bayonetta coming because of her sexual nature


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Dude this moveset is really, really cool. To be honest I did start a moveset concept for MMX Zero months ago when I was playing the Mega Man X and Zero collections for the first time, but kinda gave up because while I felt he had a ton of options, I couldn't really focus on what to do with his moveset without making him too simple or extra complicated.

I think the one you made pretty much nailed overall.
The final Smash idea is great and I would have never thought of that. And I didn't expect that reference to this super cool fan made video (spoilers for the entire X and Zero series)

Srsly do not click if you haven't played MM Zero 3

I personally think Zero would be the next Mega Man addition if they ever decide to put another character. I really like X as well and he could have a very distinct moveset from classic Mega Man, but I feel they would go with Zero to be honest.

Which X games was your favorite by the way?
Hmm, well I think it's gotta be X4 for sure.
There's a lot of complaints levied at it nowadays for being too easy, the terrible voice acting, the poorly thought out plot, and the music not being as memorable as games before or after...
but still it's so much fun with all the new additions, especially Zero finally making a full fledged playable experienced not to mention the beautiful 32 bit visuals.

... Hate the jet-ski level though.


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
What are some genres that are currently not represented in smash or are barely represented in smash well other than the puzzle genre.

I can think off the visual novel genre but that’s about it. Are there any other genres.


Sep 26, 2013
That 40 characters list was real.
Citation needed.

You're saying that this was 100% without fault the list that Sakurai was given to choose from and that it just happened to leak onto 4chan.

Prove it.

You DO realize that this supposed list leak came out long, LONG after the confirmation that Sakurai had a list, right? How can you say with 100% certainty that this is "The" list, and not..... me ****posting on 4chan? Like, the fact that came out AFTER the fact that Sakurai made public the knowledge of "A list", I'm sorry, but this is a bit too convenient for effectively the holy grail of information to just drop online MONTHS after he confirmed its existence.

Unless you know something we don't, you can't. It got some names right, but it was a list of 40 names, it better have gotten some **** right.
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Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
Man, watching people try to explain Kingdom Hearts lore reminds me of the time I spent two hours giving a brief backround of the Castlevania lore to my friends.
KH lore, Kirby Lore, Dark Souls lore are probably way too expansive to explain in a single topic. Those are three series I never touch upon when it comes to lore. I just try to enjoy the eperience rather than try to make sense of it all.
You could add Guilty Gear lore to that list.

You have a story that has to be explained in 7 hour-long episodes over how Y2K indirectly lead to a century-long conflict between humanity and magitek robots (and the 7 episodes do not cover STRIVE). Starring three scientists caught in it all:

  • The first - Sol - went through a conversion to a prototypical magitek cell-based... robot (?) and became the titular Guilty Gear as a result. Who initially vows to destroy all other magitek robots - Gears - because they're a very real danger to humanity. He's pretty much indestructible, but the Gear Cells are increasingly becoming hard to control, to the point where the restraint he built to keep him human had started to malfunction a couple games in.
  • The second - Aria - was converted to a giant mecha in an attempt to save her from a terminal disease. Only to have said mecha be possessed by a being hailing from the Spirit Realm Backyard (which also caused Y2K). As a result she and the other Gears - based on her design gets corrupted, thus leading to WW3 Electric Boogaloo.
  • And the third - Asuka - having converted the first and second to machines and thus accidentally started it all, seeks to fix this through roundabout ways since he rightly thinks that Sol hates his guts through most of the story (it's why he hides under "That Man" for most of the story). He salvages what remains of Aria's shattered mind, tries to give her a new lease of life by giving her a new body in a roundabout way and go from there.

And I didn't get into the fact that Sol - and Aria (pretty much...?) - wind up with a family (incl. a grandson) through the most roundabout ways possible.

Then again, Sol's so powerful that the villains start to account for him in their plans due to this:


What are some genres that are currently not represented in smash or are barely represented in smash well other than the puzzle genre.

I can think off the visual novel genre but that’s about it. Are there any other genres.

I can start with my MW (the mod / game that started the MOBA genre) and just go from there. A lot of multiplayer genres are not repped (unless you count Metroid Prime as FPS, which is valid but a grey area) for instance.
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Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
I know I'm waaaay late, but here's my ideal Challenger Pack for Sora (I have a couple pie in the sky apsects to it, but leave me alone)
Intro: Sora appears from a save point and gets into his fighting stance

Stance/Idle 1: Sora holds his Keyblade near his right hip and looks around
Idle 2: Sora rests his Keyblade on his right shoulder for a second
Idle 3: Sora bares his teeth in the direction he's facing

Notable Palette Swaps:
  1. KH3 outfit (default)
  2. KH2 outfit (alternate costume)
  3. Riku (KH3 black)
  4. Roxas (KH2 white/red)
  5. Kairi (KH3 pink)
  6. Limit Form
  7. Donald Duck (KH3 blue)
  8. Goofy (KH2 green)
Walk: His walk from the games when in combat
Jog: His run from the games when in combat
Dash: Sora rests the Keyblade on his shoulders while running
Damage: His damage animation from the games
Jump: High Jump and Doubleflight
Crouch: Crouches down on one knee with his Keyblade pointing forwards

Normal Attacks
Jab: Slapshot / Speed Slash; Sora performs a sideways uppercut with his Keyblade (2%, OK knockback), then slashes twice (2% each hit, small knockback), and follows up with a quick circular slash (3%, OK knockback)
Forward+A: Guard Break; Sora thrusts his Keyblade forward (6%, small knockback), dealing considerable shield damage
Down+A: Sliding Dash; Sora performs a slide across the ground, slightly farther than Cloud’s but takes a bit more windup (7%, OK knockback)
Up+A: Upper Slash; Sora swats his Keyblade upward (6%, OK knockback)

Aerial Attacks
Air+A: Magnet Burst; Sora briefly surrounds himself with an array of magnetic orbs that attract nearby opponents (3%). Pressing A again, if necessary, sends these orbs flying out (9%, OK knockback)
Air Forward+A: Aerial Finish; Sora performs a strong slash with slight startup lag (15%, OK knockback)
Air Back + A: Aerial Sweep; Sora slashes behind himself three times (8%, small knockback)
Air Up+A: Hurricane Winder; Sora performs three vertical moonsaults (9%, OK knockback)
Air Down+A: Diving Strike; Sora pauses for a bit before diving down and striking the ground with his Keyblade (11% with a meteor effect, OK knockback); he can slightly move to the left or right just before he dives

Dash Attack: Prism Windmill; Sora spins Keyblade in front of him, protected by a shield of light (8%, OK knockback)
Edge Attack: Last Charge; Sora lifts himself up and slams down to create a pillar of light (11%, OK knockback)
Get-up Attack: Vicinity Break; Sora sweeps the floor with his Keyblade in a 360 spin (9%, OK knockback)

Smash Attacks
Forward+A: Strike Raid; Sora throws his Keyblade forward as it spins (21%, medium knockback). This attack can be slightly angled in the direction the control stick is titled, and goes a bit further when the stick is flicked than when the attack is charged.
Up+A: Ripple Drive; Sora swings upwards and summons a barrier of light with rectangular patterns (21%, medium knockback)
Down+A: Explosion; three orbs of light surround Sora as he thrusts his Keyblade down to the ground (22%, medium knockback)

Grab Game
Grab: Sora casts Magnet and binds the opponent
Pummel: Sora headbutts the opponent with that thick skull of his (2%)
Forwards+Throw: Quick Blitz; Sora hops up and swings in a downward arc (9%, OK knockback)
Down+Throw: Fail-Safe; Sora spins once before tossing the opponent on the ground, leaving a small explosion (8%, small knockback)
Back+Throw: Merge; Sora spins around backwards before hurling the opponent in that direction (11%, OK knockback)
Up+Throw: Lunge n' Launch; Sora hops and slashes upwards to launch the opponent (10%, OK knockback)

Special Moves
B : Magic Selection
; Sora can select a magic spell from his list, similar to the Hero. Once a spell is selected, it will stay on that spell until another is selected, which can be done on the fly. You can cancel the selection by pressing the Shield button.
  • Firaga: Sora summons two rings of fire that encircle him (11%, OK knockback)
  • Blizzaga: Sora shoots a spreading burst of three snowflakes that have a chance of freezing the opponent (5% each, small knockback); using this in the air has Sora shoot them diagonally downward
  • Thundaga: Sora summons electricity from his Keyblade that locks on to any nearby fighters, up to four at a time (8% each, small knockback). When not locked on, each bolt forms a dome around Sora.
  • Aeroga: Sora surrounds himself in a windy barrier that halves damage taken and reflects projectiles. The spell lasts for 18 seconds, and he can’t use any other spell nor use Aeroga again during this time.
  • Curaga: Sora heals up to 50% taken damage, and can also heal allies in team battles by ⅓ regardless of how far away they are. This spell can only be used once per stock.
B + Forwards : Sonic Blade; Sora swiftly thrusts left and right up to six times with consecutive button presses (3%-4% each hit, small knockback) and finishes with a much more powerful thrust (7%, OK knockback); you can tilt the control stick to move either left or right, and the attack is faster on the ground
B + Up : Airstep; Sora travels in the pointed direction at the speed of light and does a Sonic Slash when he hits an opponent (9%, OK knockback)
B + Down : Ars Arcanum; Sora charges up and unleashes a flurry of ten slashes (1.3% each hit, OK knockback), then finishes with three stronger slashes (5.2% each hit, OK knockback). The charge is canceled when the player lets go of B.

Final Smash: Ragnarok; Sora jumps up and fires 24 shots of energy that home in on every opponent on the stage (2.4% each, OK knockback)

Gimmick: Grand Magic; after pulling off successful combos, three arrows appear by Sora's HUD, one by one. Once a combo is successful with all three arrows, a command appears above Sora's icon, and pressing B will activate one of four Grand Magic spells, which are obtained by using one spell consistently. Only one Situation Command appears at a time, and that spell will appear for 20 seconds.
  • Firaza has Sora summon a giant fireball that travels offscreen when it doesn't hit any opponents (27%, medium knockback)
  • Blizzaza has Sora summon an actual blizzard that freezes every opponent on the stage for a bit (20%, small knockback)
  • Thundaza has Sora rain down a pillar of electricity in front of him (25%, medium knockback)
  • Aeroza has Sora summon a tornado that circles around him, sending opponents flying (20%, far knockback)
  • Whenever you use a Grand Magic tier of a spell, that spell enters a 15-second cool down period
1: Sora wipes his nose and smiles
2: "My friends are my power!" Sora puts his hand to his chest and looks down
1+2: Sora performs performs the Funny Face Special

1: "That's the power of the Keyblade!" Sora's first victory animation from KH1, whenever he wins a tournament in Olympus Coliseum
2: “Nothing to it!” Sora's second victory animation from KH1, whenever he wins a tournament in Olympus Coliseum
3: “Oh yeah, take that!” Sora's third victory animation from KH1, whenever he wins a tournament in Olympus Coliseum; however, at the end of this version, Sora strikes a very familiar pose

Applause: Sora claps for the opponent
Icon: The heart and crown in KH series logo
Boxing Ring Title: The Keyblade's Chosen One
Star K.O.: https://youtu.be/XgtJ3E5-I_A?t=558
Victory Music: A remix of Sora's theme
Kirby Hat: Sora's hair and necklace; Kirby can’t use Grand Magic, and Curaga is unavailable
Game of Origin: Kingdom Hearts (2002)

Layout: Takes place in Sora’s Station of Awakening; the stage is completely flat, similar to Final Destination except you’re fighting on a giant cylinder. Seems simple, right?

Gimmicks and Hazards: Well, this stage comes with a twist; you’ll occasionally see projections of several KH-original worlds.
  1. Destiny Islands; the bridge near the paopu fruit tree
    1. Cameos by KH1 Riku and Kairi
  2. Castle Oblivion; a seemingly empty room full of doors that take you to random parts of the stage
    1. Cameo by Naminé
  3. Twilight Town; the top of the train station’s clock tower
    1. Cameos by Roxas, Axel and Xion
  4. Land of Departure; A central platform in the middle, with two floating platforms on either side held together by a breakable chain
    1. Cameos by Aqua, Terra and Ventus
  5. Keyblade Graveyard; A stony stage with ravaged Keyblades that pop up from a random area of the screen (20%, medium knockback)
    1. Cameos by Vanitas and Master Xehanort
(fights characters controlled by Galeem and Dharkon)
Round 1::ultganondorf: and :ultlink: (Color 8) on Battlefield :eldin: (Dark World (Brawl))
Round 2: :ultbayonetta: on Umbra Clock Tower (Riders of the Light)
Round 3: Dharkon*
Round 4: :ultcloud: on Coliseum Ω (Fight On!)
Round 5: :ultpit::ultpalutena: on Skyworld (Destroyed Skyworld)
Round 6: Galeem*
Final Round:
Master Hand.png
Crazy Hand.png
on Station of Awakening Ω (The Encounter)

*Galeem and Dharkon are balanced to be more pace-friendly by not only weakening them, but also removing the following attacks:
(Spirit Battles listed here)
  1. Sora (KINGDOM HEARTS III) (Fighter Spirit)
  2. Sora (KINGDOM HEARTS II) (Fighter Spirit)
  3. Shadow (:ultgnw:x10 and Giatn Color 8 :ultkirby:x3, ★)
  4. Riku (Color 3 Sora and Color 4 :ultmario:, ★★★)
  5. Kairi (Sora x3, ★★)
  6. Naminé (Color 8 :ultrosalina:, ★)
  7. Lea (Color 2 :ultroy:, ★★)
  8. Marluxia (Color 6 :ultcorrinf: and Color 7 :ultsheik:, ★★)
  9. Roxas (Color 4 Sora, ★★★)
  10. Xion (Metal Color 6 Sora, ★★)
  11. Aqua (Color 7 Sora, ★★★)
  12. Terra (Color 7 :ultmetaknight:, ★) -> Lingering Will (★★★★)
  13. Ventus (Color 4 Sora, ★★)
  14. Young Xehanort (Color 7 :ultganondorf:x12 and Color 3 Sora, ★★★) -> Master Xehanort (★★★★)
  15. Donald Duck and Goofy (Sora and Color 2 :ultduckhunt:, ★★★★)
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
What are some genres that are currently not represented in smash or are barely represented in smash well other than the puzzle genre.

I can think off the visual novel genre but that’s about it. Are there any other genres.
Horror games and beat em ups come to mind, technically racing games only have a lucky reskin from the Dragon King prototype too, rhythm games also lack a character and that's all I can come up with in the middle of the night


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
Horror games and beat em ups come to mind, technically racing games only have a lucky reskin from the Dragon King prototype too, rhythm games also lack a character and that's all I can come up with in the middle of the night
I wish this whole pass was based around adding new genres in. It’s a missed opportunity there’s soo many genres that deserve reps in smash and yet don’t have anything to represent them.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2019
Hmm, well I think it's gotta be X4 for sure.
There's a lot of complaints levied at it nowadays for being too easy, the terrible voice acting, the poorly thought out plot, and the music not being as memorable as games before or after...
but still it's so much fun with all the new additions, especially Zero finally making a full fledged playable experienced not to mention the beautiful 32 bit visuals.

... Hate the jet-ski level though.
I agree with you tbh. X1 and X4 were my favorites, the only ones I've replayed a few times in the X series. Level design in X4 was really good and stages were quite fun, having 2 different paths for both X and Zero is super cool and personally I wasn't a big fan of some of the changes they made to X's armor upgrades, his X4 version is the perfect balance for me.

X4 is certainly easier compared to previous games but those were also quite hard, I'd say. The voice acting is certainly... a thing. Though to be fair most dubs at the time were average at best, but at least for me a bad voice acting is never going to make a game better or worse, at least if we talk about games from the PS1 era.

First time tho for me reading people have criticized the soundtrack, and I'm kinda surprised. It's one of my favorite OSTs from the entire Mega Man franchise. I love the techno feel it has.



Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2014
Say if the list leak is real, so the last fighter would be the following from the list:
Bandana Waddle Dee
Bill Rizer
Captain Toad
Chun Li
Doom Slayer
Lara Croft
Phoenix Wright
Professor Layton
Ryu Hayabusa
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Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
Say if the list leak is real, so the last fighter would be the following from the list:
Bandana Waddle Dee
Bill Rizer
Captain Toad
Chun Li
Doom Slayer
Lara Croft
Phoenix Wright
Professor Layton
Ryu Hayabusa
I know we know this is like 70% fake but if it was real we’d probably be able to get an idea of who the last rep could be due to deconfirmations by companies, mii costumes and new mii costumes presented through this pass and spirit events that happened after pass 2’s announcement.

we can assume the last rep is gonna be third party that narrows things down to

Koei tecmo
Level 5
Square Enix
Indi rep

We can assume square Enix, Microsoft and Namco aren’t getting another rep in this pass which leaves us with

Koei tecmo
Level 5
Indi rep

we can assume capcom isn’t probably getting another rep due to the successive amount of new mii costumes they got in this pass and we can assume Bethesda are out because they flat out said they asked for doom in smash and Nintendo laughed. That leaves us with

Koei tecmo
indi rep

we can probably assume that another western rep is not happening if talks with Steve are to go off due to how close Microsoft and Nintendo are and how long it took them to get Steve.

That leaves us with these.

Level 5
Indi rep

If you wanna nitpick more then we can bring the tournament theory into this and bring up that Konami got new mii costumes which is an indication that they’re done which would leave us with

disney, level 5, indie rep or koei tecmo and then from there you could take an educated guess on who’s last.

that’s if you believe in this and like nitpicking. It’s like 70/80% a fake leak


Sep 26, 2013
I know we know this is like 70% fake but if it was real we’d probably be able to get an idea of who the last rep could be due to deconfirmations by companies, mii costumes and new mii costumes presented through this pass and spirit events that happened after pass 2’s announcement.

we can assume the last rep is gonna be third party that narrows things down to

Koei tecmo
Level 5
Square Enix
Indi rep

We can assume square Enix, Microsoft and Namco aren’t getting another rep in this pass which leaves us with

Koei tecmo
Level 5
Indi rep

we can assume capcom isn’t probably getting another rep due to the successive amount of new mii costumes they got in this pass and we can assume Bethesda are out because they flat out said they asked for doom in smash and Nintendo laughed. That leaves us with

Koei tecmo
indi rep

we can probably assume that another western rep is not happening if talks with Steve are to go off due to how close Microsoft and Nintendo are and how long it took them to get Steve.

That leaves us with these.

Level 5
Indi rep

If you wanna nitpick more then we can bring the tournament theory into this and bring up that Konami got new mii costumes which is an indication that they’re done which would leave us with

disney, level 5, indie rep or koei tecmo and then from there you could take an educated guess on who’s last.

that’s if you believe in this and like nitpicking. It’s like 70/80% a fake leak
Ah, yes

1980-2010s are out

But not 2020's awwww **** here comes Nahobino boys!

Nah, list's fake.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Yo what if CP11 already has an amiibo that unlocks a spirit…?

what if they changed the amiibo’s function for CP11?


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
wait for real. I thought they were Japanese.
Since Sora was created by SquareEnix, the character itself was made by an eastern company, but Disney is an American company.

While this is true, we got words at some point that the negociations needed for Sora would be made with Disney of Japan if they were ever made.
That is a good point. A company having a Japanese branch would help negotiations.


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
Since Sora was created by SquareEnix, the character itself was made by an eastern company, but Disney is an American company.

That is a good point. A company having a Japanese branch would help negotiations.
i guess it’s true what they say. You learn something new every day


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2021
Also in all honesty you can’t really narrow the last fighter down using miis or anything. Its honestly probably most likely the character is from capcom, ubisoft, or nintendo. There’s also that epic games thing but that could have to do with the Samus in fortnite stuff which i add up to have something to do with metroid dread(that was before it was announced)

Þe 1 → Way

Smash Champion
Dec 12, 2020
Wouldn’t You Like To Know?
I still think the new fighter is from Capcom or Sega, though I have more faith in Konami now.

It wouldn’t be very surprising to get another first party either, that would give us an even ratio of 1st Parties to 3rd Parties for FP2.
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
I still think the new fighter is from Capcom or Sega, though I have more faith in Konami now.

It wouldn’t be very surprising to get another first party either, that would give us an even ratio of 1st Parties to 3rd Parties for FP2.
Nearly all of the Capcom big hitters have been deconfirmed through either Spirit Events or Mii Fighter costumes.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2021
The Spark Inside Your Soul
Key difference is that Bayonetta absolutely rocks the whole sex positivity thing while being an adult, big difference between her and tearing off the clothes of 16 year olds who are still minors at the end of the day, not to mention nobody saw Bayonetta coming because of her sexual nature
The people who haven't actually played the games and don't think there's any depth beyond fanservice always out themselves.

Citation needed.

You're saying that this was 100% without fault the list that Sakurai was given to choose from and that it just happened to leak onto 4chan.

Prove it.

You DO realize that this supposed list leak came out long, LONG after the confirmation that Sakurai had a list, right? How can you say with 100% certainty that this is "The" list, and not..... me ****posting on 4chan? Like, the fact that came out AFTER the fact that Sakurai made public the knowledge of "A list", I'm sorry, but this is a bit too convenient for effectively the holy grail of information to just drop online MONTHS after he confirmed its existence.
I don't think you read my post very carefully. There were two separate lists for the two fighter passes as my link explains. Only the list for the first pass leaked and all five characters from the first pass were on that list, including names like Terry and Byleth, which are a bit more off-the-radar compared to others.

A second list would obviously have more names added, since in between the time period between making decisions about the first and second pass there would obviously be more parties that might show interest. While the second list hasn't been leaked, most the rest of the first list probably carried other. Steve and Sephiroth were listed and got in on the second pass. And while Kazuya and Pyra/Mythra weren't among the names listed, other reps from their respective games, Heihachi and Rex respectively, were. That only leaves Min Min, and ARMS being a Nintendo property they want to promote would make an ARMS rep a no brainer to add, especially since Sakurai originally wanted to add an ARMS character but wasn't quite sure how to handle it during development of the base game.

Direct proof isn't always necessary for a leak to be authentic. If the leak plays out in a nearly identical fashion to what was posted, particularly if said leak contains unexpected elements, like Terry or Byleth being considered for Smash, and more importantly, if the leak isn't contradicted in a serious fashion, which the FP1 leak wasn't, then it can be reasonably inferred that the leak was the real deal.

Unless you know something we don't, you can't. It got some names right, but it was a list of 40 names, it better have gotten some **** right.
Well, not about the list itself...


Smash Master
May 19, 2021
Just had a thought

I remember a while ago that someone threw up the idea that Ryu Cloud and Sonic are the 3 3rd party fighters Sakurai is most proud of because of how in Joker's April 2019 trailer, when Morgana goes "So many legendary fighters, awesome!" these 3 were all shown in-game (in terms of getting rights and their giant legacies) or something along those lines. While this is of course subjective talk, it did hit he

Ryu -> Ken
Cloud -> Sephiroth
Sonic -> no one
Rip Sonic (for now)
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Sep 26, 2013
The people who haven't actually played the games and don't think there's any depth beyond fanservice always out themselves.

I don't think you read my post very carefully. There were two separate lists for the two fighter passes as my link explains. Only the list for the first pass leaked and all five characters from the first pass were on that list, including names like Terry and Byleth, which are a bit more off-the-radar compared to others.

A second list would obviously have more names added, since in between the time period between making decisions about the first and second pass there would obviously be more parties that might show interest. While the second list hasn't been leaked, most the rest of the first list probably carried other. Steve and Sephiroth were listed and got in on the second pass. And while Kazuya and Pyra/Mythra weren't among the names listed, other reps from their respective games, Heihachi and Rex respectively, were. That only leaves Min Min, and ARMS being a Nintendo property they want to promote would make an ARMS rep a no brainer to add, especially since Sakurai originally wanted to add an ARMS character but wasn't quite sure how to handle it during development of the base game.

Direct proof isn't always necessary for a leak to be authentic. If the leak plays out in a nearly identical fashion to what was posted, particularly if said leak contains unexpected elements, like Terry or Byleth being considered for Smash, and more importantly, if the leak isn't contradicted in a serious fashion, which the FP1 leak wasn't, then it can be reasonably inferred that the leak was the real deal.

Well, not about the list itself...
I read your post.

You're talking about this(Ignore the YouTube thumbnail, it's the first image off Google):


Yes, you 100% DO need Direct proof for a leak to be proven as correct, because gonna be real with you, it's a list of 40 names, that came out MONTHS after Sakurai said he had been given a list.

No, I'm not going to believe a list of 40 names is legit, that conveniently appeared after Sakurai said he had been given a list, and the general consensus is it's fake.

If you cast a net large enough, you'll catch fish, regardless of how many holes are in it.
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Þe 1 → Way

Smash Champion
Dec 12, 2020
Wouldn’t You Like To Know?
Nearly all of the Capcom big hitters have been deconfirmed through either Spirit Events or Mii Fighter costumes.
Except the guy whos series is enjoying an anniversary, ports, other discussed ports, and a new game early in development. On top of being a decently big request since Smash 4.

I understand Ace Attorney doesn’t sell gangbusters compared to other Capcom franchises, but it has quite a lot going for it at this time.

Aside from that, Mega Man and Street Fighter are still kicking (though I’m still not confident in getting another FGC Rep after Kazuya)


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
I still think the new fighter is from Capcom or Sega, though I have more faith in Konami now.

It wouldn’t be very surprising to get another first party either, that would give us an even ratio of 1st Parties to 3rd Parties for FP2.
ive got no faith in capcom being the last spot after they got 4/5 new mii costumes which is a shame as I just want a rep to represent the visual novel genre wether that be Layton or Phoenix Wright

I’ve also got no faith in it being Konami due to the new mii costumes they got. The bomber man deluxe mii costume just screams Konami not wanting a new fighter or them being done with the pass.

Sega I’ve got a lot of confidence in. Not atlus. Just sega officially. Had no content yet and I doubt they’d let atlus get a 2nd rep to tie them up with the same amount of reps that sega have themselves.

I’m personally on the beliefs it’s either sega or a new company.


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2018
The island of Svölbard


Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
Just had a thought

I remember a while ago that someone threw up the idea that Ryu Cloud and Sonic are the 3 3rd party fighters Sakurai is most proud of because of how in Joker's April 2019 trailer, when Morgana goes "So many legendary fighters, awesome!" these 3 were all shown in-game (in terms of getting rights and their giant legacies) or something along those lines. While this is of course subjective talk, it did hit he

Ryu -> Ken
Cloud -> Sephiroth
Sonic -> no one
Rip Sonic (for now)
Eggman confirmed :yeahboi:
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