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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
Love how Theguy123 wanted to have a simple talk about the 40 Character 4Chan leak
and y'all are just wanting to call it fake and call it a day

Even if it's fake, we could just talk about it in other ways..
yeah exactly. All I wanted to know is what characters off the list so people think fit a September reveal even if it’s fake or not.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
As far as the leak list, my thinking is trending towards the three notable third parties absent from the second pass (barring SNK which feels like it got its major content in via Terry): Sega, Konami, & Capcom. All three still have plenty of viable characters, and even with the Mii costumes that have come in for some of them, It's still easy to imagine a scenario where that isn't much of a hindrance in getting a major character.

Getting a modestly popular figure from any of them could fit, given what we've seen before. I don't know why but ending on the likes of a Trevor Belmont, Raiden, Amaterasu, Phoenix Wright, Jack Frost, or Eggman feels more possible now than it did a year ago.

Of course, this could all be moot when we instead get a first party promotional pick with a Gen 8 Pokémon or Octoling, but who knows?
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Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
I'm honestly incline to believe the list is fake. Even if the final character is amongst those 40. It's simply a list that came up with random characters.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
yeah exactly. All I wanted to know is what characters off the list so people think fit a September reveal even if it’s fake or not.
Everybody is so inclined to shoot down leaks they clearly don't want to read the actual point behind it. It's honestly just annoying.

A better idea is to ignore any of the conversation related to "it's fake". It's clearly unrelated to what you asked and isn't worth entertaining. If they refuse to actually read what you asked then that's their fault, not yours. Somebody's bound to properly answer what you asked anyway. Only reply to that.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Didn't that list already miss at least twice? What are we even doin' out here? Unless I'm thinking of the wrong list.
That has nothing to do with the actual question posted, so why is this irrelevant stuff being brought up again?

Let me repeat it for you as well as everyone else who refuse to read;

"Who among that list(which is obviously fake anyway) do you think would make for a great September pick?"

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
I had asked this question before and no one responded so gonna ask again.

When a Pokemon direct is announced and comes out doesn't a general or Smash direct get announced after and debuts the week after? Correct me if I'm wrong, otherwise we could get such and the final character reveal next week.

If not I see the beginning of September being likely given its a tradition at this point to always have a September direct.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
Regarding Sora, I dunno, I somehow think he's not as impossible as many make him out to be, it really comes down to how negotiations go. I mean, obviously.

What I do know, however, is that Sora would be a "break the Internet"-tier reveal and if he's the last character, well, that's one to end DLC with.
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Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2018
I had asked this question before and no one responded so gonna ask again.

When a Pokemon direct is announced and comes out doesn't a general or Smash direct get announced after and debuts the week after? Correct me if I'm wrong, otherwise we could get such and the final character reveal next week.

If not I see the beginning of September being likely given its a tradition at this point to always have a September direct.
I don't see why a direct next week couldn't happen. But of course, there's a lot of weeks you could say that about... It definitely seems like we'll be seeing it within the next month or so, though. Probably.
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Ugh. Sora is probably one of the worst topics here. Some people think he'd be fine without any of Disney's pre-existing content, some don't, some think that the content's presence would be perfectly fine, others are against the idea on principal, some believe that the Disney characters presence would cause a slippery slope, some think that it's just Nintendo that wouldn't be OK with it, and some just don't want Sora and use the whole 4th party discourse as their be-all-end-all reason as to why he shouldn't get in.

All opinions cover ground that's already been tread. There isn't really much else to say. Basically no intelligent conversation can be had.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Warning Issued
Sora looks like a fangirls written fanfiction gary-stu OC. Doesn't help with the personality he has with the whole "Friendship is my power!".

Which is what Kingdom Hearts basically is. It's a Disney/Final Fantasy crossover written fanfiction in the form of a video game series.
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Þe 1 → Way

Smash Champion
Dec 12, 2020
Wouldn’t You Like To Know?
My only prediction is Sega or Capcom.
Sora looks like a fangirls written fanfiction gary-stu OC. Doesn't help with the personality he has with the whole "Friendship is my power!".

Which is what Kingdom Hearts basically is. It's a Disney/Final Fantasy crossover written fanfiction in the form of a video game series.
Doesn’t that make Smash itself pointless fan fiction where Master Hand and Crazy Hand are lazy OCs made for no reason?


Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2018
Doesn’t that make Smash itself pointless fan fiction where Master Hand and Crazy Hand are lazy OCs made for no reason?
Funny thing is, the Smash "OCs" are all great. The designs and such are fantastic, I love the surreal/abstract look they tend to have. Master Core might be my favorite; I kind of wish it reprised its role as a boss, maybe as an extra thing in WoL.
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Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
Sora looks like a fangirls written fanfiction gary-stu OC. Doesn't help with the personality he has with the whole "Friendship is my power!".

Which is what Kingdom Hearts basically is. It's a Disney/Final Fantasy crossover written fanfiction in the form of a video game series.
Ooh, trust me; Sora alone is way more than that for a variety of reasons.


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Sora looks like a fangirls written fanfiction gary-stu OC. Doesn't help with the personality he has with the whole "Friendship is my power!".

Which is what Kingdom Hearts basically is. It's a Disney/Final Fantasy crossover written fanfiction in the form of a video game series.
Tell me you've never even looked at Kingdom Hearts without saying you've never even looked at Kingdom Hearts


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Warning Issued
I mean it especially doesn't help the series has rather poor writing especially when it comes to Sora himself. Just spitting out facts.
I mean it especially doesn't help you're being really petty for no reason especially when it comes to a game you obviously never played yourself. Just spitting out facts.

Þe 1 → Way

Smash Champion
Dec 12, 2020
Wouldn’t You Like To Know?
No because those are just characters as opposed to an entire series that relies on the re-telling of Disney films mixed with Final Fantasy.
Why exactly does that make one thing cringy fanfiction and the other not?

Kingdom hearts provides a way to enjoy Disney stories with other iconic characters and new ones who enjoy their own stories.

As well, the Wikipedia definition makes it clear that fanfiction is unauthorized by copyright holders.

Disney and Square signs off on it, therefore it isn’t fan fictions.

Side note: came across something funny while looking for the Fan Fiction definition.

I’m just imagining some ultra Christian guy hunkered over Sonichu fan fiction and looking to see if he can call it heresy.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I mean it especially doesn't help the series has rather poor writing especially when it comes to Sora himself. Just spitting out facts.
That's kinda neither here nor there though. Very few characters on the roster have "good writing" as a reason for their inclusion. Most of them are made with a "gameplay first" mentality and have barebones personality traits to support the gameplay. Even a good handful of the RPG characters we have fall short in the "character" department. Even so, people have been able to connect with them.

You're allowed to not like a character but bashing them unprovoked doesn't do much other than drag the conversation down, and I think you'll agree that Sora discussion doesn't really need any help with that.
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Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
Sora looks like a fangirls written fanfiction gary-stu OC. Doesn't help with the personality he has with the whole "Friendship is my power!".

Which is what Kingdom Hearts basically is. It's a Disney/Final Fantasy crossover written fanfiction in the form of a video game series.
I don't think anyone was asking for your opinion on a series that you've obviously never touched.

I might not enjoy Kingdom Hearts or even Sora as a character but I'm sure as hell not going to act like my opinion on it is superior and knock others for liking it.

Evil Trapezium

Smash Master
May 16, 2019
Switch FC
Sora looks like a fangirls written fanfiction gary-stu OC. Doesn't help with the personality he has with the whole "Friendship is my power!".

Which is what Kingdom Hearts basically is. It's a Disney/Final Fantasy crossover written fanfiction in the form of a video game series.
Go play Kingdom Hearts. I bet you'll really enjoy the game once you get into it. Don't you want to go to all the Disney worlds and feel the magic inside of you?
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Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
More often than I see KH fans themselves freely acknowledging the flaws of the writing while pointing out that the characters and settings are still meaningful to them. Heck, ProZD is a big player of the series, and he's openly spoofed the differing views of Kingdom Hearts lore:

Language & slight volume warning
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Now I'm genuinely curious. What do people think of Kingdom Heart's story/writing. From the clips I've seen, the writing seems to have a "let's make sure the kids can still follow what's going on" vibe but it's also not bad. As for the story...well I don't really know much about it other than how complicated it is and uh...


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
That has nothing to do with the actual question posted, so why is this irrelevant stuff being brought up again?

Let me repeat it for you as well as everyone else who refuse to read;

"Who among that list(which is obviously fake anyway) do you think would make for a great September pick?"
Assuming that we're talking about the same lists, Amaterasu would be amazing - the stage and music alone would be worth it, and Ammy has a ton of potential options when it comes to moves. (plus, Okami's basically a Zelda tribute, and the game/series could use more attention, and I think she'd fit better in Smash Bros. than she did in Marvel vs. Capcom - I remember her gameplay being a little awkward in that) I would love to see how Okami's art style would work in Smash.

Doomguy or Ryu Hayabusa would be amazing, but going by what we've heard, they don't seem super likely. (which is a shame - I'd love to see Doomguy getting a victory screen like this in Smash)

Crash would be amazing - a little safe, and likely controversial, but he definitely feels like a character who should be in a game like this. (same thing goes for Rayman and Lara Croft, but for whatever reason, Nintendo seems fine with leaving Rayman as a collectible despite getting permission to use him for two games straight, and I'm not familiar enough with Tomb Raider to know what Lara Croft would bring to the table)

I'd like to see Quote from Cave Story as well. While I don't think he's made as much of an impact as Shovel Knight, Shantae, or Sans (I figure that, if those three couldn't become playable, then no indie character's going to be playable in Smash Ultimate unless you still count Steve as indie), it would be nice to acknowledge the impact that Cave Story made given that it (as far as I can tell) played a big part in the indie developer boom.
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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
More often than I see KH fans themselves freely acknowledging the flaws of the writing while pointing out that the characters and settings are still meaningful to them. Heck, ProZD is a big player of the series, and he's openly spoofed the differing views of Kingdom Hearts lore:

Language & slight volume warning
That's the difference between Kingdom Hearts fans and people that haven't even played Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts fans know when to point out the flaws but still manage to not talk **** about the game


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2019
Sora looks like a fangirls written fanfiction gary-stu OC. Doesn't help with the personality he has with the whole "Friendship is my power!".

Which is what Kingdom Hearts basically is. It's a Disney/Final Fantasy crossover written fanfiction in the form of a video game series.
Not gonna lie this feels like you've read 3 or 4 comments hating on Kingdom Hearts around the internet and you've condensed all of that in one single post lol. Like, I have read these "criticisms" for years now, to the point most of these feel like a meme to me.

I do not currently enjoy Kingdom Hearts as much as I did a few years ago but Sora is definitely more than a "friendship is my power!" guy. You can make any character look poorly written by taking out all of the development and character traits and just use one or two random lines to prove your point.

Being purposefully reductive with something you don't like hardly makes your point more convincing to other people.


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
Then I guess Pandora's Box was already opened...

And one of Terry's alts is a direct reference to the Fatal Fury anime show...

Edit: **** and I forgot about Cloud and his Advent Children alt lmao
Regardless of which part of the IP those elements originated from, the IPs themselves still originated as video game properties. So, no, that Pandora's Box is not open yet.

Doesn’t that make Smash itself pointless fan fiction where Master Hand and Crazy Hand are lazy OCs made for no reason?
They are.

The world would be a better place if:
Master/Crazy Hands = Andross(64 version)
Galleom = Metal Gear REX
Duom = Death Egg Robot
Tabuu = Mother Brain
Master Core = Giygas
Galeem = Safer Sephiroth
Dharkon = Medusa

Funny thing is, the Smash "OCs" are all great. The designs and such are fantastic, I love the surreal/abstract look they tend to have. Master Core might be my favorite
Your "favorite" is the Smash ball that turns into a Galactus cloud?

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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Then I guess Pandora's Box was already opened...

I think to some degree, while the music from Advent Children comes from a movie, they are remixes of songs originally from the video game. It'd probably be a different case had it come with AC music that originated from the movie, like Divinity 1 & 2 or Beyond the Wasteland.
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Hey so if anyone cares I made a moveset for Zero from the Mega Man X series.

Yes, I'm aware he's an Assist Trophy, I am also aware we already have classic Mega Man, and I am also aware X technically should get first billing (though I am making a moveset for him too).
However, I have just played through the X legacy collection and Zero is the coolest so screw it, he deserves it:

Zero, the Rank SA Maverick Hunter
(Theme of Zero)

"You think you're the first fool to fight me?"

Zero finally makes his debut in Smash, bringing along his best friend and occasional rival, X! However, X shall get his own section later. For now we'll discuss Zero who has more than enough to carry out any missions solo.

Zero is a legendary Maverick Hunter who primarily wields the Z-saber, an energy blade in the shape of a katana that bends like liquid and can be infused with elemental powers like fire, ice, and lightning. Instead of copying his enemies' weapons like X, he instead learns techniques from them and applies them naturally to his swordsmanship.

When he's on the back foot, he goes all out and dons his black armor while activating his special Z-saber technique, improving several of his attacks at expense of his personal defense- Zero's a glass cannon through and through.

With all that power and technique, there's a reason he's called Dr. Wily's greatest creation.

Inline spoilers are just neat tidbits that I thought I should mention but aren't part of describing the moveset.
WARNING: Gratuitous Japanese.
Mission Start (X)
Zero warps in from a red laser beam, showing off his back toward the camera. He then turns around and gets into his battle pose.
Emergency Acceleration System (X)
Zero starts with activating his jet thrusters in his feet, creating afterimages before transitioning into a normal run.
Zero runs as he does in the X series of games.
Taunt 1
Confidently swings his sword around and snidely remarks "Just like a training program."
Taunt 2
Turns his back towards the camera and gives a thumbs up.
Taunt 3
Shows off his sword horizontally, muttering "Now's your chance to run..."
Victory 1
Zero clashes with Nightmare Zero before the camera zooms out and reveals it was all in Zero's head as he says "I choose my own destiny!"
Victory 2
Turns off his sword and spins it, reholstering it on his back saying "Target destroyed; returning to base." and teleporting away.
Victory 3
Does 2 slashes and then goes into a battle pose saying "You thought you were better than you are".
Victory Theme
Kirby Hat
Kirby has Zero's helm, complete with long blonde ponytail. He does Zero's neutral special: Hadangeki.
Gokumonken (X7)
Zero brings out his Z-saber momentarily to block oncoming attacks.
Ledge Attack
Earth Gaizer (X2)
Zero slams his fist into the ground, sending up rocks.
Get-up attack
Earth Gaizer (X2)
Zero slams his fist into the ground, sending up rocks on both sides.

"It's not over yet!"
Comeback mechanic
Tenkuuha (X4) / Black Zero (X4)
When over 100%, Zero dons his black armor and activates his Tenkuuha technique, turning his normally skyblue Z-saber a bright violet.
In this form, Zero's attacks all have increased "priority" meaning they will outright destroy most projectiles, while clashing with stronger ones. His aerials also have special properties added onto them.
This form does come at a cost however as Zero's already fragile defenses are lowered even more and he takes 15% more damage from attacks.
While the black armor is present since X4, it's not until X5 that it began to bestow benefits. Tenkuuha is learned in X4 and is often associated with Black Zero

Zero can charge his Z-buster as well, though it is far more limited in its function.
By holding down the "A" button after an attack is inputted, Zero will begin to charge energy into his Z-Buster; naturally charging smash attacks automatically charge up this mechanic as well.
Beyond obviously preventing the usage of any normals as the "A" button is occupied, the charge also resets upon taking any kind of damage.

Due to not being proficient with the Z-Buster as much as X, he only has two level of charge. If Zero does not reach the minimum charge level, releasing will just reset the charge. Additionally, Zero also cannot fire the Z-buster in the air either inline to how he uses it in the X-series.

Charge Release

Hyper Zero Blaster (X2) / Shingetsurin (X5)
Releasing at minimum charge fires off a weak energy blast with a decent amount of stun but only medium range.
At maximum charge, Zero will fire 2 of those shots and follow up with a blade beam.
However, while in Black Zero (henceforth referred to as BZ), he'll instead shoot out much larger blue energy rings that are multi-hit and linger on screen at the end of their path.
The shot-shot-slash combo is a mainstay since Mega Man X2. Shingetsurin (the blue ring) is used by Awakened Zero and in that game, after stopping, the projectiles would then home in again. That would be a bit insane here so instead they just linger.

The other method of spending the charge is via releasing it mid-special attack, cancelling the move into a special followup.
Shield Special
Call X
(X3 / Xtreme 2)
Zero turns his back towards the camera and teleports away in a red laser. Shortly after X appears in his place, being transported in via a blue laser.
While X3 introduced the concept of switching to Zero, it was in an extremely limited fashion and it wasn't until Xtreme 2 allowed freeform switching.

Neutral Special
Hadangeki (X7) / Denharei (X5) -> Rakuhouha (X4) / Messenkou (C-Flasher) (X5)
Zero slashes down sending a slow moving beam. Pressing the special button again will have him do an upswing, increasing the startup slightly, but also making the blade beam stronger and faster.
With a charge cancel, he'll slam his buster into the ground, firing 5 shots in a fan shape around him.
In BZ, Zero's effects will go from blue to purple and the blade beams will be electrified, doing a bit more hitstun. With a charge cancel, he'll slam his buster into the ground, firing 7 shots in a fan around him.
While Zero has been able to do blade beams since X2, it isn't until X7 that the player could do them and the attack was formally named. Rakuhouha is his giga attack in X4 while Messenkou is what he uses in X5, both being the same move but differently colored. Denharei is just what Nightmare Zero calls his blade beam.

Side Special
Raikousen (X8) -> Mikazukizan (C-Sword) (X5)
Zero dashes forward so fast he turns invisible. He then reappears a set distance forward, lightning tracing his path and stunning any opponents caught in it.
With a charge cancel, he'll then go into a spinning slash that smacks anyone caught in the lightning away.
Raikousen is from the wildly unpopular X7, however it is a key tool in Zero's moveset in the vs Capcom games. Mikazukizan is essentially just Kuuenzan with a visual effect, though here, it would act as a finisher attack.

Down Special
Sougenmu (X5) -> Hayate (W-Shredder) (X5)
Zero gathers up his energy and creates a clone of himself that performs all his attacks on a delay. It lasts a scant 5 seconds and disappears if Zero takes any damage.
If this move is performed with a charge cancel, another clone will be sent forth, attacking with a shippuuga, dashing forward first and then doing a multi-hit slash before disappearing.
Sougenmu in canon functions more like Luma in that it sends the clone out forwards. However, the vs. Capcom games recontextualized it as a clone that follows Zero's actions on a delay which is far more popular. Hayate is essentially just Shippuuga but done by a clone.

Up Special
Hienkyaku (X4) -> Hisuishou (F-Splasher) (X5)
An aerial air-dash. It has no hitbox, but it doesn't leave Zero helpless and can be cancelled out with immediately. It can be aimed straight forward, where it'll be a simple dash, but also upwards where he'll quickly re-airdash to the ground unless he grabs the ledge.
With a charge cancel, he'll follow up with a shoulder tackle air-dash with his body encased in ice, which can alter its angle up or down slightly.
Hienkyaku functions like it does in the vs. Capcom games here where it is a special airdash maneuver rather than source material, which is a normal extension of Zero's movement. Hisuishou is X5's variant which gives it a hitbox.
Triple Slash (X4) / Ranbu (Zero 3)
Zero does his classic X4 3 hit combo- a downwards chop with the saber, an outwards slash, finished with a two-handed slash downwards that does multiple hits.
In BZ, Zero instead does Ranbu, an extended combo with 7 hits with the last hit being a rising slash.
The triple slash is iconic and part of every iteration of Zero and most characters that use swords in Mega Man games. Ranbu however doesn't originate from "Zero" but from "Omega" a violent personality that inhabits Zero's original body.

Forward Tilt
Rainjingeki (X4)
Zero points his Z-saber towards the opponent and turns it on, creating a blade of electricity that pierces anyone in front of him.
In X4, this was a rather difficult move to use, but here it could function well.

Down Tilt
Crouching Slash (X5)
Zero does a backhanded slash at the enemy's feet.
A very niche move, but one that makes sense.

Down-Forward Tilt
Ensuizan (X6)
Zero has an additional input unlike most Smash characters. He rolls forward with his Z-saber extended, doing a slow, but powerful and invincible attack forwards.
Zero was given the ability to do a rolling slash on the floor in X6. This carries over onto the Zero series. This version is based on its interpretation in the vs. Capcom series where it's referred to as "Koketsuga."

Up Tilt
Shoenzan (X6)
Zero does a firey red upper slash that throws up flames in the air, extending its reach both horizontally and vertically.
This move is based on Zero's X6 combo finisher but enhanced with flames. In that game, you could combo the normal jab string into Shoenzan rather than the normal upper slash, though that's not represented here as Zero's combo in that game isn't the one used.

Dash Attack
Shippuuga (X4)
Zero engages his jet thrusters, dashing forward and doing a backhanded slash forwards hitting the enemy multiple times.
A niche move in X4 due to how dominant Kuuenzan is, but one that's very essential in Smash.
Forward Smash
Charge Saber (Zero) -> Ittouryoudan: Genmu Zero (X5)
Zero holds the saber over his shoulder with both hands and slams it down, splashing energy and rubble from the ground.
With a charge, he begins to glow red as his hair grows wild.
Charged up, after releasing charge saber, he uses the momentum from the slam to jump up. He holds the Z-saber up and extends its length to a ludicrous degree and slashes it down, sending out a large energy wave to travel through the air.
Zero only begins to charge his saber in the Zero series of games while Genmu Zero is an instant kill attack used in X5. Here it takes the form of MvC3's version where it's just one really strong projectile.

Down Smash
Rekkoha (X6) -> Raijinshou (X7)
Zero slams his fist into the ground, calling forth pillars of pure light to erupt from the ground to hit both sides, spinning around him.
Charged up, Zero then follows up with a rising leaping slash that summons forth a stormy tornado that surrounds him.
Rekkoha in X6 is represented by an array of lasers that rain down and spread outwards. This version uses Zero 3's version where they spin around the user. Raijinshou is effectively just Ryuuenjin but electric, but it's a super powerful move in MvCI so it's used as such here.

Up Smash
Ryuuenjin (X4) -> Hyouretsuzan (X4)
Zero does a rising leaping slash with his blade embued with flames.
Charged up, he then follows up the attack by descending to the ground with a stabbing attack, this time, his blade embued with ice which shatters on impact with the ground.
One of the most essential moves of the game Ryuuenjin. It's strong but it can only be used on the ground which limits it's versatility, thus it is represented as an Up Smash here. MvCI allowed that move to be cancelled into Hyouretsuzan which is shown here, as it is also a combination that can be used in X4.
Neutral Aerial
Rolling Slash (Zero) / Kuuenzan (X4)
Zero spins around in the air doing a multi-hitting attack.
In BZ, this move now has a backwards variant if inputted shortly after leaving the ground and inputting back (similar to Steve's backwards neutral air).
Rolling Slash and Kuuenzan are effectively the same despite the name, but Kuuenzan was the first to popularize Zero's iconic backwards spin exploit. It is one of THE most ridiculous moves in the series and hopefully a fraction of its power shines through here.

Forward Aerial
Air Slash (X4) / Rekkyoudan (X8)
Zero does a simple sweeping slash outwards which is angled slightly downwards.
In BZ, it now reflects projectiles.
This move is eventually replaced by Kuuenzan, but it's an essential part of early game for Zero. Rekkyoudan just changed Zero's Z-saber to reflect all projectiles, but that wouldn't be pleasant to use so it's reserved just for this attack.

Back Aerial
Wall Slash (X4) / Juuhazan (X8)
Zero brings his blade behind his back and slashes behind himself going from high to low.
In BZ, this move does more shield damage.
A move practically no one uses outside maybe one or two instances, though it fits well in smash. Juuhazan functioned more as a powerful charge up overhead slam attack that smashed shields but here it just buffs his back air, another overhead slash.

Down Aerial
Sentsuizan (X6) / Rakukojin (X6)
Zero turns on his jet thrusters and dives diagonally down with his blade out, slashing and spiking anyone caught.
In BZ, this move has a much larger landing shockwave, causing rubble to spray out on impact.
In X6, Sentsuizan was essentially just a Shippuuga that was done in the air and flew diagonally down, a weird move to say the least. In TvC, the move was changed such that it was a more naturally looking "divekick" or in this case a "dive-slash." Rakukojin was another downwards attack which spawned anchors on impact, another odd move, though here it resembles ZX Advent's Energy Fissure which flings out boulders on landing.

Up Aerial
Launcher (MvC3) / Denjin (E-Blade) (X5)
Zero does a backhanded uppercut in an arc above himself.
In BZ, this move becomes multi-hitting and does more damage.
Zero's Special button input in MvC3 resembles a non-elemental version of Denjin, a Ryuuenjin clone that has multiple variants, one of which being an extremely short uppercut slash.
Z Knuckle (Zero 4)
Zero grabs with his leading hand which glows with energy.
In Zero 4 this weapon was absolutely terrible originally, but it does fit perfectly here as a grab animation.

Zero Buster (X)
Zero points his Z-buster point blank into his opponent and fires repeatedly.
TvC introduced this as Zero's forward throw though it's a pummel here.

Forward Throw
Youdantotsu (X8)
Zero steps forward while stabbing the enemy with the Z-saber, blasting them away.
This attack serves as a variant of Raijingeki, though it's much more useful with its forward momentum.

Back Throw
Hyoroga (X6)
Zero leaps over the opponent and while upside down slashes them away.
This attack in X6 made Zero cling to the ceiling and rain down ice from his blade. Strangely enough he could still move and dash as he usually would, just on the ceiling now. In Smash the ceiling is rather useless in most instances so the upside down slash is used for its stylish flair.

Down Throw
Bakuenjin (X7)
Zero slams the Z-Buster into the opponent's face and slams them into the ground, creating a large firey shockwave.
Another move where Zero slams the ground, though this one has no special projectiles associated with it, making it a perfect down smash.

Up Throw
Hyouryuushou (X8)
Zero jumps and twirls his sword in the air repeatedly hitting the enemy in any icey spin before knocking them away.
Another Ryueenjin clone though this one has a unique twirling motion.
Final Smash
Fight Against Inner Demons
OR Tenshouha (X8) + Dark Hold (X5) + Awakened Zero/Zero Virus/Nightmare Zero (X5) + Fight Against Inner Demons (Teppen)
Zero punches the ground, summoning a pillar of pure light to surround him.
If any enemies are caught by the light pillar, Zero will hold them in the air with darkness and stop time for them. Zero goes berserk and hallucinates an evil version of himself whom he duels. They repeatedly cross swords where the enemies are until eventually Zero overpowers his evil version, slashing both it and the enemies caught. As his doppelganger dissipates, time resumes, all the slashes taking effect and launching the opponents away.
This attack is a myriad of references, though mostly inspired by TvC Zero's super. Tenshouha is essentially Rekkoha except it's just one giant laser instead of several. Dark Hold is used as how it's shown in TvC where it's part of a cinematic super to hold the enemy into place. Zero's duel with his dark doppelganger is an ability card in Teppen. It would have been easy enough to simply give him Rekkoha as it's flashy enough or Genmu Zero as it canonically is his ultimate attack, but neither are very cinematic for a character as dramatic as Zero.
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