The Stoopid Unikorn
Spiciest of Guacamoles
Yeah, but ninjas being speedy little combo ****ers isn't really explaining the ninja mindset, and Perkilator specifically mentionned samurai and ninja being different at the core, and I wanted to explain that "core" because he didn't.Man, you could have much more easily said "Samurai are trained for combat and are typically shown in slow paced fights that end in minimal blows while ninjas are typically speedy little combo ****ers"
In real life, they're far more pragmatist than "speedy combo ****ers", because why waste time doing little hits when you could go for the big fatal blow or shoot them from afar to minimize the amount of danger you're in?
So basically, I'm saying I have gripes about how ninjas are shown in fighting games because it's historically innacurate