Hmmm interesting. Didn't really figure the rationale was to use the rest of the SWF community as the standard for comparison when determining mastery, considering most of SWF probably doesn't even know the first thing about competitive pokemoon.
Used to play a lot of competitive netbattle back in R/S/E. Haven't touched it for years though. No doubt the metagame these days is just as good if not better than it was. Maybe playing B/W will reignite my interest. *shrug*
Is there seriously any reason other than being a total *** who thinks spending more time doing something means you deserve advantages/makes you a better player, for playing competitive pokemon without a battle simulator that just gives you free ideal IVs + choices for EV allocation? Like seriously all that in game breeding bull**** is just a giant timesink for people who pride themselves on how big their mindless grinding epeen is.
Well, it's more or less just contribution to the discussion, as well as being pretty good at Pokemon battling. You definitely don't have to be a fantastic battler, but you need to make an impact in our own separate community.
You'll be mind****ed if you tried to come back into the metagame thinking of R/S/E. The metagame, so different now. Things like Snorlax aren't even good's really crazy. If you want more information, Smogon is a good website...I mean, you probably know that and all, but the metagame isn't as easy to jump into anymore. It's fairly complicated, but also very fun.
And no, there really is no reason to do that. However, the Pokemon Community frowns upon PokeSav'ers, which are people who use devices on the internet to "create" a Pokemon with perfect IVs, perfect EVs, and moves of their choice to be used in Wi-Fi battling.
The standard is basically this: If you're on an online simulator, feel free to do whatever the hell you want because everyone is running perfect IVs/perfect EVs/any kind of moveset.
However, if you play in game, you better be **** sure you specify whether or not your Pokemon are Sav'd, because the "in-game" community really frowns upon that. It's the difference between breeding for 5 weeks to get that one perfect Totodile and clicking the "31 IV all" button on PokeSav.
And no, nobody really uses it as an epeen measure. In the Pokemon community, everyone is pretty much happy for you if you can breed the right Pokemon for the job, because they know how it easy it is to just "make" it, if they wanted to. It's not like "Ohhh, you got THAT Totodile? PSSHH, I HAVE A BETTER ONE". Well, no, it's more like "Wow good job that's pretty close to perfect!"
You know, a ton of people have asked me to them around the metagame. If you're ever wanting to get back into it ( I know JF has asked me, and he's definitely learning alot! *thumbs up*) then contact me whenever you want.
We've actually got the Generation V Pokemon on the PC Server, so it's a great introduction to a FRESH START metagame!! ^__^