So I'm driving along Route 18 and it's a major highway that is congested and tends to have a lot of 'secret' cops popping out at points. I kick up the speed and as soon as I do, a cop car suddenly pops up from behind me with their lights blaring and I'm like, "**** me." Except the cop car isn't out to get me, but the car to my right. Which is weird because I didn't really think the car next to me was speeding (at all). If this wasn't stressful enough, the radio is on the news broadcast npr and the newscaster is going over the day's news which involves a murder with a missing body and the identity of the killer unresolved.
Mind you as this cop car is arresting this other person, I keep on having a strong compulsion that it was me the cop car wanted and not the other person despite the fact that I wasn't aware I was speeding. However, I feel even stronger that the car driving to my right was going even slower than me for a longer stretch of the road. Well I keep driving on with this feeling that, "They got the wrong guy and I feel completely horrible." I keep driving along the road, only to make a right turn into some parking complex. I make a right turn into a parking area that doesn't realistically exist for reasons unknown to me. It's just that I get out of my car and notice there's yet another police car parked on the other side of a barricade. For some reason I feel anxious, however I'm just standing around outside and the next segment I recall is now the officer outside of his vehicle and standing right next to me (I have apparently never moved, but I don't remember the officer actually getting out of the car) and he appears to be performing 'traffic duty' as there is a long walkway but no one crossing.
I make a comment to the officer saying, "It's rare to see an officer out of their car. You're one hell of a guy." And I think he takes this to be sarcasm as his face is contorted. And I feel bad because my comment DOES sound very sarcastic, meanwhile I think I made the comment because the cop in question appears to be very serious about his work due to his stern no-nonsense expression. I think the cop was able to read into my expression of embarrassment that I was just being sincere and he tells me, "Yeah. Wait until I tell you that I have spent the entire day of someone driving a Groose." Coincidentally on the other side of the barricade are two different cars parked along the barricade with the word 'Groose' on them so I point out a large grey company truck to the officer asking him, "That type of Groose?" And the officer says no, and then he points to the next car adjacent to it which also has a 'Groose' tag somewhere where the front plate should be and he says, "That's the exact car. I just need to find someone driving one so I can just log it in and call it a night."
And it's the same exact car I was driving (a dark black Acura mdx). Now I'm thinking that this is related to the previous incident with the speeding. So I tell the officer, "I have that same exact car." Now the officer expresses interest and asks me, "Could you bring me over to your car sir." So I reply, "Of course officer" and lead him to my car which is only like ten or fifteen steps away. The officer (still very relaxed) asks me, "It's silly but I just need you to open your car for me and I just need to check inside for a minute." To which I respond, "Of course" and unlock my car. The officer then shows huge disappointment all over his face and I tell him back, "I may have been speeding sir, but I wasn't trying to avoid a violation. It just never occurred to me that I was speeding in the first place." The cop still has an upset expression and he actually cuffs me. In the second row I notice something resembling grey matter that looks like the limbs of an outstretched body and the lights are turned on in my car and you can see blood splattered all over the back window.