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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
[6/27/14, 1:16:42 AM] Fang: I invented a new game.
[6/27/14, 1:16:47 AM] Fang: It's called the @ Dr. James Rustles Dr. James Rustles game.
[6/27/14, 1:16:57 AM] Fang: You @ Dr. James Rustles Dr. James Rustles a post.
[6/27/14, 1:17:01 AM] Fang: Then you edit it afterwards.
[6/27/14, 1:17:15 AM] Fang: To get rid of the @ Dr. James Rustles Dr. James Rustles and pretend you are having another conversation.
[6/27/14, 1:17:34 AM] Fang: :3
@ Dr. James Rustles Dr. James Rustles Pinging you this time was completely unintentional. Sorry!
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#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Hey guys. Marshy messaged me on Skype earlier wondering where I've been. I'm still here, just being a bit more quiet as I don't really have any particular drive to play right now, I could hardly make it through that Disco game. I'll try and come back better than ever.

V/LA from the V/LA
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Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Hey guys

I got Animal Crossing now.

My town will be called "Dgamesia". :3

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
what's the best aim client for mac?

nvm, i'm tryin out adium
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#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
im livin dat saucedass ***** life

when im on this sometimes i think of where mankind wuld be if we was always sauced n when consuming what we do to get here wuld make instead make us sober and if we thot thatd lead to enlightenment. one flick of a law we call fact and our ****s upside down but we think we kno ****

rip my ****** man. the hbc is a powerful force but not without its casualties. this post was made in memory of gorf n zozo

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
is penis censored here

what about ****

okay how about ding-dong

k this was a test.
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#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Question: does this website go through google AdSense? Does anyone know what it uses? These problems are related to Epicmafia, which I'm moderating again.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
you moderate epicmafia? do you talk to phil regularly? I need to get in touch with the homie again

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
you moderate epicmafia? do you talk to phil regularly? I need to get in touch with the homie again
Not regularly, phil's gone reclusive for awhile now. The site is on life support after a terrible stunt by a former admin to report the website to Google and to remove the AdSense, which happened to work. Phillip is going to try and pay for it out of his own pocket and whatever revenue he gets from tokens and etc.
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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Not regularly, phil's gone reclusive for awhile now. The site is on life support after a terrible stunt by a former admin to report the website to Google and to remove the AdSense, which happened to work. Phillip is going to try and pay for it out of his own pocket and whatever revenue he gets from tokens and etc.
The issue isn't so much with ad sense as it is with lucid jumping the gun by thinking about the future. Having been a member on a site that was also troll reported by a banned user we had the advertisement funding cut until a repeal was granted. The problem quickly became how to prevent being reported again and trying to do damage control. The advantage to our community is that it was small and manageable. Also the admin and moderators could ban an account and hide user content as needed in line with the reasoning that it was to keep policy with Ad Sense.

I understand why lucid gave up because of the simple reality that anyone could just come on the site, throw up a Victoria Secret Model for an avvie, and then post provocative comments on their profile and report themselves to Google as a violation of the terms of service. While this isn't going to be an issue on a regular website, epicmafia unfortunately has one of the least behaved communities resulting in issues like this to be incredibly likely.

As for the site I'm on now, it is still running Ad Sense after having tried numerous provider options. I believe that for us Intergi worked as cutting a similar deal comparable to Ad Sense, however the payout was two months post ending month and for our administrator the time span was too long to wait for pay day to hit in order to support the site.
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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
If you are curious, you could right click and run an 'inspect element' to view the name of the advertising websites that are being hosted on this site. I always use chrome when I'm accessing my bank information, so I got an advertisement to start an account at my own bank (intuitive systems ftw) and found the advertisement sources to be linked to DoubleClick and Intergi advertising.

I wouldn't say the site is on life support. Lucid should be making a lot of capital when he finishes residency and starts his career as Lucid M.D. Most admins want their site to at least be self sufficient, however to believe that your site will always be self sufficient is preposterous. And although lucid is losing out on ad revenue by being suspended from ad sense at possibly the best time for him to collect it (summer time = highest volume of players) I would honestly be more worried about how things pan out as school starts again in September and we start approaching December with the diminished revenue. Consider this, if lucid was seriously considering closing the site due to money issues then why would he be closing the site during the most profitable season?

I feel that the crux of this issue is about how lucid feels about the site and what the community has become. If he wants to support the site then I am more than confident he can make it live because he is a shrewd man who knows his options. However, if he has given up then he's likely going to focus on getting that extra sleep in between non-stop shadowing rather than coming into a thread after working for thirty plus hours straight to see Riddler acting like a huge man child and telling a resident he wasn't the same person he used to be before the balls to the wall med school hazing process.
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Smash Ace
Feb 23, 2014
The issue isn't so much with ad sense as it is with lucid jumping the gun by thinking about the future. Having been a member on a site that was also troll reported by a banned user we had the advertisement funding cut until a repeal was granted. The problem quickly became how to prevent being reported again and trying to do damage control. The advantage to our community is that it was small and manageable. Also the admin and moderators could ban an account and hide user content as needed in line with the reasoning that it was to keep policy with Ad Sense.

I understand why lucid gave up because of the simple reality that anyone could just come on the site, throw up a Victoria Secret Model for an avvie, and then post provocative comments on their profile and report themselves to Google as a violation of the terms of service. While this isn't going to be an issue on a regular website, epicmafia unfortunately has one of the least behaved communities resulting in issues like this to be incredibly likely.

As for the site I'm on now, it is still running Ad Sense after having tried numerous provider options. I believe that for us Intergi worked as cutting a similar deal comparable to Ad Sense, however the payout was two months post ending month and for our administrator the time span was too long to wait for pay day to hit in order to support the site.
If you are curious, you could right click and run an 'inspect element' to view the name of the advertising websites that are being hosted on this site. I always use chrome when I'm accessing my bank information, so I got an advertisement to start an account at my own bank (intuitive systems ftw) and found the advertisement sources to be linked to DoubleClick and Intergi advertising.

I wouldn't say the site is on life support. Lucid should be making a lot of capital when he finishes residency and starts his career as Lucid M.D. Most admins want their site to at least be self sufficient, however to believe that your site will always be self sufficient is preposterous. And although lucid is losing out on ad revenue by being suspended from ad sense at possibly the best time for him to collect it (summer time = highest volume of players) I would honestly be more worried about how things pan out as school starts again in September and we start approaching December with the diminished revenue. Consider this, if lucid was seriously considering closing the site due to money issues then why would he be closing the site during the most profitable season?

I feel that the crux of this issue is about how lucid feels about the site and what the community has become. If he wants to support the site then I am more than confident he can make it live because he is a shrewd man who knows his options. However, if he has given up then he's likely going to focus on getting that extra sleep in between non-stop shadowing rather than coming into a thread after working for thirty plus hours straight to see Riddler acting like a huge man child and telling a resident he wasn't the same person he used to be before the balls to the wall med school hazing process.
i like ur new avatar


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
man that word

souped... been a while since I heard it
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