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DFW Brawl Thread: Batou Monthly, Feb 18th - Revolution 10, Mar 3rd

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Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2007
Time Chamber, Texas
As for carpool on San Angelo, Cake is coming.

Santi told me today that supposedly Dbar is coming now?
Dunno what's up with that talk to him and Cake. Doesn't hurt me none if you have no room.

Big Bob

Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
But...I like stages that make the players hit each other into the traps.

Everybody hates Norfair, but I really don't see anything wrong with it. It's true that the lava is intrusive to the match, but it's not like it just randomly spawns and kills people; it's very slow moving and easy to avoid, and personally I find the fight to throw the other guy into the lava is a lot of fun. Not to mention the stage's basic layout is unique and I prefer it to most stages.

I could say a lot about other levels, but I like ranting about Norfair better.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
I could say a lot about other levels, but I like ranting about Norfair better.
Ok here's a rant for ya. Pikachu can Quick attack cancel through all the platforms for a majority of the game and play **** near perfect.

The main reason for banning several of these stages is to prevent players from using extremely cheap tactics for wins. In addition to taking out all unnecessary random obstructions in a match.


Oct 21, 2002
Prince Bistro Tournament #4

Location: Flower Mound, Tx
November 22, 2008

Prince Bistro http://www.princebistro.com/
1121 Flower Mound Rd
Flower Mound, Texas, United States
(It's to the Left of the Kroger)

SBR certified rules
5$ entry fee for singles
Registration from 12:30 PM to 1:45 pm.
Singles starts at 2 pm.

Green Hill Zone is banned.

Doubles is on! As always, this event will be free. Also MetaKnight is banned from this event. Think of this event as a opportunity to have fun and branch out whether that means fighting with new teammates, new characters, or on new stages.

Bring a Wii + Brawl copy and a TV if you can. If you have Component cables for your Wii, be sure to bring those no matter what.

We got a record number of TVs for PBT#3. One was too small to use in the tournament, but it made a great free play TV. Keep it up everyone.

For everyone who brings a complete set up, you will receive a free lunch at the Bistro.

If you bring a Wii and a copy of Brawl, you get a free soda. Please see me, KirbyKid, to redeem any free food/drink.

At PBT#3, the store made more money on food from 1pm - 7pm than at PBT#2. Congrats guys. This of course means no venue fee, which I'm sure we all appreciate. Oh, and no outside food. Though I can't make you eat at the venue, I must say that the food at the Bistro is cheaper (especially with the gamer deals I've arranged) and you get more food. No need for McDonald's right?

Come hungry. Leave Smashed (Happy).

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments send them my way... ADarkDreamer@gmail.com

Big Bob

Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
Ok here's a rant for ya. Pikachu can Quick attack cancel through all the platforms for a majority of the game and play **** near perfect.

The main reason for banning several of these stages is to prevent players from using extremely cheap tactics for wins. In addition to taking out all unnecessary random obstructions in a match.
That would sound like a good argument...except the only person around here who uses Pikachu is Rattatat (as far as I know), and he's never counterpicked Norfair against me. And if such a mythical Pikachu player existed, I don't think there's anything wrong for picking a stage that suits your player the most. The Ice Climbers' chaingrab isn't banned because it's not the easiest thing in the world to do, so what's wrong with counterpicking to your strengths?

Feel free to play me a Norfair match with Pikachu so you can show me how unfair it is.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
That would sound like a good argument...except the only person around here who uses Pikachu is Rattatat (as far as I know), and he's never counterpicked Norfair against me. .
Whether or not you've encountered said strategy or tactic doesn't make the rule list any less necessary. If anything, the rule set will protect players like you who are ignorant of such stage abuses. Better to prevent something from happening before it happens eh?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 8, 2008
Kingdom of the 'Shrooms (and killers.)
That would sound like a good argument...except the only person around here who uses Pikachu is Rattatat (as far as I know), and he's never counterpicked Norfair against me. And if such a mythical Pikachu player existed, I don't think there's anything wrong for picking a stage that suits your player the most. The Ice Climbers' chaingrab isn't banned because it's not the easiest thing in the world to do, so what's wrong with counterpicking to your strengths?

Feel free to play me a Norfair match with Pikachu so you can show me how unfair it is.
*reads post* Right... *Looks at Infinity* Reads previous Posts. I agree with Damien.

So on a more useless note: Lesbian Nazi hookers abducted by aliens and forced into weight-loss programs.


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Funky Town, Texas
Hey Bob, play me on Norfair some time and I'll show you an example of what Daimbag is trying to say. After playing the hell out of the counterpick stages and seeing people abuse ledge stalling I can pretty much agree with Umbreon's rule set and I endorse it for further use in the Dallas area.

The only thing I don't like is the small size of the counterpick list, but I don't see any really super unfair stages on there (i.e Green Hill Zone) so I'm willing to run with it.

Big Bob

Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
Alright, since I'm planning to go to DP's tomorrow I'll see for myself. Somebody beats me as Pikachu on that stage, I'll concede.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Green Hill Zone is banned.
Sky World? The Summit? Are these still legal? O.o

I almost like the new rules set. I understand the purpose of it, but it needs a few changes/additions.

1) PS1 needs to be a start so that we have five. The randomness factor really doesn't make that much of a difference (given with two stages you can just run away). In melee we PS1 which made 6 starters on Random. Going down to 4 is just nuts.

2) The small Counterpick list is cool being limited and such. Though Brinstar is the only one that doesn't seem to fit. Low ceilings and annoying lava. This is really the only stage on the list that can hurt you (unless you are just plain slow on Halberd). Yes I know you can avoid the lava but when it rises to the top platform it's REALLY hard for some characters.

3) Grab release infinites should be banned and limited only to two grabs (ie grab, release, grab, release, no grabbing again). Sheiks used to do this in ditto matches cause CG-ing all of the place is boring and lacks skill. This can also be applied to DDD's infinite.

4) The suicide rule is a good idea. The person who initiates the attack loses. This shouldn't apply if Port Priority matters (aka bowsercide).

5) Also removing Sudden Death completely is a great idea. However switching to damage taken should not be used as an accurate way to determine a more skilled player, especially when considering DK, DDD, and sometimes Lucario.

6) Stalling being more clearly defined to remove planking and other unnecessary abuses of invincibility frames is a good idea. Doing these tricks doesn't demonstrate skill.

Big Bob

Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
I can understand playing defensively to an extent, but I just can't understand how some people can just stall the entire match. When I play Meta Knight I hardly use the tornado at all; not because I'm trying to be "honorable" or anything, but just because repeated use of it is boring. Also, I once fought a player in a tournament while literally just picked Pikachu and spammed thundershock the entire match. He would use it over and over and over until you got close and then he'd hit you, and then he'd run away and repeat the whole thing (thankfully G&W's bucket forced him to actually fight me, which apparently wasn't his strong suit).

I admit that when you're playing for money, you tend to play dirtier than you would in friendlies. But personally, I can't stand dull play, even if money is on the line. And hell, sometimes even projectile spamming can be fun (I've had my share of matches against Rob's R.O.B. where all we did the entire match was shoot stuff at each other, and it can be exciting).

And on a completely unrelated note: you guys need to taunt more. And that includes more than just spamming Sonic's side taunt; I'm talking REAL taunts. Infinity's got the right idea; jumping up and down on the spring in Pictochat going "Wheeee!" is something I approve of. We need more stuff like that.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 8, 2008
Kingdom of the 'Shrooms (and killers.)
And on a completely unrelated note: you guys need to taunt more. And that includes more than just spamming Sonic's side taunt; I'm talking REAL taunts. Infinity's got the right idea; jumping up and down on the spring in Pictochat going "Wheeee!" is something I approve of. We need more stuff like that.
Bobs don't know about my Srs nature. Even Infinity says that I taunt too much. I'm a taunt-o-matic; slicing, dicing, packaging and pricing taunts, distributing them straight to the Wii on your doorstep. My taunts will make your floor squeaky clean with no sticky residue. Srsly. I probably taunt enough for the entire southwest region.

EDIT: What's the matter, scared?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2007
Frisco, Tx
cant wait to see everyone again, feels like ages since I've been to a smashfest. getting tired of looking at Fogo everyday :laugh: anyways I'm bringing a **** load of popcorn, i don't even think you Dallas smashers can finish it. prove me wrong billy!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2008
hey guys i go to UTD and think i should try and get more into competitive play with tourneys.
so whats the info on this smashfest?


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Funky Town, Texas
cant wait to see everyone again, feels like ages since I've been to a smashfest. getting tired of looking at Fogo everyday :laugh: anyways I'm bringing a **** load of popcorn, i don't even think you Dallas smashers can finish it. prove me wrong billy!

<3 Shuz

It's true, until you try to divide by ZERO or INFINITY.
8 <--- hey look I made a standing Infinity sign :chuckle:

hey guys i go to UTD and think i should try and get more into competitive play with tourneys.
so whats the info on this smashfest?
It's up on the front page dude.

RoK the Reaper

Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2007
Bwett: Yo man, I'm down for going today and all ready for it. However, tell me. Do you intend on spending Saturday too? If that's the case, am I going to have to too? XD


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
I hate this ruleset :/.

Also, realize that it's just umbreons personal list. Nothing to do with the SBR.
I like the conservative approach. It is, in my opinion, favorable to me. However, just because I like it doesn't make it correct. Instead, I can point out situations and certain stages that detract from 1v1 play. I know certain stages in a ruleset are wrong; but I cannot prove to you that umbreon's list is correct.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2008
Dallas, TX
The new ruleset looks fantastic to me. I'd take just a couple of stages off banned list, but by and large it works for me.

Are we gonna implement it tonight, or go the standard?
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