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DFW Brawl Thread: Batou Monthly, Feb 18th - Revolution 10, Mar 3rd

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Smash Rookie
Apr 27, 2008
You would turn right from 377 dude, not left. If you turn left from 377 you'll end up in Keller, lol.
I'm sorry, I have trouble with left and right, and Jingo's never been there.

Anyways, yeah, I'm the TO of SmashPlex, with Jingo's Crew helping out with some auxillary duties.

If anyone has any questions, I'm glad to answer them.

One thing I would really like from everyone coming is that we really do need TVs/Wiis. We *should* have two, but it would definitely be better if we had more. I can't guarantee anything more than a thank you for bringing them, but yeah.

The venue is rather small(Infinity can attest to this, apparently), but there should be no other events scheduled at the same time. If you want food, there is little stuff in the area. A Sonic is down the street, along with a Taco Casa, and there is a deli next door, but if you want something besides that, you have a little drive or you gotta bring it ahead of time. Just thought I'd warn ya.


Oct 21, 2002
Team 34 is banned from Prince Bistro Tournaments.


I'm glad I got your attention. The name is banned, not the players. Clean it up a bit more next time.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2008
Dallas, TX
Rule 34 is banned but Shank 'n Spank is allowed? Not complaining, because I think Shank 'n Spank is one of the best team names in history, but it seems a bit weird.

Big Bob

Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
I just noticed that this Saturday I have a wide open schedule.

Assuming my roommate agrees, who's up for a Random Tournament? And even better, random TEAMS?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2008
Rule 34 is banned but Shank 'n Spank is allowed? Not complaining, because I think Shank 'n Spank is one of the best team names in history, but it seems a bit weird.
Glad you like it! Kirby Kid told me and my friend that it was barely passable, but the name honestly doesn't mean anything inappropriate anyways.

DK: He spanks with his arms (F-Smash)
Link: He shanks with his sword (Neutral Jab)

Thats all we're referring to. Really!

I just noticed that this Saturday I have a wide open schedule.

Assuming my roommate agrees, who's up for a Random Tournament? And even better, random TEAMS?
My friend is hosting a tournament that day, actually, and it'd be great if you and your roomate came. It'd be even better if you brought a Wii + TV + Brawl set-up, because as of now we're only going to have two )=.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2008
Dallas, TX
Denton crew will be taking two cars to Oh Snap, we might have an extra spot or two between us. Let me confirm everything and I'll say exactly how many we have.


Let's rock, baby!
Apr 11, 2008
Fort Worth, TX
All right, I've looked in this thread a few times, but mostly I've spent time on the Link boards. This past Saturday a small tournament was held in TCC, a community college in Fort Worth, Texas. I believe a guy named Infinity (I believe that's his username), was there. Anyway, I talked to him, and I was wanting to know if I can join you guys. Where do you guys meet and other stuff. I promise I don't suck, even though I main Link, lol, but I was wanting to face stronger players and take my Link to the next level and learn to cope better with certain matchups. Thanks.

The MC Clusky

Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
San Antonio, TX
Attention all MetaKnight players!

My tournament may be the last place in Texas that doesn't have him banned yet!

Gamelot Monthly 3, this weekend! See sig for the link!


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
NorCal - San Fran
Quick question: Does any one have a computer that'll run UT3... And by run, run well? And if so, would anyone be interested in participating in a UT3 tourney for mah birfday? I'm attempting to figure out what to do... It's either that or going out to eat at my fav. sushi restaurant (there is more there than sushi). I would suggest both, but my house and the restaurant are about 30 min away from each other, one in GP and one in Lower Greenville. The upside of the restaurant is it -is- in Lower Greenville, and if you get there round 11/midnight (since it's open till 3am), all the women who are about to go to clubs are wondering around. :D Also, it's closer to most of you rather than my house which is only closer for... I think DPhat, Infinity, and Damien. Either way, one of the two will take place on Dec. 6th, and since ya'll have been so kind as to put up with me even though I don't play, I would like to celebrate with ya'll. Just let me know who would prefer what, or if I can even get the computers to run UT3 (I need two other than my own), and I'll figure out the details from there.

Big Bob

Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
Alright, since this Saturday is apparently busy for you all, how about I run the tournament on the 22nd? Remember, this will be an all-Random character tournament. Who would be interested in going?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 8, 2008
Kingdom of the 'Shrooms (and killers.)
↑ Only person interested is Zac.

Awestin, You're talking about that certain rule 34 website, right? the one that if we linked to it we'd get slapped by Drew for?

In any case, I have money now! Woo! So if y'all hold anything on a day I have off, I might be able to come.

should expect a call from me soon about watching The Incredible Hulk.


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Funky Town, Texas
Good, ****er, I haven't heard from your *** in like 2 weeks!

I get off work at 7 tonight yo, call me after that :p

Edit - Not really into random character tournaments. Honestly, I'm really not into random at tournaments in general. Less random = more good.

ALSM - Good to see you here dude, all the information you need should be on the first page. We play usually play on Friday nights out in Carollton. Also, told you I'm hard to miss dude :p

Car's full for Oh Snap. Me, Ice, Shuz, Forsaken and Fogo. Zac, are you going to this or do I need to practice with people for doubles?

Also, I'm going to be at that tournament on Saturday. Everyone should go. I might be able to bring a setup, but I dunno yet.


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Funky Town, Texas
Then try harder in your classes, dude.

Edit - I officially start working 0.9 miles away from home until further notice as of tomorrow. WOOHOO! (I'm also the first member of the team moving over there. I'm awesome.)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2008
Dallas, TX
Then try harder in your classes, dude.

Edit - I officially start working 0.9 miles away from home until further notice as of tomorrow. WOOHOO! (I'm also the first member of the team moving over there. I'm awesome.)
lol iv been working harder, i just hope in 3 weeks it's good enough, cause all my classes have to passing with 85 or better :/


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2008
Good, ****er, I haven't heard from your *** in like 2 weeks!

I get off work at 7 tonight yo, call me after that :p

Edit - Not really into random character tournaments. Honestly, I'm really not into random at tournaments in general. Less random = more good.

ALSM - Good to see you here dude, all the information you need should be on the first page. We play usually play on Friday nights out in Carollton. Also, told you I'm hard to miss dude :p

Car's full for Oh Snap. Me, Ice, Shuz, Forsaken and Fogo. Zac, are you going to this or do I need to practice with people for doubles?

Also, I'm going to be at that tournament on Saturday. Everyone should go. I might be able to bring a setup, but I dunno yet.
You're going to Gamelot? I thought you were going to this tournament, which is on the same day. It'd sort of suck if everyone went to the other tournament, but I can't stop you. Its probably bigger anyways.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2008
Dallas, TX
Have you decided on whether or not to do a doubles bracket, Jingo? If not, maybe just something off the wall like a low-tier tourney or FFA tourney?
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