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DFW Brawl Thread: Batou Monthly, Feb 18th - Revolution 10, Mar 3rd

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Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Funky Town, Texas
Are we doing another DallasPhatFriday this week? We need it for Hobo. In fact, I say we set up one TV for singles and one TV for doubles practice. Efficiency pls.

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
How do you guys usually get to Houston? If you take 45S, we can do the pre-HOBO practicefest at my place, since Mesquite is more south-bound, save a little time when we leave in the morning. I can house everyone, too, no problems.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
Is anything happening monday? I don't have school monday or tuesday so I can probably have some people over for friendlies or something. (just a few people) If theres something going on in Dallas though then I'll be there.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2008
Dallas, TX
How do you guys usually get to Houston? If you take 45S, we can do the pre-HOBO practicefest at my place, since Mesquite is more south-bound, save a little time when we leave in the morning. I can house everyone, too, no problems.
i say yall do it here so i can come to :)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2008
Dallas, TX
Is anything happening monday? I don't have school monday or tuesday so I can probably have some people over for friendlies or something. (just a few people) If theres something going on in Dallas though then I'll be there.
speaking of friendlys im going to open my house for friendlys everyday(exept weekends)starting at 3:30 pm me if u come any day and its EVERYDAY(exept weekends and if i have practice :))


Smash Apprentice
Apr 1, 2008
Dallas, Tx
I dont reely have enuff time for hobo this weekend (skool) but if there's gonna be sum practicin goin on in Dallas beforehand I'd luv to come


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2008
Dallas, TX
I dont reely have enuff time for hobo this weekend (skool) but if there's gonna be sum practicin goin on in Dallas beforehand I'd luv to come
ill see what i can do i might be able to this weekend i have to work it out with my parents though i would do a tourny but my crap com. wont run tio :(


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
Dallas - The Land of The Killers
As an update G-Krew has housing for OK at Thien's apt. Everyone else who plans on going needs to post on their thread to find housing arrangements. Thien is setting up things for housing at other's places as we speak and it is first come first serve. Don't doddle, beyotches! :p
done. We ought to start talking about car arrangements for OH SNAP, too.
Maybe after HOBO11?


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Hey DPhat, I need to talk to you about plans for Friday, like when you guys will come by my house on Friday, and any other details that need to be smoothed out. Also, could I maybe catch a ride with you guys to Lee's doubles tourney that's like a week or something after HOBO? I need a ride there and it would be awesome if you could perhaps take me there as well. We can talk through PM or AIM or whatever.


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Funky Town, Texas
I'm laughing SOOOO hard right now. I'm minding my own business when I walk over to my computer and I've got a message from Edandraugrim on AIM. This is the conversation that followed, I'm not editing it:

Edandraugrim: i heard u been taking it up the *** in brawl
I Am Infinity GB: o.o
I Am Infinity GB: whodis?
Edandraugrim: one sec
I Am Infinity GB: :o
Edandraugrim: one sec bithch
I Am Infinity GB: you're slow, yo :p
Edandraugrim: i heard your like 5th in dallas now
I Am Infinity GB: lol, to who?
Edandraugrim: everyone talks how much of whiney baby u become
Edandraugrim: john ,john, john
I Am Infinity GB: that's me :D
I Am Infinity GB: i hear i do it just because i'm a little *****, too
Edandraugrim: u john way to much
Edandraugrim: yep
Edandraugrim: even g-crew cant stand u
I Am Infinity GB: lol
Edandraugrim: when was the last time u won a tourney?
I Am Infinity GB: when was the last time i had an internet stalker? lol
I Am Infinity GB: when was the last time someone had nothing better to do with their time than try and mess with me :D
Edandraugrim: is damien better than u?
Edandraugrim: answer the question
I Am Infinity GB: i dunno, is he?
Edandraugrim: man up
I Am Infinity GB: i like how you dodged that by trying to change the subject
Edandraugrim: i heard u bend over backwards before the set even starts
I Am Infinity GB: i heard you bend over forwards for gay guys xD
Edandraugrim: the point is quit being a baby
Edandraugrim: we all like u as friends but not any of us can tell u directly cause u might slam your controller or cry
I Am Infinity GB: actually that's completely wrong
I Am Infinity GB: if someone talks to me one on one and tells me what i'm doing wrong i change it
I Am Infinity GB: i don't slam my controller when friends talk to me, sir :p
I Am Infinity GB: i do get pissed when some ******* ganks my spree though >.<"
I Am Infinity GB: i'd probably takethis more seriously if i knew who i was talking to, too :p
I Am Infinity GB: k, you're no fun any more, i'll just throw you on ignore now
Edandraugrim: pussey
Edandraugrim: its funny your not good at the game anymore
I Am Infinity GB: it's funny you're trying to e-thug me, lol
Edandraugrim: maybe this is more than one person
I Am Infinity GB: i'm gonna be telling everyone about it too
I Am Infinity GB: "some dude just up and messages me telling me about how bad i am at the game, it was pretty awesome"
Edandraugrim: that your a whiney baby
Edandraugrim: a metaknight *****
I Am Infinity GB: "apparently i'm a celebrity, i've got my own paparazzi and everything"
Edandraugrim: yeah your brittney spears
I Am Infinity GB: WOOHOO I'M RICH!
Edandraugrim: just apologize to everyone
Edandraugrim: when u lose say good job
I Am Infinity GB: i do
Edandraugrim: not leave into another room and cry
I Am Infinity GB: are you done yet? i'm about to start calling people and telling them how awesome this is
I Am Infinity GB: i want to add more to it
Edandraugrim: *****
I Am Infinity GB: sweet
Edandraugrim: baby
I Am Infinity GB: i've got my very own stalker
Edandraugrim: even the fat guy is kicking your ***
I Am Infinity GB: i've got people messaging out of nowhere telling me about how i'm a whiney little baby when they're the ones who can't man up to anything
I Am Infinity GB: awesome, i'll be sure to tell him you said that
Edandraugrim: tell who?
I Am Infinity GB: everyone :D
I Am Infinity GB: i'll even tell it to you, too next time i see you
Edandraugrim: funny
I Am Infinity GB: i'll just tell everyone about this
I Am Infinity GB: in fact, i'll even copy this and post it on smash boards
I Am Infinity GB: and on my myspace
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
I Am Infinity GB: awww, don't stop
Edandraugrim: suck a **** and keep playing Metaknight
I Am Infinity GB: oh oh oh
I Am Infinity GB: can i keep my internet fanboy too?
I Am Infinity GB: pleeeease
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
Edandraugrim: u suck at brawl hahahahaha
Edandraugrim: by pussey
Edandraugrim signed off at 7:38:22 PM.


That severe **** of the English language has damaged my eyesight and I.Q. , Infinity.

Thanks a lot. :/


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Funky Town, Texas
That severe **** of the English language has damaged my eyesight and I.Q. , Infinity.

Thanks a lot. :/
Sorry, I can't help other people messaging me out of the blue trying to troll me, lol.

Look at it this way, the humor of it has brought your IQ back up and helped heal the eyesores :D


Sorry, I can't help other people messaging me out of the blue trying to troll me, lol.

Look at it this way, the humor of it has brought your IQ back up and helped heal the eyesores :D
I s'pose; that, and a healthy dose of exploding corpses on Gears brought me back to normal. :bee:

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
Guyyyyyyyys... Two things. One, I have an extra seat to hobo on account of my roommate deciding not to go. Two, how about that housing/hobo-practice offer? Eh? *raises eyebrows*


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
My AIM is ssbbguy if someone needs it for anything. I will be on within 10 minutes. Fogo, Dphat, whoever.
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