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DFW Brawl Thread: Batou Monthly, Feb 18th - Revolution 10, Mar 3rd

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Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
YUP YUP Don't forget Brawl tournament at DP. Contact me at 214-516-1403 and I'll get you directions to my place. Tournament entrants is expected to be in the 20+ so if anyone can bring a set up much appreciation. ALSO the tournament should be starting around 4 pm give or take a hour so come soon :)

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
Aww man, I don't get off until three. Factor in shaving, a shower, and actually driving out from Mesquite to Coppell, and I probably can't make it out there until at least 4:30-5. I'll see what I can do.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 1, 2008
Dallas, Tx
Yo guys fridays at DPhats was SWEET! Sorry i didnt show Saturday i said id bring tvs but we were out till like 5 AM so we was tired as balls. You guys are all reely good. also I BAN MARTH RELEASE GRABS FOREVER AGHHHHHH DPHAT IM LOOKIN AT YOU!!! Also who had the sick Lucas? Our ness vs lucas matches were intense i look forward to more next week!!!


Smash Shinigami
Jul 30, 2007
Kirbykid's ruleset, TX.
1. d4bgrabz
2. Su(edge camp)dai :-P
3. Fogooooo
4. DPhat BTW


good stuff guys, i'm gonna go try to overdose on tylenol to get rid of this headache or die, whichever comes first lol


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
OMG I had so much fun last night. Learned a lot from you guys and it was all awesome. I left at like, 10AM this morning. I wanted to stay and hang out some today, but I wound up staying up for 3 hours with Zach after everyone went to sleep. 3 hours of GnW vs ROB. Soooo tired after that. XD

But yeah, I opted to leave then and have FMatt drive us back so I wouldn't fall asleep then and wake up at like 5PM. hah

Overall though, good **** to everyone. Brawl, Hold 'em, and (some) Melee. Awesome night. You can be I'll definitely be back when I can. (Most likely 3 weeks from now or so.)


Smash Shinigami
Jul 30, 2007
Kirbykid's ruleset, TX.
hey if anybody's got ANY recent videos of my D3 against ANY falco could you please upload it today? i need it for my breakdown of the falco match-up. Preferably a win, but a loss is fine too.



Smash Apprentice
Apr 1, 2008
Dallas, Tx
Ah yes phoenix alpha those were some good battles! i dont know how i pulled off that fight at luigis mansion i guess i just got reely lucky. my heart was going THUMP THUMP the whole time!!! If its goin on next week ill hopefully see you there for some more pk battlin


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2008
Dallas, TX
see this is why i hate missing tournys i miss all the inside jokes =( i need help with a ride to d-phats i have a ride for most anywhere else if anybody can help much thanx :)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
Hey guys, I'm going to host a tournament on November 28, 2008. The day after thanksgiving. Its a Friday. I'll have atleast 2 tvs, and more if other people can bring some, which I'll be counting on. I'll probably have 4-5 tvs total if people bring some. (I have a huge 50 something inch tv too for all the important matches) I'll of course be providing food (pizza most likely), but I'll probably charge like a 1$ venue fee for it or spend 5% of the entry fees on it. Whatever I need to do. There will be doubles and singles, I'm not sure on the prices yet, but probably 10$ for doubles and 5$ for singles.

Is there anything I'm missing? :p. Rules will be standard tourney rules, uh, same ones that we had at dphats. Also I live in Richardson, like 30 minutes away from dphats place and 30 minutes away from Jack Kieser's (I'm right in the middle).

Don't worry about room either, my dad's got a nice sized apartment, my room can hold a tv, the dining room can hold a tv, the living room can have 2 tvs (already got my sony bravia 52 or somethin inch'er in there). If needed we can also have one in my dad's room and another in my room.

I think thats about it. Questions and comments will be much apreciated.

Yeah and I am/was the short little blonde kid at Dphat's if you were wondering. (Ruddy)

Edit: Btw this was actually my dad's idea first rofl. My mum's going out of town for thanksgiving break so I'm going to be staying at my dad's. He was like, hey why don't you host one of those tourny things you've been attending, we've got the space and tvs and everything.

Edit2: Soon I'll post all the confirmed details on an AiB tourney form thingy. Oh and basically you're all invited. I think.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2008
Dallas, TX
Hey guys, I'm going to host a tournament on November 28, 2008. The day after thanksgiving. Its a Friday. I'll have atleast 2 tvs, and more if other people can bring some, which I'll be counting on. I'll probably have 4-5 tvs total if people bring some. (I have a huge 50 something inch tv too for all the important matches) I'll of course be providing food (pizza most likely), but I'll probably charge like a 1$ venue fee for it or spend 5% of the entry fees on it. Whatever I need to do. There will be doubles and singles, I'm not sure on the prices yet, but probably 10$ for doubles and 5$ for singles.

Is there anything I'm missing? :p. Rules will be standard tourney rules, uh, same ones that we had at dphats. Also I live in Richardson, like 30 minutes away from dphats place and 30 minutes away from Jack Kieser's (I'm right in the middle).

Don't worry about room either, my dad's got a nice sized apartment, my room can hold a tv, the dining room can hold a tv, the living room can have 2 tvs (already got my sony bravia 52 or somethin inch'er in there). If needed we can also have one in my dad's room and another in my room.

I think thats about it. Questions and comments will be much apreciated.

Yeah and I am/was the short little blonde kid at Dphat's if you were wondering. (Ruddy)

Edit: Btw this was actually my dad's idea first rofl. My mum's going out of town for thanksgiving break so I'm going to be staying at my dad's. He was like, hey why don't you host one of those tourny things you've been attending, we've got the space and tvs and everything.
yes a tourny not to far for me to drive (jack u still haveing that bi-weekly and whens the next 1)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
Sweet, I already have atleast one person attending. Glad I could accomodate you.

I hope plenty of people can still come even though its like, right after thanksgiving.

Edit: wow AiB is down right now, everytime I try to go there I get this weird server fail message or something.


If it's in Richardson, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to come to it. I need to get out and find non wi-fi competition, but it's hard to when you don't know anyone or have a ride. I'm sure I'll have a job by then, so I'll see what I can do.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
K, I might be able to pick a few people up, but I'm not completely sure yet. Oh and if anyone brings any leftover thanksgiving food (I'm sure somebody's going to have some, when my mum cooks for thanksgiving, we have enough food to last us a month), it would be much apreciated, I might have to waive or partly waive the tourney fees.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 1, 2008
Dallas, Tx
Ruddy were you that young dude with that SIKK fox??? THAT WAS AMAZING!!! You are easily the best youngest smash player evar!!! But yeah i was the ness player and I could come richardsons closer than Dphats and ill be off from skool so yeah


Smash Rookie
Sep 1, 2008
Arlington, TX
mydadsacop123 = Austin, right? Good seeing you again, this is Jeremy, the guy that played you at round 3 of that GameStop tourney. Next smashfest, we'll have to get a set in to see where we stand against each other now.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
Dphats was epic as usual. My gf said "whenever you sleep, you pull down the covers and snake d.air them off the bed" hahaha I lawled ROFLCOPTER.

Sudai: Good ish, playing you made me even more confident in my abilities to adapt to people's playstyles. I wait in anticipation for you to come back to Dallas.


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
Success this friday, met alot of new people I hope you guys had alot of fun. Didn't expect so many people, and the tournament went very smooth. I hope everyone had fun, but just to inform everyone there will be no weeklies at DPhat's place this weekend since he will be attending Hobo11. Just giving everyone a heads up.

Sudai- Had fun playing your rob. Whenever you get back maybe we'll do another Money match, maybe this time you'll WIN BUWAHAHAHA!! <3, but nah seriously TOO GOOD, I thought I played around the ledge but man.. you put me to shame lol.

Ruddy- Glad you came I hope you had a lot of fun kid. You really surprised everyone. I hope you come again man.


Smash Shinigami
Jul 30, 2007
Kirbykid's ruleset, TX.
Ah yes phoenix alpha those were some good battles! i dont know how i pulled off that fight at luigis mansion i guess i just got reely lucky. my heart was going THUMP THUMP the whole time!!! If its goin on next week ill hopefully see you there for some more pk battlin
are you that awestin guy??


Smash Apprentice
Apr 1, 2008
Dallas, Tx
Daimonster - you are lucky as balls if your girlfriend mentions smash bros! My ex would just whine and pout whenever me n my bros would play brawl, and give me dirty looks when i EVER mentioned brawl. But i solved things with a FALCON PAWWWNCH!!! Also Kado- Nice seein you again! small world eh? yeah we need to play again i seem to remember we werent matched up in the tourney but afterwards you beat me. You totally shoulda won that tournament!

**** FOGO i didnt think many of you super pros had heard of me :) Yeah i havent been too active lately but ive always wanted to play you so next time i see you ITS ON!!!


Smash Rookie
Sep 1, 2008
Arlington, TX
Eh, it would've been nice to win that tourney, but I didn't even expect to get to round three with all of the rule changes, characters not being unlocked, and not being comfortable with the Wiimote/Nunchuk. Either way though, the 70 bucks in credit was nice. Oh, and the ****ty looking trophies. :laugh:

Yeah, we'll definitely do a set next smashfest man. You've got a sick Ness.
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