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DFW Brawl Thread: Batou Monthly, Feb 18th - Revolution 10, Mar 3rd

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Smash Apprentice
Aug 15, 2008
Land of the Killers, TX
I can't bring any food or drink to share this time around, but to compensate I'll treat you to any fast food place you want, Andy. Two double cheeseburgers, one McChicken? Yes please. :)

Edit @ Melee1 and Angel: If it's not too much trouble, would you two mind bringing my Wii-mote and SD Card tonight at the smash fest? I want to start collecting clips for my combo video. That and turn on my Wii. :(


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
My plane will land at 2pm on Sunday. I have orientation and stuff for my new job on Thursday and Friday, but until then I should be free. Because of this, until then, I might be living with you Andy lol. Love the references to pollo and game rofl


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
My plane will land at 2pm on Sunday. I have orientation and stuff for my new job on Thursday and Friday, but until then I should be free. Because of this, until then, I might be living with you Andy lol. Love the references to pollo and game rofl
What about the meth lab? :(


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
Brief shout-outs time :)

First off, good seeing everybody again. I had a blast.

Sean Infinity: Doubles was so much god**** fun. Grats on sort of first. You and all you silly splitters; be like me! Split the pot, not the placing :D

Sean Melee1: Grats on sort of second? I dunno. Anyhow it was good hanging and talking to you. I can't help but feel encouraged after our conversations. Make sure to let me know when you're having a smashfest (214-549-8486 or my AIM), and I'll see if I can find a ride for it.

Damien Deeforbuh: We didn't play, but we spoke of things and they were great things.

Fogogogogogo: You made my Marth sad :( Go play Fallout 3! Or get Cave Story for WiiWare when it comes out.

Zach de la Universidad de Dallas de Tejas: You 9'ed me through my shield. Tears were shed.

Andy and Ice: I have nothing to say to either of you individually. As a team, however, you have my thanks for glorious battles the legends of which will be told and retold through the ages.

Bluezaft: You took me to Mushroom Kingdom II, my FAVORITE AND BEST COUNTERPICK LEVEL OF ALL TIME. I think the result was only to be expected.

Joking aside, our finals were fun and oodles of thanks for the ride. I'll try and have new stories so I can stop complaining about the Silent Specter fanclub.

DoH: My other ride! Thanks for taking me home and thanks for the intense games. I've said it like, eight times now, but those were my first fun Peach vs IC matches. I'm looking forward to more.

Poot: You have to stop psyching yourself out when you play me! I know I've got an aura of power that you can quite literally TASTE but you must be strong! Defeat me next time.

Other dudes I played: if I knew you all better I'd say more, but I can't think of a match I didn't enjoy, so we'll let that speak for itself. When I can next journey to a PBT I will look forward to seeing you again.

Peace y'all.

Vitamin X

Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2007
Fort Worth
Speak-outs, likely to be drowned out by the echo of Wobbles' shout-outs:

D4ba (Damien): Good stuff from your G&W again, especially using Great Fox's laser to fill your bucket. That was cool and I TRIED to stop it the second time...

Matt: Good seeing you again. Enjoyed our friendlies, more than I let on.

Felix (Ryan): Definitely didn't expect to run into you here. You showing up was definitely my best-case scenario for teams, 'cause I had planned to just team with someone who needed a partner. I was hoping we'd place higher but...well, maybe next time.

Melee1 (Sean): Sorry I left again without playing you in Brawl. I'm not gonna john about that, but next time I come to a Dallas tourney, I'll come early so we can play. Your Falco murdered my YL in Melee, though.

Wobbles (Rob, am I right?): Oh why, oh why did I kill myself so much when I played you. I wouldn't have won anyway, but still...oh well. GG's.

Poot (James): GG's. I should probably play Melee more so I can be ready next time.

Angel/Honky: Good games, guys. Shame about that friendly fire thing, though. This puts Angel at 2 and 0 against me (Yeah, I'm keeping count.)

Ruddy/YAJ: Good games. TBH, I had only read of Pika's chainthrow on Fox on the boards up until then, then tried it out during the match. I don't like dittos, but you might be able to talk me into an MM next time I play a Dallas tourney.

Fogo/(what was his teammate's name, sorry): Phew, that was a close one for us. Good strategy, using Lucario to fill G&W's bucket.

Richard/Marcus: Good games, guys. That was a really close match. If there's a next time, we'll make sure it goes the other way. :laugh:


Smash Rookie
Dec 24, 2008
Congradulations to (Marveyn) for being the 2nd monthly champion of the AirbrushKing SSBB Series. That Picture on the POSTER is getting seen by every Play N Trade Customer that walks in. Calling out the BEST of the BEST Smash Bros Brawl players in Texas. Here is your chance to make smashbros history. Come to Play N Trade Highway 6 and Bissonet this (Saturday Jan 10) and Prove your skills. Entry Fee 5$/NO VENUE, Early signups begin at 12noon/friendlies, Registration beings at 1pm, Tournament starts at 2pm. "DONT BE LATE". Will you be the next Weeky/Monthly champion? For more information about this EPIC series check the front of xyro's Houston Thread or go to--> www.smashbrostournaments.com/event/main/ . See you there...


Smash Apprentice
Aug 15, 2008
Land of the Killers, TX
1.) Infinity
2.) Melee1
3.) Dallas Phat
4.) D4ba
5.) Forsaken
5.) Rudy
9.) Shuz

That's all I can remember. Kirby Kid should have the results up within a few days. Or maybe we'll get lucky and he'll post it today, who knows? :)


Smash Rookie
Dec 29, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Dang. Congratulations to Shuz, DPhat, and Rudy. Lots and lots of improvement since I'd first seen them play, which was only a few months ago.

P.S. Nine Shoes, baby!


Smash Apprentice
Apr 1, 2008
Dallas, Tx
damien got.... 4TH????
Glad to see Dallas is well... I'm currently in Michigan...
I'll see if mish U is having anything
Gotta rep Dallas! :)


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2008
Dallas, TX
Great fun at PBT, everyone. I definitely learned NEVER to ever go Falco, thanks Fogo! Singles was meh, but 5th in teams was cool.

@VitaminX: No worries about having to replay the matches, dude. The first result wasn't legit without team attack on. I should have asked you for some singles, our set was TOO close last time.

Also, I got some epic win quotes from Melee1 this weekend. Bask in his homosexuality:

I've slept with so many more guys than girls.
There was a point where all my friends were turning gay.
I can't act gay, I can only sleep with guys.
Can I sleep in your bed with you?
I wanna see Dphat's face in his butt.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2008
Dallas, TX
There was SO MUCH MORE than just those 5, but by the time I thought to write them down, most of it was forgotten.

Suffice it to say, Melee1 mains a gay character because they remind him of himself :chuckle: :chuckle:

Also, he's a scrub.
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