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Dear Mew2King


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
M2K, you're truly appreciated by the Smash community. Keep your chin up, k? Also, if you're ever in Pittsburgh, hit up the scene here. We could really use an actual good player to keep us in perspective. Both games.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Jason: What's your SAT/ACT score? that along with GPA, & a FAFSA, would probably help determine what kind of scholarships you're eligible for.

Oni Nick

Smash Rookie
Jan 28, 2009
I haven't read the entire tread, so just ignore this post if I'm missing some points. But if m2k needs money for school and doesn't even have a proper place to live my sincere advice would be to get a job and start earning some money and focus on school. Smash isn't going to get you anywhere in that sense.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
M2K, or whoever might not know... One thing to be aware of with student loan interest is that the interest builds EVERY DAY. All of my loans have fixed interest rates ranging from 4-5.9%, but approximately 35% of what I paid the first year went straight to interest. My minimum monthly payment is $244 (around $85 of that going straight to interest), but in order to lessen the burden of the interest I have my loans set to auto-draft $500 out of my checking account each month (still only $85 goes to interest). I also occasionally make a large payment between payments, which goes straight to the principle (bypasses interest).


Smash Lord
Jul 10, 2006
Århus, Denmark
thats where we're headed >.>. and f#<k the SAT. I don't think they actually care about the grades only your financial situation
I think you'll find that Jonas (who is also from Denmark) is quite happy with that situation. He most likely just wanted to poke fun of calling everything communism when things like healthcare and this is a given in our country (and something pretty much no one here will question), and we don't consider ourselves communists.

Hope things work out for you m2k, also a big fan (y)


Smash Rookie
Mar 29, 2009
Living is Denmark is neat. Free money for anyone who wants to study is a great idea.

I hope things work out for you M2K! Can't really help much, though, since I don't know about the system in America.


Smash Lord
Jul 10, 2005
Mew2king regarding fafsa. Since you are only 22, they will probably make you claim your parents income as well as your own. You will need to convince the school for which you are going into that you have no contact with your parents whatsoever, and even then it could be tough depending on the school. Did you file your own taxes last year? This will greatly help your chances of getting aid and being known as an independent student.

At the University where I transferred to, I was unable to get any federal aid. I have been living on my own for a little over 4 years now and even have a kid. They spent 3 hours copying receipts of paid rent, utility bills, purchases of formula, diapers, wipes, food, clothes, etc adding up to several thousand dollars. They said that wasn't proof that I supported my son more than 50% because the items purchased might not have gone to my son. I wasn't able to be independent on my own either because I was 23 years old. At my junior college I was able to obtain aid though. /mew2kingesque rant where I got screwed over.

Regarding the price of school in Georgia. Is there anyway you can move in that town/state to be known as in district or in state. If not, is there a friend in the area with an address there you could trust to handle your mail? If you have an in district or in state address for things to be sent to, they will consider you in district or in state giving you the cheaper tuition.

As many others have said, it's STUPID to not fill out the fafsa. It can only do good things. The federal part of the grant is typically a little over $2000 semester. Some states give you additional funding if you qualify which was about $500 per semester, but they took the state funding away cuz of the recession in Illinois. Filling out the fafsa can also qualify you for work study jobs at the school. They're minimum wage jobs with usually a max of 20 hours per week, but if you're lucky you can get an easy one like at a computer lab or checking in people's dorms where you're able to do homework. If you're wanting better money, it's typically better to search the town for part time jobs.

Grades and potential scholarships- I think you said you've been to college before. Typically they only look at high school grades and ACT for incoming freshman, and to get money those are typically top notch GPAS etc. They will probably be looking mainly at your college grades to get scholarships now. Talk to your old colleges about possible transfer scholarships if it was a junior college, because that is the only way I've been able to financial support for school. The easiest scholarships to obtain are with financial need, minority, and good grades. There's more than what you expect out there, it's a matter of being diligent in finding them and being lucky. You'll find scholarship oppourtunities typically on the school's website. I've personally found some of the scholarship search engine websites to be a waste of time and more often than not a scam. Hearing about them on the school's website and from faculty seems to be the best shot. Having connections with certain faculty will make it easier for you to hear about potential scholarships as well.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
M2K, IDK if you know this, but GA has what is called the HOPE scholarship. It recently just changed so I really don't know how it is exactly at this moment, but it used to be if you had a 3.0+ you got paid for college for a good amount of your college. I think it recently changed to like 3.2 or something for part of it covered and 3.5 fuor a bigger part of it covered or all of it, I'm really not sure. If you decide to go to college here then try looking into it, btw which college are you thinking on attending?


Zobaia -Deus- Ariana
Apr 4, 2006
In Denmark you get paid for going to university. Yes. They pay you and fund your studies entirely.
I m currently studying in Denmark (exchange year), and ofc u have to pay a certain amount of it back. But that is after u've graduated.

Feels great to have that money support all the way through studies tho :p


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Actually, M2K, I don't think they HOPE goes for OoS people going into college here unless you're a citizen which I have no idea if it's possible to become a citizen just for the HOPE scholarship or not or w.e, but I just thought to let you know (I did find out however that with a 3.5+ it pays for full tuition).


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2009
In canada school is 1/4 as expensive as the states.
true facts.
In Sweden all schools are free and you also get an amount of money every month for studying. You also don't need to pay anything back, like Denmark lol.

Paying for school sounds like such a stupid thing to me.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Typically you need to live in a state for at least 1 year before you can claim residency as a student. In addition, you cannot be listed as a dependent on your tax forms. If you are still listed as a dependent when filling out your taxes, than only the state where your parents live counts.

Scholarships are almost everywhere you look. There are thousands of them out there, you just have to look around and do some research. Random hint most people don't know: Fraternities also offer scholarships and they are typically easier to get than the ones you find online since the pool of applicants is limited to members of the fraternity (then again, there are fraternities dues, but so long as the scholarship is more than the dues for the year, you end up in the black).

As everyone else has mentioned, fill out your FAFSA. However, not enough people are stressing that a lot of what you get out of this is determined based on your parents income.

If you are native American, even a little bit, you can get college paid for, for free, all of it. However, simply saying you are native American does nothing: there is a national database of native Americans and in addition to that, you are issued a certificate (and I believe an ID number) to prove you are authentically native American. We've all heard random friends of ours attempt to lie/claim they are [insert type of native American].

Many states and even some national grants are currently being pulled because of the recession. I would highly suggest looking at 3rd-party scholarships.

Finally, be careful with whatever money you do get. As mentioned earlier, if you do get student loans, you will be paying interest on them, and that will add up fast and could quickly add between 10%-30% to the total amount loaned to you (so if you received $10,000, suddenly you have to pay back $13,000). So don't spend your money unwisely, attempt to pay off the principle faster than the minimum payments require, and more or less save wherever you can.

Also, through all of this, you still would need to apply to college. That is not an easy step in itself.

Most importantly though, you simply will not be able to keep up your Smash life of weekly tournaments and spending time at random peoples houses if you want to be a serious student. The two lives simply do not mix, which means you will have to find a part-time job at a more typical employer.

Oni Nick

Smash Rookie
Jan 28, 2009
I m currently studying in Denmark (exchange year), and ofc u have to pay a certain amount of it back. But that is after u've graduated.

Feels great to have that money support all the way through studies tho :p
In what way do you have to pay it back?


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
"3.4 billion in scholarships" + "largest database of scholarships"

"Search 2.7 million local, state & national college scholarships & grants worth over 19 billion dollars for FREE!"

Those sites are in addition to scholarships being offered by whatever specific school you are interested in (for which you should simply search "scholarships" on their website).

The amount of work needed for each scholarship varies. Some simply require one essay, others a few essays, some are need based, some have academic requirements, etc. It will take a good chunk of time to go through and identify ones that apply to you, and even more time to fill out the applications adequately. Make sure you have someone (or several people) proofread your applications.

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009

and I'm sending other americans to BEAST2 don't worry, I doubt I'm going though. I mean it's hard enough to beat Armada in NTSC but when my characters are SUPER NERFED it seems pretty pointless lol
Dude, you vs Amsah Sheik dittos in PAL would be to die for. :D

Deleted member

you should probably do this stuff, and in order:

1. check out your school of interest in Atlanta. you're not in school now so this should be pretty easy for you. tell them you're interested in game design and ask them to detail their program to you about it. Tell them you're kinda going in blind and ask them to add anything else that might be relevant. Also tell them that you're worried about costs and ask how you should address that situation. Basically, get a feel for the place and their program/costs. if you like what you see while you're there, pick up an application on your way out.

2. apply for that school. cross your fingers and hope you get in. since you're a little early for fall 2011 you should have a better chance for getting in assuming you do this stuff as soon as possible.

3. fill out the FAFSA and have it sent to that school (you can do this during the FAFSA itself or shortly after, both work).

4. once your school receives the FAFSA stuff from the government, you should be able to start going through scholarships, grants, and loans. See what the school has to offer, and then ask them to send you in the direction of other offers that you're eligible for. again, since you're a little early, you should have some small advantage here.

again, I can help you with some of the stuff. I can't help you research the school itself but I can help you apply for it and anything else that follows.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Mow's outline is really good. One thing I would be a little concerned about is application deadlines. Back in highschool most applications for college were due before January in order to get into the schools upcoming Fall semester. This may be different with transfer students though. Just one thing to check for and to look around at. Regardless, it is one thing you need to get to ASAP. As in, tomorrow. Do no procrastinate working on applications to college.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2005
I've only been at the same tournament as mew2king a couple times and never met him but I just want say, You're story of how you became the best is pretty much the reason I still play smash, I would have otherwise quit a long time ago. So I thank you for your sheer determination, its not only inspiring for the smash but for life in general. And I must say if you can go from being the worst to being a world class player in a game as hard to be good at as melee than you can muster up the determination to do just about anything!


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Also, there are usually TONS of tax credits when you go to college. The American Opportunity Credit has been in place for three years, where you can get ~2500 back in taxes every year for expenses in college.


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2004
Michigan State/Chicago, Il
I never got scholarships. I'm 22, and I got good grades, low A / high B average I'd say in high school. This was like 3-4 years ago when I graduated. Can I do anything about this? I'm considering a college here in Georgia around Atlanta but it's EXTRA expensive (like twice as much) if you are out of state which I am :/ so it's making my decision hard
Look into some different schools, I remember reading something about Iowa Univesity being the most affordable big ten school. Also, make sure you major in something that is useful and will find you a job one you graduate. In today's economy you need to obtain valuable professional skills jsut to have a chance at landing a decent job. Some of the fastest growing fields are centered in health care, accounting, and technology.

Once again, look aroudn for more affordable AND nationally accredited institutions. Iowa is a good one because it is from a premier conference of Universities and has a massive alumni base (i hear its very affordable.) Also, you should look into moving back home and going to a university back there. You are young, now is the time to focus on YOU. I read you have a girlfriend or w/e and that it would be hard to leave that behind since she is prob your first one. But who cares, right now you need to be selfish and FOCUS ON YOUR OWN LIFE. There will be time for that other bs once you get on your feet and start a career. Stick with one game and use it to suppliment your income, but don't make that your means of monetary survival. Look around for a part-time job, apply for loans, get GOOD GRADES, graduate and find yourself a good job. Then you can play games stress free(not worrying about moeny) and have more time/money to date and find that special lady.


Zobaia -Deus- Ariana
Apr 4, 2006
In what way do you have to pay it back?
Maybe it's different in Denmark, but basically, ull have to pay back a certain amount of ur loan after finishing studies.

After every exam u pass, some of the loan will be made scholarship.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
Okay so here's what I know

I really like video games. I'm naturally good at smash now and I can probably continue this forever(IF smash games came out forever, but I realize the odds are clearly against this... maybe). Smash is very big in Cali and some other places. I might move there eventually because of both jobs, smash being big (not main reason at all), and one of my best friends might move there. That is one potential consideration for me.

I've been to Lorain County College and Camden County College. These are located in Ohio and New Jersey.

I am also considering Atlanta Georgia (or around lawrenceville, where Tim lives, which is where I am at right now, living for free with him). But... college is like twice as expensive there for out-of-state residents which sucks :/

I am mostly done my Associates I think I need like 6 or 7 more classes to finish it. Yes, I haven't gotten done much, cuz smash distracted me so much and I missed important deadlines before and then took off for smash again.

I paid over a year of college out of my pocket from my smash winnings, no scholarships and no fafsa. It sucked. Can I make up for this? If so, how. What's the smartest money-strategy for me to be doing?

I am pretty sure I want to make video games some day. I like level design it's interesting to me, maybe designing levels or boss battles or something would be cool too. Pretty much Mega Man type of stuff is the most interesting to me. I mainly only am interested in 2D though. Of course, I don't know how much I will end up liking something like that or not yet. This is just what I know right now. All I know most of my life is video games, ever since age 4 it's what I did my entire life for fun. I don't know what else I could see myself doing, so I guess I'll just do that (or some other game related thing I suppose, maybe helping to run tournaments or game testing or... I dunno something, this is just what I know right now and what I have been planning. If it's not related to games it's not interesting to me at all and I can't truely care about it).

With that said, I think I missed the deadline for scholarships because on the Camdencc.edu website it said it was late February. I'm in Georgia right now, I could go home for about 200 round trip ticket but should I really do it?

I was planning on maybe taking a few online classes, if possible, for during the summer, so that I could finish up full-time in school and get my associates between August-December all in new jersey. I dunno where I will go after that for my bachelors.

I suck at this stuff but I basically need to get my transcripts and see if the credits are transferable (if I decide to stay in NJ between August-Dec, which I am not 100% sure on but I am leaning towards) and then pick out classes.

Also, scholarships would be nice, as I've never had them before even though my average grades are like probably around A-/b+. Fafsa should give me a lot too. I already have Fafsa applied for me for NJ college for the 2011-2012 semesters which start at about August.

I'm not really in a rush to do this, but I am trying to be as fiancially-smart with this as possible, but I still don't know what I should be doing atm, except calling both the ohio and NJ college and getting my transcripts so I can at least get my associates (even though I think it is so redundant that I have to take things like Illustrator which I'll never use again in my life.... if only I could avoid that because I am sure I will never ever use this ever)

edit - if I could even get a job doing like, game testing, for a GOOD price instead of like 10 hour but instead getting like 20+ an hour, I'd be happy to do that the rest of my life, as I don't really find that too boring. If I don't get a lot like that though, idk if it's worth it. I just know playing games, level design, and then making ideas for things (like the mega man example I had stated above), in that order, is the most enjoyable things to me, I am pretty sure at least. Game testing seems fun to me but I won't want to do it if the pay is ****ty, obviously (and that would be my only reason).

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
This is something else lol.

Best of luck to you, Jason. Everyone else seems to be on top of the advice so I hope some encouragement will still be well-received. =)


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
I love this thread. It's like . . . M2K never had a guidance counselor in high school and everyone in here is trying to help him fill the gap.
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