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DDD Social: we livin' in smash 4

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
watch cbeef is like dis huge irl black guy da kid

u better watch ya *** if yall met at an event

T3h Albino

Smash Master
Aug 16, 2008
Snellville GA
I'm 16 years old
5'10, black albino male.
And I CG lower tiers just to piss them off, it's funny how bad it messes up some peoples gameplay if you grab and CG them multiple times in a small time period. They start playing so sloppy <_<

T3h Albino

Smash Master
Aug 16, 2008
Snellville GA
I wouldn't say bleach white...I'm lighter than the normal individual, however I still manage to find people lighter than me, and when I do I laugh my ****ing *** off.


Smash Master
Mar 22, 2008
more than one place
5'10" half-white half-asian 21-year old male

favorite food: mexican

What D3 doesnt like chaingrabbing :psycho:

LOL yeah i feel the same way about CG'ing actually

i like cg'ing people like snake or diddy because if you don't, you're ****ed

but i usually just bthrow people like link or ganon
I agree, well I CG anyways but I just think it's lame. I always say give me a better jab and you can take away all my CG's.

would u believe me if i said i kinda felt the same way too
I believe you!!!

i think too many ppl look at the CG n think we have to literally master it

CG and the Dthrow mechanics to me are just a bonus for DDD. N i like not always relying on the CG. I mean i played wifi for over 2 yrs before i went offline, n i never really focused on the CG till after i went offline.

In my opinion tho, i think the best way to practice CGing in general is to CG a lv 9 cpu marth. Its a hard time it, but since lv9s break the CG easily the cpu really helps me personally keep my CG tight. So when your CGing a lv9 marth n he cant break it you know your doing it perfectly.
Yeah I'll practice vs lvl 9's if I'm too lazy to set up another controller on a cg stage, but usually having a marth opponent set to walking away, then have him run into a wall and just cg one way so you can practice perfect cg's going the other way (grab him as he walk pasts you) makes it so your cg is really on point.

CG is guaranteed damage and mixup potential within the cg itself so it's a really nice tool to have. We would lose to Marth without a CG. That said, pretty much every DDD should master CG because it's free damage.

After MLG's massive fail vs Shaky I made sure I knew every single CG xD I wish I could do the walking one on Wario but that one is super hard if any of you get it consistently lmk.

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
i prefer just lv 9 Marth japanese stages only for Left/Right CG training[for da whole left brain/right brain reason obvi]

then american counter pick stages for getting a better idea of how to CG on different geometry-- Marth is the best for practicing CG imo because his slide forces you to have very super accurate timing. Keeping the consistency of CGing on marth isnt easy and i break it all the time. Its getting better tho.

That kinda theory crafting is something i usually reserve for the next generation of SSB. Where anything is possible and nothing is for certain. I might write a big *** article on it. Only thing i kno for certain is that, DDD in canon will most likely be n the next installment. This also means many of his same problems still exist even in the next SSB.

So if anyone here actually cared to continue playing DDD into SSB4, you have to really LEARN how to conquer DDDs weakness NOW. Because theres no guarantee he'll have a CG in SSB4. It really all depends on what Sakura's core idea for DDD is. In brawl we figured out he was intentionally given a CG. Maybe sakurai did it because it is a really nasty mean thing to do to other players. DDD is by canon, a mischievous and a very selfish king like figure.

So rly to truely get a sense of what SSB4 DDD might be, you have to take a look at what strong characteristics about DDD really stand out in his Canonized form.

I dont think that wiki really touched on this but from what i remember in Kirby's Dream Land you fought DDD as a final boss inside of a boxing ring, not only in the first game has this happend but in plenty of other kirby games kirby does fight DDD inside of a boxing ring. Which might indicate DDD is a pro boxer.

apparently my avatar is suppose to be a symbol of DDD doing the peace sign. N i love Ado's art btw <33

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
*** ive never seen those characteristics meshed together before

imma have to check ably out irl so i can see dis **** fo myself

T3h Albino

Smash Master
Aug 16, 2008
Snellville GA
I'm not a ****ing science experiment ***** ****. I'm bout legit as ****kk though =P

Serin is a giant, vex is mature for his age "sometimes", P-3 needs to gtfo off these boards cuz dedede sucks, and idk why kiid's here either but he can stay.
goodnight gais and girl

Vex Kasrani

Smash Master
Jul 13, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
i mean irl. i remember I let him get away with coppin an attitude with me, cus I thought he was older than me.
I do actually apologize for that, I was just really frustrated for losing in teams so early, somebody stole my controller the night before AND I forgot to add the controls to my name tag, so even in game 2 when I fixed my controls, I was having issues dashes.


Smash Champion
Jul 27, 2009
In an alternate universe.
I'll give you the gift of an up-and-coming DDD in Australia?


I don't know, I'll give you an e-hug or something. I saw you on stream for apex 2010. I also say good job on that.

Give me a suggestion Sir Coney.
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