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DC vs. Marvel: Infinity Crisis


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Nobody seems to have a huge problem with the idea, so I think I'll add Thanos and Darkseid to the roster and bump the total up to
52 cover.png

This will be the last time that I increase the base roster, though - both because I don't want to move the goalposts too much, and because 52 is a significant number for DC.

big bads.png

Anyone who had Darkseid in their vote (myself, Speed Weed Speed Weed , @Darkonedagger, Qwerty UIOP Qwerty UIOP , Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds ), feel free to change your vote to someone else. (in most of these cases, I doubt that it will have much of an impact since the rest of you had Darkseid in third, but as we saw with the Spider-Man villains round, one point can make a difference) I'm going to edit my original post.


Marvel vs. Capcom character:


I feel like a few more X-Men couldn't hurt, and Rogue's powers seem like they'd lend themselves well to a fighting game. (she can absorb the abilities of others, which could be her unique ability) For the sake of our hypothetical programmers, she'd probably gain a few abilities that overlap with each other depending on who she's fighting, so she'd get eye beams if she absorbed the powers of Cyclops/Darkseid/Superman, a heavy punch with plenty of super armour if she absorbed the Thing/the Hulk/Wonder Woman, a counter if she absorbed the powers of someone skill-based like Batman/Nightwing/Daredevil/Captain America/Black Panther/Ra's/Deadpool, etc., and maybe a few unique actions for characters like Wolverine or Magneto)

Rogue started out as a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, though after an encounter with Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel where she drained too much from her and absorbed her psyche, she eventually joined the X-Men and became a hero. She's a well-known member of the team (in part due to the 90's cartoon), and one of the prime examples of some people seeing their mutations as a curse. (she can't make direct contact with another human being)


I'll come up with a Thor moveset later tonight.
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
@Darkonedagger's Flash costumes won the poll, so those will be added to the original post! The arcade mode endings didn't get as much participation as I hoped for, though I'll add the ones that I posted to the first post. (I'm assuming that nobody objects to that)

I'm not sure whether to go back to going through the roster in order, or to let people submit endings whenever they want.

For the Injustice characters, we'll do a ranked vote between the following:

View attachment 357769

-Green Arrow (@Darkonedagger)
-Lobo ( Oddball Oddball )
-Martian Manhunter ( DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
-Black Adam ( Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds )
-Deathstroke ( Speed Weed Speed Weed )
-Doctor Fate ( Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer )
-Darkseid ( Megadoomer Megadoomer ) (we agreed to add him into the roster)

Same rules as normal; vote for your top three, the top two will get in, and your own nomination can't be in first.

1. Martian Manhunter
2. Darkseid Black Adam
3. Black Adam Deathstroke


Job 71: submit a Marvel character from the Marvel vs. Capcom games

I don't think this came as much of a surprise after yesterday's Injustice job. The following characters are eligible:

-Omega Red
-Shuma Gorath
-Silver Samurai
-Thanos (we agreed to add him into the roster)
-Venom (Eddie Brock)
-War Machine
-Super Skrull
-Phoenix (Jean Grey)
-Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
-Rocket Raccoon
-Iron Fist
-Nova (Richard Rider)
-Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze)
-Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)
-The Winter Soldier

(technically, Galactus has been playable in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, but that was in a bonus mode where he was limited to a single stage; I figure to be safe, I won't include him in the list)

Job 72: Thor's moveset

We're almost through our first big batch of characters! Feel free to draw from comics, movies, cartoons, games, or whatever other resource you want to draw from. (in Thor's case, you could draw from Norse mythology if you wanted to)

I wasn't sure whether to do a moveset job that was completely open to whatever character people wanted to submit like yesterday's arcade ending job, but I figured that moveset jobs tend to require a lot more detail than an arcade mode ending, so it might be best to stick to doing them in order rather than jumping around.
1. Martian Manhunter. I lowkey think that Martian Manhunter is one of the most slept-on additions into games like this. With such a unique set of abilities paired with their relative importance but more interesting personalities than some, I think he'd be perfect for the roster.
2. Doctor Fate. Personally I think magic users and sorcerers are a criminally underused type of fighting game character, plus Fate is just really cool overall and would have tons of moveset potential that wouldn't really even need to overlap with Strange.
3. Lobo. I physically can't think of a better rival to Deadpool.

Job #71:

Character Name: Super-Skrull.
Character Origin: Fantastic Four #18 (June, 1963)

I think the Super-Skrull would be a pretty much perfect addition to a game like this for a wide number of reasons. Sure, more FF love is always a cool thing to see and everyone likes the idea of seeing their abilities represented, but my take is this - a character who's whole deal is shape-shifting is so conceptually cool in the context of a fighting game. Not only this, it's also a great way to represent more of Marvel's cosmic side - and Kl'rt would just overall be a really fun addition to a game like this. Also, bonus points if he gets a Captain Hero costume ;)

Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
Marvel Character: The Sentinel

One of many giant robots known for hunting mutants. It would easily be one of the biggest characters in the game.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC

Thor moveset

Unique Ability: Megingjord
- an enchanted belt of strength from Norse Mythology. Once activated, Thor is surrounded by a golden glow, and his strength is multiplied by 1.5 until it wears off. (in mythology, it doubles his strength, but I'd be concerned that this would be overkill) Given that he's already pretty strong to begin with, it's only active for a short time, and it has a long cooldown afterwards.

Mighty Bolt (quarter circle forward + attack) - Thor slams his hammer onto the ground, and a bolt of lightning strikes it. With a medium attack, another bolt strikes in front of that one, and with a heavy attack, a third bolt strikes in front of the first two. The distance covered by the heavy version is roughly the length of a character.

Hammer Toss (back, forward, attack) - Thor throws Mjolnir, which returns to him. The move is quick enough that he doesn't have time to move in between throwing it and catching it, and the heavier versions increase the distance that Mjolnir travels.

Stormbreaker (Shoryuken motion + attack) - spinning his hammer in a circular motion, Thor flings it into the air, grabbing onto it as it pulls him skyward. Heavier versions have him spin the hammer for longer and travel farther.

Hammer Slammer (quarter circle back + attack) - Thor leaps forward, bringing his hammer down with enough force to create a shockwave around himself. Heavier versions have him jump further (leaving him more vulnerable while he's in the air) and create a larger shockwave.

Level 1: Mighty Tornado (quarter circle forward x2 + attack) - holding Mjolnir over his head, Thor creates a tornado around himself, rapidly damaging anyone who gets too close. This doesn't have much horizontal range, but it extends high into the air.

Level 2: Trick Shot (quarter circle back x2 + attack) - Thor flings Mjolnir forward with all of his might, causing it to bounce wildly around the edges of the stage. Lightning strikes whenever it connects with the opponent, as Thor laughs triumphantly. Eventually, he grabs Mjolnir out of the air, ending the super. (the super also ends if the opponent gets a hit on Thor, as Mjolnir rushes back to him) Despite the erratic nature of Mjolnir's movements, most of the damage from this attack can be avoided by ducking.

Level 3: God Tempest (press all buttons) - unleashing the full power of Mjolnir, lightning strikes the area on either side of Thor. Getting hit by this lightning causes a transition to a cutscene where Thor creates a superstorm. The opponent is lifted into the air by a massive tornado, where they're struck by lightning, hail, and debris. They reach the eye of the storm, which would normally be peaceful... except for the fact that Thor is waiting there for them. Giving a battle cry ("FOR ASGARD!!" or something of that nature), Thor hits them so hard with the hammer that they rocket towards the ground.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I'll start off by saying that going forward...

-trading cards
-arcade mode endings
-match introductions
-victory quotes

...can be submitted whenever people want to submit them. Try to keep it reasonable (for example, listing thirty cards in a single post is probably excessive), but I figure this way, people aren't limited to a 24 hour period to come up with ideas for these and can just submit them whenever the mood strikes.

I'm going to leave the Thor moveset job open for another day, in case anyone else has ideas. (I could have mine win by default, but I want to give people a chance to submit something since some of you expressed interest in the idea)

Now onto the results:

Lobo: 4
Black Adam: 4
Deathstroke: 4
Doctor Fate: 9
Green Arrow: 18
Martian Manhunter: 21

Going by the results of this poll, we'll be adding the team-up that you've all been asking for:

Yes, that classic duo of Green Arrow and Martian Manhunter! Seriously, congratulations to @Darkonedagger and DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 for your nominations making it in. (I just remembered that image, found it funny, and finally had a chance to use it for something)

injustice winners.png

I think we've got a solid Justice League line-up so far - I'm not sure if some characters like Constantine or Nightwing qualify as full-time JL members, but there's Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Shazam, Plastic Man, and Zatanna, which covers a lot of ground.

justice league.png


For the Marvel vs. Capcom characters, we've got:

MvC nominations.png

-Ghost Rider ( Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer )
-Rocket Raccoon (and Groot) (@Darkonedagger)
-Venom ( Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds )
-M.O.D.O.K. ( DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
-Rogue ( Megadoomer Megadoomer )
-Super-Skrull ( KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 )
-Sentinel ( Qwerty UIOP Qwerty UIOP )

Same as before - vote for your top three, the top two overall will get in, and you can't put your own nomination in first.

1. M.O.D.O.K.
2. Rogue
3. Rocket and Groot


Job 73: Captain America's costumes

Submit a list of costumes for Captain America. (Steve Rogers, to be clear, since in the comics, both Steve and Sam Wilson are Captain America, and in the MCU, it's just Sam) Like usual, we're going with a default outfit plus anywhere from 1 to 7 alternate costumes.

Job 74: submit a stage associated with any DC team/organization (aside from the Justice League)

I chose this topic because our current DC line-up has a pretty heavy focus on the Justice League (understandably, since that covers what feels like 90% of the heroes in the DC universe), but there are a lot of groups that we haven't really touched.

The Justice Society, Doom Patrol, the Challengers of the Unknown, the Teen Titans, the Legion of Superheroes, Spyral, the Suicide Squad, the Court of Owls, the Sinestro Corps., H.I.V.E., the Monster Society of Evil... I'm not sure how many of these have iconic locations associated with them, but there are a lot of teams and groups in DC, and I figure we could take advantage of that. (plus, it allows for plenty of cameos in case characters from those teams don't get in)


In case anyone missed it up top, I'll leave the Thor moveset job open for another day in case anyone has a different move list for him. (though if people are fine with sticking with my moveset and moving on, then that works too)


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Job 74:

Danny the Street

Danny the Street is a sentient teleporting street who travels around the world, giving people who have been tossed out by society a place to rest. They served as the headquarters of the Doom Patrol for a time, and some of its members (Elasti-Girl, Robotman, Negative Man, among others) could make cameo appearances in the background.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I'm going to try to write some intro dialogue between characters, since I enjoy that sort of thing.

Darkseid vs. Doctor Doom

Darkseid: "Surrender to Darkseid."
Doom: "Doom bows to no one!"
Darkseid: "You will bow or be broken."

Wonder Woman vs. Ms. Marvel:

Wonder Woman: "Who do you think is stronger - me or Captain Marvel?"
Ms. Marvel: "Captain Marvel, definitely!"
Wonder Woman: "Perhaps you need to see me in action."

Deadpool vs. Thanos:

Deadpool: "You, with the controller - any chance you could pause and quit?"
Thanos: "I will silence you, one way or another."
Deadpool: "You're just jealous 'cause Death loves me more!"

Thor vs. Darkseid:

Thor: "Darkseid, we would have words with thee."
Darkseid: "Ah, one of the Old Gods. I will finish you myself."
Thor: "You shall taste the wrath of Mjolnir, like countless tyrants before you!"

Batman vs. Ra's al Ghul:

Ra's: "Detective."
Batman: "Ra's."
Ra's: "Enough talk."

Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus:

Doc Ock: "I am your superior, Spider-Man!"
Spidey: "This again? Give it a rest, Otto."
Doc Ock: "Not until you have been squashed!"

Batman vs. Catwoman:

Batman: "You know, there are other ways to get my attention."
Catwoman: "Sure, but they aren't as fun."
Batman: "A museum heist and a spar - how has this become our date night?"

Iron Man vs. Green Arrow:

Iron Man: "Your weapon's centuries out of date."
Green Arrow: "It's all I need to beat you."
Iron Man: "I am not losing to a Hawkeye knockoff."

Lex Luthor vs. Doctor Octopus:

Luthor: "Want to team up again?"
Doc Ock: "Are you insane? Last time, you tried to destroy the world!"
Luthor: "A fitting punishment for my genius going underappreciated!"

Iron Man vs. Superman:

Iron Man: "You know, you remind me of Hyperion."
Superman: "Is that a good thing?"
Iron Man: "Given how often he's been brainwashed into trying to kill me, not really."

Martian Manhunter vs. Cyclops:

J'onn: "Odd - I'm having trouble with reading your mind."
Cyclops: "The Professor has trained us well."
J'onn: "Let me put that to the test."
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Mega's moveset is very similar to what I had in mind so I guess I will not do anything.

I sadly still have the time to do these writing things but I will think in them.


  1. Venom
  2. Ghost Rider
  3. Rocket & Groot

Deleted member

1. Ghost Rider
2. Venom
3. Rocket


Titans Tower
The base of the Titans. Would take place inside and would feature tributes to Titans members from the various versions of the team









Secret Empire


Age of X


Earth X


First Appearance
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
1. Ghost Rider
2. Venom
3. Rocket

View attachment 357927
Titans Tower
The base of the Titans. Would take place inside and would feature tributes to Titans members from the various versions of the team

Not sure if Cap wolf is too radical a change but I figured it still worked since it's still Steve Rodgers. I'll change it to something else if its not allowed.
Not familiar with the Cap Wolf storyline; can he still talk normally in that state, or is he reduced to a snarling beast? (if he can talk normally, I figure the Marvel cast is used to this sort of thing given what happened to Hank McCoy)
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Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
Classic (default)

Movie suit.jpg
Movie suit

The Captain aka US agent.jpg
The Captain (aka U.S. Agent)

Earth X captain america.jpg

rescue suit.jpg
WWII Rescue Mission

Space Armor.png
Avengers Space Armor

Revolutionary War Cap.jpg
Revolutionary War Captain America

Super Soldier.jpg
Super Soldier

Stage: The Hall of Doom


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
My Thor moveset wins by default.

Yesterday's poll was a close one:

-Rogue: 7
-Rocket Raccoon: 11
-Venom: 12
-Ghost Rider: 16

As a result of this vote, we'll be adding Ghost Rider and Venom! Congrats, Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer and Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds !

mvc winners.png

Here are the polls for Captain America's costumes and the DC stage. For the Captain America costumes, here are the options:


For the DC poll, I included an All Of The Above option in case people want to add all three stages.


Job 75: submit a Marvel stage associated with any team/organization (aside from the Avengers or X-Men)

Like with DC, there are a lot of teams or groups that we haven't gotten a stage for yet. The Fantastic Four, SHIELD, HYDRA, AIM, the Captain Britain Corps, the Agents of Atlas, the Inhumans, SWORD, the Eternals, the Squadron Supreme... I figure that a lot of our stages are themed around the Avengers or X-Men, but plenty of other teams could get some love.

Job 76: submit a moveset for up to two characters

I'm going to try an open prompt for movesets (so you can submit a moveset for any character on the roster that doesn't have one), and we'll see how that goes. You can pick up to two characters.


Discussion: plans so far

This mainly has to do with the roster, since let's be honest, that's what most people are here for. (it gets a lot more interest than everything else haha)

There's five spots left on each side (I might get into DLC, but that probably won't be for a while), and since the last time I had posted my plans, they've changed a bit. As of now, in no particular order, my plans for the rest of the line-up are:

-one non-Spider-Man or non-Batman villain (one character per side)
-one cosmic character per side
-one magic character per side
-one character who was introduced in 2000 or later per side (we've done a better job with spreading out the decades, but as of now, the only character who's first appeared in the 2000s, 2010s, or 2020s is Ms. Marvel)
-one wildcard

I talked about most of these before, but since the roster has grown so much, I was wondering what people thought. For reference, here's a visual of our roster as of now:

I'm wondering how people are feeling. For example, do I need to include a category for DC magic users (this would also include characters with ties to the afterlife or other similar forces - for the Marvel side, I would have qualified Ghost Rider as a magic user even though he doesn't use magic like how Dr. Strange or the Scarlet Witch do), or is there some other category of DC characters that could use an extra boost instead?

Is there anyone major who feels like they're missing? I wanted to get people's thoughts on the roster so far (though I'm well aware that it's going to be impossible to please everyone, especially with most of the roster filled up), and get an idea if my plans are okay or if it would be better for me to change anything.
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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Job 75:
S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier
Helicarrier is an aerial transport unit from Marvel comics and it was built by SHIELD. This vehicle can carry aerial vehicles like jet fighters.
It appeared in video games (like MvC, Lego Marvel super heroes for example), movies and etc.

This stage could take place on Helicarrier. The cameos are Nick Fury and other SHIELD members who spectate the battle in background.

This stage could represent the SHIELD group well and this location could make sense in fighting game tbh.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
My Thor moveset wins by default.

Yesterday's poll was a close one:

-Rogue: 7
-Rocket Raccoon: 11
-Venom: 12
-Ghost Rider: 16

As a result of this vote, we'll be adding Ghost Rider and Venom! Congrats, Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer and Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds !

View attachment 357981

Here are the polls for Captain America's costumes and the DC stage. For the Captain America costumes, here are the options:


For the DC poll, I included an All Of The Above option in case people want to add all three stages.


Job 75: submit a Marvel stage associated with any team/organization (aside from the Avengers or X-Men)

Like with DC, there are a lot of teams or groups that we haven't gotten a stage for yet. The Fantastic Four, SHIELD, HYDRA, AIM, the Captain Britain Corps, the Agents of Atlas, the Inhumans, SWORD, the Eternals, the Squadron Supreme... I figure that a lot of our stages are themed around the Avengers or X-Men, but plenty of other teams could get some love.

Job 76: submit a moveset for up to two characters

I'm going to try an open prompt for movesets (so you can submit a moveset for any character on the roster that doesn't have one), and we'll see how that goes. You can pick up to two characters.


Discussion: plans so far

This mainly has to do with the roster, since let's be honest, that's what most people are here for. (it gets a lot more interest than everything else haha)

There's five spots left on each side (I might get into DLC, but that probably won't be for a while), and since the last time I had posted my plans, they've changed a bit. As of now, in no particular order, my plans for the rest of the line-up are:

-one non-Spider-Man or non-Batman villain (one character per side)
-one cosmic character per side
-one magic character per side
-one character who was introduced in 2000 or later per side (we've done a better job with spreading out the decades, but as of now, the only character who's first appeared in the 2000s, 2010s, or 2020s is Ms. Marvel)
-one wildcard

I talked about most of these before, but since the roster has grown so much, I was wondering what people thought. For reference, here's a visual of our roster as of now:

I'm wondering how people are feeling. For example, do I need to include a category for DC magic users (this would also include characters with ties to the afterlife or other similar forces - for the Marvel side, I would have qualified Ghost Rider as a magic user even though he doesn't use magic like how Dr. Strange or the Scarlet Witch do), or is there some other category of DC characters that could use an extra boost instead?

Is there anyone major who feels like they're missing? I wanted to get people's thoughts on the roster so far (though I'm well aware that it's going to be impossible to please everyone, especially with most of the roster filled up), and get an idea if my plans are okay or if it would be better for me to change anything.
Job #75:

Stage Name: Temple of Atlas
Stage Origin: Agents of Atlas #1 (August, 2006)

I personally have a love for the Agents of Atlas, even if I'll be the first to admit that none of them are likely to get into the game as playable picks. However, whilst I had a few concepts for this, I think the Temple of Atlas would be by far the most interesting and unique. Essentially acting as home-base for the Agents of Atlas, the Temple of Atlas is essentially a massive and ornate cave system miles below San Francisco - and I think would have a very unique look. It'd also be amazingly fun to see some stuff in the background - for instance, the Uranian's Silver Bullet, a spaceship with that sort of 50s styling - and I think seeing members of the Agents of Atlas such as Gorilla-Man, M-11, Uranian, Jimmy Woo, Namora and 3D-Man, would be a really cool thing to see here even if just as background elements.

I think the only thing I can say we're at all lacking could be that on the DC side, nearly all of the villains are either Superman or Batman villains, and I think it'd be nice to take advantage of some other rogues galleries (such as that of the Flash), but overall I think the roster's shaping up really nicely with a lot of cool picks and not too many outright "missing" characters that haven't seen, at minimum, a lot of discussion and support.

Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
My Thor moveset wins by default.

Yesterday's poll was a close one:

-Rogue: 7
-Rocket Raccoon: 11
-Venom: 12
-Ghost Rider: 16

As a result of this vote, we'll be adding Ghost Rider and Venom! Congrats, Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer and Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds !

View attachment 357981

Here are the polls for Captain America's costumes and the DC stage. For the Captain America costumes, here are the options:


For the DC poll, I included an All Of The Above option in case people want to add all three stages.


Job 75: submit a Marvel stage associated with any team/organization (aside from the Avengers or X-Men)

Like with DC, there are a lot of teams or groups that we haven't gotten a stage for yet. The Fantastic Four, SHIELD, HYDRA, AIM, the Captain Britain Corps, the Agents of Atlas, the Inhumans, SWORD, the Eternals, the Squadron Supreme... I figure that a lot of our stages are themed around the Avengers or X-Men, but plenty of other teams could get some love.

Job 76: submit a moveset for up to two characters

I'm going to try an open prompt for movesets (so you can submit a moveset for any character on the roster that doesn't have one), and we'll see how that goes. You can pick up to two characters.


Discussion: plans so far

This mainly has to do with the roster, since let's be honest, that's what most people are here for. (it gets a lot more interest than everything else haha)

There's five spots left on each side (I might get into DLC, but that probably won't be for a while), and since the last time I had posted my plans, they've changed a bit. As of now, in no particular order, my plans for the rest of the line-up are:

-one non-Spider-Man or non-Batman villain (one character per side)
-one cosmic character per side
-one magic character per side
-one character who was introduced in 2000 or later per side (we've done a better job with spreading out the decades, but as of now, the only character who's first appeared in the 2000s, 2010s, or 2020s is Ms. Marvel)
-one wildcard

I talked about most of these before, but since the roster has grown so much, I was wondering what people thought. For reference, here's a visual of our roster as of now:

I'm wondering how people are feeling. For example, do I need to include a category for DC magic users (this would also include characters with ties to the afterlife or other similar forces - for the Marvel side, I would have qualified Ghost Rider as a magic user even though he doesn't use magic like how Dr. Strange or the Scarlet Witch do), or is there some other category of DC characters that could use an extra boost instead?

Is there anyone major who feels like they're missing? I wanted to get people's thoughts on the roster so far (though I'm well aware that it's going to be impossible to please everyone, especially with most of the roster filled up), and get an idea if my plans are okay or if it would be better for me to change anything.
How about a canon foreigner where a character originated in a non comic book material who then originated in the comics?

Deleted member


The home of the Inhumans, superhuman beings created by the Kree. It was originally based in the Blue Area of the Moon but also has been above the Hudson River. This stage would take place inside the royal palace and feature cameos from the Inhuman Royal family, such as Black Bolt, Mesdua, Crystal, Triton and of course Lockjaw.
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Not too late at all! Anyone can take part in these creation threads. The current jobs are on this page.
Sweet! Glad to be aboard, even though it's fairly late into the base game development.

-one wildcard
I do have a question about the Wildcard category. Is this a secret category you're holding out on or it is just a category we can submit any character for? I'm primarily asking because there are a few characters I feel like are too important to leave out the base roster, but don't exactly fit the other 4 categories.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
about the guest characters,i know that we're planning guest characters as DLC characters,but the number of guest character will be how many?,i believe would be 4 or 6 (2 per each DLC pack) or 3 (1 per each DLC pack)

an example:3 Marvel characters,3 DC characters and 2 guest characters or 2 Marvel characters,2 DC characters and 1 guest character


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I do have a question about the Wildcard category. Is this a secret category you're holding out on or it is just a category we can submit any character for? I'm primarily asking because there are a few characters I feel like are too important to leave out the base roster, but don't exactly fit the other 4 categories.
It's basically an anything-goes category, as a last chance and a way to make it so any character can get in.

What characters do you think are too important to leave out? I realize it's tough to cut two franchises as large as this down to 26 characters each (I could probably double the roster and still have trouble fitting everyone in), but I'm interested to see what ideas you have.


about the guest characters,i know that we're planning guest characters as DLC characters,but the number of guest character will be how many?,i believe would be 4 or 6 (2 per each DLC pack) or 3 (1 per each DLC pack)

an example:3 Marvel characters,3 DC characters and 2 guest characters or 2 Marvel characters,2 DC characters and 1 guest character
I don't really have concrete plans for DLC at the moment, but I was thinking of having a pack of eight characters, with one being a guest character who's crossed over with Marvel and one being a guest character who's crossed over with DC. (the other six would be Marvel/DC characters - not sure if I'd go with a specific theme or just leave it completely open) It's up in the air, since we've got a while to go until we get to that point.


If anyone has any suggestions, criticism, etc. for this moveset, let me know - considering that this is more open-ended than normal, I'm not sure how likely it is that people will nominate alternative movesets for any given character unless they're also super-passionate about the character in question

Doctor Doom moveset

Unique Ability: Doombot
- Doom summons a Doombot with one of three possible actions. All three actions share the same cooldown meter.
-UA button: the Doombot fires a yellow beam of energy from its hands straight ahead, shouting "PLASMA BEAM!"
-back + UA button: the Doombot appears in the air, launching itself diagonally downwards to kick the opponent with both feet while yelling "FOOT DIVE!"
-forward + UA button: the Doombot activates (and shouts) "HIDDEN MISSILES" as missiles shoot out of the ground, exploding once they reach a certain height.
In all three cases, the Doombot vanishes once its attack is complete.

Magic Blast (quarter circle forward + attack - air OK) - Doom raises a hand, firing out a burst of red and black magical energy. The projectile travels further as the attack button that's used gets heavier.

Molecular Expander (quarter circle back + attack) - Doom creates a shield of rubble rotating around him, which eventually collapses to the ground - for those who have played Marvel vs. Capcom, this is basically his molecular shield.

Energy Adapter (back, forward, attack) - Doom lunges forwards, grabbing the opponent. If he connects, this does very little damage (KOing someone with it would be like KOing someone with Dudley's rose in Street Fighter or Luigi's taunt in Smash), but it drains special meter from the opponent and gives it to Doom.

Latverian Lift (Shoryuken motion + attack - air OK) - Doom activates the rocket boosters on his belt, launching himself upwards and ramming into whoever crosses his path.

Electric Field (down, down, attack) - Doom dramatically gestures with his arms, belittling his opponent. (nothing specific; calling them fools, cretins, that sort of thing) If he's hit with a melee attack while doing this, the opponent is electrocuted.

Level 1: Servo-Guard (quarter circle forward x2 + attack) - Doom snaps his fingers, and a Servo-Guard charges forward to tackle whoever's in front of it.

Level 2: Arc Lightning (half circle forward + attack) - Doom raises his arms and shoots lightning from his hands, Palpatine-style. The lightning rapidly damages the opponent as long as they're within it.

Level 3: Doom's Day (press all buttons) - Doom snaps his fingers, and a Doombot leaps forwards to grab the opponent. If it connects, it transitions to a cutscene where more and more Doombots appear, dog-piling the opponent. As they struggle to escape, Doom presses a few buttons on his gauntlet. The camera transitions to space, where a Latverian satellite's "important scientific" laser "mysteriously" "malfunctions", firing a laser beam towards the planet. The laser hits the opponent along with the pile of Doombots, obliterating the robots as Doom has his back to the chaos.


I'll post a stage idea and another moveset later.
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
It's basically an anything-goes category, as a last chance and a way to make it so any character can get in.

What characters do you think are too important to leave out? I realize it's tough to cut two franchises as large as this down to 26 characters each (I could probably double the roster and still have trouble fitting everyone in), but I'm interested to see what ideas you have.
For DC, its hands down Cyborg. I had a few ideas for Marvel characters but I'll settle for just Hawkeye. I don't wanna divulge on them too much now since they can easily be nominated for the Wildcard category, now that I know what's eligible. :)

I may as well avoid double-posting and put in a job submission

Non-Avengers/X-Men Marvel Stage: Ego the Living Planet (Guardians/Fantastic Four)

Either this can take place within the core of Ego, or on the viewing deck of the Milano where Ego is the center focus of the background.

Update: 10/17/2022

I have decided that the best course would be for this to be a Guardians-based stage, with the Milano as the actual stage and the background focusing on Ego himself; This is the best way to get the actual character in full view of the player.

My idea here is for this stage to be incredibly flashy and focus on Ego as he wages war against an army of ships in the background; This stage is all about eye-candy. Luckily enough, the Guardians of the Galaxy have arrived, and whilst the player is focused on the fight, several characters will venture out and fight back against Ego, for the good of the galaxy!

1. Drax the Destroyer

The man himself.
2. Mantis
When it comes to Guardian Cameos, Mantis is usually the perfect character for that role!
3. Cosmo the Spacedog

Well, duh
4. Yondu

He has become a huge fan favorite and is heavily associated with the Guardians now, it feels right to have him here. It also fit in as a reference to Vol. 2
5. Nova
Classic Marvel hero and frequent ally and figurehead of the Guardians; Kinda a shoe-in!
6. Nikki

Another obscure member, though she recently played a big role in the Square Enix Guardians game!
7. Nebula

She's a major cosmic name for Marvel in general, predating several Guardians, and is just a must-have here.
8. Gamora

Well. Duh!
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
How about a canon foreigner where a character originated in a non comic book material who then originated in the comics?
My main concern with that is that the category seems pretty narrow - there are some who have made a huge impact, like Harley Quinn, but I'm not sure how many noteworthy examples there are.

Looking through this list, there are some that stand out (X-23, Jimmy Olsen (I could probably make a moveset where every single attack is a different zany transformation from the Silver Age), Livewire, Renee Montoya, Phil Coulson, Captain Carter), but I feel like it would be pretty limited.


Starlight Citadel

The base of the Captain Britain Corps. Admittedly, I know very little about the team (I have a collection of some issues that were written by Alan Moore, but that's about it), but they deal with the multiverse (their comics are where the 616 designation for Marvel's main Earth came from), so there would be a story reason for some of the heroes to go there, and as you can see above and below, there's a ton of potential for weird cameos.

(I completely missed the raptor, werewolf, and gorilla in this picture)


Speaking of stages, the current stage poll is tied between Danny The Street and All Of The Above, so if anyone could act as a tie-breaker, that would be nice.
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Job 76: Movesets
General Playstyle
Magneto is a very peculiar zoner with some rushdown aspects, with the ability to manipule the opponent to push far or near him.

Unique Ability - Fatal Attraction
Inspired in his proper ability in the MvC games and in Iron Tager and Kokonoe's Drives in the BlazBlue series, Magneto's Heavy moves inflicts a "Magnetized" status to the opponent, this state has a duration of 5 seconds and during that time when using the Unique Ability button Magneto can pull the opponent to the direction indicated by the stick removing the state in the process. Certain special moves are also affected by the Magnesis state.

Magnetic Ray[4]6 + XMagneto launch a fullscreen ray, depending of the strength the ray is bigger, it has a lenghty startup making it quite easy to ignore but has a good side it can't be reflected. It inflicts magnetized state to the opponent if hits (even if blocks).
Force Field[2]8 + XMagneto creates an orb of energy around him, it inflicts additional damage to magnetized opponents.
Metallic Strike236 + X (Air OK)Magneto gathers debris and other metallic objects from the area and launch them towards the opponent, they are selected by random but everyone has the same hitbox. In the air they are launched diagonal downwards. If the enemy is magnetized the projectiles are teledirigided.
Metallic Press63214 + XA command grab where Magneto covers the opponent in metal, elevates him and sends them to the corner. In the magnetized state the grab has a longer hitbox being able to grab opponents from far.
Astral Projection22 + X A counter move where Magneto vanish and appears behind the opponent revealing that they hitted a mirage instead.
Level 1 Super: Magnetic Pulse
236236 + XA huge magnetic ray, the button can be hold and if it reachs the max charge becomes unblockable.
Level 2 Super: Metallic Disruption
214214 + XMagneto creates an orb of energy in his hand pulling the opponent close to him, if hits he does a superior version of his Metallic Press that finish with Magneto launching a car to them. If the opponent is magnetized the vacuum effect would be stronger.
Level 3 Super: Master of Magnetism
All Buttons Pressed (Air OK)The startup is similar to Metallic Disruption but creating a full-body orb instead with a vacuum effect, after that a cutscene starts where he starts to glow while doing a movement with his hand controlling the iron of the opponent's body, then the screen fades to red while the shade of the opponent is reapped. Probably the goriest super in the game but being covered in the discretion shot of the black and red screen.
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
I don't really have concrete plans for DLC at the moment, but I was thinking of having a pack of eight characters, with one being a guest character who's crossed over with Marvel and one being a guest character who's crossed over with DC. (the other six would be Marvel/DC characters - not sure if I'd go with a specific theme or just leave it completely open) It's up in the air, since we've got a while to go until we get to that point.


If anyone has any suggestions, criticism, etc. for this moveset, let me know - considering that this is more open-ended than normal, I'm not sure how likely it is that people will nominate alternative movesets for any given character unless they're also super-passionate about the character in question

Doctor Doom moveset

Unique Ability: Doombot
- Doom summons a Doombot with one of three possible actions. All three actions share the same cooldown meter.
-UA button: the Doombot fires a yellow beam of energy from its hands straight ahead, shouting "PLASMA BEAM!"
-back + UA button: the Doombot appears in the air, launching itself diagonally downwards to kick the opponent with both feet while yelling "FOOT DIVE!"
-forward + UA button: the Doombot activates (and shouts) "HIDDEN MISSILES" as missiles shoot out of the ground, exploding once they reach a certain height.
In all three cases, the Doombot vanishes once its attack is complete.

Magic Blast (quarter circle forward + attack - air OK) - Doom raises a hand, firing out a burst of red and black magical energy. The projectile travels further as the attack button that's used gets heavier.

Molecular Expander (quarter circle back + attack) - Doom creates a shield of rubble rotating around him, which eventually collapses to the ground - for those who have played Marvel vs. Capcom, this is basically his molecular shield.

Energy Adapter (back, forward, attack) - Doom lunges forwards, grabbing the opponent. If he connects, this does very little damage (KOing someone with it would be like KOing someone with Dudley's rose in Street Fighter or Luigi's taunt in Smash), but it drains special meter from the opponent and gives it to Doom.

Latverian Lift (Shoryuken motion + attack - air OK) - Doom activates the rocket boosters on his belt, launching himself upwards and ramming into whoever crosses his path.

Electric Field (down, down, attack) - Doom dramatically gestures with his arms, belittling his opponent. (nothing specific; calling them fools, cretins, that sort of thing) If he's hit with a melee attack while doing this, the opponent is electrocuted.

Level 1: Servo-Guard (quarter circle forward x2 + attack) - Doom snaps his fingers, and a Servo-Guard charges forward to tackle whoever's in front of it.

Level 2: Arc Lightning (half circle forward + attack) - Doom raises his arms and shoots lightning from his hands, Palpatine-style. The lightning rapidly damages the opponent as long as they're within it.

Level 3: Doom's Day (press all buttons) - Doom snaps his fingers, and a Doombot leaps forwards to grab the opponent. If it connects, it transitions to a cutscene where more and more Doombots appear, dog-piling the opponent. As they struggle to escape, Doom presses a few buttons on his gauntlet. The camera transitions to space, where a Latverian satellite's "important scientific" laser "mysteriously" "malfunctions", firing a laser beam towards the planet. The laser hits the opponent along with the pile of Doombots, obliterating the robots as Doom has his back to the chaos.
My only thougt would be the unique action, don't get me wrong I love the idea but I worry that in the case Ultron gets in, it wouldn't be quite the same?


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
My only thougt would be the unique action, don't get me wrong I love the idea but I worry that in the case Ultron gets in, it wouldn't be quite the same?
I see what you mean, but I figure there are ways around it - having the player tap or hold the button to summon different types of Ultron drones, for example. While I need to replace Injustice to see what the unique actions were, I figure that some characters had overlap with each other (both Poison Ivy and Atrocitus summon an ally to fire projectile attacks, for example), and there are enough ways to change things up so they won't be exactly identical.

(plus, I wanted to include some MvC references while going in a different direction with most of Doom's moves)

Also, your Magneto moveset looks great! I've still got plenty of reading to do as far as X-Men comics go, but I was under the impression that astral projection was an ability that Magneto used once or twice in the 60's (before his powers were clearly defined) and then never again, so I appreciate that kind of a reference.

For DC, its hands down Cyborg. I had a few ideas for Marvel characters but I'll settle for just Hawkeye. I don't wanna divulge on them too much now since they can easily be nominated for the Wildcard category, now that I know what's eligible. :)
Yeah, I see what you mean; they both feel like characters who should be here at some point. I'm just not sure which category I could replace with one that they're eligible for.

  • I figure the game could use more villains, especially more non-Batman ones on the DC side; as of now, the only ones that aren't Batman villains are Luthor and Darkseid
  • outside of Darkseid, Thanos, and Green Lantern, we haven't really tapped into the cosmic side of either company; I guess there's nothing saying that we need to, but I figure there's a lot of potential between the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Nova Corps., the various Lantern Corps., the New Gods, miscellaneous villains like Despero or Starro the Conqueror, and anyone else that I might be forgetting. (I'm not super familiar with the cosmic sides of either company, though I should look into them more)
  • the magic category seems like the most likely one that I'd get rid of, if I had to choose, but it still feels like there's lots of potential there; for the Marvel side, there's the likes of Loki, Scarlet Witch, Dormammu, Shuma-Gorath, Nico Minoru, etc. For DC, I feel like the mystical characters that we do have (Zatanna, Constantine, Shazam, Raven) cover a lot of ground as it is, but there are still other examples like Doctor Fate, Black Adam, Swamp Thing, Eclipso, or Circe.
  • we've got one character who debuted after the year 2000, and I feel like there's lots of untapped potential there.

If I had to pick, I could replace the magic category with an Avengers/Justice League-related category, leaving it open to heroes and villains with ties to the teams (that way, the likes of Loki, Black Adam, etc. would still be eligible), but I'll have to think about it.


Darkseid moveset

Unique Action: Parademon
- a Parademon warps in via Boom Tube, hovering in midair over where Darkseid summoned it and firing a laser blast from its rifle every so often. The blast doesn't do much damage, but the Parademon can work well as a mix-up tool.

Omega Beams (quarter circle forward + attack) - Darkseid shoots his trademark eye lasers, which bounce around at 90 degree angles, seemingly moving at random. The lighter versions are faster, but the heavier versions travel farther.

Boom Tube (quarter circle back + attack) - Darkseid steps back into a Boom Tube, reappearing behind his opponent.

Oppressive Knee (Shoryuken motion + attack) - Darkseid leaps into the air, kneeing the opponent, similar to Sagat's Tiger Knee.

Apocalyptic Stomp (down, up, attack) - Darkseid leaps high into the air, stomping on the opponent as he comes down, like M. Bison's Head Stomp.

Level 1: The Great Darkness (quarter circle forward x2 + attack) - Darkseid steps through a Boom Tube that appears in front of him, and the exit portal drifts across the screen. If the exit to the Boom Tube touches the opponent, his arm reaches out of it as a dark cloud covers the stage. The screen turns pitch black, with the darkness only broken by the hellish light of the Omega Beams as Darkseid brutally beats his opponent. Picture a mix of Akuma's Shun Goku Satsu and Vader's hallway scene in Star Wars: Rogue One.

Level 2: Omega Wave (half circle forward + attack) - Darkseid leans back with both arms outstretched, Omega energy crackling around his hands, before he thrusts them forwards, shooting a massive red projectile that moves slowly across the screen. Given its large height, it's difficult to jump over.

Level 3: I Am Many Things (press all buttons) - Darkseid lunges forward with surprising speed, trying to grab the opponent. If he succeeds, he lifts them into the air with one hand and flings them through a Boom Tube to Apokolips. Once they arrive, Parademons swarm them, biting and clawing at the dazed opponent, before a shadow blots out the light. The Parademons back off, kneeling, as Darkseid looms over all, now at a gigantic size. He fires gigantic Omega Beams at the opponent, which gradually cause the screen to fade to red as they fill it. The cinematic ends as the opponent falls back onto the stage through a Boom Tube, where Darkseid is waiting.

(Basically, for Darkseid, in order to fill out his moveset, I mixed in elements from various Street Fighter bosses (Sagat, M. Bison, Akuma), and some SNK bosses as well. I wanted to get a Goenitz reference in there somewhere, with his annoying tornadoes that come out way too fast, but Rugal/Krauser works just as well. The name for his final attack might sound weird, but it's a reference to a fairly shocking moment from Superman: The Animated Series)
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Also, your Magneto moveset looks great! I've still got plenty of reading to do as far as X-Men comics go, but I was under the impression that astral projection was an ability that Magneto used once or twice in the 60's (before his powers were clearly defined) and then never again, so I appreciate that kind of a reference.
Thanks! I actually didnt even remind when he used it and just searxhed in the wikia what other abilities he has to try to make his moveset more interesing and the Astral projection thing seemed interesing.

I also love your Darksaid moveset and particulary love the details based on Capcom and SNK bosses! Especially the Omega/Kaiser Wave since Krauser is one of my favor bosses lol. I was thinking on make a moveset for Thanos but I guess moveset submissions ends today and I will not have the time for do it sadly. But when the opportunity comes back I will try it!
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