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Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
so yeah.. housing in SFO sorted unless SFAT changes his mind, can anyone house me anywhere close/around OAK/somewhere nice early July?
I think you have your areas mixed up, Oakland is the opposite of nice where SF is awesome.


Smash Master
Nov 5, 2007
tbh if you had just not made as many posts and sounded like a ***** I would have been all for you recording lotsa matches

now you sound pretentious and overall annoying as ****

get over yourself it's just recording, there's lots of time to decide ****


Smash Lord
Jan 9, 2006
I get weird when unexpected things happen. I expected at worst "quality isn't that important", which makes me sad as that's pretty much the reason for my work, but I've learned to live with it.
I didn't expect "who are you?" and "I only trust americans" (or that's how it felt) which led to some stupid posts.

I know it's early for recording talk. I didn't mean to turn a quick question into a long discussion.


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
Well if someone responds with "who are you?" you should immediately expect that they probably wont have a lot of trust in anything you do, solely based on the fact that.. they dont know you.

id rather not have this thread turn into who's better at recording or more deserving, or who should commentate. Ultimately its up to me and the other co-organizers of Genesis to decide.

Id rather focus on more pressing issues, like the amount of setups that are required for people to bring in order for the tournament to run smoothly.

Last time we had 7. It wasn't until midway through the first day that we had a semi-adequate number of setups to actually get the tournament rolling.

There will be incentives for people to bring setup's this time around, to ensure we get the ball rolling asap.


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
Were still debating on if were going to stream or not. There are a lot of personal, and technological issues involved.

but all signs point to no, so far..


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2007
Modesto CA
I will most likely be bringing multiple setups for this. Depending on what those incentives you mentioned are, i'll bring more. I guess it also depends on how many people are going with me in my car (in other words, how much extra room i've got). I brought 3 setups to GSG and DGDTJ though and for Genesis 2 I might be willing to bring even more than that

The King

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2005
Yeah, to echo what Mr. Boback's been saying - the task of sifting through the volunteers for recording/commentary is about as far on the back-burner as it can get right now lol. I can confidently say that there will be plenty of opportunity for those interested to help record matches, as we expect there to be quite a bit of content worth recording. :)

Our attention right now is currently diverted to both the essential processes (budgeting, pre-registration, funding, rulesets, scheduling and whatnot) and the extravagant addons (not to spoil anything yet, but we've got a lot of extremely cool announcements and upgrades to the overall Genesis experience in the works). Once we're done with the "How"s and "What"s of running Genesis, we'll turn to the "Who"s as far as volunteering.

That said:

One of the big tasks we WILL be tackling this time around will be setups. For an event of this magnitude, for various reasons it was one of the low points for the first Genesis. It is our intention to nearly *double* the amount of active, functioning setups that we had from Genesis-I. We will have the capacity to handle the difference in extra televisions, power cords & whatnot this time around, but WILL still need the community's aid with Gamecube/Wii setups. While we haven't completely ironed it out yet, we intend to provide incentives in the form of concession (snack shack) rewards, entry-fee discounts or partial-refunds for said entry fees, or a couple other ideas we're tossing around. While it is beneficial to the *entire* community for each able body to help bring a setup, we intend on rewarding those who put forth the extra effort to do so.

We also intend on setting up some on-site security concerning systems/TV's lent to us by fellow smashers, both in the form of Database-tracking and hardware-labeling, as well as employing select volunteers within our Smash community or group of friends who are both very trustworthy, and very buff (lol), to ensure that short of an armed-robbery, theft remains a complete non-issue at Genesis-II.

With that out of the way:

For those with a Philanthropist side to them concerning their fellow smashers (or DBR in general =D ), we have established a social-charity fundraising page to help support Genesis-II! We plan on going above and beyond the expectations for the sequel to one of the best West Coast tournaments ever. Every dollar amount donated towards this cause, however paltry or incredible, will be put hard to work for financing the most amazing plans we can dream up to provide each and every one of you with the tournament experience you truly deserve!

*** http://funds.gofundme.com/2bwc4 ***


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
there was a lot of time to plan to make it out for this tournament =/
This was a very ignorant statement. Some people have lives that do not allow them to travel across the country for a video game tourney, no matter if they plan to go or not.

A stream would be nice for those interested, i feel there is no reason for ANY nationals not to have one, if they have the equipment/ and permission to do so.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
A stream would be nice for those interested, i feel there is no reason for ANY nationals not to have one, if they have the equipment/ and permission to do so.
They don't have the equipment to do so, so this point is moot.

(meaning internet)


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
We do have the equipment to do so, its the fact that we don't want to, simply because we don't feel the need to cater to people who didn't go. (and theres no internet.)

Call it selfish, stupid, unfair or what ever you want..

...but at this point we don't really feel the need to share the experience with anyone else that didn't attend.

From my point of view, if we did have a live stream, we would be depriving the hype and excitement for the people who do attend. If everyone has the opportunity to watch whats going on via livestream, then it takes away from the hype in my opinion.

edit: also, i hate the fact that people are expecting live streams at tournaments after a certain threshold of attendees. There was no live stream at FC3, OC2, OC3, Genesis, Pound 2(i think)

and many many other amazing tournaments. and Pound 5 is turning out to be another one to add to that list that didnt have a live stream..


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
lol it seems like you dont want to provide a livestream because you think people will decide not to come because they can just watch the livestream instead.


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
why does there have to be a stream? there's going to be videos recorded
you are terrible at trolling :/

why does there have to be a stream? there's going to be videos recorded
We do have the equipment to do so, its the fact that we don't want to, simply because we don't feel the need to cater to people who didn't go. (and theres no internet.)

Call it selfish, stupid, unfair or what ever you want..

...but at this point we don't really feel the need to share the experience with anyone else that didn't attend.

From my point of view, if we did have a live stream, we would be depriving the hype and excitement for the people who do attend. If everyone has the opportunity to watch whats going on via livestream, then it takes away from the hype in my opinion.

edit: also, i hate the fact that people are expecting live streams at tournaments after a certain threshold of attendees. There was no live stream at FC3, OC2, OC3, Genesis, Pound 2(i think)

and many many other amazing tournaments. and Pound 5 is turning out to be another one to add to that list that didnt have a live stream..


ummm. wow.

no live stream def takes away from hype, cause regardless we will get tweet updates, so we will know the big things happening. ( erasing ur reason behind no livestream) . But everyone wants a visual so livestream is of course the best way to go.

Im very surprised at this.

not to take anything away from u.

i just figured from all the other tourneys in this community and others, a livestream was a necessity if ur toruney is huge

this is like the superbowl not being shown on T.V cause it would somehow take away from hype?


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Keith, theres no internet at the venue. at all

the only way there could possibly be a stream is if someone had wifi through a phone company or something of that nature

at this point, they're just trying to roll with it instead of apologize over and over, which is understandable


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
^ ok that is fine then. But from what i read, it sounded like they didnt want to put a livestream up regardless, because it would take away from hype, or something.


Smash Master
Nov 5, 2007
you guys have to be ****ting me

why the **** do you think there HAS to be a livestream?

you have had over a ****ing year to make plans for this

give me a list of occupations, events or things that could possibly come up that would prevent you from going and allow you to sit in the comfort of your home for you to watch this? seriously guys? you don't need a ****ing livestream


We do have the equipment to do so, its the fact that we don't want to


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
why does there have to be a stream? there's going to be videos recorded
you guys have to be ****ting me

why the **** do you think there HAS to be a livestream?

you have had over a ****ing year to make plans for this

give me a list of occupations, events or things that could possibly come up that would prevent you from going and allow you to sit in the comfort of your home for you to watch this? seriously guys? you don't need a ****ing livestream



on the real, how old are you?


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
I dont know why theres any animosity behind of it. Even with a year of planning some people are just simply unable to attend a tournament due to various circumstances, so they would like a livestream.

People tend to forget that alot of people want to watch a livestream not for the matches themselves, but for the hype of seeing the match live w/commentary, random inserts from smashers on the stream, knowledge, etc. Just imagine, for example, if someone just recorded the wombo combo match with no commentary from a stream, so we never heard the verbal part? That definitely cuts down the hype, so while i understand why you cant have a stream, theres no reason to so adamantly discount it so negatively

Its also unfair to use #5 as an example of tourneys with no live stream, because it was planned but there was no signal within that section of the hotel. They are currently using a twitter type thing and honestly it sucks.


with all that said, genesis 2 will be a great tourney, and for those people who dont have enough disposable income to waste at least $400 for one weekend (which is suprisingly alot of people), then id like to apologize that you wont be able to see the matches streamed.

Edit: Straight up asking someone what list of occupations and stuff they have to prevent them from wasting at LEAST 400 dollars at best for 1 weekend trip when they may not have even jobs, or too many bills to afford it, is kinda messed up. not gonna lie. You can definitely tone down the negativity as you can surely understand where the popular opinion is coming from. Just because you are currently in the same state as the tourney doesnt mean you can forget about other situations. Think about your friends right now who cant watch any of the melee from #5, and how crappy relying on twitter is, and then tell me you "understand" cause the matches will be recorded anyway.


Smash Master
Nov 5, 2007
can you list for me any circumstances that would prevent someone to attend a tournament but let them chill at home and watch a livestream? sure it's cool to have a tiny bit of the atmosphere in your home through the commentary, but it isn't necessary to run a nice tournament. you're going to see the tournament videos regardless. you guys are overstating the importance of livestream.

i'm done speaking with idiots


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
can you list for me any circumstances that would prevent someone to attend a tournament but let them chill at home and watch a livestream? sure it's cool to have a tiny bit of the atmosphere in your home through the commentary, but it isn't necessary to run a nice tournament. you're going to see the tournament videos regardless. you guys are overstating the importance of livestream.

i'm done speaking with idiots
Speaking with idiots? I dont think sideFX and the other TO's of this tourney can risk having you continually speak on their behalf, when you are so rude. You're definitely going to start to have to think from other peoples perspectives when making your arguments...otherwise no one is going to ever listen to you.

A reason i can think of that wont allow someone to attend a tourney but watch it from home? Heres a few

1. Simply put, the person does not have enough money. You may find this hard to believe, but not everyone has available funds to blow on 1 weekend for a game. for anyone coming from the EC or farther, its going to be about $400 total for the entire trip, and thats IF the plane ticket is 250 or less. With people having to save their money, and with them also having bills to pay (and all bills are more important than traveling to a OOS tourney), the people who actually have their life priorities straight will be unable to attend for this main reason.

2. Maybe someone has the money, but due to priorities, they are unable to get away from other engagements that will make them miss part of the tourney. Maybe someone can get sunday and monday off, but if they miss work that same saturday, they're fired from their job, or they have to go to a family affair like wedding funeral reunion, etc. I personally know ive missed OOS tourneys on the pure basis that i could not, under any circumstance, get the first day of singles off of work without losing my job (like 3 out of 5 MLGs)

3. Theres a small group who may be, say, either afraid to fly, or aren't allowed by their parents to go out of state across country to this thing with hundreds of other people all alone? Most parents would give the big **** you to that idea. Hell, some kids cant even go to tourneys WITHIN THEIR OWN STATE DUE TO PARENTS JOHNS. YOU HONESTLY BELIEVE THOSE SAME PARENTS WILL LET THEM LEAVE THE STATE?!? EVEN IF THEY WERE RICH?

And I didnt say livestream is necessary to run a nice tournament. Ive been to plenty nice tourneys that were just instate, 30-people affairs. A livestream just drastically helps the hype levels. Some people watch livestream just for the commentary about the match, and not the actual match itself. Im much more likely to watch a livestreamed match than that EXACT same match on youtube a week later. I just dont think you understand the importance of livestream, not us understating the importance


Smash Master
Nov 5, 2007
1. Simply put, the person does not have enough money. You may find this hard to believe, but not everyone has available funds to blow on 1 weekend for a game. for anyone coming from the EC or farther, its going to be about $400 total for the entire trip, and thats IF the plane ticket is 250 or less. With people having to save their money, and with them also having bills to pay (and all bills are more important than traveling to a OOS tourney), the people who actually have their life priorities straight will be unable to attend for this main reason.
1. you can get a job
2. you don't have to go

2. Maybe someone has the money, but due to priorities, they are unable to get away from other engagements that will make them miss part of the tourney. Maybe someone can get sunday and monday off, but if they miss work that same saturday, they're fired from their job, or they have to go to a family affair like wedding funeral reunion, etc. I personally know ive missed OOS tourneys on the pure basis that i could not, under any circumstance, get the first day of singles off of work without losing my job (like 3 out of 5 MLGs)
so if you were attending a wedding/funeral etc, why would you watch a livestream?

3. Theres a small group who may be, say, either afraid to fly, or aren't allowed by their parents to go out of state across country to this thing with hundreds of other people all alone? Most parents would give the big **** you to that idea. Hell, some kids cant even go to tourneys WITHIN THEIR OWN STATE DUE TO PARENTS JOHNS. YOU HONESTLY BELIEVE THOSE SAME PARENTS WILL LET THEM LEAVE THE STATE?!? EVEN IF THEY WERE RICH?
there's going to be recordings =/

And I didnt say livestream is necessary to run a nice tournament. Ive been to plenty nice tourneys that were just instate, 30-people affairs. A livestream just drastically helps the hype levels. Some people watch livestream just for the commentary about the match, and not the actual match itself. Im much more likely to watch a livestreamed match than that EXACT same match on youtube a week later. I just dont think you understand the importance of livestream, not us understating the importance

if you're going to watch the livestream just for the commentary, why can't you just watch the recorded version instead? honestly how big of a difference does that make? idk about you but I'd rather watch a recorded match versus a livestream

to each their own, I was wrong about that


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
just get a job? lol. im not sure if youve seen the job market, or if you actually know anything about the economy, but that would be unfair to you, so i wont even go down that road

im not talking about myself. I have a FT job, so i should have money by that time (granted any other higher priorities come up). but a majority of people who want to go on this side of the US but cant, dont exactly have high paying jobs (or jobs at all)

a wedding/funeral may only be one day, but that one day is enough for you to miss the entire weekend trip to travel to the tourney. and since you cant go, youd watch the stream for the other 2 non wedding/funeral days. Any day long event the saturday of genesis will pretty much guarantee you cant fly to the tourney, so youd have to miss sunday-monday too, just cause it was on the wrong day.

When it comes to watching competitive gaming, its similar to a sport, as when peoples interest levels to watch said event are exponentially higher when the event is happening live, rather than say, 2 weeks later. If I had a choice to watch the superbowl on tv as it happened, or watch it recorded 2 weeks later, most likely after SOMEONE has told me the outcome already and i cant really be involved in the hype with others, id pick watching it as it happens 110% of the time.

again, dont take it wrong here. Im not saying that this tourney wont be nice and that the recording quality of the matches wont be fine as well, but no one can honestly throw out the window the importance of a live stream. all one can really say, as sideFX has, is that plainly if they want to or not.


Smash Master
Nov 5, 2007
I wasn't really thinking about the job market because at the moment in my area, if you actually tried and went out for a job, more likely than not you'd get a job

concerning the wedding/funeral thing thats true

I could be understating how important a livestream is, I just really feel you don't need it at all =/ I mean sure livestreams are cool but w/e
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