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D.B.R. Presents: GENESIS! RESULTS-Melee: Mango. Brawl: To Be Decided

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Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2008
New Jersey
Oh ok, good things I hope. Are you in jersey tournies often?
lol, it was good stuff. and i haven't been to a big one since road 2. i placed 13 in road 1 and 25 in road 2. I also went to denville for a few. i go as elixir in tournies. i really stopped playing brawl but after today im gonna start playing again.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
UTD as in the pretzel brand.

SOLID : duhh you predict top 3 winners finals is a confirmed top 3 spot LOLOLOL


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
What happened with crews?
Where are they in Brawl and Melee singles?

I love how this tournament is proving how Melee and Brawl can be played together, and the communities can coexist, yet the people on smashboards still choose to act like angry morons. This is why other communities don't take ours seriously.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
NorCal - San Fran
wow hearing utd zac beastin makes brawl exciting for me again

gooooooood **** zac!! bring it back to dallas
They are wrecking really badly. I'm sitting on the edge of my seat hoping I get a text that says "ZAC AND DOJO ARE IN WINNERS FINALS!!! WOOOOO!!!!" :D

Texas Pride baby!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 27, 2009
WC > Midwest
Canada > International
PR > pacific Northwest
Socal vs Atl North right now
they are in brackets for everything


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2005
Southaven, Mississippi
This is possibly the most terribly run and prepared for tournament I have ever been to.
And so much for the Twitter updates.

Not nearly enough televisions. Friendlies are almost impossible to get in. That's probably the worst part.

But the turnout for players is great. Really good matches happening and going to happen


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
Vectorman and Rubyiris are too funny.

Anther has won tourneys (throughout Melee's golden days, mind you) and beaten top players in both MW and EC.

What tourneys has Axe won? And what players has he beaten in brackets again? The same ones who just showed that they aren't as good as EC?
That doesn't really matter. The best players back then would get destroyed by the best players today. The game has evolved. :upsidedown:


Smash Hero
Aug 29, 2006
Neptune, NJ
Jman lost on purpose. He wanted to win 2 sets in finals to make it more flashy/entertaining for the crowd.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
This is possibly the most terribly run and prepared for tournament I have ever been to.
And so much for the Twitter updates.

Not nearly enough televisions. Friendlies are almost impossible to get in. That's probably the worst part.

But the turnout for players is great. Really good matches happening and going to happen
Worse than COT4?

Anyone screaming "money back!"?



Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2007
This is possibly the most terribly run and prepared for tournament I have ever been to.
And so much for the Twitter updates.

Not nearly enough televisions. Friendlies are almost impossible to get in. That's probably the worst part.

But the turnout for players is great. Really good matches happening and going to happen
you should read the first post


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
Well, think about it this way. Could you be better in brawl? Could Jason, Ally, etc not be better in brawl? The simple acceptance of this fact implies that no player is operating with optimal know-how. So a statement claiming that the skill gap can not be increased to a certain extent is purely an assumption you've gathered from your feel of the game. Well my man, I don't like feelings lol I like logic and fact. N the fact is, is that the best players are making strides to get better, and they are doing a good job at it. We are far from seeing the perfect snake, the perfect meta, or the perfect (insert character).

I will agree that it is tougher to get better at brawl than us melee guys are accustomed to. I myself am constantly caught up on the aesthetic aspect of my character, because I'm used to my char moving fast n doing crazy stuff=ing me doing better. So perhaps you have your own road blacks in your own ability to perform or understand the intricacies of improvement on the higher levels of brawl? Because I assure you, there are clear cut best players in the brawl community who can win over n over n over again bro.
We'll see what tournament results say. I expect to see the same players up top, but between them anything could happen. M2k, ally, adhd, lain, co18, dojo, atomsk, sk92,ksizz honestly anything can happen between these guys and a bunch more. I'm just saying in melee it is much more easy to predict winners because it's so much more easy to set yourself apart in skill due to the depth of the game. Brawl doesn't have that, PERIOD. I can pretty much tell you Mango or m2k are going to win melee singles with 100% accuracy. Can you tell me who's going to win Brawl singles? No, nobody ****ing knows, really. Maybe m2k, but he might lose to Tyrant or Dojo or Ally again or some ****. Maybe Ally, but who knows if he'll lose to co18??? Dojo? Well ****, maybe Candy will show up and take him out. How bout ADHD? OH no wait he lost to Excel_zero. Look news update, Tyrant lost to Reflex's PT!! Co18 lost to random metaknight?? oh ****!

I'm just saying at a high level it's too hard to tell who's better in Brawl because of the inability to truly seperate yourself from other players.

As far as I am concerned and you saying I could have my own roadblocks with defensiveness etc, that's not true at all. My block is the fact i find the game extremely boring, don't own a wii, don't practice at all/don't want to, and have played brawl for about 10 hours ever outside of tournaments. That being said, I've accomplished way more than like 99% of the brawl community with these stipulations.


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
I love how this tournament is proving how Melee and Brawl can be played together, and the communities can coexist, yet the people on smashboards still choose to act like angry morons. This is why other communities don't take ours seriously.
Eh, not really for a normal tournament. This thing is taking 3-4 days, and is also running into the number of setups issues that we've always talked about in a split format tournament.


Smash Cadet
Dec 21, 2008
We'll see what tournament results say. I expect to see the same players up top, but between them anything could happen. M2k, ally, adhd, lain, co18, dojo, atomsk, sk92,ksizz honestly anything can happen between these guys and a bunch more. I'm just saying in melee it is much more easy to predict winners because it's so much more easy to set yourself apart in skill due to the depth of the game. Brawl doesn't have that, PERIOD. I can pretty much tell you Mango or m2k are going to win melee singles with 100% accuracy. Can you tell me who's going to win Brawl singles? No, nobody ****ing knows, really. Maybe m2k, but he might lose to Tyrant or Dojo or Ally again or some ****. Maybe Ally, but who knows if he'll lose to co18??? Dojo? Well ****, maybe Candy will show up and take him out. How bout ADHD? OH no wait he lost to Excel_zero. Look news update, Tyrant lost to Reflex's PT!! Co18 lost to random metaknight?? oh ****!

I'm just saying at a high level it's too hard to tell who's better in Brawl because of the inability to truly seperate yourself from other players.

As far as I am concerned and you saying I could have my own roadblocks with defensiveness etc, that's not true at all. My block is the fact i find the game extremely boring, don't own a wii, don't practice at all/don't want to, and have played brawl for about 10 hours ever outside of tournaments. That being said, I've accomplished way more than like 99% of the brawl community with these stipulations.
m2k or ally will win brawl now stop being a ****. OMG Jman lost to a pikachu melee must be a **** game.


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
Jman vs Axe and my thoughts:

Wow good shiz axe. Jman has been one of those players always capeable of losing to lower tiers. He got beat by Pakman once. I think he oversimplifies his game when he plays low tiers. against Pakman all he did was think "nair totally shuts down weegee, Ill just shoot one laser, then nair, one laser then nair, constantly across FD and there is nothing he can do" He did that, and in theory it works, but Pakman was smarter than that and countered the oversimplification.

Probably did that vs Axe and Axe was smart enough to read it and beat a very simple gameplan.

Plus a good Pika can rapee mass techskill like Jman has.
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