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D.B.R. Presents: GENESIS! RESULTS-Melee: Mango. Brawl: To Be Decided

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Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Wait huh?

There shouldn't be a cut off date for something like that...that is strange...

And I still need to reserve my room as well.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Yeah, they said it cut's off 2 weeks prior to the date of the event, so I had to pay more. It's not a HUGE deal for me, it was only $10 more, but for people coming OOS who are already spending huge amounts just to come you might want to call and try and get things settled.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
I am the magician and I will make your essense dissapear!!!

Oh and 5 of us from New Mexico have a room reserved already. However any loner or group of 2 that needs a place to crash you are more than welcome to stay there as well as long as you pitch in for the nights you stay (it wont be too much with 5 already there lol). Just PM me if you want to share the room.

And Kage, you're my hero bro. hahahahaha

Woot woot Genesis is so close you can almost taste it!

months of hype and we're within range now!

Now for that 19 hour drive O.o

EDIT: 18 hours or less if we drive fast :p

I'm curious as to whether or not people are going to be camping outside of the place just to be the first in line to register for genesis haha. This should be interesting :p


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
ok.. so i we went to the hotel, and got the assistant manager instead ( not the lady that wrote the contract up with us) and she said they cant do anything about it.


me and germ are going back later today (july 1st) to figure some **** out, and hopefully get the manager this time.

in the mean time..

CHAMP.. (charoo)

has given me a link to a discounted price to the ramada hotel. Its 20% off the normal prices of the rooms, which is near the discounted price was for.



we will have an answer for you guys tomorrow. if our hands are tied.. then i will suggest you take advantage of the 20% discount deal i linked about..

so.. stay tuned =D


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Hi, this is sidefx (host of GENESIS) just to let you know, we will NOT be doing live stream at GENESIS, due to multiple reasons. 1. mainly because our internet at the venue is screwed over, and we wont have access to it anymore, due to technical **** that is out of our hands. 2. Even if we did have internet, we wouldnt have the bandwidth to dedicate for a good quality live stream, AND.. a GREAT quality recording of the match. So, instead of doing live stream, were doing updates via Twitter for people t

Aww man what the..


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
I may need a ride to the Ramada from the Airport, seeing as I'm probably gonna fly in with SuPeRbOoM. We're teaming but splitting from there on July 8th until the tourney. Can anyone hook a Canadian brother up? It's the San Jose airport.

One trip to the Ramada would be amazing and I'd owe you big time, seeing as going to Isai's I wouldn't exactly get Brawl practice in considering it'd be all 64 stuff. Nothin' wrong with that since I wanna pick up 64 later, but...yeah. I'm kind of rambling at this point.

PM me or message me here if you're interested in helping a fellow Smasher out?

Also, any Mario mains out there that want a Sonic vs. Mario MM? $5 or something.

You know you want to. Get that **** recorded too.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
So, um, anybody from the EC taking Logan Airport out want to tell me how much a plane ticket is?
Just crunched some numbers and if I save my money accordingly I will be able to go.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
takes like 5 minutes to see how much tickets are

unless someone is buying them the exact same time that you are, it won't be an accurate representation anyway


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
I may need a ride to the Ramada from the Airport, seeing as I'm probably gonna fly in with SuPeRbOoM. We're teaming but splitting from there on July 8th until the tourney. Can anyone hook a Canadian brother up? It's the San Jose airport.

One trip to the Ramada would be amazing and I'd owe you big time, seeing as going to Isai's I wouldn't exactly get Brawl practice in considering it'd be all 64 stuff. Nothin' wrong with that since I wanna pick up 64 later, but...yeah. I'm kind of rambling at this point.

All airport info(how to get from the airport to bart) is in here. Once you get to Pittsburg/Baypoint sign up for a pickup time.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Matt, if you fly out thurs and return monday, the cheapest flight is into san jose for 374(leave san jose monday at 9:25am) because of the time it arrives it corresponds to someone im already getting so as long as you chip in some gas money I can get you at the same time. I cannot however provide a ride back to the airport(but all the info u need for public transit is in my thread).


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Hi, this is sidefx (host of GENESIS) just to let you know, we will NOT be doing live stream at GENESIS, due to multiple reasons. 1. mainly because our internet at the venue is screwed over, and we wont have access to it anymore, due to technical **** that is out of our hands. 2. Even if we did have internet, we wouldnt have the bandwidth to dedicate for a good quality live stream, AND.. a GREAT quality recording of the match. So, instead of doing live stream, were doing updates via Twitter for people t

Aww man what the..


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
Matt, if you fly out thurs and return monday, the cheapest flight is into san jose for 374(leave san jose monday at 9:25am) because of the time it arrives it corresponds to someone im already getting so as long as you chip in some gas money I can get you at the same time. I cannot however provide a ride back to the airport(but all the info u need for public transit is in my thread).
Alright, thanks.
If I can manage to get my hands on $100 sometime soon I'll be there.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
Shpongle Falls
# Custom-designed T-shirts available for sale in limited quantity, drawn and designed by Norcal's finest =)*
So like what's the deal with this? I'd like to know what they look like since I'm not going and might have someone who is going buy one for me.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
So like what's the deal with this? I'd like to know what they look like since I'm not going and might have someone who is going buy one for me.
From a couple pages back...

also.. we have shirts (that will hopefully go into print tomorrow) that i wanted to put up for you guys to see.. im jumping the gun here cause its not 100% confirmed yet since we dont have them yet..


what the hell.. even if it doesnt happen, (which im sure it will one way or another) i want to show off the design.

PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME ABOUT PRICES. ill post up more info if its 100% confirmed (ill know by tomorrow)

enjoy =)


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2007
Me and Darc are leaving from Logan. Was 289 for us, like a week or two ago. It's more now apparently.
**** you convinced his *** cuz he was syaing all this **** that he wasnt going and too much money and blah blah ...

im rooting for Darc now... his jiggs is better then kings and MangO's :)


Sep 29, 2007
UCF (Orlando, FL)
Hi, this is sidefx (host of GENESIS) just to let you know, we will NOT be doing live stream at GENESIS, due to multiple reasons. 1. mainly because our internet at the venue is screwed over, and we wont have access to it anymore, due to technical **** that is out of our hands. 2. Even if we did have internet, we wouldnt have the bandwidth to dedicate for a good quality live stream, AND.. a GREAT quality recording of the match. So, instead of doing live stream, were doing updates via Twitter for people t

Aww man what the..
woah that sucks is there like a main server for the whole fairgrounds that we can get access to, to set up like a pirate stream or something?


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
Alright so im most likely leaving from SFO at 12 30 am on monday, how long would it take for me to get from the venue by BART? And what station is nearest to the venue?


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
to be safe, an hr and 30(assuming you catch the train. The closest station to the venue is 8 miles away.


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
ok so a couple things to clarify and go over...


There will be NO livestream at genesis. There will be NO internet at genesis.

reason? the venue doesnt have internet anymore apparently. When we first started looking for venues for this tournament, one of our main decision points was.. to have access to the internet. Trust me, we did NOT plan this. We were happy with this venue because it was cheap, big, and had internet, among other things that basically made it ideal for us to use.

Couple months back, we had gone to the venue to check out upload/download speeds, for live stream, and other stuff. They had told us, that they were in the works, and that we had to basically come back at a later date, because the wireless wasnt functioning in the building were using.

Set up our appointment with the maintenance guy, went back, and basically found out, that this guy knows NOTHING about what he was talking about.

Apparently when they said "wireless" they meant "wired", and by "internet" they meant "phoneline". Obviously this aggravated the **** out of us, cause finding out about this so late in the planning phases basically has our hands tied. We struggled to find an alternative, with the budget we have. We called comcast, and other various ISP's around the area, and basically the venue isnt even up-to-date with current technology (as far as internet goes).

So then we looked into wireless cards that you get from ATT, Verizon, and all the other cell phone companies. This is possible to use, BUT.. it still wont give everyone wireless access, and we still wouldnt be able to put a live stream.

So i know within this past year and a half or so, live stream has been almost guaranteed at large tournaments, and even small ones as well.. but keep in mind, that the majority of tournaments that have been ran, (going way back) did not have live stream, and were FINE.

So what im saying now is basically, youll have to wait until the tournament is over with, to see the videos. Recording wont be a problem, because basically im giving free reign for anyone to set up their recording stations and record whatever they want, **EXCEPT** the high profile matches. The Genesis staff will be taking care of all high profile matches, and semi finals and up. We will be uploading them promptly, and wont take forever.. dont worry.

The alternative we have found is utilizing Twitter to the max. We will be updating people via Twitter on pools, brackets, matches, anything and everything basically. The twitter account to follow will be up shortly and you will be able to sign up and follow it prior to the tournament. We will also be using Twitter for calling pools, and bracket matches as well, in case the people being called are not on the venue grounds, so it will be easier for them to go out and about, and not worry about being DQ'd.

so.. thats that.

Hotel discount ordeal.

We went today to speak to the manager at the hotel, and since we've had the discount rate up since mid April, she said there is nothing we can really do to extend it. There is a summer discount deal going on right now which is the 20% off of rooms reserved, for 3 nights or more. She is a very nice lady so if you call and explain your situation, and perhaps persuade her a bit, she might be able to squeeze you into the discounted rate we had set up.. but dont quote me on that.

We did what we can, but she wouldnt budge.

Also id like to let you all know that out of the 116 rooms available at the hotel, almost 80 of them are reserved by smashers. That hotel is going to be crazy crazy crazy.


@Ken_Y`: pass some of that ec herb this way, cause you must be SMOKIN something to even THINK about saying something as dumb as that.
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