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D.B.R. Presents: GENESIS! RESULTS-Melee: Mango. Brawl: To Be Decided

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Smash Hero
Apr 27, 2007
hmm, I cannot wait, wednesday is July 1 already. Then, its just a 9 day countdown.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
anybody wanna team at genesis with me?
i'm a sheik main from tri-state area : d

PM me if you're interested.
theres a thread that DoH made for team finding

If mew2king does not go to Genesis than he should probably just stop playing smash. I mean he has been playing for years and now with a little over two weeks before the biggest tourney in the history of the game takes place he decides to not go. M2k will most likely end up going knowing how greedy he could be. The prizes are literally his for the taking, in Brawl at least. At the end of the day, if youre still playing smash at this point on the highest level, what sense would it make for him not to go. Come on Jason, stop being a kill joy. The world is literally travelling to face you and mango, so dont dissapoint your fans.
thats a bit ridiculous. No ones asks for fans, he doesnt make a living doing this stuff, hes not entitled to serve the fans. I mean dun get me wrong splitting without playing a set is among the gayest things in the history of gay but theres really no obligation in anyway to serve fans. Plus, genesis will not be the end all that some ppl make it out to be.(genesis is suppsoed to to represent the beginning of or seomthing right king/DBR?) There will be more large tourneys. I am really sick of people acting like this is the end all be all that no one should miss. VLS/pound3 were also end all be alls and WC had like 3 people show up. (yea ima bit butthurt about no being able to come to this but I felt the same way when ppl talked about pound3 the same way.

If he really wants to go he'll find a way/someone will become Mew2Daddy if he bugs them enough and he'll be there to win everything not melee singles related. Cuz we all KNOW he can't beat Mango cuz he needs tech skill and has none.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
M2k can beat Mango Swift, the hell you talking about? Is that how you have faith in EC? Psh.. if not I'll do it myself!!! M2k just needs more confidence. I can relate to that too, I honestly don't have that much confidence in myself in the beginning.. but when I fight I give it my all and I like ******.. He told me that too personally. It's simply a matter of overcoming your boundaries.

Edit: The thing that pisses me off is people giving up or giving up on other people!! I personally want M2k to ****, I have experienced him and omg.. lol. He is overwhelming, even for me.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Changwon, South Korea
M2k can beat Mango Swift, the hell you talking about? Is that how you have faith in EC? Psh.. if not I'll do it myself!!! M2k just needs more confidence. I can relate to that too, I honestly don't have that much confidence in myself in the beginning.. but when I fight I give it my all and I like ******.. He told me that too personally. It's simply a matter of overcoming your boundaries.

Edit: The thing that pisses me off is people giving up or giving up on other people!! I personally want M2k to ****, I have experienced him and omg.. lol. He is overwhelming, even for me.
i think this makes m2k a warrior = P


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
M2k can beat Mango Swift, the hell you talking about? Is that how you have faith in EC? Psh.. if not I'll do it myself!!! M2k just needs more confidence. I can relate to that too, I honestly don't have that much confidence in myself in the beginning.. but when I fight I give it my all and I like ******.. He told me that too personally. It's simply a matter of overcoming your boundaries.

Edit: The thing that pisses me off is people giving up or giving up on other people!! I personally want M2k to ****, I have experienced him and omg.. lol. He is overwhelming, even for me.
First I was indirectly referencing his own words of "i need tech skill, I have none!" after losing to mango with his fox @ ROM.(theres a vid of it and I was there) The statement itself is ridiculous in the fact that M2k has great amount of tech skill even without much practice. Read between the lines and you'll realize that I am just merely making a sarcastic reference to his recent lack of confidence(in which many on EC believe that he is being too hard on himself)

your sarcasm scouter is broken or either I was too subtle. I should've used caps or something obnoxious

I havent given up on M2k's skills as a player. I TRULY TRULY think that m2k still has the potential to be the best smash player in the world but what I HAVE given up on is his ability to take the train by himself and the ability to take care of tourney logistics by himself. Hence the reference to M2daddy aka cactus/scar/pakman.

Trust me I'll be cheering for him on live stream if he gets there.

edit: Smashwiki me, then you'll know that i'd be one of the last ppl to give up on M2K in the world of competitive smash


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
hmm, what exactly is a "good fox controller" anyway?
For any normal human being, any Gamecube controller that isn't broken in some way. For M2K, it needs to be broken in by a pro for at least 3 years or something :laugh:

But seriously, you can feel the difference between a new Gamecube controller (or even a Cube controller used for a character not Fox or Falco) and RaynEx's controller.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
i've never found a controller more sensitive than mine...including raynex's, i've tried his.

but i play jigglypuff. it doesn't make sense. it's kind of bad actually, the joystick will sometimes swing me around with the slightest nudge, so my uptilt ends up as a reverse jab or something. and reverse jab doesn't combo into rest =(

oh, wait, unless it's a jab reset. lol my character is so gay

DJ Nintendo

Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2005
Bronx, NY
M2K is winning Genesis (with the inclusion of beating Mango) and I'm gonna help him do it. End of story. Now on to other things, like me ****** with Bowser & Mario lol.


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2007
the warrior challenge!

kage never smokes before a tournament

LOL him and the canadians WATCHED me smoke a huge blunt to the face, and i offered hits too.
i play better high

after tourny blunts all day !!! i jus like kage hes very respectable and not a total flamer and he has a cool accent

plus no homo the dudes mad cute

DJ Nintendo

Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2005
Bronx, NY
who r u planning on using in tourny?
I have a good amount of tournament characters. It depends on different situations on who I'm gonna be using. I got Bowser, Mario, Dr. Mario, Samus, Pikachu, Peach & Fox. I'll most likely be using Bowser & Mario the most though.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Well if you guys want to try to warrior challenge, then I'd be happy to blaze with people loll and then chilling and playing smash, that sounds fun.


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2007
Well if you guys want to try to warrior challenge, then I'd be happy to blaze with people loll and then chilling and playing smash, that sounds fun.
im going to beat you in the warrior chaLLenge !!!

i wish i were you and got smoked up for free ... but i get people to pay for my entrees!!!


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
I just dropped $359 on a plane ticket to San Francisco. I think I'm bleedin' inside my chest. I hate all of you and love all of you at the same time.
I dropped $530 (but that does include a trip to Vegas for EVO).


I told sidefx this via pm, but for registration:

-Plan to have roughly 1 person taking registration for every 32-64 people you expect to attend. This means that you should, likely, have at least TWELVE people taking registration at this. These 12 people can have envelopes and paper (which should be pre-printed with collumns so all that is needed is a to write down a name and make a check mark for what they paid for, and then write down the total amount paid by the person). Every 10 names or so the helpers send off the paper to the head TO (the people who have TIO/computers) and then they get to work on another list (this way the TO's are actively entering people into a computer as the helpers are actively taking money and getting names down on paper). Go every 10 names so that another helper TO can confirm that the amount of money in the envelopes matches the amount shown on the piece of paper (helpers should be armed with calculators to save more time). MLG uses a system similar to this (except they have multiple computers so they don't need to do the hand-off system). Oh, and you can make each person stand for a part of the alphabet, aka person 1 takes registration from people with alias's A-C, then person 2 takes D-F, etc. The more organized the better.

Expect each registrant to take 1 minute to register. If you have 500 people and one person taking registration, thats 500 minutes (or about 8 hours, this was the mistake made at COT4, one person did registration for 300 people, a second person was added after about 2 hours but the damage was done, it took about 4-5 hours to get every registered. If you have 12 people that is just 41 minutes. For an event this size you should (likely) need 12 or more helpers anyways.

Remember, you set the WHOLE tempo of the tournament right at registration. If you don't do it quickly and efficiently, you set the whole tournament behind and can shoot yourself in the foot before you even get to stand. You don't want registration to take 2-3 hours with another 2 hours for creating pools and then suddenly you are playing catch up the ENTIRE weekend.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2005
Puerto Rico
I dropped $530 (but that does include a trip to Vegas for EVO).

Trip from SJU to SFO from July 8 to July 13 9:30pm = $493.00 for me... Thats not counting the stay in Ramada INN for those days + Food + Entrance fee + Transportation and any other expense. THIS better be worth it. I bet it will!


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Also there needs to be a CLEAR delegation of when Brawl is going on and when Melee is going on. There shouldn't be a SINGLE set up used for Melee (except maybe in the VIP area I guess) when Brawl pools is going on. There likewise should not be a SINGLE set up used for Brawl when Melee pools is going on. Taking just a single set up can set the tournament behind valuable minutes (again, COT 4 had 27-28 set ups running for Brawl, but there could have been a whole 32 if the Melee friendly TV's were taken and used for the Brawl tournament, without those extra 3-4 TV's 3 pools had to wait to start until SUNDAY (since it was 1 tv per pool and these pools didn't even get started until around 10-11pm), and the tournament was put behind over 2 hours just because of this).

Also, make sure you have a solid announcing system, that you use more than 1 tv per pool for efficiency, to do pools in heats (aka what FC Diamond did so each pool had multiple tvs), and make sure that TV's are labeled clearly so people know where to go when their pool is called (and make sure to call out what TV each Pool goes to, again, this didn't happen at COT4 - it seems simple but I've seen these simple things get missed at many, many events).


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2007
wow u are officially ,my favrite player ... people r usually stingy about money cough cough mass madness


Smash Cadet
Jun 28, 2009
quick question: if you pay 5 bucks to get in and not take place in the actual tournament, are you allowed to play friendlies?
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