Geez WOT much Nick. I'm not reading that.
/end troll phase
Yeah Nick it's been awesome all the times we've shared together. From the smash talks to the life talks it's always been a great conversation being had with you. You'll always be the go to guy for me with any technical questions.
I wish I had gone to WPI this semester to chill with you guys. I can see you constantly improving your Sheik and it's been really cool. That gayness is starting to slowly come out of the closet but one of these days it's just going to burst out and be glorious. I think we should play and record next time and critique like an hour after we play.
Also, I'm down to eat your food at any time. ;P I'll be down in your area obviously when we build my super sick awesome pc. We'll have to get a bunch of smashing in idk how long your mom would let me stay at your place but we can figure that out later. Also next semester I'll be living on campus with no job so I'll have a lot more free time (although 6 classes is going to suck).
/end procrastination for all finals that are tomorrow
/end troll phase
Yeah Nick it's been awesome all the times we've shared together. From the smash talks to the life talks it's always been a great conversation being had with you. You'll always be the go to guy for me with any technical questions.
Also, I'm down to eat your food at any time. ;P I'll be down in your area obviously when we build my super sick awesome pc. We'll have to get a bunch of smashing in idk how long your mom would let me stay at your place but we can figure that out later. Also next semester I'll be living on campus with no job so I'll have a lot more free time (although 6 classes is going to suck).
/end procrastination for all finals that are tomorrow