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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
Geez WOT much Nick. I'm not reading that.

/end troll phase

Yeah Nick it's been awesome all the times we've shared together. From the smash talks to the life talks it's always been a great conversation being had with you. You'll always be the go to guy for me with any technical questions. ;) I wish I had gone to WPI this semester to chill with you guys. I can see you constantly improving your Sheik and it's been really cool. That gayness is starting to slowly come out of the closet but one of these days it's just going to burst out and be glorious. I think we should play and record next time and critique like an hour after we play.

Also, I'm down to eat your food at any time. ;P I'll be down in your area obviously when we build my super sick awesome pc. We'll have to get a bunch of smashing in idk how long your mom would let me stay at your place but we can figure that out later. Also next semester I'll be living on campus with no job so I'll have a lot more free time (although 6 classes is going to suck).

/end procrastination for all finals that are tomorrow


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Geez WOT much Nick. I'm not reading that.

/end troll phase

Yeah Nick it's been awesome all the times we've shared together. From the smash talks to the life talks it's always been a great conversation being had with you. You'll always be the go to guy for me with any technical questions. ;) I wish I had gone to WPI this semester to chill with you guys. I can see you constantly improving your Sheik and it's been really cool. That gayness is starting to slowly come out of the closet but one of these days it's just going to burst out and be glorious. I think we should play and record next time and critique like an hour after we play.

Also, I'm down to eat your food at any time. ;P I'll be down in your area obviously when we build my super sick awesome pc. We'll have to get a bunch of smashing in idk how long your mom would let me stay at your place but we can figure that out later. Also next semester I'll be living on campus with no job so I'll have a lot more free time (although 6 classes is going to suck).

/end procrastination for all finals that are tomorrow
Haha, I'll probably have a job this summer that'll force me to relocate, but until then I'm down to do whatever! Best case scenario, I'm in Boston. Worst Case scenario is I'm in San Fran. ROFL.


Smash Ace
Jan 4, 2010
Connecticut USA
Nick, no mention of the club at X? </3 jk we were all a bunch of scrubs that you ***** daily ;) CTCon '10 though.. that was legit. Except that Stephen's TV was borked and we couldn't play outside of the con itself and even then there was only that one setup.

Can't believe Osama is dead. Good **** whoever got the headshot cause they were still able to use facial recognition technology to verify that it was Osama and not a look-alike. Talk about precision placement.

And we need to have a huge CT smashfest. Everyone in this thread mandatory attendance. Pants not optional.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Obama and Seth Myers were both hilarious at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Donald Trump got ***** six ways to sunday

Ever have one of those nights where you know you're dreaming although it still feels real and it feels like you're suffocating and you actually have to force yourself in the dream to wake up and it freaks you out and it's like you were in the void between being awake and being asleep and it felt like eternity although it was probably half a second and when you're finally awake you're panting for air and then it happens all over again when you do fall back asleep?

Scariest **** ever and this is the second time it's happened to me. I was awfully depressed for no real reason right before I went to bed but still, don't know how to explain it. Also when I did manage to fall sound asleep I had a dream I met Cogsmooch.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Ever have one of those nights where you know you're dreaming although it still feels real and it feels like you're suffocating and you actually have to force yourself in the dream to wake up and it freaks you out and it's like you were in the void between being awake and being asleep and it felt like eternity although it was probably half a second and when you're finally awake you're panting for air and then it happens all over again when you do fall back asleep?

Scariest **** ever and this is the second time it's happened to me. I was awfully depressed for no real reason right before I went to bed but still, don't know how to explain it. Also when I did manage to fall sound asleep I had a dream I met Cogsmooch.
Know that this was not a coincidence. It's a recurring problem that people have when they dream of me. I'm just too much for most brains to handle.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Toasty/Thumbs/Sleepyk/PockyD/Laijin - You kids from outta region are all cool, although I don't think I've met all of you yet.

RoM3 - Awesome national tournament, and it was great seeing people like Lil, Cort, and SleepyK again after a while. I forgot to enter, but at least I wasn't too busy playing pools to watch HaileyM nearly take a set off of Lucky, and hype it up the entire time.
wow i've met you in person multiple times and we play video games and all i get is lumped into a poop


Smash Ace
Jan 4, 2010
Connecticut USA
Nick I think you and I need to force Bernard and Thomas and all them to stop doing useless school stuff and have us over for a rapetastic fest.
It wouldn't take too much at this point to convince me... I'm not working friday night or saturday morning so I've definitely got the time for it.

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
anyone up to play saturday?

$slox is definitely out for heads. someone needs to teach me how to not throw out early nairs against sheik's shield and get grabbed.

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
good ****, i would tell you to text me your address or something but my phone doesn't work for now. /: send it to me on fb or pm me it now. i need to figure out what i'm doing tomorrow.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
wow i've met you in person multiple times and we play video games and all i get is lumped into a poop
I was very tired and posted prematurely, panicked when I realized what I had done, and scrambled to edit everyone in as quickly as I could. You ended up in there simply because "Sleepyk is not from New England and DD is lazy and dumb."

<3 I'll make it up to you~


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Kemba Stunner. Lulz.

Anyway, with gas being as ******** high as it is right now, I'm only making it out to CCSU for one night this weekend, so I think I'm gonna shoot for Friday.

EDIT: Nikooooooo
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