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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
anyone who was something besides normal(yellow) is not modded

to get modded i had to turn off my blue name (memphis you could do this)

yedi, because you had premium or broom or w/e green name you weren't modded, but if you change your name to normal then you would be

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
So the boards were down all day because of april fools?
<object width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Ao1uHiVL7GA&hl=en_US&fs=1&autoplay=1&loop=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Ao1uHiVL7GA&hl=en_US&fs=1&autoplay=1&loop=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>
Nope, actual maintenance.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
i get my stick tomm and plan on practicing at tgb maybe. Yo benard hit me up about ur stick. The sticks we have are the best for modding(thats why I ordered mine lol) and you will RLY get the bang out of it if you replace some things. Our sticks are great cuz opening them and replacing stuff requires NO soldering or anything. I looked into it alot and modding that particular stick is easy and should yield great results. It doesnt cost alot(just buying buttons and a stick.). If anything im going to try and switch the scrub art on it b4 I goto tgb.

getting used to stick overall is my main concern but soon after I gain some comfortability the mods will come. Ive read multiple reviews and stuff and I have a great idea of the parts that are kinda SF standards by vets.(stick brand/types, button brands/types).

TL DR; madcatz stick we have kinda are like meh part wise, but we can get teh 1337 buttons and sticks and mod them and be all cool n **** instead of having that scrub sf4 artwork
word. yo when u get all ur moddin ish down, we'll talk. i was thinking about replacing the gate but i'm getting used to the square gate. and its effin **** with charge characters.

i might need to open it soon to see if theres some dust build up in the bottom left cuz i have a hard time qc-ing in that direction. when i turn my inputs on it reads only when i push hard against the gate, which slows down the timing for combos n stuff

namesearching kills families
yea i saw those yesterday. dont really see ppl doin em consistently in vids, if ever

rose bout to get off. lol


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic

square gate is the truth in the both. well I think so at least. I RLY dislike circle so I will probly never go octomom cuz its closer to the circle.

oh snap, swift, now you can ban YOURSELF for questioning any mlg employee.
was very close to referencing it in that thread. Probly a good idea that i didn't though


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
smash theory time:

thesis: marth is fine in teams


-still edgeguards beastly
-plays great damage control
-if unchecked can be a real problem


G$, Taj, Azen

(foresight: just because there are better teammates than marth, doesnt make him bad)



Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
i remember this one time zoso and G$ went double marth on yoshi's story in tournament

i recall quite a bit of "fsmash teammate in the face" but overall was fun to watch

therefore, altho this technically is only semi-related to your stipulation trademark, i agree that marth ***** in teams

also question to anyone who may know: is this the only thread with music in it? cuz if so, good ****. i've been listening to it for far too long. ****'s rockin


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Marth needs an aggressive teammate to be really effective. It's helpful if your partner knows you really well and can kind of sense when he should hold his shield so you can throw something out (I remember this happening a lot when I teamed with Arc). Personally I think he's a little slow for teams and he gets super ***** 2v1, but he's far from bad.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
Marth needs an aggressive teammate to be really effective. It's helpful if your partner knows you really well and can kind of sense when he should hold his shield so you can throw something out (I remember this happening a lot when I teamed with Arc). Personally I think he's a little slow for teams and he gets super ***** 2v1, but he's far from bad.
this is really the point i was getting at.

marth def cant take the lead in teams, but idk if he needs an aggressive partner. maybe someone to spread the aggro out with?

i believe it is apparent that marth is more partner dependent, as u stated.both in terms of character choice and the player.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
This is the stupidest april fools crap ever
oOo does that mean its 35mm? I'm only familiar with mini dv and logging it straight to computer. My gf does quite a bit of filming also
Super16mm. 35 is really expensive...she might shoot it for her thesis, but she might go HD and rent a RED or something too.

The ObamaMobile drove right by me twice yesterday... once on the way home on the highway and once when I was standing on the street downtown. And then Vampire Weekend rocked my face.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
What better than marth in teams? Kira in teams.

marth is so legit in teams. I think his partner has to work harder than he would with like jiggs or shiek. by work harder I dun mean be aggressive. I mean area control and facilitating marth's strengths. I really dun think that aggressive partner is the definite formula for teaming with a marth. I just think that area control and teamwork are more required. lets face it, marth 1v1 is not nearly as good as he used to be way back when and in the short-run game it is even more difficult. Besides a few trickies, marth needs time to be effective 1v1 and I feel that the more the match turns into mini 1v1s the worse off marth is.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
Marth needs an aggressive teammate to be really effective. It's helpful if your partner knows you really well and can kind of sense when he should hold his shield so you can throw something out (I remember this happening a lot when I teamed with Arc). Personally I think he's a little slow for teams and he gets super ***** 2v1, but he's far from bad.
I agree.

I feel that the more the match turns into mini 1v1s the worse off marth is.
Marth is far from top or high tier in teams. There are so many better characters to use in teams than Marth.


and then Marth

I think he's like 6th or 7th best in teams and is simply OK. Marth is far from BEAST in teams. In regards to your statement about him doing mini 1v1's that simply is strongly determined by the character he is playing and how much room he has exactly to work with. Like, I honestly think Marth does crummy against Jigs, Fox, and maybe even Ganon in teams. In teams you really don't have time to edge guard because a good teammate will make sure a ganon, or jigs, is not being eyed by Marth near the ledge.

Conclusion: Marth is not a bad choice, but is far from top tier in teams.

I gave up on Marth in teams pretty much. He's just not as good. Let me say this, (quote me if you want) Fox is actually FUN in teams.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
falco def shouldnt be that high. sheik is pretty good in teams too. falcon is ok in teams but i think its hard to pull off especially in smaller stages.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I forgot about Sheik......I always do.

High level players are pretty legit with Falco in teams.

The new PS3 Update is ****ing bull**** but I really dont feel like figuring out how to go online without the update. Too lazy and was always too lazy to install Linux. I just want to play SF4 and SSF IV online.


Smash Ace
Jan 4, 2010
Connecticut USA
Lmfao Cog.

I haven't updated/played my PS3 since I got it. That was at the beginning of February.

I need more games. Suggestions?


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
so i was trolling some kids on my friend's fb (because arguing with people you don't know on a friend's status is hilarious) saying dreamcast would be a better purchase than a gamecube (that part i actually think is true, but...) and the kids brought up the fact that melee is the best game ever, and when i made fun of them, said melee wasn't a real fighter, and brawl was better, they basically said "gtfo noob***" and "the case for a dreamcast just got slimmer." my pride in the casual gamer is being restored.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I only bought my PS3 for BlazBlue and Street Fighter (and if there's a God in heaven, a new Guilty Gear). I have a few other games, but I don't really play them.

The Freaknik musical on Adult Swim totally changed my opinion of T-Pain. I legit love this song:



Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
What better than marth in teams? Kira in teams.

marth 1v1 is not nearly as good as he used to be way back when and in the short-run game it is even more difficult. Besides a few trickies, marth needs time to be effective 1v1 and I feel that the more the match turns into mini 1v1s the worse off marth is.
i'll watch kira at some point

i'd disagree with u on this. little time to write out explanation. marth just has to play differently in teams 1v1s than doubles. he cant cg or space all day so once he does get that 1v1 sitch he needs to take full advantage, which isnt hard for him to do at all.


Marth still edgeguards like a beast in teams.
6th/23(?) is still pretty good last time i checked and that would technically be high tier


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
I agree.

Marth is far from top or high tier in teams. There are so many better characters to use in teams than Marth.


and then Marth

I think he's like 6th or 7th best in teams and is simply OK. Marth is far from BEAST in teams. In regards to your statement about him doing mini 1v1's that simply is strongly determined by the character he is playing and how much room he has exactly to work with. Like, I honestly think Marth does crummy against Jigs, Fox, and maybe even Ganon in teams. In teams you really don't have time to edge guard because a good teammate will make sure a ganon, or jigs, is not being eyed by Marth near the ledge.

Conclusion: Marth is not a bad choice, but is far from top tier in teams.

I gave up on Marth in teams pretty much. He's just not as good. Let me say this, (quote me if you want) Fox is actually FUN in teams.
Okay so I just wanna point this out, where do you come up with these arbitrary ratings? It's like this is how you quanitify your ratings;

"Okay I don't think marth is top tier which is like a rating of 1-3, but he isn't absolutely horrible, so I'm gonna say 7 because 7 is pretty much in the middle and legit in my book"

i'll watch kira at some point

i'd disagree with u on this. little time to write out explanation. marth just has to play differently in teams 1v1s than doubles. he cant cg or space all day so once he does get that 1v1 sitch he needs to take full advantage, which isnt hard for him to do at all.
He can space all day, he's just reliant more on his partner than most characters are. That's really what it comes down to, he's a great character in teams he just needs a strong partner. Basically the marth/whatever character your using should probably be acting like an IC. Minus the whole nana killing herself.


Marth still edgeguards like a beast in teams.
6th/23(?) is still pretty good last time i checked and that would technically be high tier
Ever seen Garrett play? do you think he knows how to edge guard?

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
"Okay I don't think marth is top tier which is like a rating of 1-3, but he isn't absolutely horrible, so I'm gonna say 7 because 7 is pretty much in the middle and legit in my book"

Ever seen Garrett play? do you think he knows how to edge guard?
Because Melees tiers are so rigid you can consider 7th to be mid tier almost. LOL. Everyone plays god-top tier in teams (Peach, Jigs, Fox) so Marth really does not do as well VS those teams.

LOL, what are you talking about? Pretty sure when it matters and when it is a mm or tournament I step it up.

Because you play me all the time, ima right?


Also, picked up Seth in SF IV. Hes definitely more campy than Akuma is and I really love him. He literally covers all options pretty much against a good 3/4ths of the cast and his Ultra is underrated. I played with this kid Brian last night from New London who is really good and his Seth was destroying me all night. In watching him, I learned how to play Seth and just won 8 in a row online. LOL.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
a spacie can take someone from 0%-60% in half the time marth can. marth's combos are pretty much mostly cgs and can take time to build damage. i think for that reason people choose to think of him on a lower standard. he still does hella collateral damage when he's being rushed down, though, can gimp and edgeguard well, can teamsave decently, and can get early kills...so there's no reason to say he's anything less than great in teams.

just my quick $0.02

and octave: valkyria chronicles, devil may cry 4, fear 1/2, killzone 2, tekken 6, little big planet, ratchet and clank future: tod, uncharted 1/2, ninja gaiden sigma, mgs4, disgaea 3, infamous, mirror's edge, blazblue, sf4, marvel ultimate alliance 2, sonic the hedgehog (the one that is plainly titled, the others...so bad), saints row 2, RE5, fallout 3, eternal sonata, arkham asylum...that's all i can think of atm for my library/list of stuff i want that's not in my library.

edit: top 10 to make it easier (in no particular order)- valkyria chronicles, fear 2, killzone 2, tekken 6, little big planet, uncharted 2, infamous, blazblue, fallout 3 (prefer it on PC, though), mgs4


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
garrett i was away from the ps3 when i got the message. if your still free we can play.
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