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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
So PoF is going to offer his first born son, how morally bankrupt are you man? seriously? and woman sleep with you? (Oh **** my bad there I go assuming things.) Seriously bro, might want to re think your priorities.
Why are you going out of your way to try to be a douche to me?

No offense Demetri, but I clearly win if you wish to take this to a personal level sir.

In other news: Already took off work to go the first SSF IV tournament a week after the games release! Dazwa, trademark, Jam, etc-You guys should go. It's a five dollar buy in and really just looks like a nice new way to learn about the game and what the competitive scene will bring to the table.

Dudley looks so stupid good and is definitely going to be a very popular character. He combos into his ultra as stupidly as Ryu does in 4...maybe even easier.

Hakan will get ***** by campers (Seth, Akuma, Ryu, Sagat, Ibuki) and really suffers from a lack of zoning game and ways to get inside from speculation.

Check this: Cody gets 3X the range on his NORMALS when he has the knife in hand and they all do more damage AND chip. Three crouching jabs do a good 125.

Bah sorry for my random SF rants :ohwell: but I'm realy excited for this game:psycho:

Ibukis wake up game looks INCREDIBLE, she can jump cancel into both of her ultras from target combos, solid anti air, many ways to get around projectiles, does good damage...but has only 900 health which makes me cry.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
at my school they serve it with marinara sauce on top like a pizza without cheese. ****ing gross.

TBG was fun this past Friday. Brawl- with Jam and Jesus was awesome.
I've already said "What the b*tch?!", lol

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
Yes, you did get a lot better. Keep in mind a few things

Weren't you just bragging about winning 8 in a row online as Seth? Let noodles have his thunder, no need to rag on a guy over the (largely irrelevant) ease of use of his character.

Speaking of having thunder, I'm good at Brawl again :bee:

also i dunno where the "let's all start double posting" thing started, but there's an edit button, and I'm sure none of you have missed it in the past 3+ years you've gone to this site :laugh:

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Does anyone know how to make a picture bigger without it getting all fuzzy and stretched-looking? I have a background that's 1024x640 and I want it to be 1440x900.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
Weren't you just bragging about winning 8 in a row online as Seth? Let noodles have his thunder, no need to rag on a guy over the (largely irrelevant) ease of use of his character.

Speaking of having thunder, I'm good at Brawl again :bee:

also i dunno where the "let's all start double posting" thing started, but there's an edit button, and I'm sure none of you have missed it in the past 3+ years you've gone to this site :laugh:
i almost never edit here when its like primetime cuz ppl post so much but my bad on that daz.


Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
Hey Dylan, you buttplug, you never got back to me on friday. I really wanted to see you guys D:

And POF, it was an observational statement that I have no idea how you can already disagree with when the game isn't even out. Like holy crap, comparing her to Ken? from what I have seen she doesn't have many common attributes to Ken but you're already the SSF master so who am I to argue with you.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
Hey Dylan, you buttplug, you never got back to me on friday. I really wanted to see you guys D:
Friday we were crazy tired, Saturday had a Brawl tournament with 3 TVs (AND YET THEY STILL RAN POOLS), and Sunday we had to leave. :(

Try to make it to DNA saturday, if possible :D


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
I haven't read anything, I'll read it at school today. Off back to bed even though fell asleep at 6pm LOL.

I won't be making it to TBG this Friday, going to a concert with Joey. :)
I'm also not going next weekend since I'll be in NJ drinking with Tec0.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
Oh yeah I did the greatest yo dawg prank on someone. Showed Swift *stretches* Btw swift what I did was I put all his picture frames face down to better help you visualize what I did.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Someone get drunk Spawn and drunk TecO on tape, plz.

Also, Happy Birthday Zoso if I didn't say so whenever that was.

Also, I miss Smash. Someone teach me.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Happy bday Dave!

I'd also like to say that Clash of the Titans is the 2nd best comedy of 2010 (right behind Hot Tub Time Machine). How else to explain the unbelievably awful and terrible quality in just about everything the movie portrays? I'll tell ya that movie has more unintentional laughs than anything I've seen recently. Ryan, your girl is in this one (a big role actually) and she is so gorgeous that I stopped paying attention to the scenes and the other characters just to gaze fixedly at her. With Quantum of Solace and now this under her belt, she has a remarkable talent for being in really bad films. Does this bode badly for the upcoming Prince of Persia? I'd take that bet. At any rate, I'll be going to see that for her and her only.

ps the scene where the blue stony Djinn guy self destructs (which hilariously reminded me all too much of Android 16 trying to take out Cell) to damage Medusa still has me laughing.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
Like holy crap, comparing her to Ken? from what I have seen she doesn't have many common attributes to Ken but you're already the SSF master so who am I to argue with you.
You clearly have no idea what I meant when I said she looks like the new Ken. You obviously do not play SF.

No, I'm far from the SF master.....I'm definitely not that good. I play far too many characters and have too much fun with them all to be a dedicated main.

Still to this day, I do not have a MAIN. I play Ken, Akuma, Abel, Fei Long, and am in the process of learning Seth and have equal fun with all of them. If I had to say, it'd be Ken...but I HATE Ken for certain match ups.

i like makoto dun care how bad she is. ima play her and like boxer
I think she looks okay. Personally, I think she'll be really good at launch because no one is going to know her tricksies and shananigans but once people learn her, I think she's going to be decent. Super canceled into Ultra looks really fun but her Ultra regularly looks like it does jack squat so it's almost like you have to cancel it to make it useful. The idea of using a whole super bar (and pretty much the ENTIRE time meter for that super) to make an ultra combo worth it seems kind of useless. At least with Dhalshim, Sagat, and Gen and there ultra to super/vice versa setups did a whole ****load of damage....Makotos just appears useful with the cancel. She also looks like a character that is going to heavily rely on her EX moves, much like E Honda.

By boxer do you mean Bison or Balrog in US? LOL. Are you talking *** or US terms?

Stupid SF and their translations.

Smashboards needs to work on not sucking and being down every day.

I'd also like to say that Clash of the Titans is the 2nd best comedy of 2010 (right behind Hot Tub Time Machine). How else to explain the unbelievably awful and terrible quality in just about everything the movie portrays? I'll tell ya that movie has more unintentional laughs than anything I've seen recently. Ryan, your girl is in this one (a big role actually) and she is so gorgeous that I stopped paying attention to the scenes and the other characters just to gaze fixedly at her. With Quantum of Solace and now this under her belt, she has a remarkable talent for being in really bad films. Does this bode badly for the upcoming Prince of Persia? I'd take that bet. At any rate, I'll be going to see that for her and her only.
Liam Neeson is in it. I have expectations. You seem to hate a lot of good movies but at least you like solid classics such as Taxi Driver.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Also, apparently, both Hazz and Ron have only posted in this thread once. Ha.

Currently beating Smooth Criminal by eleven posts. Tarmacker, I'm coming for you next!

Spam on!


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Liam Neeson is in it. I have expectations. You seem to hate a lot of good movies but at least you like solid classics such as Taxi Driver.
Ah HA! That is where you are wrong! I hate a lot of movies that deserve to be hated on. Do not think for a second I hate something unless it had truly awful elements. Liam Neeson happens to be one of my favorite actors, and yes, he is one of the THREE good things about Clash. The other two are, of course, Ralph Fiennes and Gemma Arterton. Every single time any one of these three was onscreen I was enjoying the movie (albeit by ignoring whatever horrible contrivance was taking place), now what does that tell you about the REST of the film?


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
OFFERING a ride to no johns this weekend.

You need to be able to:

chip in for with gas
have a ride to my place
have a ride back to your place afterwards

meeting the latter is a must.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Happy bday Dave!

I'd also like to say that Clash of the Titans is the 2nd best comedy of 2010 (right behind Hot Tub Time Machine). How else to explain the unbelievably awful and terrible quality in just about everything the movie portrays? I'll tell ya that movie has more unintentional laughs than anything I've seen recently. Ryan, your girl is in this one (a big role actually) and she is so gorgeous that I stopped paying attention to the scenes and the other characters just to gaze fixedly at her. With Quantum of Solace and now this under her belt, she has a remarkable talent for being in really bad films. Does this bode badly for the upcoming Prince of Persia? I'd take that bet. At any rate, I'll be going to see that for her and her only.

ps the scene where the blue stony Djinn guy self destructs (which hilariously reminded me all too much of Android 16 trying to take out Cell) to damage Medusa still has me laughing.
All the bad buzz about this flick is kind of getting me down. I was really looking forward to it... I mean how hard is it to screw up two dozen mythological monsters fighting and ****? Sad. At least we have kick *** to look forward to.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Repost for Page Jump and to further C-Block Seb.
lol elitism, more like realism my friend <3

All the bad buzz about this flick is kind of getting me down. I was really looking forward to it... I mean how hard is it to screw up two dozen mythological monsters fighting and ****? Sad. At least we have kick *** to look forward to.
I know, everything's really just stupid and disappointing, except Gemma lol. Dude she is somehow way hotter in this than Quantum. Oh, and wait till you see how badly they **** up the whole thing with the cracken.
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