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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
sleepy I hate to see you waste quotes/energy on garrets post. Every time I make a long post addressed to him I start to think whether it was worth it or not(usually not, thats why i stopped a while back). At least use your skills where its worth it as opposed to using it against a school of thought that has clearly shown no intention of considering or evening taking anything from an opposing school of thought.

TL DR; you should let him post opinionated and/or stupid stuff. If everyone ignores it then he'll probly go do real life stuff instead of mentioning that he does in every argument he gets into on boards that ultimately reflects and/or demonstrates his lack of knowledge about the community and competitive gaming etc.

TL DR; garret just likes to type words....kinda like apporaching that 5th-6th hour of a smashfest where you are kinda tired and wanna stop(however you dont stop) but just wanna press buttons and see things happen on screen.

TL DR; garrets statements are not worth the effort and time sleepy

two of my family members in mexico just got assassinated by a drug cartel. i'm pretty shaken :(
my condolence, you have them.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
First off, I did not argue with anyone anything. All I said was that I am interested in really giving SF more of a solid chance and everyone decided to comment.

Why are you bothering analyzing something that did not mean to be analyzed? You basically said, "Let me figure out all the problems in what garretts personal reasons are for wanting to get into SF and see if I see them as legitimate."

I said character and music/level diversity and the fact that I want to learn more about match ups other than "space fair and grab" "u throw to uair" "dair to shine or neu b" " d throw to fair" every single match and not have to use something else in my characters moveset. SF offers this diversity and it attracts me to the game.

Do what Swift said, Stop.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
TL DR; garret just likes to type words....kinda like apporaching that 5th-6th hour of a smashfest where you are kinda tired and wanna stop(however you dont stop) but just wanna press buttons and see things happen on screen.
i lol'd
First off, I did not argue with anyone anything. All I said was that I am interested in really giving SF more of a solid chance and everyone decided to comment.

Why are you bothering analyzing something that did not mean to be analyzed? You basically said, "Let me figure out all the problems in what garretts personal reasons are for wanting to get into SF and see if I see them as legitimate."
garrett its never what u say, its how u say it. if u'da just said " i wanna play ssf4 ish looks fun and a change of pace from melee" that'd be cool. but u said way more than that, hence the flame.

no flame, just makin an observation


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I said character and music/level diversity and the fact that I want to learn more about match ups other than "space fair and grab" "u throw to uair" "dair to shine or neu b" " d throw to fair"
Wow Garrett I am now convinced that you fully understand Smash at high levels of play, I tip my hat to you.

Do what Swift said, Stop.
Did you ignore the part where Swift said your posts are stupid and not worth responding to? Seriously, did you?


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
two of my family members in mexico just got assassinated by a drug cartel. i'm pretty shaken :(
ahh, i'm very sorry to hear about that. one of the people that was supposed to ride with me to HERB 3 had to stay behind because his grandmother had escaped from a village that was under attack just in time and flew to GA. she was quite shaken.

once again, my condolences.

MUST BE ' its '!!!
o my b.

sleepy I hate to see you waste quotes/energy on garrets post. Every time I make a long post addressed to him I start to think whether it was worth it or not(usually not, thats why i stopped a while back). At least use your skills where its worth it as opposed to using it against a school of thought that has clearly shown no intention of considering or evening taking anything from an opposing school of thought.

TL DR; you should let him post opinionated and/or stupid stuff. If everyone ignores it then he'll probly go do real life stuff instead of mentioning that he does in every argument he gets into on boards that ultimately reflects and/or demonstrates his lack of knowledge about the community and competitive gaming etc.

TL DR; garret just likes to type words....kinda like apporaching that 5th-6th hour of a smashfest where you are kinda tired and wanna stop(however you dont stop) but just wanna press buttons and see things happen on screen.

TL DR; garrets statements are not worth the effort and time sleepy

my condolence, you have them.
idk... sometimes problem solving is solved by ignoring the cause

but sometimes it isn't.

also here is a funny video that is somewhat related to this topic

somewhat related... but wkuk 2 good

First off, I did not argue with anyone anything. All I said was that I am interested in really giving SF more of a solid chance and everyone decided to comment.

Why are you bothering analyzing something that did not mean to be analyzed? You basically said, "Let me figure out all the problems in what garretts personal reasons are for wanting to get into SF and see if I see them as legitimate."

I said character and music/level diversity and the fact that I want to learn more about match ups other than "space fair and grab" "u throw to uair" "dair to shine or neu b" " d throw to fair" every single match and not have to use something else in my characters moveset. SF offers this diversity and it attracts me to the game.

Do what Swift said, Stop.

but does you agreeing with swift mean that you realize the problem?

i lol'd

garrett its never what u say, its how u say it. if u'da just said " i wanna play ssf4 ish looks fun and a change of pace from melee" that'd be cool. but u said way more than that, hence the flame.

no flame, just makin an observation
thanks, trade.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Even Eyes Wide Shut? I hear VERY mixed things about that movie. Btw is he your favorite director lol
He might be my favorite, yeah. Although if I'm honest with myself I might think Miyazaki is my favorite... he's certainly the greatest living director. There are some young directors who are incredibly exciting, though... I am really looking forward to spending my life enjoying new Edgar Wright, Paul Thomas Anderson, Chris Nolan and Darren Aronofsky films.
And yes even Eyes Wide Shut. Not sure why that movie gets flack, other than the fact that some people are just like OMG TOM CRUISE KNEE-JERK HATE ACTIVATE!!

Yes; agreed, but part of going to tournaments is to compete, learn match ups, see what you're doing wrong, etc. If I want to play with friends I'll have my friends come over or have a smashfest. You go to a tournament to see faces yes, but mainly to compete.

I hope you're joking. You really don't like comedies, do you? Thats the whole point of a comedy....to laugh. Not to have an epic storyline or plot.

I'm sure you hate Tommy Boy, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, and Airplane! too?

You're hurting my feelings Seb.

Here we go again w SleepyK looking for things in what I say for flaws.

Smash is deeper than SF...I never said SF was deeper. What I said was is that I'm sick of the same match ups in Melee (fox, Falco, Jigs, Marth, Peach, Falcon, Sheik) because the tiers in Melee are incredibly high tier bandwagon and skewed. I don't want to go to Brawl simply because; well, Brawl gets old REALLY FAST and I don't like camping shield.

I mention different levels in SF because ALL THE LEVELS are tournament viable and I don't have to hear the Dreamland theme song all tournament long and can listen to a good 25 + stages of music as opposed to 5? That was my point.

SF allows players to learn ALL their match ups as opposed to the top five characters because it is more common to run into lower tiers in SF than any smash brothers game, period. Have you seen good Abels? Fei Longs? Cammys? Goukens? I know i've seen more lower tiers in SF than I have in smash brothers. The fact is, the tiers in SF aren't that rigged unless its like Akuma VS Gief, Vega Vs Gief, or Dan VS any high tier.

SF allows the game to be more about match ups and reacting than "well my character can chain grab you to 90% and then fair you in a ditto and you die" (Sheik Dittos)

Melee hacks? People will be over that in like.....two months? Hacks are cool for like two weeks and then you realize, "well, im sick of this song! I want something else." I modded my psp's menu music and opening boot screen and i got bored with it fast. Too much work for something so minimally satisfying. Heck, Spawn has his Wii main menu modded and is incredibly sick of it for proof. Melee hacking is cute, but it gets old. The Falco hack is legit but I'd once again get sick of it.

I don't travel to tournaments because I HAVE A JOB. I make money. I like to make money and not spend it so when I graduate college, I have a place to live and can start a life. With SF, I'll see different mains locally as well. I know two people from my own **** school who play mid to low tiers and are pretty good players. One is a Cammy main and the other is a Blanka. Both, not god or top tier.

Street Fighter is also way more popular and has a bigger fan base than smash brothers can ever dream to have and we all know this to be true.

Basically; the bottom line: I want to play SSF IV because it looks incredibly promising and it looks like all the hype is going to live up to it. I've heard incredible things and I'm really excited to see the new online modes, characters, costumes, and see what was changed and who was buffed etc. There is going to be a whole new level of depth to explore and hopefully we'll have some answers to dealing with Ryu, Sagat, and Akuma.
Sounds like you have a real problem with smash and the smash community. Maybe you should quit. Please.

Cog, I have been following your sage advise. ;) I suck at shaving on the third day though. I usually let it grow for a week then shave. T_T
Do you get legit stubble after a week?

two of my family members in mexico just got assassinated by a drug cartel. i'm pretty shaken :(
UGH that's terrible! Sorry to hear that :(

First off, I did not argue with anyone anything. All I said was that I am interested in really giving SF more of a solid chance and everyone decided to comment.

Why are you bothering analyzing something that did not mean to be analyzed? You basically said, "Let me figure out all the problems in what garretts personal reasons are for wanting to get into SF and see if I see them as legitimate."

I said character and music/level diversity and the fact that I want to learn more about match ups other than "space fair and grab" "u throw to uair" "dair to shine or neu b" " d throw to fair" every single match and not have to use something else in my characters moveset. SF offers this diversity and it attracts me to the game.

Do what Swift said, Stop.
So you're saying your posts are above analysis?
Also what the **** is dair to neu b? What character is that? *thinks*
OHWAIT duh: Tapion punch


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
Marc with a beard sounds incredibly sexy.
Thanks Jam. <3 I would really love to have a beard however...
it won't happen for another like 5 years or so when I have gray hair LOL! I think after 2 years with Cog's advice (<3 you Cog) I'll be able to do sideburns really well, however after 5 I'll be looking mad good with my full grown motha****in' beard.

POF- I just read PoF's longass post and he's ONLY PARTIALLY right for the situation he's in. Also, don't do that bull**** of, "Oh no war with SleepyK." No that's not the situation John is in, he's not the only one who disagreed. I'm sure there's a good amount of people who disagreed he just had the time/energy/ready to be trolled by you to post it. I was going to post something similar but I woke up at 11pm on Sunday and didn't go to bed til 7pm Monday so I was a little ****ing tired/not ready to post logically. I'm all rested now so get ready for a wall of text. Here we go.

All I have to say Garrett is when I travel to Mass, I play a lot more different characters. Also the thing you have to realize with smash is that yes, everyone may play the same top 5 characters. The question is why haven't I gotten bored of this game in the entire 5 competitive years I've been playing this game? Two reasons, First one is pretty simple; smashers are too fun to hang out with. Secondly, everyone who plays this game has a similar concept however everyone reacts to a different situation in a different way differently for differences about differences for everything. As you get better and get more experience you'll start noticing how ****ing different playing Mike$ is than Noodles than Swift than whoever. They ALL learned from the same people, how is it that there Foxes are that different? Sure you may be playing the same character... but there are so many different ways that Fox/anyone is played, that it takes a ridiculous amount more time to learn ONE matchup. I've been bad vs Fox for about 3 years or so. I'm FINALLY starting to learn the matchup. What does that tell you, I'm not stupid if that's what you're thinking lol. If you're looking to play a lot more DIFFERENT characters/tiers start going to more nationals. You went to Pound, I'm sure you got to play a ****ton of different characters if you tried to seek out people.

Sure you can say you have a job and don't have time to play Melee. Well guess what a National is for one weekend and it's a **** ****ing good weekend. Dude, I'm doing the same ****ing **** as you. I'm working parttime and going to school fulltime. Don't give me that **** that you don't have time. I work 20-30 hours a week when my dad needs me. 8-10 hours Tuesday, 8-10 hours Thursday and Friday, if he asks me to work the weekends I do. I made Dean's List last semester and I'm on the right track to do it again this semester. It hasn't messed up me going to tournaments other than knowing that X weekend I'm going to be hanging out with my school friends/I have a ****load of homework. You just have to learn when you can and when you can't play. If you switch to SSFIV I can guarantee you you'll find a lot more time because you'll love it more since it's new and you'll make that time. I guess it's just I love this game so much (tbh though it's about the community the game being incredible is only part of it) and I don't care how I find time with it.

Time to read the rest of the posts from Garrett's longass post to SleepyK onwards.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
two of my family members in mexico just got assassinated by a drug cartel. i'm pretty shaken :(
Holy **** Alexander I'm so sorry. /goes on aim so we can talk about it and I can try my hardest to make you feel better.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
First off, I did not argue with anyone anything. All I said was that I am interested in really giving SF more of a solid chance and everyone decided to comment.

Why are you bothering analyzing something that did not mean to be analyzed? You basically said, "Let me figure out all the problems in what garretts personal reasons are for wanting to get into SF and see if I see them as legitimate."

I said character and music/level diversity and the fact that I want to learn more about match ups other than "space fair and grab" "u throw to uair" "dair to shine or neu b" " d throw to fair" every single match and not have to use something else in my characters moveset. SF offers this diversity and it attracts me to the game.

Do what Swift said, Stop.
Garrett even I'm responding to your posts so clearly you said something that really hit a nerve for everyone (not really hit a nerve for me, I just figured I'd address what you said). When have I ever responded to your posts negatively?

You didn't say you wanted to give SSFIV a shot. You said why you wanted to give SSFIV a shot moreso than Melee. Everyone here has basically been telling you why Melee is such a great game.

Looking at this post over again just makes me realize how little you understand in this game. I drove to your house an hour away from me and that's honestly what you learned in a year's worth of playing me. I'm disappointed Garrett, I really am.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
benard, mike, anyone who is just truly starting to learning sf4 and trying to improve execution. this site is a gold mine. I find SRK a bit harder to navigate so I went looking and found this site.(guess boards has me spoiled).

the link shows something that i was NEVER aware of. it anwsers so many questions for me. I KNEW that there was something to make some of these strict input windows more feasible.


this too. i fcuking knew that there had to be an easier way to react with DPM. i thiought to myself a few days ago "THERE IS NO FCUKING WAY TO REACT ON LIKE EL FUERTE JUMPING IN WITH the traditional DPM and gettting dat **** 100 precent. this vid shows the update to the DPM(dragon punch motion fyi) that has been such a gift to me. This site alone has made my adventures in learning sf4 and ssf4 so much better and motivating. I think im ordering a stick today, unless you guys know someone who is selling one for cheap.

this whole site is GREAT. frame data dialog scripts, strats beginners guide, guide to moving from pad to stick........Im buying a stick because of this site. its a rly rly complete guide for us newbies.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
Swift- My friend just showed me about that site a few months ago. It's so much better than SRK.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
Swift-If you want to play SF IV and prep before Super comes out, let me know. I play pretty much every character (aside from Viper, Fuerte, and Rose) and can help you out with things.

I'm extremely knowledgable with

Fei Long
and Abel

Those are the characters I know the most with. I play pretty much anyone though and am fairly solid with all of them.

In response to my statements before-

Marc-No, I definitely know and acknowledge the aspects of smash that make it the best game we all have seen in years. You've taught me more about the Sheik match up and about this game than most other smashers have. Brookman, Silas, and you definitely take that award. IMO, its the best fighting game ever made (I consider it a fighter, personally) because it breaks out from the traditional fighter and allows each and every player to be incredibly unique

M2K's Sheik is **** off stage...so is yours. XYT's Sheik is amazing on stage.
IB's Marth is combo ****....Kens is pure textbook....Azens is WD fsmash trigger happy
Eggms Fox is stupid out of shield. Swifts Fox just reacts and ***** you.
Darcs spacing with his jigs makes me cry. Hbox reacts. MaNg0's is purely clutch.
Hax's Falcon is tech chase god, Scar is the best combo falcon, Dark Rain is all around

etc. etc.

What I was saying was is I guess I want to explore a new game because the smash scene is getting repetitive for me and I think it's time I switch it up. For as much time as I dedicate to Melee, I'm a fairly solid player. I play like maybe once a week and rarely go to tournaments but over my past 3-4 I've done fairly well and am proud of my performance. Last tourney I lost to Roman (I was upset with this) but beat Spife (Sheik, my least favorite match up) and did a Marth ditto with someone to place 9th. I also almost came back to take a game off Banks after being down 3 stocks to ONE on ****ing DREAMLAND VS HIS SHEIK. I was proud of this. I also got out of round 1 of pools at pound 4 and placed decently at Jams last tournament. I've won most of my money matches lately going even with Awsmsean, beating solar 3-0 our last three mm's and beating irish mafia in a mm at pound 4 as well.

I'm improving and if I'd play more frequently, I'd be better. It is my decision for not particpating more in the community, I know that. I WISH I could go to more things (I guess this is me "complaining" ? LOL) but I think working and making money and spending time with my friends who I dont see much since i've moved is more important. SF will allow me to stay more local than Smash will. I know GOOD SF players in New London (closer than the Vernon/Mass area) who go to tournaments and place well. I will learn much from them and my Ken, Akuma, and other characters have gotten so much better lately because of them.

Let it be known that I'm not saying Smash sucks or anything of the sort or am bashing the smash community. It's like the best game ever. I guess I'm just looking for a bigger, more local setting.

As for comments as to "u throw to u air" etc. That's just a quick joke I put in there. LOL. Please, don't take that seriously.

I know Marth is more than just space fair. For god sakes I've been playing him for more than two years. He's more than just spacing fair. Spacing fair does not work against Ganon and Falcon....you get *****. I was not serious about that and am even surprised Dave thought I was.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Swift-If you want to play SF IV and prep before Super comes out, let me know. I play pretty much every character (aside from Viper, Fuerte, and Rose) and can help you out with things.

I'm extremely knowledgable with

Fei Long
and Abel

Those are the characters I know the most with. I play pretty much anyone though and am fairly solid with all of them.

In response to my statements before-

Marc-No, I definitely know and acknowledge the aspects of smash that make it the best game we all have seen in years. You've taught me more about the Sheik match up and about this game than most other smashers have. Brookman, Silas, and you definitely take that award. IMO, its the best fighting game ever made (I consider it a fighter, personally) because it breaks out from the traditional fighter and allows each and every player to be incredibly unique

M2K's Sheik is **** off stage...so is yours. XYT's Sheik is amazing on stage.
IB's Marth is combo ****....Kens is pure textbook....Azens is WD fsmash trigger happy
Eggms Fox is stupid out of shield. Swifts Fox just reacts and ***** you.
Darcs spacing with his jigs makes me cry. Hbox reacts. MaNg0's is purely clutch.
Hax's Falcon is tech chase god, Scar is the best combo falcon, Dark Rain is all around

etc. etc.

What I was saying was is I guess I want to explore a new game because the smash scene is getting repetitive for me and I think it's time I switch it up. For as much time as I dedicate to Melee, I'm a fairly solid player. I play like maybe once a week and rarely go to tournaments but over my past 3-4 I've done fairly well and am proud of my performance. Last tourney I lost to Roman (I was upset with this) but beat Spife (Sheik, my least favorite match up) and did a Marth ditto with someone to place 9th. I also almost came back to take a game off Banks after being down 3 stocks to ONE on ****ing DREAMLAND VS HIS SHEIK. I was proud of this. I also got out of round 1 of pools at pound 4 and placed decently at Jams last tournament. I've won most of my money matches lately going even with Awsmsean, beating solar 3-0 our last three mm's and beating irish mafia in a mm at pound 4 as well.

I'm improving and if I'd play more frequently, I'd be better. It is my decision for not particpating more in the community, I know that. I WISH I could go to more things (I guess this is me "complaining" ? LOL) but I think working and making money and spending time with my friends who I dont see much since i've moved is more important. SF will allow me to stay more local than Smash will. I know GOOD SF players in New London (closer than the Vernon/Mass area) who go to tournaments and place well. I will learn much from them and my Ken, Akuma, and other characters have gotten so much better lately because of them.

Let it be known that I'm not saying Smash sucks or anything of the sort or am bashing the smash community. It's like the best game ever. I guess I'm just looking for a bigger, more local setting.

As for comments as to "u throw to u air" etc. That's just a quick joke I put in there. LOL. Please, don't take that seriously.

I know Marth is more than just space fair. For god sakes I've been playing him for more than two years. He's more than just spacing fair. Spacing fair does not work against Ganon and Falcon....you get *****. I was not serious about that and am even surprised Dave thought I was.
see, why can't you just post something like this in the first place? do you have to be lambasted just for you to post without showcasing ignorance?


It is my decision for not particpating more in the community, I know that. I WISH I could go to more things (I guess this is me "complaining" ? LOL) but I think working and making money and spending time with my friends who I dont see much since i've moved is more important.

the answer is still ofc no.
but good for you that you are playing sf4.

also, speaking of my sense of humor, was i the only one who found zombieland hilarious?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
you played with the dude once and he rubbed you the wrong way, please just get over it Max. It's like every time you hear his name you just need to talk some **** on him even though you've spent maybe, I dunno, an hour or two total playing him ever.

XYT is legitimately good on stage, sorry if you didn't see it in your friendlies with him.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
XYT lives REALLY FAR AWAY from No Johns.

Hopefully someone on this board knows that story.

Otherwise he's a legit chill dude. He had us listening to some K-Speed-Rap which was pretty beast.


Smash Lord
Apr 20, 2007
Fall River, MA
yoo... someone hit me up in sf4 :D I main ken and rog. Im messin around bison and akuma.

GET @ MEEE --> Deeeeejay XL is my xbl g/t

Heart Break Kid

Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2006
Yea I still have tons of friendlies with Xyt on my comp that Im just too lazy to upload. He's good on stage. Lets not forget he beat Hazz that one tourny.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
you played with the dude once and he rubbed you the wrong way, please just get over it Max. It's like every time you hear his name you just need to talk some **** on him even though you've spent maybe, I dunno, an hour or two total playing him ever.

XYT is legitimately good on stage, sorry if you didn't see it in your friendlies with him.
Dammn,, look at this hate. I got nothing against the kid, I guess I just don't see why someone would ever plank/platform camp nonstop in friendlies, but to each his own. I tend to just troll everyone, you shoudl realize this now wes.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
to practice how they would play in tournament.. so when they have a tournament match, they can execute well.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
In response to my statements before-

Marc-No, I definitely know and acknowledge the aspects of smash that make it the best game we all have seen in years. You've taught me more about the Sheik match up and about this game than most other smashers have. Brookman, Silas, and you definitely take that award. IMO, its the best fighting game ever made (I consider it a fighter, personally) because it breaks out from the traditional fighter and allows each and every player to be incredibly unique
See Garrett, everyone in the CT thread (I should hope!!! :mad: I'll **** you up if you don't) respects this post. Before you were bashing Melee and about the music/the game/same stages/same characters were the reason why you were going to switch to SSFIV. That's obviously not the case and you were just trying to find johns that would help justify your cause. If it's because you legitimately just want to try out a new game then that's fine and everyone here is okay with that lol.

M2K's Sheik is **** off stage...so is yours. XYT's Sheik is amazing on stage.
IB's Marth is combo ****....Kens is pure textbook....Azens is WD fsmash trigger happy
Eggms Fox is stupid out of shield. Swifts Fox just reacts and ***** you.
Darcs spacing with his jigs makes me cry. Hbox reacts. MaNg0's is purely clutch.
Hax's Falcon is tech chase god, Scar is the best combo falcon, Dark Rain is all around

etc. etc.
This is probably a troll part of your post, however I'll address it anyways. I find this kind of insulting. My edge game has been phenomenal for the past year or so and it's kind of widely known within a local area (for people that have heard of me all they know about is my edgeguarding). I have been playing this game so much and learning so much that my onstage game has been improving drastically. I think this is partly because I've been learning Falco hardcore from SleepyK. Watch my newest videos vs Yedi in our money match and tell me my onstage game sucks compares to XYT. Also, you can't say that XYT has a great onstage game when you're comparing M2k and my edgeguarding. M2k has a great everything game. For saying someone that has a great onstage game you should say Nihonjin/KirbyKaze but they also have a great everything game. KK just needs some fine tuning and he'll be a top player in no time. ;P @ KK <3
What I was saying was is I guess I want to explore a new game because the smash scene is getting repetitive for me and I think it's time I switch it up. For as much time as I dedicate to Melee, I'm a fairly solid player. I play like maybe once a week and rarely go to tournaments but over my past 3-4 I've done fairly well and am proud of my performance. Last tourney I lost to Roman (I was upset with this) but beat Spife (Sheik, my least favorite match up) and did a Marth ditto with someone to place 9th. I also almost came back to take a game off Banks after being down 3 stocks to ONE on ****ing DREAMLAND VS HIS SHEIK. I was proud of this. I also got out of round 1 of pools at pound 4 and placed decently at Jams last tournament. I've won most of my money matches lately going even with Awsmsean, beating solar 3-0 our last three mm's and beating irish mafia in a mm at pound 4 as well.
I'm a fairly solid player. Not good, not great, but definite solid. I'll give it to you since you are improving and for YOU personally, you're JUST STARTING to beat people (no offense but you've been losing to a lot of people for a while and in great amounts I think because I drove to your house for a year it helped you drastically and then you started seeking people out since I wasn't catering to your Melee needs).

I'm improving and if I'd play more frequently, I'd be better. It is my decision for not particpating more in the community, I know that. I WISH I could go to more things (I guess this is me "complaining" ? LOL) but I think working and making money and spending time with my friends who I dont see much since i've moved is more important. SF will allow me to stay more local than Smash will. I know GOOD SF players in New London (closer than the Vernon/Mass area) who go to tournaments and place well. I will learn much from them and my Ken, Akuma, and other characters have gotten so much better lately because of them.
I'm sorry to say but I don't exactly play a ****ton. I'll play probably once a week. I just started going to more tournaments recently (within last month or so) because I've been getting so much progressively better I figure if I stop now I'll stop getting so much better every time I play. I've also only been going locally however (within one hour of my house)... so it's not like I've been going really far out of my way in order to play. Don't try and give me **** that you don't have people to play locally. You have a great group in New York that you can play who are within one hour of you. Also CT is locally starting to become more active for smash in Vernon like 45 minutes to an hour from you. Heck you could learn SSFIV there because there are a lot of great players in that game too. They play ****ing weekly also so have fun. The problem for smashers is that a lot of us are older and do have jobs and do go to school so we have to coordinate it with each other whether it's going to be worth it for people to drive 30mins-an hour away to go or not.
Let it be known that I'm not saying Smash sucks or anything of the sort or am bashing the smash community. It's like the best game ever. I guess I'm just looking for a bigger, more local setting.

As for comments as to "u throw to u air" etc. That's just a quick joke I put in there. LOL. Please, don't take that seriously.

I know Marth is more than just space fair. For god sakes I've been playing him for more than two years. He's more than just spacing fair. Spacing fair does not work against Ganon and Falcon....you get *****. I was not serious about that and am even surprised Dave thought I was.
This is a good conclusion when you have a bunch of people bashing you for what you earlier said congrats. It's hard to tell when you're serious about your posts because a lot of the time you just act like you're trolling when you are serious or you really were just trolling which gets people not want to even bother with your opinions. I'm only doing this because I know that you will actually listen to me since I NEVER take the time to address long *** posts because I don't feel it's worth my time but I figured with your last couple of posts it was worth my time cuz you're mah boi sometimes bro haha.

Also the complexity of this game you will probably never understand which is what John (SleepyK) was trying to get across. I still (after playing a game for 5 ****ING COMPETITIVE YEARS) have some more deep understanding to do in this game so you better not go off saying how you understand how complex this game is when you know I'm a more intelligent player than you (largely in part because I've had more experience playing top level players).

Well Garrett, I hope through my posting today that you'll understand some more aspects about WHY people get angry at your posts and WHY people get mad about YOU saying how SSFIV is going to be better for you than Melee.

Lastly, I've been gettin' off on my grammar all day it's been too good. I only made one "their/there" mistake in all my uses in that first post and I think I made one other mistake while being in my groggy state of mind with just waking up at 10:30am LOL.
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