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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
1. Pokemon music rocks, and the DP soundtrack is basically the best soundtrack on teh DS.

2. Are we talking the 64 StarWolf theme, or the Assault StarWolf theme? Because the Assault version's many times superior.

EDIT - The only way non-game music would be included would be via SD cards. Personally, I think that's a bad idea. In general, the only games that should feature SD music are sports or racing games that have no story or characters (bland, unchanging characters anyway).

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I don't even have a DS so I can't even comment on well. Kirby Canvas' music was pretty good though.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Dust Strikers is lamed because Judgement on PSP has the whole #Reload shebang on it. Plus not all the original tracks, like, froam the very first GG are on it. Wtf.

And I would've said Ouendan, but...
Devastlian said:
Like mainstream music could ever compare with video game music...


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Phoenix Wright gets my vote for best soundtrack on the DS.

Ouedan (spelling?) is Elite Beat Agents.

And I'm not actually all that prone on listening to my own music. I guess it would make combo videos much easier to record (heh) and you could even get the sound effects in there along with the music, but honestly I think the music's gonna be great.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Phoenix Wright gets my vote for best soundtrack on the DS.

Ouedan (spelling?) is Elite Beat Agents.
Elite Beat Agents and Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! are separate games. EBA is based off of Ouendan, but they have different characters, songs, and plots.

In fact, I hear EBA is quite the hot item in Akihabara right now.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Chieftain, J, Morris, Derek, and Spin!
Ok, I can safely say I've never played that game. From the pictures, they look like they would make pretty cool characters for Brawl, but I don't think they'd put all 4 in at once as newcomers. If you had to pick one, which one? and why? and show me a picture. I'm curious over here. I like the guy with the headband (he's the only one I've actually seen ;) )


Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
In a giant bucket
Well, EBA is Ouendan's counterpart in the Americas.
They put a track, and some buttons will be appearing in the bottom screen, you need to press 'em to the rythm of the song. They're all labeled with a number that indicates in which order to press 'em. There's a bar at the top of the bottom screen, and it shows you how are you performing, with the more rythm you press the bar stays in the yellow zone, but if you do bad it goes to red and makes you fail the scene of that level. If the bar falls completely you dieeeee. I fell in love w/ the game the first time I played it.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Wikipedia said:
The game was released on November 6, 2006 in North America, and on May 3, 2007 in Australia.

The fundamental aspects of gameplay are unchanged from Ouendan to Elite Beat Agents. The stages of Elite Beat Agents are presented in a comic book fashion. After the introduction to a character and their problem, the agents are deployed and the action begins. The play mechanics involve performing one of three actions with the stylus in various combinations.

Hit Markers - Operated by tapping numbered circles.
Phrase Markers - Operated by tapping and holding the stylus on a ball within a circle while following it along a path.
Spin Markers - Operated by spinning the stylus around the on-screen disc until bars on both sides light up.
To successfully perform each action one must complete it as a timed circle converges on each main circle. The timing follows the rhythm of the music. The Hit and Phrase markers must be hit in numbered sequence. The markers are arranged in 'tracks' which range from one to about fifteen markers in length. Success is monitored by the "Elite-O-Meter", a gauge at the top of the touch screen that is constantly draining at a rate based on the difficulty level. Successful actions, such as tapping the Hit Markers in sync with the music, will keep the gauge filled, while missing a marker will partially deplete the gauge. If the meter empties completely, the stage ends prematurely in failure. The first three levels of Breezin' mode feature an on-screen indicator to highlight the order in which the markers must be hit.

Each stage is divided into multiple gameplay sections separated by story sequences, the specific number of which varying by stage. If the Elite-O-Meter is in the yellow when the player reaches one of these breaks, the story will depict the person in need making significant progress towards his or her goal. If it is in the red, the scene will instead depict the person encountering a setback. In between breaks, during the gameplay, the top screen shows the person attempting to accomplish what they need to do at that time. The scene depicted changes every beat, or when the markers switch color, depending on the player's progress. If the player scores an "Elite Beat" by scoring 300 points on each marker in a single beat, then the person makes a lot of progress very enthusiastically. If the player scores a "Beat" (no score lower than 100, but not all 300), the person will be shown making average progress on their goal. However, if the player does not score a special beat bonus at all by scoring a 50 on a marker or missing it entirely, the person on the top screen will encounter difficulties and setbacks. The player will receive bonuses to the final grade and unlock artwork for completing a stage with positive outcomes at all stage breaks.

Elite Beat Agents has the ability to save replays, and shows how many Elite Beats and Beats the player hit during a song.Each stage has three possible endings for its story. The ending depends on the number of gameplay sections passed. If all gameplay sections are passed the story will have the best ending, with the main character succeeding in its challenge. If at least one section is passed, but not all of them, then the story will have the average ending, where the main character succeeds with moderate success. If all sections are failed, however, the story will have the worst outcome,where the main character finishes his endeavor but still fails.

High scores are acquired by achieving combos, or stringing together a series of successful actions. The longer the player is able to maintain a combo, the greater the multiplier applied to each successful action. Should the player miss a marker completely, the multiplier will stop and the player must start a new one. The game keeps track of individual stage high scores for all difficulty levels, as well as a cumulative high score that affects the player's "Agent Rank." The Agent Rank is a special title such as "Soldier of Song" or "God of Groove" that will change as the player's cumulative high score reaches specific milestones. Elite Beat Agents features three bonus stages that are unlocked when three such ranks are achieved.

The player's performance in each stage is rated on a letter-grade scale, with "D" being the lowest possible rank and S being the best. To achieve an S-rank in a level, at least 90% of all beats must be 300, another 9% must be at least 100, and no more than 1% may be 50. The player must end with a "Perfect", obtained by missing no beats throughout the entire song. However, it is possible to break a combo by missing a dot on a Phrase Marker track and still get an S-rank. Due to the nature of the game's scoring mechanic, it is possible to achieve a new high score in a stage while simultaneously earning a lower grade than the previous high score performance, although this is somewhat rare.

A few additional features have been introduced to Elite Beat Agents from the game play in Ouendan. Primarily, these include the ability to reveal more statistics about a player's performance when they complete a song; the ability to save their performance as "ghost" data that they can later use in a "Vs. Ghost" multiplayer mode; the ability to review the last few moments of a failed performance, and the ability to skip the musical introductions to stages.
Longwinded, maybe. But THOROUGH.

And if I had to pick one, I'd probably go with J, seen below and center.



Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Yep, he speaks the truth. Sorry about not knowing the specifics about the game (as noted by my earlier mistake).

And I could very very well see them being in the next game. I'm not sure if it's something that's going to happen, and I'm not saying that I think they're likely; I'm simply saying that they could definitely be made to fit into the game.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
How about you can switch through them as alternate costumes? Like we want Doctor Mario to be Mario's alternate costume. How about you use your coins to shop for alternate costumes too? Instead of just buying trophies, you get to go to a shop where you can buy alternate costumes (Doctor Mario for Mario, those two other guys for that middle guy, Roy for Marth maybe? etc. etc.). That would make use of all these extra nine-hundered and ninety-nine coins I have in Melee.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
How about you can switch through them as alternate costumes? Like we want Doctor Mario to be Mario's alternate costume. How about you use your coins to shop for alternate costumes too? Instead of just buying trophies, you get to go to a shop where you can buy alternate costumes (Doctor Mario for Mario, those two other guys for that middle guy, Roy for Marth maybe? etc. etc.). That would make use of all these extra nine-hundered and ninety-nine coins I have in Melee.
Heck, I plum forgot there even were coins in the game.

While we're at it, let us shop for:

Trophies (Larger, high-priced individual ones that come in their own packaging. Example: a Masahiro Sakurai trophy. The lotto would still be there though.)

Alternate Costumes (separate from alt. colors for team matches. You could switch through colors with Y and costumes with X. The only problem I've ever had with this idea is that it equates to alot ofextra work for the artists. If each character has at least one alt. outfit, and there's 40 characters, that's 80 skins to create at minimum. That's also 320 different color schemes to create...)

(Maybe) One or two characters. Maybe the clones.

Trailers: I always thought those promos in Melee were weird. If they're going to put them in, why not turn them into unlocks? Also, even though it's a bit of a stretch, seeing as how very few companies (even less-so Japanese companies) do this, I'd like to see "behind-the-scenes" and/or "making-of" movies.

Other random things: like a selection of music for navigating the menus, or a music selector for battles, slow-mo enablement in other modes, low gravity matches, and so on.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
I would totally like liken an in-depth analisis of the character, like u go to the shop, and u buy lets say the mario trailer or something, u c in the trailer the history of the character, where his alt. costumes came from (if there ARE alt. costumes), why sakurai choosed this character, and maybe some combos, and once u unlock a secret character, his trailer will become available in the shop...


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Oh yeah, I hope they can make like downloadable stages, items or alt. costumes, characters would be too much, but id love the light suit and phazon suit as an alt. costume for samus...


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2007
Walla Walla
Ya, i really like those DLC ideas, that would really pull wifi, besides just multiplayer, into brawl, which i think is really cool


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
this is about confirmed characters
Yea, but we already know all the confirmed characters. There's not much else to talk about with them. And due to lack of news, no one's going to care if we go off and start talking about something not really relating to the topic but not off topic completely. Just relax. You're new(ish). You'll be seeing a lot of this throughout the site. Go with it and don't fight it.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Rhyme and Brawlmatt! Please stop giving me false hopes! I might cry over here! And Brawlmatt I hope you're right becuase if you're not... nothing will happen really... I guess I'll just be upset...
:p ;)

Rhyme...when the **** did you come back?
About the same time Ipsy came back, so I've been told. Was it you that went to Mow's smashfest in Shippensburg PA? My friend says he met a good Ganon player named Sensai out there.

Well, he is right, Sakurai said that there were news coming soon (maybe) so I wouldn't be surprised if it was Thursday (May 10th, anniversary of Brawl's unveiling). BTW the mods should do a special theme for those special days, kinda like it was in April Fool's with all those Pikachus... And you will know, you will....
Lets hope Sakurai was serious when he said that. Then again, he probably truthfully believes we SHOULD get information, which IS what he said. I'm not counting on anything.

Let's Git'R done!!!
My IQ just dropped by 20 points.:psycho:

It's not the exact same; you're crazy...Sure some reoccuring places have remixes of their classic themes but everything else is new. It is a new composer since the original composer is now the game director (he did the battle themes, though). It does sound like Pokemon music...then again it is a Pokemon game... :/

Also, darn Mr. Sakurai and his ambiguous speech. :/
The ambiguity of his speach is deffinately intentional. I've decided that he talks slowly, not because he's bad with english, but because he's choosing his words carefully so that we have no idea exactly what he's saying.

You shouldn't call people crazy. Seriously, read what I've written at the bottom of this post and, to assure validity of the test, I won't put the answer up quite yet. Just say if you've heard it before because it doesn't work if you have.

He's such a tease. He needs a spanking.

... wow... I need help :psycho:
Oh baby!;)

Trailers: I always thought those promos in Melee were weird. If they're going to put them in, why not turn them into unlocks? Also, even though it's a bit of a stretch, seeing as how very few companies (even less-so Japanese companies) do this, I'd like to see "behind-the-scenes" and/or "making-of" movies.
I always thought that extra informationals were the best part of games. Perfect example, Insomniac Museum in RnC games. All those little production extras and games are very exciting to me. Even the videos let you see the normal people that made the game such a success, and I've always been interested in the "how it is done" aspect. Great idear there.

I would totally like liken an in-depth analisis of the character, like u go to the shop, and u buy lets say the mario trailer or something, u c in the trailer the history of the character, where his alt. costumes came from (if there ARE alt. costumes), why sakurai choosed this character, and maybe some combos, and once u unlock a secret character, his trailer will become available in the shop...
That'd be interesting as well. I was disapponted that Melee didn't have a Special Video 2 for when you unlocked everything.

D.L.C. stands for DownLoadable Content. I didn't know it either until a couple months ago.
I didn't get that when you said DLC, but as soon as you put periods between the letters, I got it imediately before even reading the rest of that sentence. That's so weird.

Well, Link should, of course, be able to transform into a wolf. And if not, I will be mildly annoyed. Unless they create a whole other character based off of TP.
That'd be so unbelievably AWESOME! Wolf Link was teH $hit. Too bad the likelyhood of that happening is very slim.

Now to the crazy discussion. Here's what I want you to consider:

A woman in her late twenties runs into a rather unfortunate event in her life, which is the end of her mother's. At the funeral, she meets a young man and they really hit it off. The following day, this same woman murders her sister.

The question, "Why does this woman kill her sister?"

My physics lab partner asked us this question before the start of class one day, I was the only one who answered correctly out of the 25 or so students. Now HERE's where it gets interesting.
This question is one of many administered to prospective medical students at a certain point in their education. Statistics show that a vast majority of individuals who answer this question correctly are diagnosed with psychosis. So, my point is that anyone here could be crazy, this test indicates that I have a symptom I suppose? It just never truely sinks in until you meet living proof.
I'll put up the answer tomorrow, when I check my email.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
The ambiguity of his speach is deffinately intentional. I've decided that he talks slowly, not because he's bad with english, but because he's choosing his words carefully so that we have no idea exactly what he's saying.
He could also not want to get our hopes up. :/
You shouldn't call people crazy. Seriously, read what I've written at the bottom of this post and, to assure validity of the test, I won't put the answer up quite yet. Just say if you've heard it before because it doesn't work if you have.
Ya, I've heard that riddle before. :/
I always thought that extra informationals were the best part of games. Perfect example, Insomniac Museum in RnC games. All those little production extras and games are very exciting to me. Even the videos let you see the normal people that made the game such a success, and I've always been interested in the "how it is done" aspect. Great idear there.
Impracticality FTW.
That'd be interesting as well. I was disapponted that Melee didn't have a Special Video 2 for when you unlocked everything.
Seriously. I remember when they leaked that bonus video...I watched that ****, like, twenty times a day. Speaking of leaks...Mr. Ando needs to get on the Smash Dojo and post some more music.
Now to the crazy discussion. Here's what I want you to consider:

A woman in her late twenties runs into a rather unfortunate event in her life, which is the end of her mother's. At the funeral, she meets a young man and they really hit it off. The following day, this same woman murders her sister.

The question, "Why does this woman kill her sister?"

My physics lab partner asked us this question before the start of class one day, I was the only one who answered correctly out of the 25 or so students. Now HERE's where it gets interesting.
This question is one of many administered to prospective medical students at a certain point in their education. Statistics show that a vast majority of individuals who answer this question correctly are diagnosed with psychosis. So, my point is that anyone here could be crazy, this test indicates that I have a symptom I suppose? It just never truely sinks in until you meet living proof.
I'll put up the answer tomorrow, when I check my email.
Ya, I don't know if I got it the first time I heard it or not. :/

Jeeze...still with all the tags...I want you to quote me and count how many Royal Blue tags I use. :/

AS Juggernaut

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2006
since I've got nothing better to do, I'll take a stab at the question.... odds are I'll get it wrong.

1.She murdered her mother and her sister found out
2. Her sister murdered her mother and she found out
3.She's a cereal killer
4. Her sister tried to stop them from hitting it off
5. She's ****ing crazy


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
No need to quote you this time, all you had to say appeared as one inconvenient block of text, not even seperated to spare my eyes from a horrible fate worse than not getting new Brawl information.

Ok, so I'm getting dramatic, but if I highlight the whole post and change the text, it changes the "Quote:" part to that font style and this displeases me. You must be doing something wrong. When I quote you in this window, there are no tags for changes, it shows up as blue and that's it. Try going to your personal settings and changing the format of your response window. I did that some time ago to make text coding easier, perhaps that's why I don't have any tags here.

What I said about Sakurai keeping us guessing was meant as a joke, not to be taken literally. I had thought that maybe he doesn't want to get ahead of himself by saying anything that isn't finalized, or it could be what you said about not wanting our hopes to rise and be crushed.

I'm don't want anyone thinking I was angry about the whole crazy bit, because I'm not. Just the way that post came out is all.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
No need to quote you this time, all you had to say appeared as one inconvenient block of text, not even seperated to spare my eyes from a horrible fate worse than not getting new Brawl information.

Ok, so I'm getting dramatic, but if I highlight the whole post and change the text, it changes the "Quote:" part to that font style and this displeases me. You must be doing something wrong. When I quote you in this window, there are no tags for changes, it shows up as blue and that's it. Try going to your personal settings and changing the format of your response window. I did that some time ago to make text coding easier, perhaps that's why I don't have any tags here.
Ah...well, I like having the Quote: blue. From what I can tell it seems start new tags for you when you hit enter which is why I see so many when I quote you. It's no big deal really. :p

Also, I erase all the spacing between to quotes to make my posts as small as possible which is why everything's crammed together. I'll see if it really matters with this post, though.
What I said about Sakurai keeping us guessing was meant as a joke, not to be taken literally. I had thought that maybe he doesn't want to get ahead of himself by saying anything that isn't finalized, or it could be what you said about not wanting our hopes to rise and be crushed.
I knew it was a joke. I wasn't complete serious, either. He probably knows exactly what'll happen. He's just modest.
I'm don't want anyone thinking I was angry about the whole crazy bit, because I'm not. Just the way that post came out is all.
It didn't come off as mad to me. More...mock worried.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Still a block. -Sigh.- Well, there is one space after the face you made, but that's it.

I can't believe you interpretted my meaning as worried, that's the last thing that would have crossed my mind. Just out of curiosity, have you any idea what style of coding Smashboards uses?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Japan is at least 8 hours behind GMT, which means that their May 10th starts after 70% of the world. People in the states are a couple hours ahead. Where the first few updates given around midday or morning in Japan, because I'd like to know a productive time to check the interweb for news.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Still a block. -Sigh.- Well, there is one space after the face you made, but that's it.
Fine...I'll start double spacing. :/

I can't believe you interpretted my meaning as worried, that's the last thing that would have crossed my mind. Just out of curiosity, have you any idea what style of coding Smashboards uses?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Japan is at least 8 hours behind GMT, which means that their May 10th starts after 70% of the world. People in the states are a couple hours ahead. Where the first few updates given around midday or morning in Japan, because I'd like to know a productive time to check the interweb for news.
Not worried worried...just, like, fake nervousness that it'll bite me in the behind or something...I don't know. Advanced reading comprehension is my weakness.

The US west coast is eight hours behind GMT. Japan is nine hours ahead of GMT which is effectively seventeen hours ahead of PST. When they updated the English site weekly with the new characters it was always Tuesday night at 9:30ish PM PST which would be around 1:30 PM JST. It could be any day, though, since the last update was made on a Sunday in Japan time. It's hard to tell, really. :/


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I didn't know if people would debate with me on whether I was being overly cautious "name-calling" so I added in an example. Examples give our speculative human minds evidence, without which we would be hesitant to agree with others. Hence why I popped that question. My ability to communicate ideas definatively is poor, or at least I think it is because people misunderstand me often here. Sakurai and I have the same problem, we can't speak definatively.:chuckle:

So, if Japan were to update their site at 230pm JST, that would have been tonight, which means we already missed the update and won't be getting one? I'm even more confused now than when you started explaining. :confused:

America is behind Germany, America is between Japan and Germany, GMT is the basis for the start of a day. How could Japan be ahead of us? Whatever, I'm going to bed, so don't wait up for a response out of me tonight. Thanks for trying to explain it for me though.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
I didn't know if people would debate with me on whether I was being overly cautious "name-calling" so I added in an example. Examples give our speculative human minds evidence, without which we would be hesitant to agree with others. Hence why I popped that question. My ability to communicate ideas definatively is poor, or at least I think it is because people misunderstand me often here. Sakurai and I have the same problem, we can't speak definatively.:chuckle:
Heheh. You could've said, "You shouldn't call people crazy because you might statiscally end up being crazy, too!" (I probably worded that wrong.) Or something.

So, if Japan were to update their site at 230pm JST, that would have been tonight, which means we already missed the update and won't be getting one? I'm even more confused now than when you started explaining. :confused:
It would be 1:30PM; my mistake. Well, like with the day, it probably isn't set into stone. It could probably be any time during their work day...which we don't know.

America is behind Germany, America is between Japan and Germany, GMT is the basis for the start of a day. How could Japan be ahead of us? Whatever, I'm going to bed, so don't wait up for a response out of me tonight. Thanks for trying to explain it for me though.
No no no...GMT is the Grennich Mean Time (called UTC now) IE the middle. The day is based on the International Dateline which splits the +/-12:00 GMT time zones (mostly) inbetween Alaska and Russia. So moving left across the IDL rushes you ahead twenty-three hours. :dizzy: Hope that makes sense.

G'nite. ;)
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