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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Hopefully we'll be getting CFalcon at some point this week. The suspense is driving me bananas! Why won't you just give him to us Sakurai!? How different could he be!? Why don't you love me!?

. . .

{er-hem!} Excuse me...
And, I'm also hoping for Ness, Sheik, and Marth soon. (Yea, Falco and Ganondorf too, but I don't think we'll be getting news on what happened to the clones until a wee-bit later on. Probably late October.) Also, a newcomer would be a lovely thing as well.
Come on Lucas/Lucario/Sonic!


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Er, I mean--CS Link for Brawlorsomethinglikethat!

(I like you just the same, Fawriel, regardless of our opposing stances on WW Link / CS Link. :grin:)

Hopefully we'll be getting CFalcon at some point this week. The suspense is driving me bananas! Why won't you just give him to us Sakurai!? How different could he be!? Why don't you love me!?

. . .

{er-hem!} Excuse me...
And, I'm also hoping for Ness, Sheik, and Marth soon. (Yea, Falco and Ganondorf too, but I don't think we'll be getting news on what happened to the clones until a wee-bit later on. Probably late October.) Also, a newcomer would be a lovely thing as well.
Come on Lucas/Lucario/Sonic!
CF is now a paraplegic, confined to a wheelchair--NEVER TO KNEE AGAIN! :chuckle:

Joking aside, I'm rather surprised that we haven't seen him yet. He will most likely be the next veteran revealed. Ness and Sheik are still up in the air, but I'm going out on a limb to say that Marth won't be back; on the off-chance that he does return, I guess he might be a hidden character. As far as newcomers go, LUCAS LUCAS LUCAAAAAS! The sooner the better! Here's to hoping that his respective update hints at Claus's inclusion! :bigthumbu


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
:mad: Ganon is going to have the Knee. Falcon will be the one with a bran new MS ACK!!!!
Ha, no

Ness with FS to summon Lucas as PC and Lucas with FS to summon Claus as PC. WOOT WOOT! Then after that it can be starstorm and crap.

I want Special Moves I want Special Moves I want Special Moves I want Special Moves I want Special Moves I want Special Moves I want Special Moves I want Special Moves I want Special Moves I want Special Moves I want Special Moves I want Special Moves

No Char Updts, CCCCs!!!!!
Crap Confirmed Characters Contribute! FTW


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
On topic, I really wonder how much the peanuts heal you. I hope there like the food in melee.

Off topic, while were in the discussion of characters being revealed, I hope revealing Bulborb as a trophy is Sakurai hinting at Olimar later this week. I could care less who's in if he's in.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
CF is now a paraplegic, confined to a wheelchair--NEVER TO KNEE AGAIN! :chuckle:
Falcoooon... NUB!!!

Joking aside, I'm rather surprised that we haven't seen him yet. He will most likely be the next veteran revealed. Ness and Sheik are still up in the air, but I'm going out on a limb to say that Marth won't be back; on the off-chance that he does return, I guess he might be a hidden character. As far as newcomers go, LUCAS LUCAS LUCAAAAAS! The sooner the better! Here's to hoping that his respective update hints at Claus's inclusion! :bigthumbu
1) I hope we get CFalcon soon as well. (As you all can tell.)
2) Sadly, that is true about Ness and Sheik still being in an ambiguous limbo.
3) I have the strongest gut feeling that Marth WILL come back. He was high on Melee's poll, I think he was on Brawl's veteran poll too. (That is f there even was one, and I didn't just get that from my arse. I swear there was.) He's the first FE Lord that everyone loves. He's original and a great fighter. Why wouldn't he return? And yes, at this point I figure he is an unlockable character.
4) {crosses fingers for Lucas and Claus as well}

Like Panther? He is my starfox pick for brawl!
No. Not Panther. Panther is teh lame.

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Haha, yes, humbly indeed. ^^ I was just so excited and tired at the same time.

Sure I"ll support your jihad for a better Mario movie. What kind of friend would I be if I said "no"? ;)
You'd be like all the rest of my friends. :( I may have to recruit the rAt's Doominators for this one.

1) It was going to continue regardless. Perhaps this will make it continue more avidly, but it never died.

2) We know he has to be in, which is why I don't care for his character update. Falcon's not gonna change much, I'd rather see someone else...someone we haven't seen in Melee already. At least for this week.

3) Why doesn't anyone else care about the Bulborbs? :cry:
1) Agreed, but now there is a reason for the debate to rage on.
2) Agreed, as well. Captain Olimar, maybe? Hopefully?
3)I care about the Bulborbs, as well, but I'm hoping they are soon overshadowed by a little man in a space-suit.

Happy Birfday ylink_underestimated!
I got you a present. It's a trophy!

That was you cuz you're my Super Smash brother! (Now everyone go "Awwww!")
And I guess there's no hope for Tingle, Dr Stewart, Ooccoo, or Slippy for PCs. Though, I could very well be wrong. Three things though:

1) rAT, I couldn't agree with you more about CSTingle's relationship to CSLink. Let the speculation continue!

2) Captain Falcon HAS to be in. There's no dancing around the subject now, Sakurai. If we don't get a CFalcon update this week, I'm going to SPLODE!!!

3) No one cares about Slippy or Ooccoo anyway. Not a big deal.
Nice trophy. Also, where are all the Super Smash sisters?
1) The floodgates have officially opened.
2) Not gonna lie, I'm sorta holding out to find out for C. Falcon next week. After all, I can wait another week to see the knee, but this may be my only chance to witness you SPLODE.
3) You're right, and that's the way it should be ****it.

No, I'm depressed because I like them but they don't like WW Link. It's conflicting. :(
Although I'm also disgruntled about people saying that "this update does nothing to alter Tingle's chances" when it quite obviously does.


No worries, Fawriel. The way I see it, we agree on the most important thing; there should be at least one Link in Brawl, we just happen to differ on which number greater-than/equal-to 1 that we would preffer. However, I will admit that you are probably going to get a 2nd (cell-shaded) Link, and if that is the case I will gladly tip my hat to you (once I find a hat), as friends are more important than Links. Except friends who wanted the TV-show Link. They're all communists.

RHyme you never did answer if you were a girl....Then Again I never answered how my GF is inside of me...Here is a lil visualisation http://youtube.com/watch?v=cQEoP4Nn1Ec IF YOU DARE

Any way today's update....garbage....I like Diddy but it was kinda obvious...Gimme a character update with someone out of the blue...I.E. Dark Samus, Falco, Sonic, Falco, Megaman, Falco, Rundas, Falco, Olimar, Falco, Harvest Moon Guy, Falco, Lloyd Irving, Falco. I mean C'mon I WANT A CHARACTER UPDATE!
1) I am very scared to click that link.
2)I totally agree on the character all of the character update suggestions. Well, all the ones that involve Falco. And Olimar. And Falco. Did I mention Falco?

Yeah, I noticed. I EFFING NOTICED! :mad: I feel the exact same way: one Link in each Smash Bros. is perfectly fine. The fact that Tingle has rekindled my flames of hatred makes me angry with him for the first time. Ohh, Tingle...
That's seriously the first time you've been mad at Tingle? I was pissed with in in Wind Waker the moment he started price gouging. And when I couldn't stab him with the Master Sword. That always puts me in a bad mood.

On a completely unrelated note, could you hope for Olimar this week? Or Falco? I keep forgetting about your great track record, and thus I forget to put it to use.

FALCO? LOL. THis isn't a joke thread is it?

Oh... :ohwell:

Umm... yeeeeeaaaaa... Sorry, but I think Krystal and Wolf take over for him on this one...
Wash your mouth out with soap! Well, actually, you typed that post, so wash your hands off with soap!

I'm going to omit my first response to your statement, because it was full of rage and venom (being a big Falco user, can ya blame me? Don't answer that), so I will simplify it down to this; I doubt there are that many people would argue against Wolf or Krystal's inclusion in Brawl, but the idea of them replacing Falco does not sit well with me, and I'm sure a great many others feel the same way. In Melee, Falco was easily one of the most popular of the clones, and both should be at the top of the list of clones to return (albeit most likely Luigified).

EDIT: What is it with the boards going down every time I try to post? Am I overloading it with the weight of my ideas?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2007
california... knows how to party
alright first of all im new here, but i didnt want to make a big deal about it in the greeting forum, second the link still doesnt work @ repryx and finally on the topic of falco i hope they dont include him in brawl it will even out the characters a little bit and shake things up

.... also on the topic of characters returning i have a feeling sheik might be replaced which will make me severely depressed


Smash Cadet
Aug 30, 2007
Maybe the confirmed characters are the starters? You know, it is BS if they don't have all of the characters back, because there is at least one prson that loved one of those characters. If Marth and Falco don't make it back anyhow, I'll probably go with Ike because he rocked in FE9.


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
WHAT THE HECK???I'll have a nw link up tomorrow morning im too lazy/tired to put up another 1....


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
Repryx-HAHAA scheduled maintenance my as$! :laugh:
+ rAt-Falco? I don't think you said Falco enough, Falco so you Falco should say it more.
Falcon for CUThursday anyone? Olimar Monday and CUFriday next week? No? Yeah? Just throwing that out there. :ohwell:
rAt-*shakes fist* "Communists!" Zelda without actually figuring it out for yourself? :mad:
Dyce-Glad you don't hate on Sheik, Ness, Marth or Falco. There's too much of that going around these days. :urg: And what are freinds credits for in MP3?
Rhyme-What tag do you go by?
(side note: I just about got 3 stocked by hotstuffs Falcon, but then came back to win it with Pikachu. It was the kind of battle that would be Top-Tube [get it :laugh:]. Cheapest kills possible! Best finish ever! I'm rusty, but I still got it.)

oh my...where did they come from? ^^ jk n00bs
bad intro though sneak.
And no they shouldn't have all the characters back. Pichu, Doc and Roy were a waste. Roy not so much but still, he doesn't NEED to be there.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007

So they should bring him back just to change him and make him less popular?
Falco is not in the same situation as Sheik. Falco was actually popular regardless of his top-tier status (though I'm sure that certainly didn't hurt). If they change Falco's moveset, and essentially make him a worse fighter, he won't be much less popular. He has a legitimate fanbase.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
RHyme you never did answer if you were a girl....
Well, I purposefully avoided the question because I didn't feel like answering it. We're speculating over characters, not gender. Please don't start this again.

I wonder which characters will have the super armor, it loooks quite interesting.
Well, so far, we have seen this armor for Yoshi and Ike, and Bowser's FS. Note that these are the only ones with officially confirmed heavy armor, not all with it. I'd venture a guess that Link, Bowser, DK, Samus, Charizard, Ganondorf, Snake, and Wario will have this armor to 'some extent'. To what extent I could not tell you.

I hope revealing Bulborb as a trophy is Sakurai hinting at Olimar later this week. I could care less who's in if he's in.
I'm with ya' there. Sakurai's hinted at stuff and then shown us his hand later in the same week, so Olimar could possibly be updated...say...Friday? Seems to be a recent trend. I'll still be waiting for a couple characters after Captain Olimar, but he's definitely up there on my list.

You'd be like all the rest of my friends. :( I may have to recruit the rAt's Doominators for this one.

What is it with the boards going down every time I try to post? Am I overloading it with the weight of my ideas?
I am part of The rAt's Doominators, or so I thought I was. Didn't you allow me admitance, along with Sensai and Aeris months ago?

Haha, either 1) You're just too amazing, or 2) Murphy's Law.

Rhyme-What tag do you go by?
(side note: I just about got 3 stocked by hotstuffs Falcon, but then came back to win it with Pikachu. It was the kind of battle that would be Top-Tube [get it :laugh:]. Cheapest kills possible! Best finish ever! I'm rusty, but I still got it.)
I've been using the tag "RHYM", but I don't always use it while playing friendlies at tournaments, so it's not like people will remember me. However, it's hardly every that people play a Samus and are genuinely impressed, and I am often asked who I am. Not like I'll be winning anytime soon, but for Samus to give someone a challange, well most people take notice. If I ever change tags than I'll be sure to let ya' know.

:chuckle: Oh, nice. Uair spikes FTW? I hope so. Pika's just too awesome like that.

Falco is not in the same situation as Sheik. Falco was actually popular regardless of his top-tier status (though I'm sure that certainly didn't hurt). If they change Falco's moveset, and essentially make him a worse fighter, he won't be much less popular. He has a legitimate fanbase.
That's what everyone needs to remember.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
:laugh:Rhym - short for Rhyme? I never would've guessed.:embarrass

I won't get into this discussion again but...noone should ever be impressed with a Samus because she beats the crap out of these so called "top tier" chars in melee. ;) Seriously though, Samus is underrated and btw, I had a "HUGE!!!!" Samus maining faze. :lick::chuckle::lick: I hope to Ditto you one day :laugh:
Indeed Uair spike :laugh: you called it! Falcon at 0%. Back-Throw rolling to the very edge of FD, walk off, fast fall just below the stage lip, second jump sweetspot Uair, (>hardest part>) UpB straight up than down at a very "very" slight angle to edgehog. Falcon is just too slow to catch it and phails every time ;)


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
:laugh:Rhym - short for Rhyme? I never would've guessed.:embarrass

I won't get into this discussion again but...noone should ever be impressed with a Samus because she beats the crap out of these so called "top tier" chars in melee. ;) Seriously though, Samus is underrated and btw, I had a "HUGE!!!!" Samus maining faze. :lick::chuckle::lick: I hope to Ditto you one day :laugh:
Indeed Uair spike :laugh: you called it! Falcon at 0%. Back-Throw rolling to the very edge of FD, walk off, fast fall just below the stage lip, second jump sweetspot Uair, (>hardest part>) UpB straight up than down at a very "very" slight angle to edgehog. Falcon is just too slow to catch it and phails every time ;)
XD I thought it might've gone something like that. I'm no good with the 'chu, but I understand some of how he's played. General SHFFL Fairs to Dsmashes, Uairs to D/Nairs, U/Dthrows to Usmashes, and crazy downB "edgeguards" if you can manage. I've yet to figure out how one's supposed to edgeguard with the yellow rAt. :(

[technicaljibberjabber]Well no, lets get into this. I've got time to kill. :p Samus vs:

Fox: Usmash kills Samus lower than 80% on most stages. Miss DI on an Uthrow and one Uair will finish you by 100%, and the shine combos are just brutal. Samus' Utilt and Ftilt are good edgeguarding moves, but they don't knock Fox far enough away where he couldn't recover until he's 90/130+ respectively, higher with perfect DI. Samus' Fsmash is actually one of the weaker Fsmashes in the game, and it's VERY easy to DI upwards which can save Fox/Falco at rediculous percentages. The ball and missiles are Samus' greatest killers, and both are far to slow to use against professional players.

Falco: Fsmash already hits at about a 50 degree angle so it's difficult to DI this one and live. His Dsmash is unusually strong but not too bad for Samus, even though you'll have to use your midair jump first or risk missing the first bombjump. Did I mention SHL spam DESTROYS Samus? Samus is too slow on ground and in air to avoid this annoying technique. Sure you can counterpick Yoshi's story vs Falco, but you'll get owned by FD or Poke'mon next round. This matchup isn't SO bad because Samus can edgeguard Falco with relative ease, but it's in no way in Samus' favor. The space animals will get destroyed if they go on the offensive, but thankfully they don't have to.

Marth: Do I NEED to say it? Marth outprioritizes absolutely everything that Samus could possibly do, and outranges Samus as well. Samus' recovery is too slow if you must resort to bombjumping and you'll often get Baired helplessly away from the stage before you can bombjump/grapple/upB. The Ken combo is practically tailored to counter floaties (it takes ingenuity to Ken-combo fastfallers, which is more like juggling than Ken-comboing), and many of Marth's moves set Samus up for a spike because Samus is too heavy to DI away from the Fair. Missiles are all-but-useless and unless you're absolutely space-perfect with minor reading ability, you can't edgeguard Marth with Samus. SO the opposite other way around.

Shiek: Needles destroy bombjump recovery, every tilt sets up for the Fair. As an added "benefit", Shiek's Uair is nearly more effective than the Fair (due to the weight) so improper DI can get you killed topside at low percentages. You're often better not DIing if you're not sure. Shiek can chainthrow with the Dthrow into almost anything until at least 50%, and most of Shiek's attacks outprioritize Samus, though they don't outrange. Still, they're faster and Shiek's faster, so things are difficult.

Peach: Fairly even matchup, I'm not gonna suck this one dry. You have to bait Peach into the air, Samus' CCDsmash doesn't work against Peach, and Dtilts are non-advisable. Samus can survive the Fthrow killer pretty easily, but the DI is predictable and you'll die quicker from a Dthrow to Nair. The turnips, when thrown between bombjumps, will kill you and there's little Samus can do to retaliate. Basically, address Peach from the air or you're done.

Jiggs: WoP is deadly against the bombjump. Her acrobatic mobility allows her to dodge most of the missiles and charge shots you could throw at her. The Fsmash is alright but kinda slow and you can't kill Jiggles upwards so easily (usually bad/excessive DI is the cause of top screen KOs in this matchup). If you can't get edge with Samus, you're almost garunteed to get rested which will take you out 65% no doubt, and staying alive rediculously long is one of Samus' strong points.

Falcon: OH, COME ON! Do I need to go over this one? Samus can't DI away from anything that Falcon can throw at her. Only benefit here is that Samus can edgeguard Falcon easily. (But seriously, name me one character who can't and then we'll talk.) You can sometimes down DI Falcon's Dthrow and avoid the knee, but good Falcon players will just Uthrow you instead and Uair, which won't put you much better off. Falcon's crazy speed can keep you off balance, and his obnoxious grabgame (second only to Marth's) is brutal vs the slow Samus.

One thing that I should point out: Samus' upB out of shield is invaluable vs Falcon, Fox, and Falco, and it's fairly effective vs most other characters. [/technicaljibberjabber]I have yet to understand how Samus has the advantage in any of the above matchups, so if you think you can explain - if you've possibly discovered some Samus secrets - then please, tell me!


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity

Check this out. Mario's got his Fair from Smash64 AND his Fair from Melee. Interesting...

Wonder if his Dair got swapped to a nifty spiking move (Melee Fair) and his Fair got swapped to a nice killing move (Smash64 Fair). Crazy.

Mario Tornado for aerial downB FTW!

XD Mr. Resetti lectures characters to sleep...priceless.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I love this one almost sounds like it's aimed at all of those who are just waiting for a character update.

"Waiting to see who shows up will get that ticker pumping, believe you me."

"But that ain't what happens when i'm on the job, get me?"


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
This thread is starting to move too quickly for my tastes...

I really hope that's actually Mario's bair in that image... I don't want aerial smashes and stuff. The concept seems rather intimidating. So many moves...
Maybe it's just his bair with the new dynamic head movement.

At least the update was hilarious.


Er, I mean--CS Link for Brawlorsomethinglikethat!

(I like you just the same, Fawriel, regardless of our opposing stances on WW Link / CS Link. :grin:)
No worries, Fawriel. The way I see it, we agree on the most important thing; there should be at least one Link in Brawl, we just happen to differ on which number greater-than/equal-to 1 that we would preffer. However, I will admit that you are probably going to get a 2nd (cell-shaded) Link, and if that is the case I will gladly tip my hat to you (once I find a hat), as friends are more important than Links. Except friends who wanted the TV-show Link. They're all communists.
Friends! *group hug*
I swear I won't laugh at you too hard when CS Link is confirmed!

*is, in fact, at a loss of words*
*mistyped "words" as "weirds" at first, which is funny?*


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
The return of Resetti lolz Funniest annoyance ever

EDIT: Did anyone play animal crossing to the point where he falsely resets and deletes your data?

DDDDURNIT The vid was the Family guy episode when Meg made brian eat her Hairpie....Pie with Hair in it....


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Nice find with the SSB64 Mario fAir and Mario Melee fAir. Though, what if that move is a revamped version of Mario's bAir, one that involves a little more concentration for him than just mule-kicking his feet? Or what if... {gasp} Sakurai has included aerial smash attacks!?!?

(Explaining the purpose of Friend Vouchers in MP3)
In MP3, Retro Studios has given us a form of "currency", if you will, which come in the form of tokens that you can acquire by playing through the game and completing certain tasks. You use these to unlock bonuses in a "Bonuses" option on the main menu. It's basically a reward system. There are:

Red Tokens- Acquired by scanning new things.
Blue Tokens- Acquired by scanning other things (I think).
Yellow Tokens- Acquired by finding secrets and beating some of the more difficult enemies.
Green Tokens- Acquired by Friend Vouchers.

Now, you get Friend Vouchers by beating a landmark amount of enemies (e.g. 100, 200, 300... and all the way up to 1000 enemies). BUT, you can't use your own Friend Vouchers for green tokens, you can only use other people's vouchers to exchange them. You do this through Wi-Fi.

So in short: Get FVs, give them to your friends, they like you more, they send YOU FVs, you change those into green tokens which you can then use unlock nifty things like a Mii Bobble Head and bumper stickers for your ship, the option to take screenshots during the game, diarammas, photo galleries, and all other kinds of cool stuff. This game has insane replay value, and I suggest you go out, buy yourself a copy, and make friends with me. :)


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
These are my tactics. They work like a charm if you can perfect it. It'll be a little awkward at first but I seem to have found a way to counter some of these characters. Also, it'll be weirder for the one you're fighting ;)

Fox-He is a better character and specifically in the match-up. :urg: Too fast, and fire-power is useless. His finishers work amazing against her. The shinespike isn't a concern though. I completely change my style when fighting a Fox. Like you said, "don't let them stay on the offensive" I shoot a missle, and charge at them. Just dash, nothing fancy (for the most part they'll expect fancy.) note: "The best thing about being a fast guy is bouncing around your enemy, but when fighting one and you're the one moving (and don't stop) then they become open." Spam SHFFle Nair. Don't be precise with the initial hit cause they may jump, use the trail end of the sex-kick, stay to the side cause she has range and priority, or right above to avoid Usmashs. If they dodge, go into a dodge yourself or UpB or even DB if they try to SHFFNair or Dair you, it screws them up. The bomb can prevent almost every shine they try. If they tend to Usmash when you approach with Nairs, full jump and fast fall, land just away from them and missle face to face. They'll have to anticipate and WD into the Usmash (which they usually won't after a few Nairs) Throw in some dashA and Dsmash when approaching by foot. Just use projectiles after you've knocked them away. And edgeguard with Nair, missles and when recovering, hang back with the grapple and UpB over them. If they're smart enough to predict this and stay ON the stage, after hanging back, hug the edge with UpB. Fair and Uair work well when they put themselves in the air too. Use missles when they're just out of range in the air. Don't be afraid to homer the stage. Don't do things like SHing them or from far away. They still have a good use though. Shadow Fox and stay in motion and attacking following him with Nairs and SH arials.

Falco-Have you tried DB to prevent the Dair approach, SHFFling and Pillaring? It works wonders. About the SHL though :urg: again. Horrible. Basically just roll all the way. Usually once or twice then they'll stop the lazer expecting you to roll again and they'll either jump for a Dair or Dash A/shine. Just UpB, Dsmash or DashA their as$ right out of the ball(depending on what they do) or dodge if they come at you early or if you're too close for the next roll. Rolling, everyone usually thinks it's too slow with Samus but it gets you close enough and not too close. Again, spam Nairs and rarely stay on the ground close up. He can't Fsmash you horizontally if you're above him mid-sex-kick. he's easier to shadow than Fox too. No massive Usmash to concern yourself with.

Marth-I give up :laugh: I don't know how to fight them either. Spiking and knocking those projectiles away like air. Dodge lots and anticipate what they'll do as best as you can. CCing is usually a good idea too. but meh? If you can get a few hits in then Dash Nair and follow their techs. Don't allow them any room to get a big hit. If they hit you everytime you hit them with a Nair, it's alright. You'll give more damage and KEEP ON THEM! If you don't Nair them, they'll hit you anyway. If you hit eachother and both end up in the air, fast fall Nair, he'll get you with Fair, do it again and again or even drop a bomb to mix them up and follow with a fast fall Nair to the ground. If they do get room, back off and anticipate their move.

Sheik-Stay in the air with Nairs at low % and on the ground when at higher %. They can't chainthrow you if you're in the air mid-Nair and for them, even drop a bomb then bounce to follow them and sex-kick. Just sometimes though. I don't have much trouble with Sheiks, I think I've just fought plenty of them. :ohwell: Keep your distance with Fairs when they jump around themselves and if you're landing and they're in your area, bomb first, they can't DashA or DashG you when it's there. When you're close to them on land (open to be DashAed) drop a bomb backing up then smash. Basically spam bombs until they start holding back, then just go straight for a Fsmash. Utilt is great when they're in the air. And stay on their as$ with Nairs whenever there's a pause in movement. Don't stand still.

Peach-Yep, get her in the air. Utilt is great. Against her and her turnips :chuckle: Don't missle too much. A couple to get her in the air and maybe one between her height and the ground, cause she'll usually fall if it looks like you're gonna aim for her precisely. And don't chase her up there, let her come to you. Utilts and go for some grabs when she blocks or trys CCing something. Peachs seem to do that :lick:

Jiggs-Oh my rest. :laugh: It kills indeffinetally around 30% actually. :urg: Don't SHmissle. Use them at SHs height (cause that's where Jiggs goes). Try rolling if Jiggs goes all Bairy, but perferably stay close a follow like a shadow with Dsmashs and Nairs. Or she'll Pound and Bair you, (you're even with her in the air when those 2 are out of the way) And it's tough when Jiggs chases you off. Even try shooting a missle back towards the stage first. This usually scares them off for at least room for one bombjump, if not more. The grapple is advised, but release imidiately to use it like a jump, then just dodge to the stage after pulling back a little.

Falcon-Oh my. Worst match-up ever. Projectiles are useless and he's just too fast. UpB doesn't work cause he'll follow with something worse. I try to just Spam Fair. Short hop and Fair. He can't knee so he'll have to Nair. Fair covers enough below to prevent him from running in and there's barely any lag so you can dodge or Dsmash if he times coming in. He has to approach and this can make it a little harder. Uair or Usmash a alright if he goes high for a Dair. Utilt is alright but hard to time if you want to pull it off. DashA works a bit too but use it earlier than normal to counter his grab or whatever. Follow him as much as you can. Falcon has to move to be successful, but again, if you're the one "going to him" or better yet, "already at him" it proves to be trouble for him.

Agressive Samus used as a shadow character is pretty weird at first. Eventually you'll find other uses (mid-jugling) for the missles and the great uses of moves not usually used by most Samus players. Even un-charged LCed B shots to syke people out or even use it while falling before hitting the ground like a stall for a Nair. Think Falcon when being Samus :laugh: My best advise anyway. Hope it helps if you see something you might want to try :ohwell: Keep up the Samusing. You sound like you have a fairly effective one already :)


Yeah, WTF is up with Mario? Aerial Smahes WOULD BE SWEEEEET!!!! And Yoshi has a sweet kick thing too, weird air smash maybe? o_O

Dyce-I have a copy of MP3. And cool, FVs. Would've never guessed. I just started though so don't expect anything for a while. And I won't be able to play again until Oct :urg:

Repryx-I never got that far. omg That happens? O_0

Fawriel-intimidating? Or awesome and dynamic?

JPW-omg it's communicating with us!

Edit: It looks like hint week. Bulborbs confirm Olimar? CSTingle confirm CSLink? Mr.Resitti confirms Smashkid?

Edit edit: Forgot to coment on the Chu. I edge gurad with Uair for the most part actually :) Just drop fast below them and sweetspot either away or into the stage. I've got precision angles with UpB so I'll get you anywhere MUHAHAHA! I can actually combo a Fox from zero to death no matter which way they DI. I just need to Uthrow them anywhere near the middle of FD when they have less than 12ish%. It's all in the Uair, Usmash, Utilt, Jolt, and finishing with 2 Nairs. Stocks them to the side wall :lick: Pickachu was only a couple mains ago so I'm pretty fresh with em'.


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
Does any1 think ressetti will talk in that Kick *** animalese???

Animalese + Midna Dialougue= OVER 9000!!!!


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Nice find with the SSB64 Mario fAir and Mario Melee fAir. Though, what if that move is a revamped version of Mario's bAir, one that involves a little more concentration for him than just mule-kicking his feet? Or what if... {gasp} Sakurai has included aerial smash attacks!?!?
Eh...I doubt that we're going to see aerial smashes. My only supporting evidence is that we haven't seen anything even remotely similar with any other character, and you'd think that we would have by now if more than just Mario had them, no? So yeah, I'm predicting a slight move swappage, but that's just me I guess. =/

And Yoshi has a sweet kick thing too, weird air smash maybe? o_O
Really? I must have missed that. What screenshot was it in, do ya' remember?

Falcon-Oh my.

Agressive Samus used as a shadow character is pretty weird at first. Eventually you'll find other uses (mid-jugling) for the missles and the great uses of moves not usually used by most Samus players. Even un-charged LCed B shots to syke people out or even use it while falling before hitting the ground like a stall for a Nair. Think Falcon when being Samus :laugh: My best advise anyway. Hope it helps if you see something you might want to try :ohwell: Keep up the Samusing. You sound like you have a fairly effective one already :)

Edit edit: Forgot to coment on the Chu. I edge gurad with Uair for the most part actually :) Just drop fast below them and sweetspot either away or into the stage. I've got precision angles with UpB so I'll get you anywhere MUHAHAHA! I can actually combo a Fox from zero to death no matter which way they DI. I just need to Uthrow them anywhere near the middle of FD when they have less than 12ish%. It's all in the Uair, Usmash, Utilt, Jolt, and finishing with 2 Nairs. Stocks them to the side wall :lick: Pickachu was only a couple mains ago so I'm pretty fresh with em'.
Haha. Marths and Falcos and Falcons, Oh MY! :laugh: What ever is Samus to do?

Your techniques seem valid. I'd never thought that a slow character SHOULD be so agressive. I'll have to give that a try next time I've got a decent opponent.

Lol, now that's an evil 'Chu. Oh yeah, Pika's a pretty good counterpick for Fox. I've often found that to be true. The up attacks and Uair edgeguard **** Fox if you can use them correctly. Still, not many people can, and those who can use Pikachu effectively (such as Chu), usually use somebody else instead. Seriously, why struggle to fight Fox with Pika if you are good with ICs? ._o

Good luck with that ditto. I can tell you right now, start practicing with that Samus. This last August (the '07 one), Silven was directed to my Samus by Plank, and well...I won the ditto. That was fairly exciting, and **** close. We were both above 160% on Dreamland64 last stock. Granted it was only a friendly, but I'm proud nonetheless.

'Preciate it, buddy. :bigthumbu

There's a lot of lovin' goin' around these days. :lick:
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