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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
- Snake has fire power coming out his well popularized *** (and not Wario-like in any way.) With homing missiles, what looks like a great recovery and his special Smash attacks, he can’t not be noticed as a unique character. The first character that actually has an attack where he can plant something...and it’s a Smash attack? Snake is plenty versatile and considering he’ll be mainly and ground planted fighter (for the most part), he’s going to be a pain to fight. Can’t be too far for too long. With explosives all over, he’ll cause havoc and have to be watched. Not only at what he’s doing, but everything around him. He’s a regular person with bombs. His greatest weakness may be in the air. If you can keep him up there, he should be easier to handle. He’s not the fastest character but he obviously can finish and chances are, he can do it many different ways. That makes everywhere unsafe. Close up, he may have difficulty defending himself. He’s easy to maneuver around but not easy to approach head-on. If you let him stay on the offensive, he’ll be quite the challenge.
Key Points:- Long range land specialist
Advantages: Good finishers, good projectiles
Disadvantages: Lacks agility
Potential: 94 Initially: 55

OK, this is rediculous. For the last few pages, you've been going off about how balanced the entire game will be. Then you wrote one of the longest posts I have ever seen and tell everybody else your views on why certain characters have more potential than others and which ones you think will be high tier. IN A TRUELY BALANCED GAME, TIRES DON EXITS!

I said Snake will be high tier. You cannot agree with me if you think the game is balanced because tiers don't exist in a balanced game. So pick and choose, you can't have the best of both worlds.

Regarding Snake...LAND MINE SMASHES???? Ok, what's his best option when someone rolls behind him? "Lets plant a bomb! I'll only get hit a few times! Then explode by my own device!" :urg: His UpB will even leave him exposed. It looks like Peachs Parasole but high lifting without that massive priority. :ohwell: His UpSmash is shooting (again). Link isn't going to get hit by that in the pic, then what can Snake do?
He's on extreme sides of Ness strengths and Ganon weaknesses.
Snake has great fire power, can force people to approach him and keep them away. But his attack speed is (without question) slow and leaves him open plenty. If he is always on the offense, he'll do good. But when they get to him he'll be often vulnerable. He will be balanced mind you, I just think he's going to be tough to get used to.

Who do you main? If you main Ganon and Ness, it'll be an easy conversion. Link and Falco(alaDyce) not so much. They can protect themselves from all sides at all times effectively. Far and near. Snake, meh...

I can really say they all SUCK against the wrong matchup. Snake SUCKS>no more or less. But I'll still say he sucks, against Mario I would think for sure. Mario would get too close.

A slight change in tone, but overall, so far as I can tell, you're still saying that Snake won't be a good character.

Rhyme - Olimar, the first word I said after that post
Snake like Ganon, that's again what I said
Match-ups and tiers etc...you might as well just had quoted me.

You sound like you're arguing but you're basically agreeing :confused:
I agree, you did say "Olimar?", I just wanted to state my opinion as well.

You never made an allusion to Ganondorf, and I quoted everything you've said just to make sure of it. You commented vaguely that Snake will share a weakness common to Ness and Ganon: he can't defend himself, but plenty of characters have this weekness so it's not so much Ganondorf specific.

I didn't say anything about matchups...at all. Also, I can't help but think that maybe, just maybe, I don't agree with a person who has said:

Edit: I'll say it again.Snake SUCKS
I'll back my statement up if you have an argument worth debating that states he wont.

You definitely just said that Snake sucks and you want someone to try proving you wrong.

I'm getting a bit peeved because you seem to be on both sides of the argument. Please just pick one of the two stances so we can discuss properly.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
You definitely just said that Snake sucks and you want someone to try proving you wrong.

I'm getting a bit peeved because you seem to be on both sides of the argument. Please just pick one of the two stances so we can discuss properly.
Haha, sweet detective work Rhyme.

Snake IS going to be a good character. Like you said, all 3rd Party guests will be great fighters, otherwise their creators would be greatly offended. (If Sonic ends up fighting as well as his games do... oh boy...)

I'm seeing an overall revelation this time around for every character though. I'm going to say that all fighters could all easily be put into Top, High, and Mid Tiers alone. I don't think Sakurai will make the same mistakes again (Mewtwo, Kirby, Ness, Pikachu...)


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Haha, sweet detective work Rhyme.

Snake IS going to be a good character. Like you said, all 3rd Party guests will be great fighters, otherwise their creators would be greatly offended. (If Sonic ends up fighting as well as his games do... oh boy...)

I'm seeing an overall revelation this time around for every character though. I'm going to say that all fighters could all easily be put into Top, High, and Mid Tiers alone. I don't think Sakurai will make the same mistakes again (Mewtwo, Kirby, Ness, Pikachu...)

Haha, Sakurai and his team have androgynized some of my favorite mistakes to date!


Mewtwo, Kirby, Ness, and Pikachu are what happens when two homosexuals (Myiamoto and Sakurai) try to father children together.

OK, DO NOT flame me, please. That was only a joke.

But seriously, Dyce, I agree with you. Brawl will probably resemble Smash64; moderated game speed and a huge high tier(or maybe large middle tier?) (but nobody could top Ness and Kirby). Obviously someone has to be bottom tier (abomination to smash) and god tier (abomination to smash), but I have a feeling that the bottom and low tiers will shrink this time around, at least relative to the cast size.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
I believe I never said what other characters I would like to have in Brawl. Well, with Pokémon Trainer and Diddy, two new additions that I was hoping for since SSBM have appeared.

Now I'm gonna tell you what newcomer I'd like to see for Nintendo's most important franchises (not all of them likely):

Mario: If we get another playable character next to the Melee veterans (except for the Doc, I don't need him), I'd like to see Toad. He could have attacks similar to Peach, but moves more like a combination of Mario and Pikachu. He could also pull Mushroom Blocks (from SM2) out of thin air, which he can use as throwing weapons or footsteps.

Yoshi: Kamek is pretty much the only one I can imagine, every other character from the Yoshi games could also be from the Mario side. It would be interesting to see how his magical abilities would affect the Brawlers and the battlefield.

Wario: Kat and Ana from the Wario Ware games! The reasons: They are very skilled fighters with cool techniques, they have been in the Wario Ware games since the beginning, and they would be perfect for having another Ice Climber-like duo.

Donkey Kong: Dixie Kong. She would have to borrow a few moves from her cousin Tiny, but I always liked her better than Tiny. Plus, her helicopter ponytail is just awesome.

Kirby: If there is a third fighter from the Kirby series, it would have to be King Dedede, no way around it! He is the only (non-generic-enemy) character that has been around since the start, and his moves could be borrowed from both his original moveset and Kirby's own hammer ability.

Zelda: Midna and Wolf Link as a team, that's what I'm wishing for. I truly loved the concept of transformation in Twilight Princess.

Metroid: Ridley would be my number one wish, but if they make him a boss only, I could settle with Dark Samus. They're both cool!

Starfox: You might already guess it, I choose Krystal. Of course, she'd use the same staff moves Fox can use in Starfox Adventures. And she would have to wear her Starfox Addventures costume as well (because that's the only game so far where she had used her staff).

Pokémon: Either Lucario, Mew... or a female Trainer that is based on May from Sapphire/Ruby. And she would have Mudkip, Grovyle and Blaziken. I already told you this idea a few pages back, I believe...

From F-Zero, either Jody Summers or Deathborn, who looks like an awesome villain.

Don't know too much about the Fire Emblem and Earthbound series, so I couldn't choose another nice representative. Still, I'm wishing that Ness comes back, and either Marth or Roy (although I prefer Roy).

I also choose Tom Nook from Animal Crossing and Olimar from Pikmin. As for Kid Icarus, I'll say Pit is sufficient.

And the third party character I'm rooting for (just like so many others) is Sonic!

Well, that's it! Hope it wasn't too long... don't wanna bore you. Just needed to put that down as a comment.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
HAHA Rhyme - Perfect :)

Links "Potential" is higher than Marths in melee. At full "Potential" Link will dominate Marth in every way. Marth is still higher in the tiers. In a balanced game, potentials are closer yes (notice I said they're all from 88 to 99, what is that? an 11% difference), but still vary because of their differences (even you would say that to have perfect balance you'd need to remove variety). Potentials are rarely reached and no matter what happens, "tiers" will form. Whether it's a tier list for the masses that change over time or tier lists to certain regions, large or small. In the "smash world" tier list (the one frequently on the net), Marth/Fox etc...are considered the "top tier". I have yet to face a Marth that can beat my Link. Or a Fox that can beat my ICs. Or a Sheik that can beat my Samus. Or a Falco that can beat my Pikachu. Does this mean they are higher on the tier? No. But non-the-less they are genuinely better when used correctly. (And I've fought some **** good smashers and lots of them.) At the same time, Marth is a better character when fighting a Peach or Falcon (who Link has trouble with). And does stand as much or more of a chance against many characters. (that's where match-ups come in) and that's why he's higher on the tier. Potential is reached when a character is used without the slightest mistake, properly and perfectly. I'm not there, you're not there, I don't think anyone is perfect but the closer you are to perfection the better the character is in your hands. And Link has more potential than the likes of Fox. He's much harder to bring to perfection as he has such a "variety" (again that word) of possibilities in battle. Fox etc may overwhelm most characters with their speed and approach quickly, but if Samus is used "perfectly" Fox can't touch her. Even if Fox is used "perfectly", the reflector and speed isn't enough to get through her stength, range, weight, priority and recovery advantages that she has over Fox. You won't be able to shinespike her to finish her and she isn't slow enough to fall from his speed. When every move made truly counts, there's no chance, that's why human error is the decisive factor. (And that will always be the greatest factor for anything related to everyday life.) After all, that's what seperates Competitives from n00bs. It's not like the characters are worse for them.

Snake SUCKS was actually a joke but :p
I dragged it on to see what people thought. Unfortunataly there weren't too many people around to voice themselves meh...it was a fun argument. Snake will be a big adjustment for people who want to main him. I know when I've had a few battles with certain characters and then be G&W, I always want to use DownSmash when someones behind me which really isn't the right thing to do), I have a feeling there's going to be alot of that with Snake. No biggy. Snake won't be top tier. Vulnerability eliminates that, but inevitably he won't be bottom because he can actually finish and has a distant recovery. I'm not really on a side in the end :p He'll be right in the mix, I'm sure he'll be high on the tier quickly because of the mass population that's going to experiment with him...ALOT! But in the end it will all even/balance itself out.

Indeed, balance is no more than having one large tier. The fewer the better and if there end up being 3 or so, that's as good as "balanced"
They know what to look for now, there will be less mistakes and more mistakes will be fix. That doesn't leave many mistakes (ala M2/Kirby). Human error exists, even with a massive team of experienced geniuses that are wise through what they do. You can't be perfect, don't think anyone is. (didn't I just say that, it doesn't have to be said thrice.) They've done this twice now, three times a charm, lets wish them luck too eh?

Balance For Brawl :p
P.S. I just played a great show :cool:
Discredit that, a PERFECT SHOW :p
P.S. I love the Razz :p :laugh:

Edit: Oh my I can't wait for Luigi, I think I'm in love with the WD into Uppercut-of-DOOM!


Smash Cadet
Sep 22, 2007
My predictions on the FULL ROSTER, (no summary)

Samus - Zamus - Ridley
Krystal - Fox - Wolf
Meta Knight - Kirby - Dedede
DK - Diddy
Ike - Marth
Link - Zelda - Ganon - CSLink - Sheik
Pikachu - PT - Jiggs - Mewtwo
Mario - Peach - Bowser - Luigi - Bowser Jr
Lucas - Ness
C Olimar
Balloon Fighter
Little Mac
Mach Rider
C Falcon
Ice Climbers
Sonic - Snake - Megaman

44 Total
Complete Balance

Who's Smashkid?


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
HAHA Rhyme - Perfect :)

Links "Potential" is higher than Marths in melee. At full "Potential" Link will dominate Marth in every way. Marth is still higher in the tiers.

Note: Marth and Link will never be equal in the tiers, regardless of "potential" and human error. Some reasons off the top of my head include:

1) If Marth spaces his counter correctly, you'd need to be frame-perfect to recover with Link and get passed this annoying downB and the Dtilt.
2) Marth outranges and outprioritizes almost every single one of Link's correstponding moves. The only advantages being that Link's Usmash is faster than Marth's Usmash. (Link's and Marth's Uairs are both fairly instantaneous, same for the Nairs. Oh, one exception, Link's upB outranges Marth's. But it has SOOOO much punishable ending lag. =/)
3) Marth can outmanuver Link, and because the majority of Marth's attacks are so fast, he won't suffer from throwing a "punch" and missing as Link will.
4) Marth's grab and juggle game are infinitely better.
5) Marth's arguably the best edgeguarder in all of Melee.
6) Any single swing of Marth's sword cancels Link's projectiles, which render's them fairly useless on Marth's ground-based approach.

Regardless of how much "potential" Link has, Marth has more. **Four and five aren't specific advantages over Link, but over all other characters in the game (which includes Link, so those points are valid).

In a balanced game, potentials are closer yes (notice I said they're all from 88 to 99, what is that? an 11% difference), but still vary because of their differences (even you would say that to have perfect balance you'd need to remove variety).

Yes, I'll admit to that. I also don't think that Sakurai is the type of person to sacrifice variety for balance - thus variety will exist, and thus there will not be balance up and out the whazoo.

Potentials are rarely reached and no matter what happens, "tiers" will form. Whether it's a tier list for the masses that change over time or tier lists to certain regions, large or small. In the "smash world" tier list (the one frequently on the net), Marth/Fox etc...are considered the "top tier". I have yet to face a Marth that can beat my Link. Or a Fox that can beat my ICs. Or a Sheik that can beat my Samus. Or a Falco that can beat my Pikachu. Does this mean they are higher on the tier? No. But non-the-less they are genuinely better when used correctly.

OK, the tier list also has an admitted fault. A character on the bottom, such as G&W, can potentially counter a character much higher than themselves, such as Falco. That's not made up, either. Just becaues a character is low doesn't mean they can't counter one character who is ranked higher, but what about the 25 other characters in the game? G&W does well against Falco, but put him against Fox, Marth, Peach, Shiek, Falcon, Samus, Ganon...are you seeing a pattern emerging? Good.

If you aren't facing a good opponent than the tier list hardly matters. However, that doesn't prove the tier list doesn't exist. You can't say that Link has potential because you can beat Marths with your Link. Aniki is the best Link in the world, and even he can't stand up to Ken (Marth) or Captain Jack (Shiek) because his character isn't suited to fight against these characters. So no, Link will never be "genuinely better" than Marth, Shiek, or Fox, no matter how "correctly" you can use him.

(And I've fought some **** good smashers and lots of them.)

Yeah? Like who?

At the same time, Marth is a better character when fighting a Peach or Falcon (who Link has trouble with). And does stand as much or more of a chance against many characters. (that's where match-ups come in) and that's why he's higher on the tier.

Right, so "character matchups" as you say, or "counterpicking" as I say, still exists. That's how Melee was played, and you seem to agree that this counterpicking method of beating characters will still exist in Brawl, so how are the characters equal again?

Potential is reached when a character is used without the slightest mistake, properly and perfectly. I'm not there, you're not there, I don't think anyone is perfect but the closer you are to perfection the better the character is in your hands. And Link has more potential than the likes of Fox. He's much harder to bring to perfection as he has such a "variety" (again that word) of possibilities in battle. Fox etc may overwhelm most characters with their speed and approach quickly, but if Samus is used "perfectly" Fox can't touch her. Even if Fox is used "perfectly", the reflector and speed isn't enough to get through her stength, range, weight, priority and recovery advantages that she has over Fox. You won't be able to shinespike her to finish her and she isn't slow enough to fall from his speed. When every move made truly counts, there's no chance, that's why human error is the decisive factor. (And that will always be the greatest factor for anything related to everyday life.) After all, that's what seperates Competitives from n00bs. It's not like the characters are worse for them.

I'll agree with that. I also acknowledge that I haven't reached a state of perfection, nor will I ever reach that state; but I hope to be d*** close one day.

It's true that Fox is harder to perfect than Link. However, Fox is more capable at fighting than Link is, whether you consider today's metagame or character perfection. You can't say "If it weren't for human error, Link would be better than Fox." Actually, due to the high level of technical ability necessary to play Fox, error is what keeps him from outmatching Link entirely. Ever tried playing against a Fox with Link on Slo-mo Melee? You probably didn't win because there's little room for error at this speed, and the inherent advantages Fox has over Link are MUCH more greatly emplasized. Human error prevents character perfection, but after six years, I'd say that we've evolved the metagame to its highest level. At this "highest level", all advantages and disadvantages have already been accounted for. This is the highest level of play, this is the greatest level of mastery that we smashers will ever obtain in Melee, and Link still can't compete with the high tiers.

Don't throw that Samus junk at me. The only reason Samus can avoid being shinespiked is because Fox players can't always move their fingers fast enough or time spiking through her upB consistently enough (which is possible, just difficult). Ever seen SDM's "Adventure"? This is the amazing level of perfection that Fox can reach. If every character's potential were fully realized, Fox would be banned from competitive play.

Actually, "n00bs" have trouble hitting with Marth's tipper. One contradiction to a "true statement" proves a logic statement wrong, therefore characters are "better or worse" for different people, like competitive smashers and casual players.

Snake SUCKS was actually a joke but :p
I dragged it on to see what people thought. Unfortunataly there weren't too many people around to voice themselves meh...it was a fun argument. Snake will be a big adjustment for people who want to main him. I know when I've had a few battles with certain characters and then be G&W, I always want to use DownSmash when someones behind me which really isn't the right thing to do), I have a feeling there's going to be alot of that with Snake. No biggy. Snake won't be top tier. Vulnerability eliminates that, but inevitably he won't be bottom because he can actually finish and has a distant recovery. I'm not really on a side in the end :p He'll be right in the mix, I'm sure he'll be high on the tier quickly because of the mass population that's going to experiment with him...ALOT! But in the end it will all even/balance itself out.

Oh, alright. I guess you're glad to know that I can be easily provoked. ^^

Eh, you mostly agreed with me there...with one varience: I don't think Snake will "balance itself out" in the end. I believe he'll always be near the top of the tier list. But that's just me, and your opinion's just you, so I don't see a need to debate this until Brawl is released. We're not going to agree with eachother about this insignificant point.

Indeed, balance is no more than having one large tier. The fewer the better and if there end up being 3 or so, that's as good as "balanced"
They know what to look for now, there will be less mistakes and more mistakes will be fix. That doesn't leave many mistakes (ala M2/Kirby). Human error exists, even with a massive team of experienced geniuses that are wise through what they do. You can't be perfect, don't think anyone is. (didn't I just say that, it doesn't have to be said thrice.) They've done this twice now, three times a charm, lets wish them luck too eh?

So you agree that this game won't be balanced? I can't quite tell, you kinda worked around full clarification like a politician. I'm not expecting any greater level of balance in Brawl than what existed in Melee...but that's OK. As far as diverse fighters go, Melee was fairly balanced. I just wish there weren't any broken characters.

Balance For Brawl :p
P.S. I just played a great show :cool:
Discredit that, a PERFECT SHOW :p
P.S. I love the Razz :p :laugh:

Edit: Oh my I can't wait for Luigi, I think I'm in love with the WD into Uppercut-of-DOOM!

Didn't you just say that nodoby's perfect? You absolutely couldn't have put on a "PERFECT SHOW". Lol. What instrument do you play, by the way? Or are you a vocalist? Performance artist? Please, do tell.

Haha, Utilt death FTW! Next to Marth's, Luigi's Utilt was my favorite in all of Melee.
Sorry I put all that junk into your quote, but I couldn't communicate on a sophisticated level unless I could read what you had typed while I was typing. If you need to do an in-depth response like I did for your post, just copy the quote window on the thread page, then select (multi-)quote, paste that into the window, and work off that.

ive heard rumors of either marth or roy (probably not both) returning, very recently
From whome? Where on the internet is this information located, and is it official? We like sources around here, the more the merrier!


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
Quote - Aniki is the best Link in the world, and even he can't stand up to Ken (Marth) or Captain Jack (Shiek) because his character isn't suited to fight against these characters. So no, Link will never be "genuinely better" than Marth, Shiek, or Fox, no matter how "correctly" you can use him.

_Anikis Link beat Ken and Jack more often than not, at least on Youtube o_0, that's irrlevant though, I don't beleive they are the "best" with those characters, but they are close. They just happen to be famous for them. just my opinion I guess.
The A to your Q:
I've fought Hotstuff, Jumble (who you probably wouldn't know but they're very good) and Forward (who I'm sure you know) in the melee early days. I beat him then but that doesn't really matter as it's been...three...almost four years? I can't even remember how that happened. Basically Hotstuff is my competition these days. A Marth and Falcon guy. Darn good Fox too.

Your first Note + 1 through 6
_That doesn't discredit much but I do stand corrected on some points. Marth has those advantages and his metagame is better. But given that priority and spacing and the specifics on attacks (ex: you compared recovery UpBs) Link "is" better when the two compete. With fire-power, (both projectiles, throw [part of recovery too]) and the ability to use finishing blows and raise damage from all sides just as well (maybe even more effectively), Marths fast attacks with priority and no lag are not enough. Links juggling game doesn't have to be as good in that he needs fewer hits to have as much effect. I guess we probably will never agree on this though. :p

Quote - I hope to be d*** close one day.
:) Me too. And since you'll be close too, I hope to battle you in Brawl one day. :)

SDMs Adventure HAHAHA, that's awesome

Samus Junk - :laugh: That's pretty funny actually. The shinespike is really quite a small factor, but I'll still throw in my tid-bit. _Samus has the bombs grapple and UpB recovery. If Fox does is perfectly, he can counter it but, He can only spike her UpB once, he'll be stunned AND her UpB is just as fast but moves too, so with that timed perfectly, the shine will never stike.

Quote - One contradiction to a "true statement" proves a logic statement wrong, therefore characters are "better or worse" for different people, like competitive smashers and casual players.

Faliblism discredits that entirely but I won't go into details :p
Characters don't change, humans do.
On that note, I like what you said about human error. It's more of an addition though because what I said still applies. Just on different levels.

Regarding Snake
Quote - But that's just me, and your opinion's just you, so I don't see a need to debate this until Brawl is released. We're not going to agree with eachother about this insignificant point.
Agreed, it's gone too far to nowhere, we'll talk then :chuckle:

Quote - So you agree that this game won't be balanced? I can't quite tell, you kinda worked around full clarification like a politician. I'm not expecting any greater level of balance in Brawl than what existed in Melee...but that's OK. As far as diverse fighters go, Melee was fairly balanced. I just wish there weren't any broken characters.

OMG you just compared me to a politician :mad: jk
Broken characters and M2ed characters are basically out of the question, I hope your hopes are correct, but I'm not concerned. For the record, I think it "will" be more balanced :)

Quote - Didn't you just say that nodoby's perfect? You absolutely couldn't have put on a "PERFECT SHOW". Lol. What instrument do you play, by the way? Or are you a vocalist? Performance artist? Please, do tell.

I'm the drummer in my band but I play many instruments (i'm just the only one in the band that plays drums :) ) I sing plenty too.

Quote - Haha, Utilt death FTW! Next to Marth's, Luigi's Utilt was my favorite in all of Melee.
Couldn't agree more :chuckle:


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Alright, well I got a bit out of hand on that. Nobody's the best, but they can be close. Still, I've only seen 1:2 (Aniki vs Ken) in sets, and I've never once seen Aniki's Link beat out CJ's Shiek, but that wasn't exactly my point. I was just saying that Aniki could be a better player, but because his character isn't as good, he won't do so well, and that's because some characters are better than Link. (Actually, twelve of them are. :) )

Hm...there's nothing about "Jumble" or "hotstuff" on Youtube, and let me be the first to say that Forward has gotten MUCH better over the last few years. And for the record, I've squared off against some good people as well, so I understand how this game is played.

Yes, agree to disagree about Marth.

I'm not throwing any doubt into this statement: I WILL be playing you on the competitive circuit one day. :chuckle: And, on that day, I'll look forward to one of the best sets I have ever had.

Oh trust me, I'm a Samus main, and D1 has shown me absolutely every reason that Fox is better than Samus. I was only working with what you give me, but know that you don't have to go into the Fox vs Samus argument at all.

Falliblism...I like the way you think. ;) Alright, well I've satisfied the primary condition, which is to provide a single instance in which your assertion fails. Secondly, "There are several instances where professional mastery versus casual use of a character can be seen quite noticably. Many new players cannot use characters to their full/intended potential." Newer players have trouble landing Falcon's Fair. They don't accurately space or time the move, and they can't use it while taking advantage of the incredible speed that Falcon has to offer. Pikachu and Mewtwo have two of the greatest recoveries in the game, same goes for Jigglypuff and, yes, Peach. However, especially in the case of the first two, I have yet to see a new player who can take advantage of these amazing recovery abilities. In this way, what was intended to be an amazing recovery winds up being a recovery handicap. Again, newer players cannot utilize spacing correctly with Marth and thus will have trouble using him to his potential. If you're not yet good at L-canceling then there's no way you could play an effective Gannondorf. If you can't take advantage of the Mario's amazing sweetspots than it's all for naught. Basically, I've just described several instances where a statement contradictory to yours is true, and I already showed one example of how yours was false. TAKE THAT, FALLIBISM (which you spelt incorrectly, by the way. ;) )

Psst...I heard Dynamism is helping Hillary's campaign. ._o

Lol, so you don't think there will be a single Mewtwo or Marth in Brawl? While I'm inclined to disagree, I won't go ridiculing you...at least not until December 4th. :p

Oh really? My girlfriend's a drummer. -watches heads spin- She's **** good at beating those things, too. :chuckle:

And what about Luigi's Usmash. I hear talk it once ate Link's Dair. Oh, and this one time, in a friendly of my Samus vs Plank's Shiek, an Usmash ate my fully charged shot and nearly killed me. The same Usmash! I was at 135 at the right edge of battlefield. Thank Sakurai for DI. True story.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
1. Alright, well I got a bit out of hand on that. Nobody's the best, but they can be close. Still, I've only seen 1:2 (Aniki vs Ken) in sets, and I've never once seen Aniki's Link beat out CJ's Shiek, but that wasn't exactly my point. I was just saying that Aniki could be a better player, but because his character isn't as good, he won't do so well, and that's because some characters are better than Link. (Actually, twelve of them are.)

2.Hm...there's nothing about "Jumble" or "hotstuff" on Youtube, and let me be the first to say that Forward has gotten MUCH better over the last few years. And for the record, I've squared off against some good people as well, so I understand how this game is played.

3.Yes, agree to disagree about Marth.

4.I'm not throwing any doubt into this statement: I WILL be playing you on the competitive circuit one day. :chuckle: And, on that day, I'll look forward to one of the best sets I have ever had.

5.Oh trust me, I'm a Samus main, and D1 has shown me absolutely every reason that Fox is better than Samus. I was only working with what you give me, but know that you don't have to go into the Fox vs Samus argument at all.

6.Falliblism...I like the way you think. Alright, well I've satisfied the primary condition, which is to provide a single instance in which your assertion fails. Secondly, "There are several instances where professional mastery versus casual use of a character can be seen quite noticably. Many new players cannot use characters to their full/intended potential." Newer players have trouble landing Falcon's Fair. They don't accurately space or time the move, and they can't use it while taking advantage of the incredible speed that Falcon has to offer. Pikachu and Mewtwo have two of the greatest recoveries in the game, same goes for Jigglypuff and, yes, Peach. However, especially in the case of the first two, I have yet to see a new player who can take advantage of these amazing recovery abilities. In this way, what was intended to be an amazing recovery winds up being a recovery handicap. Again, newer players cannot utilize spacing correctly with Marth and thus will have trouble using him to his potential. If you're not yet good at L-canceling then there's no way you could play an effective Gannondorf. If you can't take advantage of the Mario's amazing sweetspots than it's all for naught. Basically, I've just described several instances where a statement contradictory to yours is true, and I already showed one example of how yours was false. TAKE THAT, FALLIBISM (which you spelt incorrectly, by the way. )

Psst...I heard Dynamism is helping Hillary's campaign. ._o

8.Lol, so you don't think there will be a single Mewtwo or Marth in Brawl? While I'm inclined to disagree, I won't go ridiculing you...at least not until December 4th.

9.Oh really? My girlfriend's a drummer. -watches heads spin- She's **** good at beating those things, too.

10.And what about Luigi's Usmash. I hear talk it once ate Link's Dair. Oh, and this one time, in a friendly of my Samus vs Plank's Shiek, an Usmash ate my fully charged shot and nearly killed me. The same Usmash! I was at 135 at the right edge of battlefield. Thank Sakurai for DI. True story.
1. I stand corrected, neither have I with CJ, I don't think I've actually seen A match. But I've seen vs other Sheiks. But Ken, more than less Aniki gets the W. Again, I don't beleive 12 of them are. But you know what I have to say about that (turns away from argument* hahaha!

2.Me and hotstuff were actually gonna put a video together, but it will probably be in october. And it's more just weird tactics, like the things that we do that we haven't seen before. (ex: I do this crazy Jolt Uair Dair thing with Pikachu that totally kills any fastfallers. No escape. And another one with Link Bair and Uair on chars around Marios weight.) We're all more underground, just play tourney goers between tourneys. (mainly Jumble, then he plays me) "correction" I played Forward late last spring, late May maybe. I remember cause I broke my nose twice within the next 2 months :urg: It was very breif. Ha, and I wasn't really ready for smash, I came back from vacation and had 2 nights to occupy myself staying at my aunts. It was in a tourney and played two rounds then had to go home. I still managed to win both best of 3s. It was fun :grin: one vs him (so only a year and a bit, but yeah we're all better so no big deal)

I'll tell you when I get one up on the Tube :)

I'm sure you have and do, that's why I'm enjoying this conversation plenty ;)


4.Just read that exactly, right back at you.

5.Agreed and good to hear.

6.ok sorry jeez :laugh: Falliblism. Secondly um...how is that contradicting what I said? Really? I'm not understanding. I think what you said is what I said but you said it better :laugh: What I'm understanding is that a new player doesn't know how to use a character and therefore the character in their hands is worse. Which is true, but the character itself isn't any worse because it is the human who doesn't use the character properly. Which is what I said and is also true.
At least that's what I'm getting. Again what we both said still applies...I would think. Can you tell me what I said that you're proving wrong, I got lost here. I'm sure what I said (or you) was either poorly written or misinterpreted.

7.oh....wow :laugh: I seriously laughed and frowned at that one at the same time :urg:

8.If it does heppen, I'll be ready to accept and be flamed. :( But I'm sure it will take more than a day and of course (I hope) they use the net to fix it. :ohwell: Doubt that will be needed, you ready for some flaming?

9.:chuckle: Good for her...and you ;)
On that note, I just scored the overtime winner in a hockey game. In a mens league here called the Music Hockey League (MHL). And now I'm going to jam night to jam with some of the best musicians in town. :lick: Every Sunday for the rest of the year! funfun! :chuckle:

10.Sheiks Usmash isn't as :cool: as Luigis but haha *shakes fist* "SAKURAI wait." *puts hand down* I hope it's a more looked at trait in Brawl too :lick: DI FTW

P.S. September 28th (this coming Friday) is our last show and then we're just doing art and crap for our album and lining up tours, (which I don't have to do) so I'll be going somewhere to enter some tourneys. Maybe actually lose :laugh: that would be GRRRREAT! The band is another reason we haven't made a video, hotstuff doesn't want to do it himself but it takes time.
Point in me saying this: And just incase you'd know *crosses fingers* are there any tourneys in Oct in Vancouver, Canada? (I don't live there but it's close)

P.P.S. oh my, I just had to erase all the smileys in your quote cause I made too many HAHAHA!

Edit: Hiding in the dust, someone asked "Who is Smashkid?"
That's what I'm calling the generic AC char to appear in Brawl, it's a good name for someone who has none, and the stage is well...


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
1. I stand corrected, neither have I with CJ, I don't think I've actually seen A match. But I've seen vs other Sheiks. But Ken, more than less Aniki gets the W. Again, I don't beleive 12 of them are. But you know what I have to say about that (turns away from argument* hahaha!

2.Me and hotstuff were actually gonna put a video together, but it will probably be in october. And it's more just weird tactics, like the things that we do that we haven't seen before. (ex: I do this crazy Jolt Uair Dair thing with Pikachu that totally kills any fastfallers. No escape. And another one with Link Bair and Uair on chars around Marios weight.) We're all more underground, just play tourney goers between tourneys. (mainly Jumble, then he plays me) "correction" I played Forward late last spring, late May maybe. I remember cause I broke my nose twice within the next 2 months :urg: It was very breif. Ha, and I wasn't really ready for smash, I came back from vacation and had 2 nights to occupy myself staying at my aunts. It was in a tourney and played two rounds then had to go home. I still managed to win both best of 3s. It was fun :grin: one vs him (so only a year and a bit, but yeah we're all better so no big deal)

I'll tell you when I get one up on the Tube

I'm sure you have and do, that's why I'm enjoying this conversation plenty ;)


4.Just read that exactly, right back at you.

5.Agreed and good to hear.

6.ok sorry jeez :laugh: Falliblism. Secondly um...how is that contradicting what I said? Really? I'm not understanding. I think what you said is what I said but you said it better :laugh: What I'm understanding is that a new player doesn't know how to use a character and therefore the character in their hands is worse. Which is true, but the character itself isn't any worse because it is the human who doesn't use the character properly. Which is what I said and is also true.
At least that's what I'm getting. Again what we both said still applies...I would think. Can you tell me what I said that you're proving wrong, I got lost here. I'm sure what I said (or you) was either poorly written or misinterpreted.

7.oh....wow :laugh: I seriously laughed and frowned at that one at the same time :urg:

8.If it does heppen, I'll be ready to accept and be flamed. :( But I'm sure it will take more than a day and of course (I hope) they use the net to fix it. :ohwell: Doubt that will be needed, you ready for some flaming?

9.:chuckle: Good for her...and you ;)
On that note, I just scored the overtime winner in a hockey game. In a mens league here called the Music Hockey League (MHL). And now I'm going to jam night to jam with some of the best musicians in town. :lick: Every Sunday for the rest of the year! funfun! :chuckle:

10.Sheiks Usmash isn't as :cool: as Luigis but haha *shakes fist* "SAKURAI wait." *puts hand down* I hope it's a more looked at trait in Brawl too :lick: DI FTW

P.S. September 28th (this coming Friday) is our last show and then we're just doing art and crap for our album and lining up tours, (which I don't have to do) so I'll be going somewhere to enter some tourneys. Maybe actually lose :laugh: that would be GRRRREAT! The band is another reason we haven't made a video, hotstuff doesn't want to do it himself but it takes time.
Point in me saying this: And just incase you'd know *crosses fingers* are there any tourneys in Oct in Vancouver, Canada? (I don't live there but it's close)

P.P.S. oh my, I just had to erase all the smileys in your quote cause I made too many HAHAHA!

Edit: Hiding in the dust, someone asked "Who is Smashkid?"
That's what I'm calling the generic AC char to appear in Brawl, it's a good name for someone who has none, and the stage is well...
1. Lol. Link's 13th on the tier list which is why I was making the joke. And honestly, I haven't seen much in the ways of Aniki (Link) beating Ken (Marth), in fact I've seen exactly one match where that has happened, but you're the Link main and I trust you've been studying up so I'll believe you...at least until I find time to kill and I can look at some matches between the two which, since I'm at college, could be a while.

10. Oh really? Interesting...it sounds like you guys do have a style all your own. I wouldn't expect anything less from you shifty Canadians. ;p For the record, I feel safe in saying that since I'm on the opposite side of the continent. ^^ Last spring meaning the one in '06 or '07? That's a nice way to pass the time at auntie's house, I approve. And I'm sure you've gotten much better in that time too. Just bear in mind that constantly playing on the tourny scene (like Forward) will make you better much faster. OMG, amazing story from a local tourny: Wes was getting tired of Forward SHL spamming him on FoD, and as soon as Forward messes up and lands on one of the low platforms, Wes turns Samus around, crouches, and then says in his crazy voice, "Ya' wouldn't shoot a ***** while his back was turned, would ya'?" I nearly died laughing. :laugh:

Skip 11, 100, 101

110, Oh, I didn't realize exactly what you were saying. Serves me right for not paying enough attention. I meant that the character has less potential in the hands of an unskilled user, which is just a different way of saying almost exactly what you were saying. My bad, I'll try to not let that happen again. :embarrass

111. Not that I've got anything against Hilary, but if she's elected, I want the reason to be Hilary is a competant leader, not ZOMG first female president! Honestly, it'd be just as memorable to have the first female president be elected 4 years from now. It doesn't have to be her. When it does happen (because it will), I'll celebrate along with all the rest of them. I just want the election to be valid and free of the feminist ideals.

1000. Haha, no, I'm not seriously gonna flame you. It'll be more of "HA, Snake is high tier. What? You didn't realize MK would be low tier? I can't believe you thought there'd be three tiers and not six. Wow, what a n00b." and that's it. Of course, if/when I am wrong, feel free to do the same for me.

1001. Heh, I thought that would get your attention. It's funny to be crude sometimes. Just remember: it's only in good taste if whatever you're poking fun at isn't actually true. Congratz on the upcoming bandular season. Lol, or musical, whichever you prefer. Sounds exciting!

1010. Yes, DI indeed. It's saved me as a Samus main thousands of times. Peach's Fthrow kill Samus? Nonsense. :laugh: For the record, I'm hoping for no-Shiek in Brawl...but that's me.

10.1 Sounds great! Unfortunately, from where I'm situated in VT, I know little of what's going on above WA...or in Washington for that matter. Sorry I couldn't be more of a help. By the way, what tag do you go by when playing? It's one of those random things I'll remember 4 years down the road while watching Brawl videos and be like "ZOMG, I KNOW that amazing smasher...got'ta get his friend code!" :grin: I'll get around to looking up my Wii number one day, and at that point I'll put it under my info so everyone can find me. Got'ta learn from everone so I'll be that much better.

10.2 How dare you erase the smilies! :(

1011. Oh, I wasn't sure who Smashkid was either...but that kinda makes sense.

P.S. Yeah, good luck to me with those decimal numbers. Oi! @_@ I haven't learned THAT much yet.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I would like to say two things and two things only about this update:

1) SO CALLED IT! On THE DAY "Stickers" were announced, absolutely everyone was saying that Stickers would replace trophies. Not I. **** I'm good. :cool:

2) Is that...why...it can't be...a...BULBORB! Pikmin! Oh how I've missed thee. With your standard enemy from Pikmin rendered so beautifully next to the repugnant Tinkle, what does this say of Captain Olimar? Can we get a Character Update Friggin' Friday, anyone? :grin: Lmao...CUFFs. You think Sakurai's bound with CUFFs every now and again? Perhaps he's got a kinky side. *cough*bondage*cough* Sorry for stealing your clever humor, Aires, but I just HAD to do it. :laugh:

EDIT: And, just to toot my own horn, here's the post from back on August 15th, page 111 if you're counting this most recent page as 1.

"Mr. Sakurai said, "I’d like to introduce a new collection element to the game—stickers."

Melee collectable trophies were a collection element added to Melee. Given that Mr. Sakurai describes stickers as "a new collection element" and not "the new collection element", I'm inclined to say that he hasn't ditched trophies entirely. What I could truthfully look forward to is this: starter Assist Trophies. As you collect ATs in adventure mode, your pool of characters the game "randomy" chooses between increases proportionately (Necessary word?).

Also, since he says players can take screenshots and transform them into stickers, will we see the introduction of custom avatars in Brawl?"

You might also notice that the post hasn't been edited...ever...which means I didn't just go back and change it. This is what I thought over a month ago, and I still stick by it.
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
hahaha nice Rhyme. i wasnt one of the people to say that the Stickers would replace Trophies...who the hell said that anywayz? didnt they see the "This World" update a long a** time ago before Stickers became an update, cuz it said Trophies fight in this world and thats all they do, something like that. w/e

CS Link 4 Brawl
C Olimar 4 Brawl


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Yeeah Olimar for Brawl. REPRESENT! XD

I'm WAAAY too energetic for this time of night.

I know you weren't one of those people, forget who it was, though, but my response was undoubtedly to re-assure someone else who thought otherwise. Edited my post BTW.

Oh...nice. I'd never even thought of that "In this world, trophies fight." bit.
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
yup, never felt like going deep into finding about the Trophies vs Stickers thing cuz i was positive theyd be back anywayz. and then when the "This World" thing came out it kinda confirmed it for me

n i wasnt like accusing u of calling me one of those people, jus saying that i wasnt XD

i think imma go to sleep now. dont wanna be falling asleep during class on my BDay! (even tho all my classes r boring...well except Band i guess)

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Some late night musings...

Dynamism, I cannot keep up with you and Rhyme, so I'm not even going to try. I will say only this, I think catagorizing characters based on who they are fighting against and under what conditions makes a helluvalot more sense than tiers.

Rhyme, good call on predicting the return of the trophies. In fact, I distinctly remember your post, which you so humbly dug up for us, so in a pinch I guess I could vouch for you. But only if you support my campaign for a better Mario movie. After all, I can't be just handing out my vouchers.
Anyhow, I have to say Olimar for Brawl has been a given in my mind since the release of Melee. The bigger question in my mind is whether or not he will be unlockable. Any thoughts?
Also, on a complete side note, I enjoyed your thoughts on Hilary a few posts back. However, I will say no more on politics, as I do not care to invoke the inevitable ****storm of opinions politics tends to attract.

Not gonna lie, I'm rather surprised nobody's brought up Tingle yet. Anyone else notice that his trophy was the cell-shaded rendition from Wind Waker? In the same shot as several non-cell shaded trophies? Am I building to something? Yes. In the past, one arguement against CS Link's inclusion was the possible difficulties in tossing a cell shaded character into the Smash Bros. environment. Well, seeing Tingle's trophy together with the Nintendog, ect certainly would tend to suggest that Nintendo has already been addressing that issue. A confirmation of CS Link for Brawl? Of course not. Something to think about? Definitely. I say this all begrudgingly of course, because as I'm sure I've established, I'm a 1-Link per Smash Bros. supporter, but I've got to call the fact how I see them.


P.S. Happy Birthday ylink_underestimated! And good luck having class on your B-day. Just pretend you're learning about yourself.


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
Ugh Stickers must die Unless you can wear them......I want a Midna trophy....*with vocals*


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
2) Is that...why...it can't be...a...BULBORB! Pikmin! Oh how I've missed thee. With your standard enemy from Pikmin rendered so beautifully next to the repugnant Tinkle, what does this say of Captain Olimar? Can we get a Character Update Friggin' Friday, anyone? :grin: Lmao...CUFFs. You think Sakurai's bound with CUFFs every now and again? Perhaps he's got a kinky side. *cough*bondage*cough* Sorry for stealing your clever humor, Aires, but I just HAD to do it. :laugh:
LOL! None taken, nominal misspellings aside. :p I only disagree because I want a Character Update sooner. Let's go back to CUTing tomorrow!

Not gonna lie, I'm rather surprised nobody's brought up Tingle yet. Anyone else notice that his trophy was the cell-shaded rendition from Wind Waker? In the same shot as several non-cell shaded trophies? Am I building to something? Yes. In the past, one arguement against CS Link's inclusion was the possible difficulties in tossing a cell shaded character into the Smash Bros. environment. Well, seeing Tingle's trophy together with the Nintendog, ect certainly would tend to suggest that Nintendo has already been addressing that issue. A confirmation of CS Link for Brawl? Of course not. Something to think about? Definitely. I say this all begrudgingly of course, because as I'm sure I've established, I'm a 1-Link per Smash Bros. supporter, but I've got to call the fact how I see them.
Yeah, I noticed. I EFFING NOTICED! :mad: I feel the exact same way: one Link in each Smash Bros. is perfectly fine. The fact that Tingle has rekindled my flames of hatred makes me angry with him for the first time. Ohh, Tingle...


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Happy Birfday ylink_underestimated!
I got you a present. It's a trophy!

That was you cuz you're my Super Smash brother! (Now everyone go "Awwww!")
And I guess there's no hope for Tingle, Dr Stewart, Ooccoo, or Slippy for PCs. Though, I could very well be wrong. Three things though:

1) rAT, I couldn't agree with you more about CSTingle's relationship to CSLink. Let the speculation continue!

2) Captain Falcon HAS to be in. There's no dancing around the subject now, Sakurai. If we don't get a CFalcon update this week, I'm going to SPLODE!!!

3) No one cares about Slippy or Ooccoo anyway. Not a big deal.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Rhyme, good call on predicting the return of the trophies. In fact, I distinctly remember your post, which you so humbly dug up for us, so in a pinch I guess I could vouch for you. But only if you support my campaign for a better Mario movie. After all, I can't be just handing out my vouchers.
Haha, yes, humbly indeed. ^^ I was just so excited and tired at the same time.

Sure I"ll support your jihad for a better Mario movie. What kind of friend would I be if I said "no"? ;)

LOL! None taken, nominal misspellings aside. :p I only disagree because I want a Character Update sooner. Let's go back to CUTing tomorrow!
Wait...what misspellings? I thought I did a good job. :(

Heh, well the trend so far as been for amazing updates on Fridays...why spoil this wonderous tradition?

Happy Birfday ylink_underestimated!
I got you a present. It's a trophy!

That was you cuz you're my Super Smash brother! (Now everyone go "Awwww!")
And I guess there's no hope for Tingle, Dr Stewart, Ooccoo, or Slippy for PCs. Though, I could very well be wrong. Three things though:

1) rAT, I couldn't agree with you more about CSTingle's relationship to CSLink. Let the speculation continue!

2) Captain Falcon HAS to be in. There's no dancing around the subject now, Sakurai. If we don't get a CFalcon update this week, I'm going to SPLODE!!!

3) No one cares about Slippy or Ooccoo anyway. Not a big deal.
Awesome trophy, I approve. (XD After your troply's italicized, he looks like he's got scoliosis.)

1) It was going to continue regardless. Perhaps this will make it continue more avidly, but it never died.

2) We know he has to be in, which is why I don't care for his character update. Falcon's not gonna change much, I'd rather see someone else...someone we haven't seen in Melee already. At least for this week.

3) Why doesn't anyone else care about the Bulborbs? :cry:


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
ylink_underestimated: Happy B-day
Glad you're in a band too(that seems to be a topic these days?)
And you remember what I said about a SECOND LINK being all but confirmed, you with me yet? ;)

Olimar with a CUF would be nice but how about a CUT with Falcon and then next week it's a *** :laugh: on Monday AND a CUF

Don't worry Rhyme, I love BULBORB!! And good to have Trophy support. Though I was hoping they'd be tough to get. It looks like you just pick them up everywhere again :(
Side note: 06 spring (long time :ohwell:)

It's gonna be fun to watch Dyce SLODE!!!!!
psst...make sure you film it Dyce :chuckle: jk

Edit: What's with the Tingle depression? It's just Tingle! *hides*
P.S. Nothing against Tingle just had to ask


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
That was you cuz you're my Super Smash brother! (Now everyone go "Awwww!")
That did make me go aww!
Happy birthday, y_link!


I say this all begrudgingly of course, because as I'm sure I've established, I'm a 1-Link per Smash Bros. supporter, but I've got to call the fact how I see them.
Yeah, I noticed. I EFFING NOTICED! :mad: I feel the exact same way: one Link in each Smash Bros. is perfectly fine. The fact that Tingle has rekindled my flames of hatred makes me angry with him for the first time. Ohh, Tingle...


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
That did make me go aww!
Happy birthday, y_link!



That's what I'm talking about!^ Are you depressed because of Tingle too? Or are you depressed becasuse they're depressed because you're obviously a softy. Nah I'm kidding, I went awww too :)

ylink - I meant you play music, not in a band. Cause we all no school bands aren't real bands :chuckle: jk, happy B-Day smash bros

Rhyme: I'm actually not a Link main. The last month or so has been Roy (who I've probably mained the least) and Mewtwo becasuse there's alot more to being good with him/her then most. And since I watched that Fumi thing (that you refered to?) and seeing his "accurate" Double Jump Uair L-Cancle, I needed to work on LCing it more accurately. I miss at least every 4 times. :urg: I had a large Link faze recently though. I think it's good to shuffle them around to make sure I'm near my peak with all characters.



Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
That's what I'm talking about!^ Are you depressed because of Tingle too? Or are you depressed becasuse they're depressed because you're obviously a softy. Nah I'm kidding, I went awww too :)
No, I'm depressed because I like them but they don't like WW Link. It's conflicting. :(
Although I'm also disgruntled about people saying that "this update does nothing to alter Tingle's chances" when it quite obviously does.




Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
By the way, what tag do you go by when playing? It's one of those random things I'll remember 4 years down the road while watching Brawl videos and be like "ZOMG, I KNOW that amazing smasher...got'ta get his friend code!" :grin: I'll get around to looking up my Wii number one day, and at that point I'll put it under my info so everyone can find me. Got'ta learn from everone so I'll be that much better.[/COLOR][/FONT][/B]
SCRM. But now I can actually go by SCRAM. Which will be perfect when I play Diddy. Scramble! :laugh:
I go by !NKY sometimes too. I'll probably stick with SCRAM.

P.S. I was just waiting on a phone call so I turned melee on and Utilt-Uair-Dair Shuffled a Falco for 20 minutes. :chuckle: The imobility is great when Falco gets too much % and out of a single jump reach for a Uair. He can't get away when Yoshi Double Jumps right off the ground so he has to Dair, Nair or Shine but it won't move Yoshi on the double jump. And then I Dair his as$ and do it again MUHAHAHAHA!
**** Canadians ;)
This made me realize something. One of the things I'm waiting for the most is Bowser/DK special moves and seeing the "new flavor" and imobility function take more effect. And I want to see Yoshis survival.
Agreed Argyle471jr - More confirmed stuff needs elaborating. (I'm sure I misspelt that...and misspelt haha. No Characters for two weeks! I demand SMs!!!1'P31!!!!1!!!eleve!1!!!R!!one!!!!1!P3!!!TWELVE!THIRTEEN!11OOO000ooo...


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
**** Canadians ;)
Lol, alright. I'll keep an eye out for ya' then...if I can remember that name. :ohwell:

Oh really? Well at least I was right about you maining Link at one time. Glad to hear you're trying to re-write the tier list, although you'll never be as successful as Chu and his Pichu. ._o That thing's pretty beastly.

Yay! You've got a soft spot for the Bulborbs too! I love those pesty little things, they sleep so contently upon Olimar's return to the planet's surface, and we all know what they'd been doing for hours last night. *MUNCH* ;)

Awe...poor Fawriel...don't take it too hard now, ya' hear? :)

Also, I believe that a character conformation is enough. There doesn't have to be a slew of information that comes along with them. Wow, we're all gonna be SO spoiled after Solid Snake's debut.


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
RHyme you never did answer if you were a girl....Then Again I never answered how my GF is inside of me...Here is a lil visualisation http://youtube.com/watch?v=cQEoP4Nn1Ec IF YOU DARE

Any way today's update....garbage....I like Diddy but it was kinda obvious...Gimme a character update with someone out of the blue...I.E. Dark Samus, Falco, Sonic, Falco, Megaman, Falco, Rundas, Falco, Olimar, Falco, Harvest Moon Guy, Falco, Lloyd Irving, Falco. I mean C'mon I WANT A CHARACTER UPDATE!
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