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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Saved the worst for last. Some people will hate me for this. We WILL NOT get four Starfox representatives; it just ain't gonna happen. So long as it won't, I'd much rather see Fox, Krystal, and Wolf together in the final instalment. Confirmed, more original female character who shares several of the same roles as Falco, main villain.
I agree! The series will not get--nor does it really deserve--four reps. Fox and Krystal are the two shoo-ins; Falco and Wolf will duke it out for the last spot. My guess is that Falco will make it in instead of Wolf, who will then be relegated to boss status.

Wario's speed seems decidedly average. I don't think it'll be a great disadvantage of his in the first place.
He really doesn't seem that slow whilst running, just...strange. :psycho:


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I agree! The series will not get--nor does it really deserve--four reps. Fox and Krystal are the two shoo-ins; Falco and Wolf will duke it out for the last spot. My guess is that Falco will make it in instead of Wolf, who will then be relegated to boss status.
I don't know guys. What's the harm in just having one more? Four seems like a reasonable amount. Not only that, but the remaining three are like the top most popular characters in the series. We can have Fox, the main character/protagonist/hero; Krystal, the main character's love interest/ally in combat/staff wielder/dino wrangler; Falco, the Starfox team member 2nd in command/pilot who's skills rival Fox's/now a vigilante and rogue pilot/super badass; and Wolf, the main rival to the hero/pilot who's skills rival Fox/vengeful/tough/mercenary.

That seems like a good balance. Four is the right amount for me, but I'm going to have to cut it there. Any more than that would just be unfair to the more deserving series in Brawl.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
The three "big" Nintendo franchises--Mario, Zelda, Pokémon--all have at least four reps in Melee. I suppose that four would be proportionally fair for StarFox as long as the other, more lucrative (and better, in my personal opinion) franchises get more reps accordingly. :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
They're both overrated--or at least hyped up by the nubians n00bians.

Homonymic humor! :chuckle:

Frankly, I couldn't really care less about either of them. I'm glad that MK is in solely because the Kirby franchise really needed another rep (and will soon get one more with DeDeDe!). My little brother is really excited for MK (and DeDeDe), though.

As soon as n00bs see a sword or fire, they wet their pants with glee; imagine how Roy and Ike make them feel!

Agreed about MK. Be careful how you use Mewtwo's name, though: it carries a stigma around these parts. ;)

And LOLZ at twilight for making me scroll through that monster of a post just for some CD-i Link lovin'.
I know! *snickers* That really was huge, wasn't it?

Regarding Broken Mario-His Fair is like Docs...good upgrade. His extended UpB may be to make up for the decrease in his Dair translation of the Tornado. FLUUD may break him though. But will he really be broken? If you look at Link, his firepower was unmatched in Melee and now arrows are faster. If you dodge his boomerrang, it comes back and pulls you into a charged SPIN ATTACK TO THE FACE! What if every char is broken? FLUUD may top this though. Either way, Mr. Nintendo deserves to be broken!


Regarding Wario Chopper-This is like IC stage to Runble Falls conversion aka improved. Now it may give more damage, KOable and launchable as an edge guarder or at an edge guarder. It basically onpens up for a new Yoshi >B

Regarding Triple Dash-Does he dash 3 times? Raptor like or Skull Bash like? MK is feared to be broken for a reason. This is just one of many other unnoticed breaks.

I believe it's like, he dashes forward with his sword out, and if he encounters someone, he strikes 'em three times at some-odd higher percentage.

Wario is extremely underrated, too much W hate out there. And you''re forgetting Ness's DownB, even in 64. He should be able to charge and move while it's active.

No...that would just be...cheap...

Ike won't be broken. He's too easy to approach. MK will be harder to get to with his Shuffled Fair multistroke spammed than Ike's Forward Smash Slashes. Then again t3H pH 1R3!!!111!!!1!1!!!!!!?

Yes the screwing is a great move. It's a shame Zamus won't be doing any screwing...or will she ;)

*gets a broad grin...* Zamus can "Screw Attack" me anytime she wants to!


Bowser will PWN with his bran new... (wait for it) ...jump cancled UpB MUHAHAH!

Bowser will still suck.

I'll do MY THOUGHTS on Falco soon, it'll explain the no illusion for him theory of...well..mine lol

Yoshi was the ONLY imobilized in the other ssbs so he deserves that treatement!

AH!!!!!!!! MEWTWO !!!!!!!!!!

Edit: P.S. This post was almost double this length including more MY THOUGHTS along with Falcos (who should really be in the "Who's going to return thread" but he was brought up) and new contriversial topics involving DK for top tier and PT tactics. I'll fill it in later though. To pissed off to do it again,

My general Thoughts regarding Falco

He'll keep his fazer and reflector as they were big parts of his character and unique to him. His bazooka is his new >B and it's chargable. that's the just of the illusion crap and twighlight_hero...I agree alot but disagree alot lol
Yeah? Such as...?

Any reason why Snake is not and has not been for months on smashbros.com under new characters?

I don't know guys. What's the harm in just having one more? Four seems like a reasonable amount. Not only that, but the remaining three are like the top most popular characters in the series. We can have Fox, the main character/protagonist/hero; Krystal, the main character's love interest/ally in combat/staff wielder/dino wrangler; Falco, the Starfox team member 2nd in command/pilot who's skills rival Fox's/now a vigilante and rogue pilot/super badass; and Wolf, the main rival to the hero/pilot who's skills rival Fox/vengeful/tough/mercenary.

That seems like a good balance. Four is the right amount for me, but I'm going to have to cut it there. Any more than that would just be unfair to the more deserving series in Brawl.
Let's see...there's Link, the hero/protagonist; Zelda, the love interest/helpless princess/not-so-helpless princess/aider (I think I just made up a word) in battle; Ganondorf, the villian/extremely powerful magician; and Young Link, the smaller-yet-better hero/protagonist/seven-year-younger counterpart of the hero/protagonist.

Hmm...that's not quite gonna work for most of the other series, is it?

Well...Sakurai has 1 day left *puts on black gloves*
Well...Repryx has one day left...*prepares Hadouken Spin*

How does everyone feel about the update today? I really like it actually. Now I won't have to go through the fvcking Debug Menu to get all this crap. Besides, doesn't anyone else wanna see a fast and giant stamina brawl with a flower constantly draining your energy and always having the curry with light gravity using Jiggs, Kirby, Pit, and MK?

Ooo...there should be a mode where FSes constantly happen...


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
The three "big" Nintendo franchises--Mario, Zelda, Pokémon--all have at least four reps in Melee. I suppose that four would be proportionally fair for StarFox as long as the other, more lucrative (and better, in my personal opinion) franchises get more reps accordingly. :ohwell:
I absolutely agree. Starfox can be a good series at times and it has been running fairly long. It's not as great as the LOZ or Mario series, but it's good enough to have a small handful of characters. Especially if the characters can turn out well and be very diverse from the rest of the roster.

Let's see...there's Link, the hero/protagonist; Zelda, the love interest/helpless princess/not-so-helpless princess/aider (I think I just made up a word) in battle; Ganondorf, the villian/extremely powerful magician; and Young Link, the smaller-yet-better hero/protagonist/seven-year-younger counterpart of the hero/protagonist.

Hmm...that's not quite gonna work for most of the other series, is it?
No, but in the LOZ series you can have so much more than that.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
Dyce-Ness chargable and active while movable DownB wouldn't really break it. He charges it then uses it and it lasts for a few seconds, then he charges it again. If does fine with "never" using it but "if" he's fighting a char with those projectiles, then maybe he'll use it "once" a battle.

Rhyme-If you thought the Eggroll was inaffective then yes Wario Chopper is basically the same thing with more uses.

DS should't be a PC. Maybe a good boss if Ridley takes the villian Metroid cake but that's it. And Baloon Fighter should be the other to posess 3 dashing capabilities. (leads with his foot in flying kicks sort of thing)

Pyras-Disregard Ike imobility and Bowser and DK lacking speed won't be that great a factor still. Their weight, strength and the length of their arms "lol" will make up for that.

Fawriel-I don't know where people are getting Wario=slow either.

Aeris-Zelda=5(Link,Zelda,Ganon,CSLink,Midna) Metroid=3(Samus,Zamus,Ridley) Pokemon=5(Pickachu,Jiggs,Mewtwo,PT,Lucario) Fox=4(Fox,Krystal,Falco,Wolf) DK=3(DK,Diddy,KRool) Kirby=3(Kirby,MK,Dedede) Mario=INFINITE! lol jk
This is appropriate, rough, but appropriate and SFox series seems right like that. Not out of proportion.

Twighlight_hero-lol, I was too lazy to coment again. On the bottom of that post I mentioned my comp froze and I lost it. In the remaining part (that I didn't bother with again) I comented a few things. All good things really.
Yes, good update. I was hoping for this but this make work better then I was thinking. I would like to have each character with possibly a different effect though, One metal, one invisible fighting eachother type of thing. Either way it's cool.


Melee was considered one of THE most balanced fighting games on the market. For the variety of characters they had, for the most part, could all compete. Now they've said they're "focusing" on making a balanced game. They didn't say it for melee and it turned out with only one "Mewtwoed" character + Kirby and a couple broken ala Marth etc... Now that they said they're "focusing" on it, they know we expect them to, and they actually will. With online (please!pleasepleaseplease...) they can fix any ****ups they may inevitably miss. I expect no breaks or m2s in Brawl. 7-8/10 all round!


- Donkey Kong "makes a triumphant return" quoted straight from the man himself! Does this mean they worked on him? o_0 He's fast for a heavy-weight and now it looks like his arms outreach Links sword! "don't underestimate his strength" again! For a big oaf he did well against the high/quick tier characters. This boost of strength (whether it's imobility, longer punches, massive throws, more weight or all of the above) I'll go on a limb and consider him a powerhouse not to be messed with. With a Nair without delay and a revamped >B, he doesn't have much for weaknesses. (well, maybe Marth lol). DK = 7-8. Watch out n00bs and tourneys!

- Zelda was underrated...well...undermade too. Everything she does is lethal! Her tilts and smashes were huge with power and priority! You know what would make her better? A DownB that did something usefull! She doesn't need a Ness DownB, she needs something weak, maybe slow, but with little knockback for setting up a bigger attack. That's all she lacks...but, by the looks of it (and what's really bringing her to the other chars lvl is) Priority INCREASE! Look at her Forward Smash pic, she's got as much range as Links new (and I hate how people compare it to Marth) huge sword swipe! Zelda for revenge on all! 7-8

- Ike is the new extremely bigass sword weilder to replace Marth (for now as a starter). He has weight, strength (both stated) and massive priority just like an inhanced Marth. The only downsides are his speed decrease. Both in drag, lag and general movement. Say hello to a character that can compete with any. He's again one of those characters that doesn't really need to adapt to battle, but others adapt to fight him. With long swipes and power behind them, we may have the new standard main converting to him from his melee ancestors or...meet Ganon with imobility and a big sword minus the air KOs. Also take away the speedy DownB and >B moving attacks, or maybe not?. o_O 7-8

- Yoshi could pwn Fox in melee. He was a good pick against top tier and did well against anyone. You couldn't shinespike him, he could combo well, good (uderrated) firepower that could top many (how many people wanted to throw Links bomb at an angle sometimes? I know I did!), he had good finishers and the best slam. He'd do really well the whole core of the battle even with his short/slow throw and average speed. He was heavy enough to battle longer then most but he just...coudln't.........WIN! WHY? Secondary survival! And now look! They've opened up for a new >B with Wario taking his roll and making it a Chopper, and his Envied EggToss is used for something else now! o_0 Bombing the edgegaurder with eggs as you (imovably) come back anyone? 7-8 THIS!! is gonna be quite a Yoshi loving and fearing smash bros!


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Rhyme-If you thought the Eggroll was inaffective then yes Wario Chopper is basically the same thing with more uses.

DS should't be a PC. Maybe a good boss if Ridley takes the villian Metroid cake but that's it. And Baloon Fighter should be the other to posess 3 dashing capabilities. (leads with his foot in flying kicks sort of thing)
Correction: more postulated uses. We're not yet entirely aware of what the move is capable of. Also, characters have moves "transfered" to another character ALL the time, so don't go saying that just because Wario has a motorcycle that Yoshi lost his egg roll. And yes, in competitive play, the eggroll is useless by everyone but Fumi.

Why not DS as a playable character? Reason?

Dark Samus is more unique than you think. Kudos if you get that reference.

I agree! The series will not get--nor does it really deserve--four reps. Fox and Krystal are the two shoo-ins; Falco and Wolf will duke it out for the last spot. My guess is that Falco will make it in instead of Wolf, who will then be relegated to boss status.

He really doesn't seem that slow whilst running, just...strange. :psycho:
Who doesn't...Wario? Don't forget that Pichu was one of Melee's fastest yet he had slow land speed. I don't think that this will play a major factor. We still need to see how many frames it takes him to dash, grab, change direction, jump, etc.

Um...well we agreed on all but one part: I thought Wolf should be playable and not Falco.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Um...well we agreed on all but one part: I thought Wolf should be playable and not Falco.
It affects me not, regardless of whichever one makes it in. I don't doubt that one of the two will be a playable character; I just couldn't tell you which one. :ohwell:


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Dark Samus is WAY different than Samus. Pick up MP2 and see what me and Rhyme are talking about.
MP3 Spoiler:
And now that DS has a ghost/doppleganger/spirit ability, he could have one wicked-sick-nasty FS. It would actually work better if that thing was a scout, because then you could play as DS while his ghost flew around and attacked with you, like a personal AT. (I havn't completed the game, but this is just what I see from only having just beaten the 2nd hunter. Don't spoil anything for me.)

And I don't see why Starfox couldn't have four reps. It's not a dead series like Mother, which people want at least 6 reps from. They still produce games and some of them are pretty good. Why can't it have just two more?


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
And I don't see why Starfox couldn't have four reps. It's not a dead series like Mother, which people want at least 6 reps from. They still produce games and some of them are pretty good. Why can't it have just two more?
(I totally avoided that MP3 spoiler by covering it up with my hand. Gold Team rules! :chuckle:)

I would actually like only two MOTHER reps: Lucas and Masked Man (with or without the SPOILER name)! ZOMG I would squeal with schoolgirl-ish delight if Masked Man makes it into Brawl as a playable character! :grin: I know what you're saying, though; the hXc MOTHER fans are always offering up 8 different ideas for characters--which isn't a bad thing. More power to them!

I suppose that I am just biased against the SF series because I don't really care about it lol. There are other franchises--such as the ones I have mentioned--that I like a great deal more and would prefer to see more representatives from. So four isn't unwieldy, just too much for my taste. But to each his own, and Sakurai is a living, breathing testament to that adage, ne? ;)


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I would actually like only two MOTHER reps: Lucas and Masked Man (with or without the SPOILER name)! ZOMG I would squeal with schoolgirl-ish delight if Masked Man makes it into Brawl as a playable character! :grin: I know what you're saying, though; the hXc MOTHER fans are always offering up 8 different ideas for characters--which isn't a bad thing. More power to them!

I suppose that I am just biased against the SF series because I don't really care about it lol. There are other franchises--such as the ones I have mentioned--that I like a great deal more and would prefer to see more representatives from. So four isn't unwieldy, just too much for my taste. But to each his own, and Sakurai is a living, breathing testament to that adage, ne? ;)
I suppose you're right. And after Sakurai made PT, I've lost all hope that I can predict what he'll do with this game.

And what about Ness!? How could you not want him back!? I don't even know you anymore Aeris!!! :mad:


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Dark Samus is WAY different than Samus. Pick up MP2 and see what me and Rhyme are talking about.
MP3 Spoiler:
And now that DS has a ghost/doppleganger/spirit ability, he could have one wicked-sick-nasty FS. It would actually work better if that thing was a scout, because then you could play as DS while his ghost flew around and attacked with you, like a personal AT. (I havn't completed the game, but this is just what I see from only having just beaten the 2nd hunter. Don't spoil anything for me.)
Thanks for "spoiler proofing that sentence, but it comes up when you quote anyway. ^^ But I can never avoid spoilers, they're just so tempting. I've actually got a MP3 copy in my Wii right now, but college is too busy for me to play it and reach save points. D: It's so torturous! Sounds sick by the way.

I wouldn't say that SF doesn't deserve 4 supporters (and if I already did, disregard it), however I also believe that three would sufice - the fourth is not necessary, and if it clears up a slot for say...3 Metroid reps then 3 SF reps all the way.

(I totally avoided that MP3 spoiler by covering it up with my hand. Gold Team rules! :chuckle:)

I would actually like only two MOTHER reps: Lucas and Masked Man

So four isn't unwieldy, just too much for my taste.

But to each his own, and Sakurai is a living, breathing testament to that adage, ne? ;)

Haha, was that a reference? "Gold team rules"? Mine was from the combo video (of Gimpyfish?) "Bowser isn't as bad as you think."

Ooh...isn't the Masked Man
the protagonist's younger brother
? I thought I'd heard that somewhere.

Agreed. Three would be perfectly fine, I'm just not sure how tight the roster will be for characters and, if Mr. Sakurai had to take a cut from any series, I'd kinda prefer that one. Biased opinion, you can disregard it, Dyce. It's nothing directed against an avid SF supporter.


Oh, and for anyone who hasn't seen Fumi in all his shining briliance, behold!


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
I think most people realize that mother will probably get 2 reps at most, but as there are so many interesting characters, the fans like to propose all these characters. Unfortunately, due to the fact the mother series has only 3 games in the series and only one made it international (and didn't get far), 2 reps is pretty much the most to expect for them.

That said, despite Starfox being quite a popular franchise, it really isn't that big a franchise, only spanning 5 games. With the DK series, one of Nintendo's bigger franchises, probably not getting more than 3 reps (heck, a 3rd isn't guaranteed), Starfox getting 4 reps really doesn't seem fair. It's not really as though they are offering much potential as far as the characters are concerned. Krystal obviously does, but with Falco being a (former) clone and Wolf essentially being a 'Dark Fox', I can really only see one of them taking up an original moveset and joining the fray. A 4th character honestly doesn't seem necessary in my eyes.

Rhyme said:
Ooh...isn't the Masked Man
the protagonist's younger brother
? I thought I'd heard that somewhere.
Actually, I think it's his older brother. They are twins though, so it's nort by much


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
And what about Ness!? How could you not want him back!? I don't even know you anymore Aeris!!! :mad:
I hope you aren't serious about this. I love Ness, but I'd still prefer Lucas... as long as Earthbound gets the treatment it deserves.
Some people just like to see new faces, others like to keep things as they are... it's just a matter of taste.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
I'm a big fan of the egg roll. Don't get me wrong, but I think Warios may be too similar and that would be unecissary, although... it's good.
Fumi eh? I just looked it up on Youtube and Fumi's impressive. In the two battles I saw, he used the cliff-hanger-eggtoss-edge-cancle 3 times. I definitaly would've killed my self or set myself up to be killed at least once doing that. I haven't perfected my Yoshi. And Fumi's a better Uair shuffler, I noticed he starts it with the UpTilt, it's slower than ForwardTilt (which is what I use) but it's harder to DI away. I'll try that. Also The Eggtoss Egde concerns me...if UpB now moves him, does it still work?

^That's an old post now lol

I have NEVER! played a Metroid game! I really want to but I don't even have time to play smash anymore!
I sure want to though....one day...one day *dream*

SF may not need 4 reps, but I'd still like it better than 3 o_0

Ness + Lucas + Masked Man...tough picks if I can only have 2! Lucas with a Ness altern. There! And when you switch alterns, the name changes. I don't know this masked man well though.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I hope you aren't serious about this. I love Ness, but I'd still prefer Lucas... as long as Earthbound gets the treatment it deserves.
Some people just like to see new faces, others like to keep things as they are... it's just a matter of taste.
Yea, but I kinda see the Earthbound series as totally different games. Much like how people view the FF series. See I would like to see all three Mother reps. Ness to rep Earthbound, Lucas to rep Mother3, and Claus to rep (don't look if you're going to play Mother3 ever)
the villains in the series

Three reps altogether, maybe even two and two with the addition of Paula, Jeff, or Poo from Earthbound.

I think I'm just scared to see the little guy go. He was so great in SSB64, and then Sakurai did him a great injustice in Melee. I would hate for him to have to leave on a sour note, especially if Lucas doesn't take up his moveset and that type of fighting style just falls into nothingness.

Ness, Lucas, and Claus 4 Brawl!!! (and maybe Poo too!)


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
And what about Ness!? How could you not want him back!? I don't even know you anymore Aeris!!! :mad:
lol Now, now. It's not that I don't like Ness; I was a Ness main back in SSB64! It's just that I wouldn't mind seeing Lucas replace him. I really want Claus over anyone, leaving the other spot open for either one. And don't get me wrong: I would love to see all three make it in. But seeing as Lucas is all but confirmed, and because I highly doubt that MOTHER will get more than two reps--however nice that might be--I just don't see Ness returning. Don't hold me to it, but we'll see. Claus FTW. :grin:

Haha, was that a reference? "Gold team rules"? Mine was from the combo video (of Gimpyfish?) "Bowser isn't as bad as you think."

Ooh...isn't the Masked Man
the protagonist's younger brother
? I thought I'd heard that somewhere.
Actually, it was a Spongebob reference! "Hibernation Day", if I'm not mistaken. :laugh:

No, the Masked Man is
Lucas' OLDER brother, Claus

I hope you aren't serious about this. I love Ness, but I'd still prefer Lucas... as long as Earthbound gets the treatment it deserves.
Some people just like to see new faces, others like to keep things as they are... it's just a matter of taste.
I like the idea of Ness serving as a Lucas costume, but one can never tell what Sakurai will do. I would hate to choose one over the other....
but I might choose Lucas...

Yea, but I kinda see the Earthbound series as totally different games. Much like how people view the FF series. See I would like to see all three Mother reps. Ness to rep Earthbound, Lucas to rep Mother3, and Claus to rep (don't look if you're going to play Mother3 ever)
the villains in the series

Three reps altogether, maybe even two and two with the addition of Paula, Jeff, or Poo from Earthbound.

I think I'm just scared to see the little guy go. He was so great in SSB64, and then Sakurai did him a great injustice in Melee. I would hate for him to have to leave on a sour note, especially if Lucas doesn't take up his moveset and that type of fighting style just falls into nothingness.

Ness, Lucas, and Claus 4 Brawl!!! (and maybe Poo too!)
No way that MOTHER will get 4. Yes, it would be cool, but I don't see that ever happening. Lucas is basically confirmed, leaving at least one spot. I say Claus, some say Ness. If they are putting a heavier emphasis on M3, then expect another MOTHER rep to come from M3. If anything, Paula, Jeff, or Poo might make it in as ATs--which, all things considered, wouldn't be so bad.

I feel for you, though. Ness was awesome back in the day, and I loved the little guy to death. It's too bad the way things went in Melee, so we'll have to wait and see what Sakurai does with the series in Brawl. :ohwell:


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
No way that MOTHER will get 4. Yes, it would be cool, but I don't see that ever happening. Lucas is basically confirmed, leaving at least one spot. I say Claus, some say Ness. If they are putting a heavier emphasis on M3, then expect another MOTHER rep to come from M3. If anything, Paula, Jeff, or Poo might make it in as ATs--which, all things considered, wouldn't be so bad.

I feel for you, though. Ness was awesome back in the day, and I loved the little guy to death. It's too bad the way things went in Melee, so we'll have to wait and see what Sakurai does with the series in Brawl. :ohwell:
Yes, I see what you mean. Four is a bit much for the Mother series. I had totally forgotten that I predicted Paula, Jeff, and/or Poo as ATs a long time ago, too. Lolz. Mother3 will definitely get the nod to rep the Mother series, but it's still a tricky situation with that, what with Earthbound still being the only international Mother game.

The only way I'll be happy if we're left Ness-less, is if Lucas takes Ness' moveset (with a few alterations I'm sure). And a Ness alternate costume would be a nice touch.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
I absolutely agree. Starfox can be a good series at times and it has been running fairly long. It's not as great as the LOZ or Mario series, but it's good enough to have a small handful of characters. Especially if the characters can turn out well and be very diverse from the rest of the roster.

No, but in the LOZ series you can have so much more than that.
I was talking about Melee. For Brawl:

Link (same as above); Zelda (same as above); Ganondorf (same as above); CSLink: a younger hero with a very different look but the same weapon; and WL+Midna: the Hero's "animal within" form, plus a very powerful magician.

**** starfox.....MORE DK CHARACTERS!!!
Screw both...more ZELDA characters!


Twighlight_hero-lol, I was too lazy to coment again. On the bottom of that post I mentioned my comp froze and I lost it. In the remaining part (that I didn't bother with again) I comented a few things. All good things really.
Yes, good update. I was hoping for this but this make work better then I was thinking. I would like to have each character with possibly a different effect though, One metal, one invisible fighting eachother type of thing. Either way it's cool.

Mmm...I never liked Invisible Melee...I gave myself away by pulling out so many bombs...

Dark Samus is WAY different than Samus. Pick up MP2 and see what me and Rhyme are talking about.
MP3 Spoiler:
And now that DS has a ghost/doppleganger/spirit ability, he could have one wicked-sick-nasty FS. It would actually work better if that thing was a scout, because then you could play as DS while his ghost flew around and attacked with you, like a personal AT. (I havn't completed the game, but this is just what I see from only having just beaten the 2nd hunter. Don't spoil anything for me.)

And I don't see why Starfox couldn't have four reps. It's not a dead series like Mother, which people want at least 6 reps from. They still produce games and some of them are pretty good. Why can't it have just two more?
Oh, GOD, my fingers are itching to highlight that spoiler and read it...but I won't, 'cause I'll probably actually play the game now...

I suppose you're right. And after Sakurai made PT, I've lost all hope that I can predict what he'll do with this game.

And what about Ness!? How could you not want him back!? I don't even know you anymore Aeris!!! :mad:
I never had any clue what Sakurai would do with the game...

Yes, I see what you mean. Four is a bit much for the Mother series. I had totally forgotten that I predicted Paula, Jeff, and/or Poo as ATs a long time ago, too. Lolz. Mother3 will definitely get the nod to rep the Mother series, but it's still a tricky situation with that, what with Earthbound still being the only international Mother game.

The only way I'll be happy if we're left Ness-less, is if Lucas takes Ness' moveset (with a few alterations I'm sure). And a Ness alternate costume would be a nice touch.
Am I the only one here who cares not about Ness and all the other Mother characters? I don't even like the item much.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Yes, I see what you mean. Four is a bit much for the Mother series. I had totally forgotten that I predicted Paula, Jeff, and/or Poo as ATs a long time ago, too. Lolz. Mother3 will definitely get the nod to rep the Mother series, but it's still a tricky situation with that, what with Earthbound still being the only international Mother game.

The only way I'll be happy if we're left Ness-less, is if Lucas takes Ness' moveset (with a few alterations I'm sure). And a Ness alternate costume would be a nice touch.
I agree with you on the Ness thing having him not return, and Lucas taking his place that would indeed be for the best, but I say instead of a few modification of ness's moves why not a whole new moveset, wouldn't you agree? after all he is a different character so why not, but it would be nice if we at least saw paula as an assist which btw is very possible


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
lol ^^ you don't like the Frankbadge cause it totally ****s over Link and you don't like invisibility cause it...well, the same reason.
That's pretty funny.

Now that I hear who Claus IS, I'd like to see him in Brawl. I had no idea he was so important! And if there were three, and Lucas had Ness altern costume, wouldn't Kamutora (or however you spell it) a good pick for a third rep? She's just like Paula and Poo combined right?

So is it final that the Mother and Star Fox series are roughly the same value and should be credited with 3 reps each? Or Mother gets 2?

What does Mother series "really" deserve for/as reps in Brawl?
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
Oh My F***ing Gawd!!!! Its The F***ing Ics!!!!!! Yes Hahahahahaha

EDIT: now that im first to know and say it, whoo hoo! hahah thats one check off my top 10 i want in Brawl

10. Tom Nook 9. ICs (f***ing check hahaha)
8. Ephraim (small hope now...) 7. Lucario (50/50 IMO now...)
6. Ridely 5. Krystal
4. Marth 3. Megaman
2. Sonic 1. CS Link

hmm something new?
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
It could be, ylink_underestimated, that the second Ice Climber is automatically more behind this time...<_< >_>
it could be, or it could not be. u never know. Sakurai is being hella unpredictable (freakin MINDGAMES!!!) i just want to keep my hopes up cuz the Wobbling was fun to do on other people. not really on me, tho. its like the people who liked to use Peach's DSmash against others but hated it when used against you...
Sakurai does say that Nana is automatically mirroring after, but he doesnt say how long...the pic with the Blizzard is a bit strange, but then Nana's mallet during the Taunt looks like it did in Melee (maybe they intended to mess with the vB) who knows lets just wait n see until freakin Dec. 3rd which wont come any faster


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
My guess is that Ice Climbers are confirmed! [jk] :grin:

Anyways, intresting analysis. Definitely intresting, and it could very well be true. Good observation skills ylink underestimated, we underestimated you! ;) :grin: :)


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Well, that's pretty cool*.

I like the Icies... they were actually my first mains and I loved them so much... until I used them SO much that I got SO bored of them that I NEVER touched them again. XD

It's a pity they didn't get the visual make-over I had hoped for. Ah well.

Either way, the Icies RAWK.
Good luck in the Brawl, my old friends!

*Pun not intended.
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
My guess is that Ice Climbers are confirmed! [jk] :grin:

Anyways, intresting analysis. Definitely intresting, and it could very well be true. Good observation skills ylink underestimated, we underestimated you! ;) :grin: :)
aahaha thanks. its just like that new pic with the both of them waving: intro poses anyone? maybe not so as to smash immediately like in Melee...but they might be really short or something.
its like my observation in the Smash Icon Discovery thread that basically confirms GnW (but we all know that the lovable WTF!!! character would return (but IMO Pichu was the WTF!!! character, cuz it was so emo after every attack that i was like WTF!!!))
n u Sir John have been uh...N-Knighted? baah cant think of one better at the moment

Edit: Prof. Pro - geez everyone hates getting Wobbled hahaha


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
I'm going to destroy Brawl with those two. Just you watch.

On a side note, I'm just joking.

But really? Watch the **** out.
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