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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Journeyman
Aug 4, 2007
Houston, TX
Does anyone else feel that there will be glitches with Ike throwing his sword up? Possibly a stuck hitbox?
or something? because it seems likely that because he is throwing the sword and he is supposed to grab it back but if someone could disrupt him the sword might still be stuck in the air.

Ahahaha that would be pretty funny and yet it if that were to happen it would get pretty annoying

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
uh...but the people you love do...Do you really want that?

Gwen Stacey...1973 along with the silver age of comic books...

Then again, this made comic books worth what they are today...

P.S. Just because you can't die doesn't mean you can kill them!
Classic. Also, cigarettes are trouble.

Dude, rAt, if you were on more, this wouldn't happen to you...
True, but in taking the time to reread all of the posts, I realized that (aside from some interesting edge-guarding and the question of Ike/sword becoming encorporeal to go through platforms), I didn't really miss much. That's the upside of this thread being ridiculously repetitive.
Also, let's face it, I (supposedly) have better things to do than check here every hour or two. :p

Dynamism, I disagree regarding replacing Link with Link. After all, we've got one. We don't have any Midnas. How many Links do we need? Personally, I'm okay with one Link, and I know I'm not alone.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Dynamism, I disagree regarding replacing Link with Link. After all, we've got one. We don't have any Midnas. How many Links do we need? Personally, I'm okay with one Link, and I know I'm not alone.
Agreed. I know that Fawriel will want to kill me (sorry, bud!), but I'd much rather take Link, Zelda, Gdorf and Midna over the former three and WWLink. I dislike WWLink for the same reason that I disliked YLink, Doc, and Pichu: they're too similar to me. Doc was just kind of a nice joke, but YLink and Pichu were, in my opinions, poor choices. Why represent the Zelda series with TWO Links when they could have just as easily included Skull Kid? Saria? Tingle, even? The same thing goes with Pichu. The Pokémon series offers a myriad of possible characters: Meowth, Blaziken, Hitmonchan, Croconaw, Alakazam, etc. The possibilities are almost endless. It just seems like a waste to pick two versions of the same character, regardless of how (allegedly) different the two may be, when there are plenty of other viable characters.

(How does this topic keep coming up? It's like the dead horse from Rodya's nightmare. No matter what he does, those drunk hooligans keep flogging the thing and trying to make it pull the blasted cart.)


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Awe aah...you did not just make a ***** joke. :psycho: ((Good job.))

What do you plan to DO about it? Lol. But seriously, there are similarities, whether or not you want to admit it is something else entirely. I'll agree that it looks, and appears to perform, a great deal like Kirby's, but the similarities end there.

Marth is the one who gets rediculous vertical recovery in a straight, quick shot. He has Strong initial knockback, which it appears Ike does as well (and we know Kirby does not). Even if it is a combination of moves, this is all that is required.

The only character to get an upB change so far is Yoshi, but he NEEDED an upB change in the worst possible way. Every other character, from Smash64 to Melee, retained their upB animation and the majority of the move's effectiveness. We've already seen a select few upBs remain the same (Fox, Peach, Pikachu, Link) which gives me moderately sturdy ground to say that, unless a character was in desperate need of a new upB, it will remain relatively unchanged.

There is no logical reason to make two characters have the same upB AND, since we know Mr. Sakurai doesn't plan to change his own creation, I conclude that the upB move, of Ike, is modeled after none other than Marth himself. Combine this upB design with the myriad of other similarities between the characters - extra weight added to the end of the sword for a deadly "tipper" attack, the graceful movements and powerful postures, blustering blue hair and flowing cape (Oh yes, I went there.) - I'm thinking Ike is modeled after Marth in more ways than one and, if anything else, similar to Marth in enough ways that it would suggest the character's removal from Smash.

So, while I do not deny the similarities between Kirby's and Ike's recovery moves, I would not go so far as to say that similarities don't exist between other characters either.

EDIT: Haha, OK, so that was a HUGE stretch. Ike just seems like a nice combination of Marth and Roy, which makes it difficult for me to sit here and not think that something suspicious is going on. I know I'll laugh my actual arse off if Marth doesn't make it, especially with everyone so convinced that he will.
Come on Rhyme. Have you ever even played Melee? Marth's uB causes Marth to jump at about a 70* angle with his sword extended knocking them away and then he floats gently down. Kirby goes straight up and down attacking the whole way through and carrying his opponent (though in SSB64 he was able to slide which was a better system (that I hope they bring back for Brawl)).

Kirby's uB and Ike's uB can basically be explained in the same words. How can you argue?

No one is saying that Kirby's uB will be changed at all to accomodate Ike, I feel there are significant differences between the two. Also, I don't think Marth will be eliminated from the roster at all. The only thing we've that could possibly hint to the removal of Marth is the chargable neutral B, and even that, I feel, is more suited for the idea of replacing Roy than Marth.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
Come on Rhyme. Have you ever even played Melee? Marth's uB causes Marth to jump at about a 70* angle with his sword extended knocking them away and then he floats gently down. Kirby goes straight up and down attacking the whole way through and carrying his opponent (though in SSB64 he was able to slide which was a better system (that I hope they bring back for Brawl)).

Kirby's uB and Ike's uB can basically be explained in the same words. How can you argue?

No one is saying that Kirby's uB will be changed at all to accomodate Ike, I feel there are significant differences between the two. Also, I don't think Marth will be eliminated from the roster at all. The only thing we've that could possibly hint to the removal of Marth is the chargable neutral B, and even that, I feel, is more suited for the idea of replacing Roy than Marth.
Exactly, listen to this dude ****it ^

@Rat: I'm still for WWLink though lol, he'd be cool anyway!


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Okay, so its from a ways back, but I just read your quote. It's from Futurama, and it's spoken by Bender to the Robot Devil in The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings. One of my favorite episodes, btw. And yes, I am an incredible nerd.

I don't even know how to begin to understand what you just said.
Haha, but that's OK, I love a guy who knows his stuff. ^^ And...it wasn't THAT hard to understand, was it? ((Don't read too much into that, as is factory warranty.))

But theres so many cooler characters to sample from, instead of a younger version of a Link they already have they could put in Skull kid, Wolf Link/Midna, Vaati, Mask Salesman (?), the list goes on.

But don't get me wrong, I play my fair share of young link and wouldn't mind him in brawl, just with a hylian shield and the MM kokiri sword. I still think WW link would be lame.
It's your own stupid fault for bringing up the fact that you smoke. Even so, I can sympathize with your struggle against the pressure from the masses. Don't give this person a hard time, really, it will all be just dandy.

Also, let's face it, I (supposedly) have better things to do than check here every hour or two. :p
Nice way to majorly own the majority. (Myself included...sometimes...kinda depends, I do leave often.)

Why represent the Zelda series with TWO Links when they could have just as easily included Skull Kid?

(How does this topic keep coming up? It's like the dead horse from Rodya's nightmare. No matter what he does, those drunk hooligans keep flogging the thing and trying to make it pull the blasted cart.)
I'm fairly certain that Young Link was a last minute decision, and was done thusly so because a differnet Zelda representative wasn't already in the works for Melee. Had the devs any single other Zelda character already made, it would have replaced Young Link. Look at it this way: if Nintendo plans to give Zelda four representatives in Brawl, YL probably won't be one of them.

Did you come up with that on your own? Excuse my potential ignorance, I am unfamiliar with the subject matter.

Come on Rhyme. Have you ever even played Melee?

Kirby's uB and Ike's uB can basically be explained in the same words. How can you argue?

No one is saying that Kirby's uB will be changed at all to accomodate Ike, I feel there are significant differences between the two.
Yes, I have played it competitively for a short while now.

I realize my statement wasn't logically accurate (Luigi's isn't even logically accurate, technically speaking), however, it was relatively accurate. Why italicization? Relative to other moves. Think about it; only the upBs of Luigi, Yoshi, Kirby, and Jigglypuff have less horizontal recovery, which means that Marth, in comparison to the majority of the Melee cast, has horrible horizontal recovery. I was merely using overembelishing adjectives, making the effect sound grander, for argument's sake, than it normally would have.

These two sentences, two of your ideas, contradict one another. On the one had, you stick with your own theory, insisting that I have no argument. In the other, you agree with my statement, which produces the following interpretation: Ike's upB can most accurately be compared to that of Kirby and Marth, and since we know Sakurai won't change his own creation, we are left with nothing but to assume that the upB in question has been modeled after the "runner-up" choice, Marth.

Exactly, listen to this dude ****it ^
Heh! But bikcering is oh so much more fun.

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
@Rat: I'm still for WWLink though lol, he'd be cool anyway!
Fair enough.

Haha, but that's OK, I love a guy who knows his stuff. ^^ And...it wasn't THAT hard to understand, was it? ((Don't read too much into that, as is factory warranty.))

Nice way to majorly own the majority. (Myself included...sometimes...kinda depends, I do leave often.)
If only the rest of the ladies shared your sensibilities. Also, I'm slow today.

I've never been a big fan of the majority. But for the record, I said supposedly.

I'm fairly certain that Young Link was a last minute decision, and was done thusly so because a differnet Zelda representative wasn't already in the works for Melee. Had the devs any single other Zelda character already made, it would have replaced Young Link. Look at it this way: if Nintendo plans to give Zelda four representatives in Brawl, YL probably won't be one of them.

Did you come up with that on your own? Excuse my potential ignorance, I am unfamiliar with the subject matter.

Yes, I have played it competitively for a short while now.
You speak the words that were in my head regarding Y.Link.
What are you ignorant about now?

...and since we know Sakurai won't change his own creation, we are left with nothing but to assume that the upB in question has been modeled after the "runner-up" choice, Marth.

Heh! But bikcering is oh so much more fun.
I hate to disagree, but Sakurai did totally screw Kirby from SSB to Melee. But it certainly is more fun to bicker.

Hmm. So I followed Twilight_hero's advice, and now nobody's here. I just don't feel the love right now.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Okay, so its from a ways back, but I just read your quote. It's from Futurama, and it's spoken by Bender to the Robot Devil in The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings. One of my favorite episodes, btw. And yes, I am an incredible nerd.
OMG! I never thought I'd meet someone that knew as much Futurama as me. You might even know more than me...
I can't believe I skipped that quote because I totally would have known that too. That's when Fry wants robot hands so he can play the Holophoner for Leela, so Bender and Fry go to the Robot Devil, and then he spins a wheel with all of the robot's names on it. (BTW, I'm such a nerd I have all the DVDs for Futurama, and I paused it while it was spinning so I could read all of the names on that wheel, some good ones on there like Coilette.) Whoever it got would get their hands replaced with Fry's and it turned out to be the Robot Devil himself.
That episode also happens to be one of my favourites since it was the last one they made... until now they're making 4 DVDs of movies for Futurama for 2008 (except one for late November, I have two things to look forward to this late Fall, yay)

Also.... Fry = Billy West
Bender = John DiMaggio
Robot Devil = Dan Castellaneta
Sorry, I just had to say that...;)

On topic: I think that since there are quite a few characters that have other characters that are actually the same person (Mario=Doc, Link=YLink, etc.) I think they should have them as alternate costumes.
Personally, I think YLink is SO important to the Zelda series, let alone Nintendo all together that they can't leave him out.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 10, 2005
Hmph....Pew Lasers Mutha Fuka
So is Sheik and Ganon in or still a rumor..... cause IGN just posted a article that clearly states

"This past week has seen the official introduction of The Subspace Emissary, the game's new Adventure Mode – as well as the reconfirmation of Princess Peach through the video that accompanied that blog post, and the reconfirmation of Sheik and Ganondorf through a recent interview with Nintendo's Zelda series master, Eiji Aonuma."


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2007
Aww... unfair Ike is blocking/countering(?) Pit's Final Smash. I wouldve thought that Pit would have a Final Smash involving arrows though...like arrows would shoot everywhere on the screen or something.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
You guys are all off base with eachother lol
At least the little dudes shoot arrows...
I don't care about an altern costume of YLink, he is important...so he should be in Brawl somehow. Not as an altern for Link though, WWLink possible but still...



Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Yes, I have played it competitively for a short while now.

I realize my statement wasn't logically accurate (Luigi's isn't even logically accurate, technically speaking), however, it was relatively accurate. Why italicization? Relative to other moves. Think about it; only the upBs of Luigi, Yoshi, Kirby, and Jigglypuff have less horizontal recovery, which means that Marth, in comparison to the majority of the Melee cast, has horrible horizontal recovery. I was merely using overembelishing adjectives, making the effect sound grander, for argument's sake, than it normally would have.

These two sentences, two of your ideas, contradict one another. On the one had, you stick with your own theory, insisting that I have no argument. In the other, you agree with my statement, which produces the following interpretation: Ike's upB can most accurately be compared to that of Kirby and Marth, and since we know Sakurai won't change his own creation, we are left with nothing but to assume that the upB in question has been modeled after the "runner-up" choice, Marth.
Actually, I appologize. I should have worded those sentences differently.
("Kirby's uB and Ike's uB can basically be explained in the same words. How can you argue?;
; No one is saying that Kirby's uB will be changed at all to accomodate Ike, I feel there are significant differences between the two.)

What I SHOULD have said is:
(Kirby's uB and Ike's uB can basically be explained generally, in by practically usingthe same words. How can you argue?;
; No one is saying that Kirby's uB will be changed at all to accomodate Ike, and though they are very similar, I feel there are significant differences between the two.)

Also, I should have added (right inbetween those two sentences there):
Marth and Ike's uB can only be compared using a refference to their vertical leap.

But, believe what you want. Live a lie if you must, Rhyme. I know when the game comes out you'll see the error of you ways.
(In the words of my girlfriend) ";) Jusss' kiddinnnn'!" {smooch on the cheek}


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
This is where the huge Zelda fan (and YL mainer) steps in to kick both your faces in.

...Dynamism, I disagree regarding replacing Link with Link. After all, we've got one. We don't have any Midnas. How many Links do we need? Personally, I'm okay with one Link, and I know I'm not alone.[/COLOR][/FONT]
If Midna comes, she will be accompanied my WL. Almost assuredly. And I'm not saying we need lots of Links...just that as Zelda is a hugely popular series, it makes sense to have lots of Hylians, because the roster of available characters is so huge. Link, Zelda, Ganon, and YL were the first to explore the world of Smash; Vaati, WL, FDLink, and the Skull Kid could be next. Same goes for Pokemon. I'm glad Kirby's getting more rep now. There aren't too many Mario characters, as it is a platformer, but they came up with four that are exclusively from Mario games, plus three others who are counted as Mario characters, in Melee. But they do need more Kirby characters, and Pokemon too. The four main Melee franchises(Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Pokemon) except for Kirby's all got at least four representations in Melee, and if Brawl is going to be bigger and better than Melee, it'll probably have more rep from more franchises.

Hmm...I don't even remember how I got there. Anyway, as for "How many Links do we need?" I think I'd be fine with Link and a version of YL. I wouldn't die without WL, but I'd gladly accept him too. Three at the very most.

Agreed. I know that Fawriel will want to kill me (sorry, bud!), but I'd much rather take Link, Zelda, Gdorf and Midna over the former three and WWLink. I dislike WWLink for the same reason that I disliked YLink, Doc, and Pichu: they're too similar to me. Doc was just kind of a nice joke, but YLink and Pichu were, in my opinions, poor choices. Why represent the Zelda series with TWO Links when they could have just as easily included Skull Kid? Saria? Tingle, even? The same thing goes with Pichu. The Pokémon series offers a myriad of possible characters: Meowth, Blaziken, Hitmonchan, Croconaw, Alakazam, etc. The possibilities are almost endless. It just seems like a waste to pick two versions of the same character, regardless of how (allegedly) different the two may be, when there are plenty of other viable characters.
Link, Zelda, Gdorf, and Midna will mean the inclusion of WL, because there's no way Midna's coming without him, as they were never separate. If you're saying WWL would be too similar to YL who in turn is too similar to Link, he doesn't have to be. YL and WWL are two different characters. They have different arsenals, and two very different games. Why should WWL be just a cel-shaded clone of YL when he could be something so very different and (though it's hard for me to say this) so much better? I will be glad to see the back of Doc and Pichu, but if YL goes, another version should replace him IMO. The reason they represented the Zelda series with two Links is because a) YL was a huge part of OoT and starred in his own game, MM; in fact he is the most common Link, unless we're talking about fighting games and not LoZ games, and b) Miyamoto (or someone) wanted him in. I agree, I don't like clones, except for YL (which is why I hated Ganon. He could have been so much more than an effing clone of CF), and as there won't be any in this time around (Sakuai said that, right?), YL would probably be WWL or MMLink. Both of which I support and have made movesets for.

I'll leave all this Pokemon talk to the experts, who actually like the games...
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
very well put Twilight, wen people say WWLink is just going to end up being another Link clone, it annoys me alot. IMO, only the sword attacks of Link and WWLink will be similar, not the same, SIMILAR. and very true about Ganon, i kinda got pissed off wen i unlocked him (years ago) n found out he was a CFalcon clone. CF is cool n all but, theyre from different series n it pissed me off.

n how come nobody answers my idea about Zamus' Final Smash? its not really that stupid of an idea, but it kinda makes sense: Since Samus' FS loses her armor to the Zero Lazer, would Zamus' FS (if she gets one) put it back on? Before i saw that Samus' FS was the Zero Lazer from the trailer, i thought it would be the Phazon Beam. maybe the Phazon Beam could somehow put the armor back on?


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Madison, WI
All of the colors are starting to hurt my eyes....

Ylink is great, we all know it. But, they put a revamped TP Link in brawl, and we can only hope that he is better since Melee. So wouldn't it make sense to leave Ylink out and put in a a much more diverse character. Say, MM Skull Kid for instance, I think he has a decent chance of being in brawl, But that could be countered by saying that link has a TP outfit and so does Zelda, therefor it is a reasonable inference that all of the characters are going to be from TP....Which brings Zants chances right back up there with Ylink.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Did you come up with that on your own? Excuse my potential ignorance, I am unfamiliar with the subject matter.
I take solace in the fact that YLink won't be in Brawl.

Sadly, though, I did not come up with that simile on my own. It's just an allusion to Dostoevsky's Crime And Punishment, one of my FAVORITE books of all time. It's a wonderful novel; I highly recommend it.

(And don't feel bad: no one caught my West Side Story reference yesterday. ;) )

Link, Zelda, Gdorf, and Midna will mean the inclusion of WL, because there's no way Midna's coming without him, as they were never separate. If you're saying WWL would be too similar to YL who in turn is too similar to Link, he doesn't have to be. YL and WWL are two different characters. They have different arsenals, and two very different games. Why should WWL be just a cel-shaded clone of YL when he could be something so very different and (though it's hard for me to say this) so much better? I will be glad to see the back of Doc and Pichu, but if YL goes, another version should replace him IMO. The reason they represented the Zelda series with two Links is because a) YL was a huge part of OoT and starred in his own game, MM; in fact he is the most common Link, unless we're talking about fighting games and not LoZ games, and b) Miyamoto (or someone) wanted him in. I agree, I don't like clones, except for YL (which is why I hated Ganon. He could have been so much more than an effing clone of CF), and as there won't be any in this time around (Sakuai said that, right?), YL would probably be WWL or MMLink. Both of which I support and have made movesets for.
I don't have a problem with Wolf Link & Midna as a dual character, just so long as Midna is included on Brawl's playable roster. Midna was not ALWAYS with WL, as she would occasionally move about of her own free will (cutscenes and the like, etc.), but I see what you're saying.

The problem with WWLink is that, while he does have potential to be an original character, there is no guarantee. While clones should be a thing of the past, no one has said that the concept of cloning will not return this time around. Sakurai never announced the removal of clones; he just confirmed that not all of the characters in Melee would be returning for Brawl.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
Saki did say they will be removing the clones...
Who cares anyway, people loved Ganon as a clone, and they loved CFalcon as a clone...so what's the big deal?
I ****ing hate em'

WWLink was in how many games?
Midna (WLink) were in how many games
How important is it to have Zant?

Link Zelda Ganondorf Midna Sheik WWLink YLink Zant
those are our best chances

WLink WWLink YLink
there will be at least ONE possibly more, WWLink seems like a good fit to replace YLink but YLink "could" possibly return with a new moveset if he REALLY needed to. WLink would bring in Midna.I personnaly would like YLink back in action. Midna is 50/50 with me, she'll probably be in but not counted as the "replacement Link" and if Ylink leaves, he WILL be replaced with WWLink. I think WWLink is in


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Saki did say they will be removing the clones...
Who cares anyway, people loved Ganon as a clone, and they loved CFalcon as a clone...so what's the big deal?

WWLink was in how many games?
Midna (WLink) were in how many games
How important is it to have Zant?

Link Zelda Ganondorf Midna Sheik WWLink YLink Zant
those are our best chances
No no no... this is a common misconception. Mario, CFal, Fox, Link, Pikachu, and Marth are the originals. Doc, Ganon, Falco, YLink, Pichu, and Roy are the clones. Being cloned doesn't make you a clone. And you go by who shows up first (ex.> Marth before Roy, even though both are unlocked you need Marth to get Roy)

Ummm... let's see here.
Midna w/o WLink (or, adversely, WLink w/o Midna) and Zant only have one game: Twilight Princess
WWLink only has one game: Wind Waker! Lolz fools. We want Cel-Shaded Link (CSLink)! Not just WWLink.
But let's see... CSLink has: Wind Waker, 4Swords, Minish Cap, 4Swords Adventure, and Phantom Hourglass.

I don't think Zant has much of a chance of making it into Brawl, but I feel the other major force in the Zelda games does: The Evil Mage Vaati. He's been the main antagonist in two Zelda games so far (4Swords and the Minish Cap) and the secondary antagonist in another (4Swords Adventure). I feel Vaati would make a great addition and deserves teh spot.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I believe WWLink has a 75% chance of making it, but personally I would rather see Skull Kid instead of YLink unless of course he had a totally new moveset but other than that I wouldn't want YLink to come back


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
@Dyce: asking how many games they've been in was a joke. Zant is totally out!
CSLink is what we should be saying but WWLink is the same thing so what ev' :)
By CFalcon being a clone I meant that they were the same, which they were.
If Falcon wasnt' there, would we all like Ganon more? I think when they "declone" Ganon, he'll take alot of moves with him, Falcon will have a bigger change going into Brawl than expected...
How many games has Skullkid been in?

again, joking...he's not in (would be cool I admit but no)


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
My God...you guys post too much. Allow some of us who aren't on this thread all the time the chance to read some ****, eh?

And I like Pit's FS. Cool cool...

I also laughed out loud when Sakurai said that the Pit music was composed of songs that he thought everyone would recognize and then right after that told us it was of the Game Over music and the Grim Reaper theme. Yes, Sakurai, we know; the game was REALLY EFFIN' HARD.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
Houston, TX
since they are using twilight princess link version for brawl, does that mean his sword is a little longer than before? I mean the master sword was freakin long in twilight princess

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Well, Chansen and Aeris did a pretty good job of saying most of what I was going to say. I have a few things to add though.

This is where the huge Zelda fan (and YL mainer) steps in to kick both your faces in.

If Midna comes, she will be accompanied my WL. Almost assuredly. And I'm not saying we need lots of Links...just that as Zelda is a hugely popular series, it makes sense to have lots of Hylians, because the roster of available characters is so huge. Link, Zelda, Ganon, and YL were the first to explore the world of Smash; Vaati, WL, FDLink, and the Skull Kid could be next. Same goes for Pokemon. I'm glad Kirby's getting more rep now. There aren't too many Mario characters, as it is a platformer, but they came up with four that are exclusively from Mario games, plus three others who are counted as Mario characters, in Melee. But they do need more Kirby characters, and Pokemon too. The four main Melee franchises(Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Pokemon) except for Kirby's all got at least four representations in Melee, and if Brawl is going to be bigger and better than Melee, it'll probably have more rep from more franchises.

Hmm...I don't even remember how I got there. Anyway, as for "How many Links do we need?" I think I'd be fine with Link and a version of YL. I wouldn't die without WL, but I'd gladly accept him too. Three at the very most.

Link, Zelda, Gdorf, and Midna will mean the inclusion of WL, because there's no way Midna's coming without him, as they were never separate. If you're saying WWL would be too similar to YL who in turn is too similar to Link, he doesn't have to be. YL and WWL are two different characters. They have different arsenals, and two very different games. Why should WWL be just a cel-shaded clone of YL when he could be something so very different and (though it's hard for me to say this) so much better? I will be glad to see the back of Doc and Pichu, but if YL goes, another version should replace him IMO. The reason they represented the Zelda series with two Links is because a) YL was a huge part of OoT and starred in his own game, MM; in fact he is the most common Link, unless we're talking about fighting games and not LoZ games, and b) Miyamoto (or someone) wanted him in. I agree, I don't like clones, except for YL (which is why I hated Ganon. He could have been so much more than an effing clone of CF), and as there won't be any in this time around (Sakuai said that, right?), YL would probably be WWL or MMLink. Both of which I support and have made movesets for.

I'll leave all this Pokemon talk to the experts, who actually like the games...
First off, I kinda wanna revive the Zelda Timeline Theory Thread from a few years back and see just how big a fan you are. :p Wouldn't be the same without DYL and firaga, though...

Anyhow, like Aeris, I don't see why Midna couldn't function on her own without Wolf Link. Granted that is the context we've seen her most in, but before SSB we didn't see a whole lot of C. Falcon without his racer or Fox without his ship.

I am going to humbly disagree and say 1 Link at the most. Why? Same reason I think we only need one Samus. Same reason I think we only need one Mario. Over time, every Nintendo character that has been around more than a year or two has gone through many variations, and I don't think these variations need to be represented. While it is true that continuitywise each Link is a sepparate character, they are each based on the same idea; a reluctant hero who wears green, carries a sword and shield, and uses an arsenol of weapons to fight Ganon/dorf and save Hyrule and/or Princess Zelda. I mean, each game features a different variation of Zelda as well, but we don't need more than one of her do we?

Not only that, but I honestly think we don't need more than one or two characters per franchise anyways. I mean, sure there are a lot of characters to choose from in the Zelda series, but Nintendo has been in the gaming business for over twenty years, and there are plenty of completely untapped properties that could be harnessed without dipping into the same bowl over and over again. I've said it a million times, but it's true, Smash Bros. is a Nintendo character bloodbath, not Mario vs. Zelda vs. Pokemon.

By the way (and I've flogged this horse quite a bit as well), there is no most common Link, because each Link is a new Link (well, each odd game, but there's aging to factor), and they are all different ages, ranging from 10 to 17, many (if not most) of those ages being closer to 17 than to 10. If you want references for that, go dig up the afor mentioned Zelda Timeline debate thread, as a list was made somewhere within (I believe with references). I'm not trying to get in your face or anything, it just irks me when people try and paint Y. Link as the more common of the two when he only appeared in two games.

very well put Twilight, wen people say WWLink is just going to end up being another Link clone, it annoys me alot. IMO, only the sword attacks of Link and WWLink will be similar, not the same, SIMILAR. and very true about Ganon, i kinda got pissed off wen i unlocked him (years ago) n found out he was a CFalcon clone. CF is cool n all but, theyre from different series n it pissed me off.

n how come nobody answers my idea about Zamus' Final Smash? its not really that stupid of an idea, but it kinda makes sense: Since Samus' FS loses her armor to the Zero Lazer, would Zamus' FS (if she gets one) put it back on? Before i saw that Samus' FS was the Zero Lazer from the trailer, i thought it would be the Phazon Beam. maybe the Phazon Beam could somehow put the armor back on?
That is a good point about C.Falcon/Gannondorf, however, the mere fact that the movements and actions of Link in Wind Waker were patterned off of the Link in OoT would tend to suggest otherwise. Granted they did have varying arsonals by comparison to one another, but so did Mario and Dr. Mario, and by comparson to any Non-Zelda character, or even any Non-Link character their similarities are huge..

Sorry to pick on you Y.Link/WW Link fans, and I certanly won't throw a fit if they make it in, I just don't see the need for either of them myself.

EDIT: ****it, that's the third time in a row with font and color problems.
EDIT2: My words exactly regarding the posting, Sensai.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
Houston, TX
longer sword = better
i just hope they can do something about the arrows and all of link moves. I mean you can crouch cancel almost all of this move


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
lol you're all so right, I don't think anything more has to be said. I mean "right" as in every side and angel of this topic has really been covered many times to the point where "points" are irrelevant. The truth is that we cannot draw to a conclusion here. What we need is a vote to see how many people are on who's (Links, Midna ect...) sides.

First off, at least for a little while, the cloning topic is officially DROPPED. This is not happening and we can all agree that nintendo is smart enough to address the clone situation. I would call it a problem but I'd rather have a clone than noone at all. It's a situation because it is a set back in the potential of the game. Brawl will have so much diversity that we won't be able to compare fighting tactics.

First off, look at what they're doing with the stages! They're all almost the same with a couple of platforms shifted here and there with occasionally changes in backround or the angel a platform tilts. The characters will be similar to that variation. Right now we can "almost" compare Ike and Kirby's UpB. The truth is, these confirmed characters are SO DIFFERENT that if these UpB's "were" EXACTLY the same, they would still be COMPLETELY different in terms of how they're used. But of course we all know that these moves ARE completely different to begin with. Expect to see MANY MANY similarities in SM or simply standard A moves or throws but NEVER will they come close enough to be considered "clones", even a single move.

This opens the fact that YLink CSLink AND Link could all be in this game and be completely different. Change their faces and colours and maybe their clothes (it doesn't effect their actions) and you would think their 3 swordsman from completely different games. Either one has a good chance and there's a good chance 1 will be in + Link, even if one is all we really need to be satisfied :Rat:

So far, Link has been in many screneshots and movie clips and there are many "important" qualities to his combat in melee that have been noticably changed. Bouncing is only one example :ylinkunder: watch him again in other scenes, you'd be surprised.

About their histories, who has the best chance? Ylink and SClink both have a good load of baggage and over the years they have changed alot but ARE all the same person. This being said, "Zamus and Samus" are both confirmed, who's to say there won't be 3 Links lol, jk
Seriously though

Ganon and C.Falcon may share many moves. Maybe not as close as Mario and Luigi (who will always be close) but many "Falgnon" moves fit them both well. Like the UpB, Dair or Bair. When Ganon switches over to Brawl, he will take a peice of C.Falcon with him. Remember, C.Falcon has almost a whole (now vacated) MS waiting for him at his ssb roots in 64. Those moves should make a come back to fill the void if anything, but mainly because they're his foundation. Maybe Ganon will take the FSmash and C.Falcon can resort to his FSmash in 64. It fits him better anyway.
Yes C.Falcon is a clone, half of his moves in melee were bran new and could very well have originated as moves for Ganon's creation!

P.S. I like posting alot BTW...maybe I'll try posting long one's and less shorties for a while...Just to see how it goes
Curtisy of Sensai and Rat lol
Seriously though

Edit: Links sword doesn't have to be any longer...What's wrong with crouch cancles?
He should have the ability to take out a bomb then shoot a bomb arrow or possibly just quicker release/charge to shoot


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
what do you mean though?
And yes Ganon's the clone, but C.Falcon had some moves (chances are) that were "cloned" from Ganon based moves...I'm not arguing persay, just noting possibilities

I'm glad we're drifting from the link topic, that's enough of that...lol

What would you change on C.Falcon is what I'd like to know...No one seems to coment on that and I'm sure there's something...even in the Falcon Thread they don't!?!?

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
... how come nobody answers my idea about Zamus' Final Smash? its not really that stupid of an idea, but it kinda makes sense: Since Samus' FS loses her armor to the Zero Lazer, would Zamus' FS (if she gets one) put it back on? Before i saw that Samus' FS was the Zero Lazer from the trailer, i thought it would be the Phazon Beam. maybe the Phazon Beam could somehow put the armor back on?
Given that Zamus is just Samus w/ out her armor, as activated by a Final Smash, is it even likely that she'll have a Final Smash of her own? After all, isn't there only one Smash Ball per match or something like that?

Dynamism, yay for short posts. In regards to C. Falcon, I'd like him to have a new move where he dies whenever he fights Pikachu. It would make my job a bit easier.
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