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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Apprentice
Aug 1, 2007
Zorg, CA
Why isn't:
Captain Falcon
Semi-Confirmed? Didn't Sakurai say all Original SSB64 characters are returning?


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Sorry to be picky, but that's not true. I have that game, and I can tell you that you unlock Diddy in the first level, Jungle Japes (or whatever it's called: I can't remember). He does fight Dogadon though, you got that right.
*tips hat* Ah, my apologies! I was thinking that Diddy and Lanky were unlocked in Angry Aztec; it was Tiny and Lanky. Kudos for knowing your stuff. (I liked DK64, too).

ylink_understimated, I don't think so. I can't see anyone's Final Smash being something as lame as dressing up.
Bahaha. :chuckle:

Why isn't:
Captain Falcon
Semi-Confirmed? Didn't Sakurai say all Original SSB64 characters are returning?

Actually, though, I don't recall Sakurai ever saying such a thing. In fact, he said something more along the lines of the opposite: not all of the characters from Melee will return for Brawl. Whether or not he plans to axe one of the unconfirmed four--the SSB64 secret characters, in case no one noticed--has yet to be seen.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
see...and i dont really expect this to happen, but it makes sense...
It makes sense yes...But "if" you can chose Zamus on the select screne, maybe it would be a little to...predictable and henceforth...lame. I'm sure there is something better...

Why isn't:
Captain Falcon
Semi-Confirmed? Didn't Sakurai say all Original SSB64 characters are returning?
lol, you did forget Luigi...
They will be back, don't worry bout it, Ness a C.Falcon have had items and what not already and Jiggs is just too cool to let go. Luigi is "important" in many ways and aside from all that...They were in ssb64. lol and why do they "have" to be semi-confirmed?

Whether or not he plans to axe one of the unconfirmed four has yet to be seen.
Yeah, if that happens...I'll expect a tantrum world wide lol
Seriously though, they're some of the most unique in the game!
Jiggs is the ultimate light weight air brawler, Falcon's the speed demon of strength, Ness is the magic little sized fighter and Luigi is just ****ed in all areas! (sliding, juming, ramdon B move, his survival)

Don't forget IC's and Peach, they will be the remaining starter vets...with Falcon and Ness, not Luigi or Jiggs...
I would've said Marth earlier but now Ike seems to be the "starter" FE char


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
I would be disappointed to see any of the four remaining originals get cut, but we may not know for a while. Since the one character per week theory has gone down the proverbial tubes, it is unclear as to when we might see the default roster fleshed out in its entirety.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
Mario, Kirby, Link, Pickachu, Fox, Zelda, Samus, Bowser, DK, Ness, Yoshi, IC's, Peach, Falcon

Those are the vets garanteed as confirmed but not officially "confirmed" starters...and my thought's on secrets...

Jiggly, Ganon, Luigi, Marth, Falco, Mewtwo

That's it, as for New Comers, ah! Who ****ing knows?!?!


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I have a strong feeling that the ICs won't be coming back to us. They just have too many glitches and infinites that may be unfixable. We already know of 2 or 3 infinites/glitches that they have, so the programmers will be definitely testing those to see if they can correct them. If they can't fix them, which wouldn't be the fault of the programmers but the fault of the games physics, then the ICs will be either totally nixed or severely nerfed in the areas that have the glitches/infinites. Those are the only answers to the IC puzzle. Well, either that or totally revamp the games physics engine...

Nope! Leave the physics as they are! Cut the ICs! (IMO)


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
I have a strong feeling that the ICs won't be coming back to us. They just have too many glitches and infinites that may be unfixable. We already know of 2 or 3 infinites/glitches that they have, so the programmers will be definitely testing those to see if they can correct them. If they can't fix them, which wouldn't be the fault of the programmers but the fault of the games physics, then the ICs will be either totally nixed or severely nerfed in the areas that have the glitches/infinites. Those are the only answers to the IC puzzle. Well, either that or totally revamp the games physics engine...

Nope! Leave the physics as they are! Cut the ICs! (IMO)
:( I would hate to see them leave, but it's an all-too real possibility. It's hard to imagine Sakurai cutting a character for which he had so much excitement, though. I can't say anything for sure, but I think that, with enough time, the programmers could probably work things out as far as the ICs go. They have had plenty of time on Brawl--compare that to the somewhat rushed development of Melee. We'll just have to wait and see what Sakurai has in store for us.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
:( I would hate to see them leave, but it's an all-too real possibility. It's hard to imagine Sakurai cutting a character for which he had so much excitement, though. I can't say anything for sure, but I think that, with enough time, the programmers could probably work things out as far as the ICs go. They have had plenty of time on Brawl--compare that to the somewhat rushed development of Melee. We'll just have to wait and see what Sakurai has in store for us.
Maybe, if they can't perfect the ICs this time, and if they do cut them out of this Smash that only means they have time to work on them for the next installment. I wouldn't doubt seeing ICs in a future release of the Smash series. They are a very good idea, and innovative as well.
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
I have a strong feeling that the ICs won't be coming back to us. They just have too many glitches and infinites that may be unfixable. We already know of 2 or 3 infinites/glitches that they have, so the programmers will be definitely testing those to see if they can correct them. If they can't fix them, which wouldn't be the fault of the programmers but the fault of the games physics, then the ICs will be either totally nixed or severely nerfed in the areas that have the glitches/infinites. Those are the only answers to the IC puzzle. Well, either that or totally revamp the games physics engine...

Nope! Leave the physics as they are! Cut the ICs! (IMO)
yea thats a good point. but if they cut out ICs because of their glitches, well to me thats like taking out wavedashing...cuz ICs glitches are banned from tournaments anywayz...yet i may be way off here because i just woke up:dizzy:
It makes sense yes...But "if" you can chose Zamus on the select screne, maybe it would be a little to...predictable and henceforth...lame. I'm sure there is something better...
d***, i forgot about select screen...yea it would be kinda lame. its just when i figured out u can only get to Zamus by using the FS, i thought that was kinda lame...


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
Ness might be replaced by Lucas you must always keep that in mind
Not happening... - covers ears - (eyes rather)

I have a strong feeling that the ICs won't be coming back to us. They just have too many glitches and infinites that may be unfixable. We already know of 2 or 3 infinites/glitches that they have, so the programmers will be definitely testing those to see if they can correct them. If they can't fix them, which wouldn't be the fault of the programmers but the fault of the games physics, then the ICs will be either totally nixed or severely nerfed in the areas that have the glitches/infinites. Those are the only answers to the IC puzzle. Well, either that or totally revamp the games physics engine...

Nope! Leave the physics as they are! Cut the ICs! (IMO)
I really don't understand what makes you beleive they will be out. They can get rid of the gimmicks, it can't be that hard. What's wrong with glitches and infinites in the first place??? Give me an example why they cause "problems" or whatever. There is no reason to remove them.

:( I would hate to see them leave, but it's an all-too real possibility. It's hard to imagine Sakurai cutting a character for which he had so much excitement, though. I can't say anything for sure, but I think that, with enough time, the programmers could probably work things out as far as the ICs go. They have had plenty of time on Brawl--compare that to the somewhat rushed development of Melee. We'll just have to wait and see what Sakurai has in store for us.
I still don't see why anything has to be "worked out"
The Ice Climbers are just special!!!

Maybe, if they can't perfect the ICs this time, and if they do cut them out of this Smash that only means they have time to work on them for the next installment. I wouldn't doubt seeing ICs in a future release of the Smash series. They are a very good idea, and innovative as well.
You said more things that encourage "IC's for Brawl", than you did in the previous ^^^ about "IC's out"
I'm liking the sound of "grow as you go" type of playing. After eight months...more characters are added to the game via extension download from the Wii Net!


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
Well, Chansen and Aeris did a pretty good job of saying most of what I was going to say. I have a few things to add though.

First off, I kinda wanna revive the Zelda Timeline Theory Thread from a few years back and see just how big a fan you are. :p Wouldn't be the same without DYL and firaga, though...

Anyhow, like Aeris, I don't see why Midna couldn't function on her own without Wolf Link. Granted that is the context we've seen her most in, but before SSB we didn't see a whole lot of C. Falcon without his racer or Fox without his ship.

I am going to humbly disagree and say 1 Link at the most. Why? Same reason I think we only need one Samus. Same reason I think we only need one Mario. Over time, every Nintendo character that has been around more than a year or two has gone through many variations, and I don't think these variations need to be represented. While it is true that continuitywise each Link is a sepparate character, they are each based on the same idea; a reluctant hero who wears green, carries a sword and shield, and uses an arsenol of weapons to fight Ganon/dorf and save Hyrule and/or Princess Zelda. I mean, each game features a different variation of Zelda as well, but we don't need more than one of her do we?

Not only that, but I honestly think we don't need more than one or two characters per franchise anyways. I mean, sure there are a lot of characters to choose from in the Zelda series, but Nintendo has been in the gaming business for over twenty years, and there are plenty of completely untapped properties that could be harnessed without dipping into the same bowl over and over again. I've said it a million times, but it's true, Smash Bros. is a Nintendo character bloodbath, not Mario vs. Zelda vs. Pokemon.

By the way (and I've flogged this horse quite a bit as well), there is no most common Link, because each Link is a new Link (well, each odd game, but there's aging to factor), and they are all different ages, ranging from 10 to 17, many (if not most) of those ages being closer to 17 than to 10. If you want references for that, go dig up the afor mentioned Zelda Timeline debate thread, as a list was made somewhere within (I believe with references). I'm not trying to get in your face or anything, it just irks me when people try and paint Y. Link as the more common of the two when he only appeared in two games.

That is a good point about C.Falcon/Gannondorf, however, the mere fact that the movements and actions of Link in Wind Waker were patterned off of the Link in OoT would tend to suggest otherwise. Granted they did have varying arsonals by comparison to one another, but so did Mario and Dr. Mario, and by comparson to any Non-Zelda character, or even any Non-Link character their similarities are huge..

Sorry to pick on you Y.Link/WW Link fans, and I certanly won't throw a fit if they make it in, I just don't see the need for either of them myself.

EDIT: ****it, that's the third time in a row with font and color problems.
EDIT2: My words exactly regarding the posting, Sensai.
Gotta argue there (the bolded part). While YL as opposed to adult Link has only appeared in two games, he is the Link that we see the most. Let me see...

LoZ: No certain age...
Z2: All right, he's sixteen (says so in the manual...)
LoZ:ALttP: He's young. You can't tell in the orginal, but in the GBA port, they added voice-overs, and they're high-pitched, YL-seque voice-overs.
LoZ:LA: After defeating Ganon in A Link to the Past... Young. If it's after LttP, he hasn't aged too much. (I may be wrong...)
LoZ:OoT: Both (obviously). So we can't say anything about age there...
LoZ:MM: Young.
LoZ:OoS/OoA: I'm guessing, but he's young. Either way, whichever he is, he is in both.
LoZ:WW: Young.
LoZ:FSA/FS/TMC: Young.
LoZ:TP: Adult.

So you see, YL is the more common Link. He's also my fave. Any little green-capped kid who can do so much is okay in my book.

Correct me if I'm wrong. This is just what I've found.

EDIT: You are correct that each Link is (for the most part) diferent. But He is young more often than not.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2007
Ontario, Canada
O.o Sonic?!!!! OMFG??? maybe...... apparently everyone doubts its true in the comments

I wish... but I don't think it's actually a picture of Sonic, the picture is really blurry when it's actually blown up.
Plus I think Sakarai would keep Sonic secret until he wants to reveal him, and did he reveal him on the Monday? No he didn't.
Too bad, because that would have been an awesome discovery though.

BTW, next time put this in a topic other than the "Confirmed Character Discussion", lol, although I personally I appreciated you showing us this.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2007
yeah i kinda doubt it too... and i thought scav kinda abandoned this topic. and this is my favorite topic to talk in :)


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
I hope theey put tales of symphonia ppl in there so I can use sheena to PWN sheik................................and one more thing Ike PWNz

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Gotta argue there (the bolded part). While YL as opposed to adult Link has only appeared in two games, he is the Link that we see the most. Let me see...

LoZ: No certain age...
Z2: All right, he's sixteen (says so in the manual...)
LoZ:ALttP: He's young. You can't tell in the orginal, but in the GBA port, they added voice-overs, and they're high-pitched, YL-seque voice-overs.
LoZ:LA: After defeating Ganon in A Link to the Past... Young. If it's after LttP, he hasn't aged too much. (I may be wrong...)
LoZ:OoT: Both (obviously). So we can't say anything about age there...
LoZ:MM: Young.
LoZ:OoS/OoA: I'm guessing, but he's young. Either way, whichever he is, he is in both.
LoZ:WW: Young.
LoZ:FSA/FS/TMC: Young.
LoZ:TP: Adult.

So you see, YL is the more common Link. He's also my fave. Any little green-capped kid who can do so much is okay in my book.

Correct me if I'm wrong. This is just what I've found.

EDIT: You are correct that each Link is (for the most part) diferent. But He is young more often than not.

Not to sound condescending (as I think you're a rather sharp individual), but that's what I meant.
I mean "young" is a rather subjective term. After all, "adult" Link (17, making "young" Link 10), is young by comparison to me, as well as by comparison to a lot of folks. It makes no sense to label any Link but the one in OoT as "young" or "adult" because the terms exist to differentiate between different states of the same character.

However, the issue at hand (as I understand it) is which of the two is a more accurate average representation (again, kind of a moot point, because generally odd Links are different Links, but still worth observing, if accurate). To that end, I offer this response:

LoZ: Agreed.
AoL: Agreed; 16.
LttP: Disagreed. The art clearly depicts an older Link. I'm granted that he's probably not quite as old as A. Link, but he's certainly nowhere near the 10-11 year old Y. Link. Keep in mind that the cartoon series was based off of LttP, which went so far as to have him at closer to 17 or 18 (I think. Maybe not that old. But certainly not any younger than 15. Excuuuuse me. :p). Anyhow, I assume the reason for the Y.Link voiceover was that one of the Four Swords games was included (which as you observed features a younger Link), and didn't want to muck around with different voiceovers.
LA: Props on knowing that LA is chronologically right after LttP. Can't tell you how many debates I've had over that one. Anyhow, the closeup screen shots of him at the end of the game clearly depict the same older Link as LttP art.
OoT: Right on.
MM: Gotta give you that one: 10 + 1 year = 11.
OA/OS: The manual said he was 14.
FS/FSA/MC: I'll take your word on it, cause I've steered clear of the multiplayer games and haven't had a chance to check out MC yet.
WW: 11? 12? I've heard both.
TP: 16.

As you can see, the ages of the various Links has spanned the gap between "Young" Link and "Adult" Link, meaning that neither term really has any validity whatsoever outside OoT. However, I will retract my previous statement that "Adult" Link is a more accurate depction of Link, and instead say that "Adult" Link is at least as good of a depiction as "Young" Link. That said, I would at least point out that his depctions as being younger seem to be more frequent post-OoT.

If you would like to renew this debate, Twilight hero, then I'll gladly continue it in the Zelda Timeline Theory Thread (if it can be dug up), but I do think we should quit mucking up this thread with this debate (I know, I know, I started it :dizzy:). In the end, I hope we can at least agree that Link, in all forms and ages, kicks ***.

Regarding recent speculation about Lucas and Ness, I really don't see Ness getting replaced this time around. I mean, maybe it's true that Lucas was set to replace Ness in Melee (do we have a source on that though? I missed it if we did), but at that point people had only played in in one game. Now that he was in Melee (and a starter, no less), his crowd of fans has grown quite a bit, and Sakurai would have to risk ticking off quite a bit more people with Brawl than he would have with Melee.

Regarding the IC's. Bah, you know what I think about the IC's.

Aeris, I need you to wish as hard as you can for a character this week. It's okay if it's not the one I want, I just don't want another slow week. I'm sure you would agree.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2007
Alrighty, I do not wish to disturb your interesting discussion (really, it's interesting *nods nods*), and as I can't really say anything about it, I better stick to the topic ^^ Here are my two cents for the confirmed characters:

Mario: This is TOO obvious, he's been in every other game that had "Mario" in the game title, plus he's the Nintendo mascot.
Link: Also one of the biggest Nintendo franchises, he has been one of my favorites from the beginning (although I play more with Y.Link)
Pikachu: The most common known Pokémon, I'm not terribly impressed, but it's not I don't like him either
Kirby: The pink puffball (as opposed to Jigglypuff who is one too *rolls eyes*), I think he has a lot of potential for this game, in Melee he was nerfed, it's time for a big comeback. Go Kirby!
Samus: I only tried a Metroid game once, so I can't really say anything about Samus, except that I think she's cool as ZSS and I liked her fighting style in Melee
Fox: Now, don't get me wrong, I liked Fox, but I preferred Falco (but this is for an other thread)
Donkey Kong: Never enjoyed playing with him, but for the world's sake, it's Donkey Kong!
Zelda: One of my favs ^^ It was amazing playing with her and Sheik at once, but I guess Sheik isn't going to come back now that she looks like TP Zelda. That's actually not so bad, I still think she'll make a great character on her own
Bowser: The main villain of the Mario franchise. Any other questions?
Yoshi: Gotta love that dino, his voice is cute, his chara design is cute, oh and he's one of the best fighters (although I don't play with him much)
Peach: One of the most fun characters ever and I'm pleased she managed to get into Brawl a second time.

Wario: Okay, now I'm not impressed, but what can I say? He's confirmed. I'll try him out though as soon as the game is released
Zero Suit Samus: Since her trophy wasn't in the PAL version of Melee (I don't remember for sure), I was thrilled to have her as a character.
Solid Snake: He's the first I'm gonna try and try to main, he looks like massive fun to play. ^_^
Metaknight: I remember the old times, and I was in for a surprise when he was announced. Retro characters for ever!
Pit: Another retro character! It was not one of my favorite games (I'm still traumatized), but he's THE cool character to add!
Ike: Okay, I've never played an FE game so I have to rely mostly on what everyone else tells me. Apparently, he's cool, although it's a bit sad to think he might replace Roy, but what can be done? He's almost a goner.

That's...uh...all IMO.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
I love the variety in characters so far...That's what catches my eye...
lol (someone mentioned this earlier about me saying YLink was like this but) Mario is the rabbit so far. Pickachu a close seceondary because he is a rabbit-like fighter with some unique speed/agility steroids lol. Yoshi is the other rabbit type but with an unatural twist. Pit seems to be a Mario feel fighter but lighter in movement and more "direct" with his precision cutting and sharp shooting along with the air mobility. He may move the same but uses spacing rather than approaching "in tight".
Kirby is the "dodgy type that'll just be a pain to fight because of his ability to avoid big moves and combos as he dances, jumps, dodges and rolls around. Fox will be similar in style but his stratagies are opposite as he's based on using his quickness and dodgyness to attack and overwhelm. Zero Samus will probably have a cross in the two. Possibly more of a stratagy in staying around the enemy, drawing the enemy to her and defending herself as her main offense.

Those characters are generally "air based" fighters...Wario possibly as well but with his weird framing making him more of a stiff, lighter and quicker DK style of fighter. DK is more of a middle area fighter as he is heavy with range and strong ground attacks. He is generally slow with recoil but has lower gravity for his size and is quite mobile in the air. Zelda is also middle area fighter with her strong air and ground attacks. She is possibly the most "dangerous" of the fighters as every move can prove to be leathel. She is not truely mobile but moves well in a small area surrounding her, both in air and along the surface.

Ike and Link are the weapon bearers so far. Ike seems to be a heavy fighter that approaches his enemies with few large strikes for quick and critical damage. Link is based on drawing the enemy to him with his various forms of fire power and both Ike and Link have quite a deal of spacing advantages. Samus is similar to Link in the fire power based area but she has less spacing. Her fire power being leathel makes it her greatest weapon and she "can" match the close range fighters when an "in tight" battle is called for. Bowser is heavy but unlike DK and Ike where he'll approach using large attacks, or many small ones for comboing, he attacks using possibly only one move at a time, slowly killing the enemy or he approaches slowly an when the enemy makes the first move, he is well suited for countering and finishing. Because his attacks are strong as single attacks and multiple strikes aren't needed.

And the only thing that I truely am exited for...is to see the balance!


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Link isn't 16 in TP. Have you seen the art/game? Heard his voice?

Anyway, I'm really excited about the new characters we're going to see. So far, every newcomer has proven to be really cool, or really desired/popular. I'm sure we're going to see more of what we want.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001

Aeris, I need you to wish as hard as you can for a character this week. It's okay if it's not the one I want, I just don't want another slow week. I'm sure you would agree.
Actually, I'm a step ahead of you: I'm wishing for a week that consists solely of character updates!

Monday - Peach
Tuesday - MOTHER character (Ness?)
Wednesday - Meta Knight
Thursday - Captain Falcon
Friday - NEWCOMER! (Tom Nook)

Really, though, I'd be satisfied with just Peach, maybe a look at her special moves and/or her Final Smash. :grin:


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
Links voice sounder younger than usual which suggests he was 16 in TP. Not to mention his height compared to everyone else....AND hehung out w/ the village Kiddies....Colin was like his best friend for crying out loud. Link was younger than the Adults but older than Colins group. Im thinking age 16


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t

Not to sound condescending (as I think you're a rather sharp individual), but that's what I meant.
I mean "young" is a rather subjective term. After all, "adult" Link (17, making "young" Link 10), is young by comparison to me, as well as by comparison to a lot of folks. It makes no sense to label any Link but the one in OoT as "young" or "adult" because the terms exist to differentiate between different states of the same character.

However, the issue at hand (as I understand it) is which of the two is a more accurate average representation (again, kind of a moot point, because generally odd Links are different Links, but still worth observing, if accurate). To that end, I offer this response:

LoZ: Agreed.
AoL: Agreed; 16.
LttP: Disagreed. The art clearly depicts an older Link. I'm granted that he's probably not quite as old as A. Link, but he's certainly nowhere near the 10-11 year old Y. Link. Keep in mind that the cartoon series was based off of LttP, which went so far as to have him at closer to 17 or 18 (I think. Maybe not that old. But certainly not any younger than 15. Excuuuuse me. :p). Anyhow, I assume the reason for the Y.Link voiceover was that one of the Four Swords games was included (which as you observed features a younger Link), and didn't want to muck around with different voiceovers.
LA: Props on knowing that LA is chronologically right after LttP. Can't tell you how many debates I've had over that one. Anyhow, the closeup screen shots of him at the end of the game clearly depict the same older Link as LttP art.
OoT: Right on.
MM: Gotta give you that one: 10 + 1 year = 11.
OA/OS: The manual said he was 14.
FS/FSA/MC: I'll take your word on it, cause I've steered clear of the multiplayer games and haven't had a chance to check out MC yet.
WW: 11? 12? I've heard both.
TP: 16.

As you can see, the ages of the various Links has spanned the gap between "Young" Link and "Adult" Link, meaning that neither term really has any validity whatsoever outside OoT. However, I will retract my previous statement that "Adult" Link is a more accurate depction of Link, and instead say that "Adult" Link is at least as good of a depiction as "Young" Link. That said, I would at least point out that his depctions as being younger seem to be more frequent post-OoT.

If you would like to renew this debate, Twilight hero, then I'll gladly continue it in the Zelda Timeline Theory Thread (if it can be dug up), but I do think we should quit mucking up this thread with this debate (I know, I know, I started it :dizzy:). In the end, I hope we can at least agree that Link, in all forms and ages, kicks ***.

Regarding recent speculation about Lucas and Ness, I really don't see Ness getting replaced this time around. I mean, maybe it's true that Lucas was set to replace Ness in Melee (do we have a source on that though? I missed it if we did), but at that point people had only played in in one game. Now that he was in Melee (and a starter, no less), his crowd of fans has grown quite a bit, and Sakurai would have to risk ticking off quite a bit more people with Brawl than he would have with Melee.

Regarding the IC's. Bah, you know what I think about the IC's.

Aeris, I need you to wish as hard as you can for a character this week. It's okay if it's not the one I want, I just don't want another slow week. I'm sure you would agree.
What makes you think I'm so sharp, eh? I could be stupid! :( Anyway, back to the actual topic (or at least debate)...
I gotta take your word for the mauals for OoA/S, as I got both games used. And the LttP argument makes sense. (You really should try FS and FSA, they were good, at least as spinoffs. I prefer FSA as a single-player game though. And as a tribute to how good TMC was...I beat it seven times. Once each year while waiting for Link to appear as an adult. :p) I can't say anything for LA, as I just recently found the game and have not beaten it yet. I'll take your word for the end; however, in the DX version, the side-scrolling screenshots that have actual art make him look younger; also however, the art isn't very good, so he could be any age. *Takes breath*

It seems that all the cel-shaded Links have been young ones. I gotta say TP Link is older though, eighteen at least.

I suppose we could continue the debate, if you can find it. Or we can let it go. Doesn't matter to me. And yes, Link in all forms does indeed kick major @$$...but especially YL.

Gotta agree about Ness; don't know who Lucas is, never having played Earthbound, but if there's an Earthbound character (which seems likely after the badge), I think it will be Ness.

I hope we agree about the ICs...they suck (and Link pwns them!)

Yeah, Aeris, wish very much for a character...especially a CSLink! (Or a WL, but that's unlikely.)


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
ummmmmm... Twighlite dude... Whyya pikin on de Eye See's. What'd they do de ya. A kicka yo AYESS.
lol jk
WTF! what did I type 0_o

So, anyways...
Since Link's dair is in "non-bounce" form, a second Link is "confirmed" UNLESS!!!!!!

The IC's have taken the "bounce" or possibly G&W's KEY TO VICTORY DAIR has now bouncified (but he's probably not returning)
Who else would get "the bounce"? Ness? (how the ferk would that work? - slaps self -)
The bounce MUST stay, so...What's the deal?


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
ummmmmm... Twighlite dude... Whyya pikin on de Eye See's. What'd they do de ya. A kicka yo AYESS.
lol jk
WTF! what did I type 0_o

So, anyways...
Since Link's dair is in "non-bounce" form, a second Link is "confirmed" UNLESS!!!!!!

The IC's have taken the "bounce" or possibly G&W's KEY TO VICTORY DAIR has now bouncified (but he's probably not returning)
Who else would get "the bounce"? Ness? (how the ferk would that work? - slaps self -)
The bounce MUST stay, so...What's the deal?
Please...don't ever do that again, unless you want my eyes to bleed.
I kinda like the new non-bounce form. It's like Ending Blow. However, it means you can't use it to safely KO someone off the edge (I mean, jump off and pwn them straight up, then jump back).

I like your "another Link confirmed" theory. It's funny, to say the least. However, I just think that Link is not complete in Smash without, as I like to call it, the DAIR OF DOOM! I hope the fire spike returns, along with CSL (cel-shaded Link. I will be referring to him as CSL from now on. In this thread, anything ending in L (besides LOL), coming from me, can almost assuredly be taken to mean some sort of Link.).


Smash Rookie
Aug 11, 2007
Ike Rules!!

Man, I don't know about you guys, but I am definetly looking foward to playing as Ike. I mean in Melee the Fire Emblem characters were awsome, so why should Ike be any different?

I guess Ike will have his down sides, but he'll still be great.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
Man, I don't know about you guys, but I am definetly looking foward to playing as Ike. I mean in Melee the Fire Emblem characters were awsome, so why should Ike be any different?

I guess Ike will have his down sides, but he'll still be great.
I'm "meh" on him. I don't much like the "all power, no speed" characters. That's why I didn't like Bowser and Ganondorf. (I don't want any responses here that say "Ganon was fast; I'm talking about moving speed.) That's also part of the reason I main YL. And it's obvious to me that Ike is going to be slow. With a sword that large and iron-tipped boots, he can't be one of (to use the words of Dynamism) the "rabbit" characters, and will be more like a Bowser with a very large and very deadly sword.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
The "bounce" / Dair of Doom is a unique dair that belonged to only the links and was a big part of their aireal combat...Therefore, another Link MUST be returning. Hopefully with the fire spike too, that was sweet...SCL would be well suited BUT maybe they'll just reinforce YLink with some of SCLinks weaponry, (grapple, hammer ect...) That would be GREAT!

Here are my optional ideas. B meaning preferable and B2 meaning other choice...

Link SM
B: arrows, if holding a bomb, bomb arrows
UB: Spin with multiple stikes followed by a final blow. When on ground, one large blow (just like melee)
DB: Bombs
FB: Boomerang

YLink SM
B: Boomerang. Directionally influenced and can be charged. When fully charged (only a couple seconds) after a slight pause, the Boomerang locks on a target and will follow to strike.
B2: Arrows. Not fast or strong and lack the Link bow range but does not need charging. Acts more like the Link Boomerang. Smashing makes it go further and tapping makes it fall quickly. If held for a second as if to charge, will lock on the target and fire accordingly (accordingly = lob and tragectery included).
UB: Multiple hits like melee. In the air, more of a ssb64 effect but quicker with more height and distance than Link.
FB: Swings the grappling hook, (directionaly influenced as well) slightly further than the Link Hookshot. This acts like a second grab, both for chars or ledges (can grab characters in the air, even grab them off the ground, air grabs anyone...) YLink can't hit the enemy but can then throw them in any direction by tilting the stick. Press A and they are released at a certain point or YLink will pull them in and throw them again until they break away. It is quick and when they break the hold, they fly in the direction they were headed.
DB: Hammers the ground. It is slow and anyone one the ground in the area will fly (roughly 45 degrees) away. Slow recoil. If struck by the hammer, effected like a Falcon Punch but not quite as powerfull. (Same hammer movement as the Link Fsmash in ssb64)
DB2: Bombs, also available for the bomb arrows OR bomb boomerang...

I'll enjoy dreaming about this |)

I'm totally off all your topics now lol


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
The "bounce" / Dair of Doom is a unique dair that belonged to only the links and was a big part of their aireal combat...Therefore, another Link MUST be returning. Hopefully with the fire spike too, that was sweet...SCL would be well suited BUT maybe they'll just reinforce YLink with some of SCLinks weaponry, (grapple, hammer ect...) That would be GREAT!

Here are my optional ideas. B meaning preferable and B2 meaning other choice...

Link SM
B: arrows, if holding a bomb, bomb arrows
UB: Spin with multiple stikes followed by a final blow. When on ground, one large blow (just like melee)
DB: Bombs
FB: Boomerang

YLink SM
B: Boomerang. Directionally influenced and can be charged. When fully charged (only a couple seconds) after a slight pause, the Boomerang locks on a target and will follow to strike.
B2: Arrows. Not fast or strong and lack the Link bow range but does not need charging. Acts more like the Link Boomerang. Smashing makes it go further and tapping makes it fall quickly. If held for a second as if to charge, will lock on the target and fire accordingly (accordingly = lob and tragectery included).
UB: Multiple hits like melee. In the air, more of a ssb64 effect but quicker with more height and distance than Link.
FB: Swings the grappling hook, (directionaly influenced as well) slightly further than the Link Hookshot. This acts like a second grab, both for chars or ledges (can grab characters in the air, even grab them off the ground, air grabs anyone...) YLink can't hit the enemy but can then throw them in any direction by tilting the stick. Press A and they are released at a certain point or YLink will pull them in and throw them again until they break away. It is quick and when they break the hold, they fly in the direction they were headed.
DB: Hammers the ground. It is slow and anyone one the ground in the area will fly (roughly 45 degrees) away. Slow recoil. If struck by the hammer, effected like a Falcon Punch but not quite as powerfull. (Same hammer movement as the Link Fsmash in ssb64)
DB2: Bombs, also available for the bomb arrows OR bomb boomerang...

I'll enjoy dreaming about this |)

I'm totally off all your topics now lol
Check out the three movesets in my sig; they're all for variations of Link. (Link, based off TP; CSL; and ML (Mask Link).) I personally think they're really good, and I'd play as all three.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
The third one's funny lol
Deku Spin with the stick lol

I was going to put Deku Nut as a FB2 for my YL SM but I couldn't builg the courage to replace the grapple, (this is a variation of SCL AND YL) but...I do see the grapple as simply being his regular grab.

RL FTW! (rabbit)


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
The third one's funny lol
Deku Spin with the stick lol

I was going to put Deku Nut as a FB2 for my YL SM but I couldn't builg the courage to replace the grapple, (this is a variation of SCL AND YL) but...I do see the grapple as simply being his regular grab.

RL FTW! (rabbit)
Well, have you ever played OoT or MM? The Deku Stick, strangely, was, like, twice as powerful as the Kokiri Sword!

I actually like the grappling hook as a grab. Then he could use it on the stage!

What is it with you and rabbits? JK; you're talking about his original Dark World form, right?

Holy crap, I just had a brilliant idea...another moveset, that is...I might post it.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
You better post it!!! jk
Seriously though,

With the grapple you could still grab the stage...and grab people edge gaurding, bringing them down with you!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAMUHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
I am evil!!! lol
What's with YOU and rabbits? JK; you're talking about something I don't know about, right?


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
You better post it!!! jk
Seriously though,

With the grapple you could still grab the stage...and grab people edge gaurding, bringing them down with you!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAMUHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
I am evil!!! lol
What's with YOU and rabbits? JK; you're talking about something I don't know about, right?
I might. It's like a Hero of Time thing.

Request a spot on rAt's Doominators. I'm on it. Everyone there is evil, and trying to take over the world. Talk to rAt about it. Actually, I'll do it for you. I'm already a member, he's more likely to listen to me.

Oh, so you actually do want a bunny Link? In that case, I repeat: what is it with you and rabbits?

Okay, what I'm talking about is this: In The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, when you first enter the Dark World (evil version of Hyrule), your shape is a bunny. You can't do anything, and it's just a funny thing. Later you find out that if you have a Moon Pearl, you can retain your true form in the Dark World. Everyone's form changes when they enter the Dark World, into what they're truly like; for example, you meet a dinosaur kicking around a little ball. The dinosaur, in Hyrule, would obviously be a bully, and the ball would be a pushover. Get it? That's what I'm making reference to with the bunny thing.

So there actually is a Rabbit Link; he just can't do anything.
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