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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Zamus probably won't have her own FS. Sakurai said a FS could only be performed once per match and since Zamus is the end result of Samus' FS, I doubt we'll be seeing any Zamus FS action. Hopefully though, Zamus will at one point be playable from the start and she will get her own. But as of this point in time... we've got little hope for one.

And I was thinking... if Sheik is in the game (which she might be because some guy told us in an interview... you know, the Zelda guy) then Zelda will technically have two FSes (hopefully). One for Sheik and one for Zelda. That will be cool. Sheik could have something like Needle Orgy or Teleport Frenzy and Zelda could have Din's Rage or Light Arrow Madness.

P.S.- I was out at a party... I was drinking... I don't really know how this sounds to you, but don't think I'm an idiot. I'll correct it if it's that bad in the morning.

P.P.S.- Yay beer!



Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Not necessarily.
I think fridays update pretty much Confirmed Ness!

It's still not a character profile though. It's a hint. Doesn't count.

We're back to square 1 with trying to figure out any kind of consistency with Sakurai (though I don't know why we're even still trying).


Smash Ace
Dec 5, 2006
denver co
It's still not a character profile though. It's a hint. Doesn't count.

We're back to square 1 with trying to figure out any kind of consistency with Sakurai (though I don't know why we're even still trying).

im just waiting for him to let us figure out the "trend" then he can trun it around and throw us off


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
Heh, seems like we all were wrong with the weekly character update...

Still, I think we cann pretty much say that at least Peach and Captain Falcon will be in.

The new item? Nice idea, although I'm not familiar with Earthbound/Mother items.

I'd like to use this chance to resume my theory that every character might get his or her own stage. Let's see if I can assign every confirmed character and those that are very likely to a stage...

Mario: Delfino Plaza

Link: Bridge of Eldin

Zelda: Hyrule Castle

Kirby: Bubby Clouds

Yoshi: Yoshi's Island (duh!)

Fox: Lylat Cruise

Donkey Kong: Rumble Falls

Pit: Sky World

Ike: Castle Siege

Meta Knight: Halberd

Snake: Heli Pad

Wario: Treasure Room

Samus: Chozo Temple

Pikachu: Pokémon Stadium

Peach: Peach's Castle

Luigi: Luigi's Mansion

Toad: Mario Circuit

Ridley: Norfair

Midna/Wolf Link: Palace of Twilight

King Dedede: Mt. Dedede

Captain Falcon: Mute City (other version)

Tom Nook: Smashville

Mewtwo: Ruined Lab

Jigglypuff: Mt. Moon

Charizard (we can hope, right?): Dragon's Den

Young/WW Link: Pirate Ship

Ganondorf: Dark Throne Room

Diddy: Angry Aztec (from DK64)

Krystal: Krazoa Palace

Falco: Great Fox Interior

Wolf: Sargasso Station

Bowser: Bowser's Castle

Bowser Jr.: Toy Chamber of Doom ;-)

Ness: Uh, dunno... Onett again, maybe?

Hint Box from Yoshi's Story...


Um, okay, ignore that last one...

So, what do you say?

Oh, and by the way, please take a look at my Pokémon thread:


and leave a comment. Pleeeaaaaasssee? (puppy dog eyes)


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2007
In a place where the grass is green and the girls
Heh, seems like we all were wrong with the weekly character update...

Still, I think we cann pretty much say that at least Peach and Captain Falcon will be in.

The new item? Nice idea, although I'm not familiar with Earthbound/Mother items.

I'd like to use this chance to resume my theory that every character might get his or her own stage. Let's see if I can assign every confirmed character and those that are very likely to a stage...

Mario: Delfino Plaza

Link: Bridge of Eldin

Zelda: Hyrule Castle

Kirby: Bubby Clouds

Yoshi: Yoshi's Island (duh!)

Fox: Lylat Cruise

Donkey Kong: Rumble Falls

Pit: Sky World

Ike: Castle Siege

Meta Knight: Halberd

Snake: Heli Pad

Wario: Treasure Room

Samus: Chozo Temple

Pikachu: Pokémon Stadium

Peach: Peach's Castle

Luigi: Luigi's Mansion

Toad: Mario Circuit

Ridley: Norfair

Midna/Wolf Link: Palace of Twilight

King Dedede: Mt. Dedede

Captain Falcon: Mute City (other version)

Tom Nook: Smashville

Mewtwo: Ruined Lab

Jigglypuff: Mt. Moon

Charizard (we can hope, right?): Dragon's Den

Young/WW Link: Pirate Ship

Ganondorf: Dark Throne Room

Diddy: Angry Aztec (from DK64)

Krystal: Krazoa Palace

Falco: Great Fox Interior

Wolf: Sargasso Station

Bowser: Bowser's Castle

Bowser Jr.: Toy Chamber of Doom ;-)

Ness: Uh, dunno... Onett again, maybe?

Hint Box from Yoshi's Story...


Um, okay, ignore that last one...

So, what do you say?

Oh, and by the way, please take a look at my Pokémon thread:


and leave a comment. Pleeeaaaaasssee? (puppy dog eyes)

You, sir, WIN THE HOLY GRAIL. Best. Post. Ever.

I completely agree with you 110%. Blesphamy with Charizard, though. But even so! Perfect stages, really. But I doubt we'll be seeing more of two of the same series *cept maybe for Mario*
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
very nice Stritistrang. i laughed at the Charizard one, but creative with Jiggles. were those the only characters u want back in? cuz i didnt see Megaman (although im not that big of a fan for his being in Brawl), Sonic (GHZ dude), ICs, and more. maybe i should make one of those, i dunno
OK main reason i went here: eh, i did have a thought about Peach not being here this week due to last weeks excitement, but Ness (some say Lucas?) is basically confirmed. since this week was a little boring, maybe next week we'll all die of shock haha


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Alright, so I just woke up, saw the Franklin Badge, became very disappointed not seeing Peach, but became overjoyed at the sight of a Mother item.

And though I feel remorse for not getting a character this week, we still have Peach confirmed even though she wasn't officially posted and I feel that's good enough for now.

Then I thought... well this is neat! Mother character semi-confirmed!
So I went and researched the Franklin Badge on Google. The first thing to pop up was "Mother 3... Franklin Badge". This pretty much confirmed Lucas for me. But then I though... maybe this isn't the only game with it? So I typed up Earthbound and Franklin Badge in the Google searchbar. Low and behold, it's an item in that game as well. (Note that I have never played the Mother games.) So that's a good sign for Ness, maybe he won't get the boot afterall! But then I though... just for a safety precaution, let's check Mother and Franklin Badge. I did, and I found the Franklin Badge in a Gamespot walkthrough of Mother for NES.

What does this mean? Well, it means we could be getting ANY of the Mother characters at this point. Either Ninten, Ness, or Lucas could be joining us this time around. Not to mention any of their allies like Paula, Jeff, Poo, Claus, Flint, or whoever else was in any of those games.

But all we know is that the Mother series is going to have a representative again, we don't know who, we're just going to have to wait, and also that the "One character a week" theory went right down the pooper today. Though, this could be one of those outlying weeks... Hopefully, that's the case, and we'll be getting one next week as well.



Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2007
That's what I did too Dyce. I've never played Mother either so I needed to find out. I also made a post like yours in the Franklin Badge thread in the Dojo Updates forum.


Smash Cadet
Aug 8, 2007
Uhm why is everyone thinking Ness will be replaced? If anything I want to see two or one more Mother character to play as. NOT a replacement. And I alot of people need to get into the Mother series. GReatest series on earth lol. Starmen.net has all that you really need to get into the games.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
People think Ness could be replaced because Sakurai wanted to replace Ness with Lucas in Melee. Luckily, however, he changed his mind when he found out that Mother 3 was going to still be in development long after Smash was released and wasn't even going State-side.

That's why we think he might be replaced. Hopefully not though, I love Ness. He needs to come back to us in god form like he did in SSB64.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I don't agree with the stage list on the other page, not everyone is going to have a stage. It's possible some stages will come from games, without adding characters as well.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
People think Ness could be replaced because Sakurai wanted to replace Ness with Lucas in Melee. Luckily, however, he changed his mind when he found out that Mother 3 was going to still be in development long after Smash was released and wasn't even going State-side.

That's why we think he might be replaced. Hopefully not though, I love Ness. He needs to come back to us in god form like he did in SSB64.
Now that MOTHER 3 is out, however, that makes Lucas fair game and Ness a possible no-show. I say just include them both; Ness was my favorite back in SSB64, and it would be nice to see him return to his former glory after getting nerfed in SSBM.

But wouldn't it be loverly if every character had one stage to their name? It would be perfect for All-Star Mode! (If there is one that is) (Which is going to be a hell of a lot harder because of all the more characters there will be)
+10 awesome points for referencing My Fair Lady. It certainly would be loverly, though, for each character to have his/her/its own stage. :grin:


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Real men watch chick flicks.
Sure do. ;)

How about this schedule for next week?

Monday: Character Update - Peach
Tuesday: Character Update - Captain Falcon
Wednesday: Character Update - Ness / Lucas
Thursday: Character Update - Meta Knight
Friday: Character Update - NEWCOMER! (Tom Nook)

...Well, a guy can dream, can he not? :grin:
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
I don't agree with the stage list on the other page, not everyone is going to have a stage. It's possible some stages will come from games, without adding characters as well.
did they do that in Melee? i dont think so. maybe your referring to Smashville because you dont an AC character in? well, IMO there is.
Sure do. ;)

How about this schedule for next week?

Monday: Character Update - Peach
Tuesday: Character Update - Captain Falcon
Wednesday: Character Update - Ness / Lucas
Thursday: Character Update - Meta Knight
Friday: Character Update - NEWCOMER! (Tom Nook)

...Well, a guy can dream, can he not? :grin:
haha. maybe those will be the character updates will be like that the next coming weeks
wow i was surprised today that there is a new channel available for the wii(metroid).
theres actually a channel just for Metroid?

RAWR its Luigi

Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2007
i wonder who else they will bring into brawl

i didnt c ike coming it was kool

i hope hes good but he looks like a roy

equals low tear:(


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
very nice Stritistrang. i laughed at the Charizard one, but creative with Jiggles. were those the only characters u want back in? cuz i didnt see Megaman (although im not that big of a fan for his being in Brawl), Sonic (GHZ dude), ICs, and more. maybe i should make one of those, i dunno
Well, yes, I wanted to leave some speculations for others. But okay, I'm a big Sonic fan myself and would like to see him as well in Brawl.

Sonic: Station Square

Shadow: The ARK

Knuckles: Master Emerald Shrine


Maybe other people have other ideas for characters I left out... or maybe they have even better ideas for their stages.

I'm wondering what my fellow German (I think), Fawriel would say. Or our other regulars, Sensai, The rAt and others...

It's always nice to see other people's opinions on your own ideas, that's why Forums like this are so cool! :)


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
Station square brings back so many memories. I would really like to see some Sonic 2 levels be stages though. Wouldn't that be cool?


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
I heard my name!
*poses dramatically*

Overall, an adequate list. But, changes can be made!

For Wind Waker Link, it'll have to be the final battle area in the sunken Hyrule, with the ocean crashing down at the sides. It would be spectacular!

Midna of course gets the place right in front of the Palace, not the Palace itself. There are Twili people cheering at the sides and stuff. Street Fighter!

The Great Fox Interior is an interesting idea for Falco, but has never been seen before. Where would you get KOd in a closed room anyway? No idea for an alternative, though.

For Ness, I suggest the first My Sanctuary, the... what'sitcalled, Giant Step? It's memorable and stuff!

I also have no idea for Diddy. Probably something unique to him. Why Angry Aztec?

...I'd add a stage for Gardevoir, but I never played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon enough to know anything about that. =<


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Uh...what the hell are we talking about?

Actually, what's the update for today? I haven't even checked yet.

Oh, on topic? No, none for me, thanks. I'm fine.



Good god...is it weird how that single word, when spoken in the context of video games, is enough to cause some people to flip ****?

And Fawriel, that WWLink idea is incredible. But the water would have to be streaming down on all sides...all sexay like.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
I heard my name!
*poses dramatically*

Overall, an adequate list. But, changes can be made!

For Wind Waker Link, it'll have to be the final battle area in the sunken Hyrule, with the ocean crashing down at the sides. It would be spectacular!

Midna of course gets the place right in front of the Palace, not the Palace itself. There are Twili people cheering at the sides and stuff. Street Fighter!

The Great Fox Interior is an interesting idea for Falco, but has never been seen before. Where would you get KOd in a closed room anyway? No idea for an alternative, though.

For Ness, I suggest the first My Sanctuary, the... what'sitcalled, Giant Step? It's memorable and stuff!

I also have no idea for Diddy. Probably something unique to him. Why Angry Aztec?

...I'd add a stage for Gardevoir, but I never played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon enough to know anything about that. =<

Yeah, the final Wind Waker Boss Arena would be a fine choice.

About the Great Fox... didn't we see it in the intro of Starfox assault, before the Arwings took off? Or we'll use the bridge, from the Starcox Adventures Option menu...

Let's just say there is a chute in the ceiling, so fighters will only be able to be finished by smashing them upwards.

And why the Angry Aztec? Well, it's my favorite stage from DK64...


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
I heard my name!
*poses dramatically*

Overall, an adequate list. But, changes can be made!

For Wind Waker Link, it'll have to be the final battle area in the sunken Hyrule, with the ocean crashing down at the sides. It would be spectacular!

Midna of course gets the place right in front of the Palace, not the Palace itself. There are Twili people cheering at the sides and stuff. Street Fighter!

The Great Fox Interior is an interesting idea for Falco, but has never been seen before. Where would you get KOd in a closed room anyway? No idea for an alternative, though.

For Ness, I suggest the first My Sanctuary, the... what'sitcalled, Giant Step? It's memorable and stuff!

I also have no idea for Diddy. Probably something unique to him. Why Angry Aztec?

...I'd add a stage for Gardevoir, but I never played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon enough to know anything about that. =<
Your WWLink stage would totally be worth having WWLink on the playable roster. AWESOME idea.

So, Giant Step is so memorable that you had trouble remembering its name? :chuckle:

Angry Aztec was the level in which you first unlock Diddy in DK64. Diddy also fights the boss in that level (Dogadon).
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
Well, yes, I wanted to leave some speculations for others. But okay, I'm a big Sonic fan myself and would like to see him as well in Brawl.

Sonic: Station Square

Shadow: The ARK

Knuckles: Master Emerald Shrine


Maybe other people have other ideas for characters I left out... or maybe they have even better ideas for their stages.

I'm wondering what my fellow German (I think), Fawriel would say. Or our other regulars, Sensai, The rAt and others...

It's always nice to see other people's opinions on your own ideas, that's why Forums like this are so cool! :)
yea its cool. wen u asked "satisfied", it sounded like u were annoyed. eh, w/e. those would be cool stages tho, if Shadow and Knuckles were there (Knuckles shrine is called Angel Island). i think alot of people agree that Sonic's stage would be Green Hill Zone, it's the most original.
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
Why don't they add Metroid Prime as a playable character or a boss?
Y did u even have the thought of Prime as a playable character? a boss wouldnt be too bad tho (that has very low chances)
speaking of Prime, i see that Samus uses the Magma Beam, itd be cool if she used Ice Beam and Wave Beam in one of her attacks.
some one please give thoughts on this idea though: if Samus' FS took her armor off, will Zamus' (if she gets one) put it back on? Before the Zero Lazer was Samus', i thought it was gonna be the Phazon Beam. maybe the Phazon Beam could somehow put it back on?


Smash Rookie
Apr 23, 2007
Y did u even have the thought of Prime as a playable character? a boss wouldnt be too bad tho (that has very low chances)
speaking of Prime, i see that Samus uses the Magma Beam, itd be cool if she used Ice Beam and Wave Beam in one of her attacks.
some one please give thoughts on this idea though: if Samus' FS took her armor off, will Zamus' (if she gets one) put it back on? Before the Zero Lazer was Samus', i thought it was gonna be the Phazon Beam. maybe the Phazon Beam could somehow put it back on?
I thought of it because it was cool. Wouldn't it? Just being able as Prime or even better Dark Suit Samus would be even better.
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
I thought of it because it was cool. Wouldn't it? Just being able as Prime or even better Dark Suit Samus would be even better.
well *notices you dont go here much* OH! well, theres a thread for Dark Samus (i think) who has high chances. but if Prime was playable, that wouldnt even be Smash material (or w/e). but a boss would be too bad, might even be one in the Adventure Mode!:)

Metaknight X

Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2001
Reading, England
Angry Aztec was the level in which you first unlock Diddy in DK64. Diddy also fights the boss in that level (Dogadon).
Sorry to be picky, but that's not true. I have that game, and I can tell you that you unlock Diddy in the first level, Jungle Japes (or whatever it's called: I can't remember). He does fight Dogadon though, you got that right.
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