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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
Bummer, I wish you could just turn into Zamus like Zelda/shiek. Maybe you can,you just can't turn back after the final smash. Sakurai might not be telling us the whole story,and wants to figure it for our own. You never know.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Gotham City
I warned ya!!! didn't I warned ya about that u have to play with just that item in order to play as zero suit samus!!! that's what im saying to a lot of ppl that keep telling me zamus is a pickable char off the bat hahaha they owe me $50 :chuckle:!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
Bummer, I wish you could just turn into Zamus like Zelda/shiek. Maybe you can,you just can't turn back after the final smash. Sakurai might not be telling us the whole story,and wants to figure it for our own. You never know.

i agree with everthing you just said



Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
well the zamus fans who want to main her just got a swift kick in the azz, unless that is there is other means.

I do not think it will be a shiek like transformation, i mean we would lose bombs(even tho they are ussless in my opinion)

i still say you can choose,but this is just like an extra like you can choose samus and get to zamus or just choose zamus. but who knows what will happen,


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
The rAt said:
In regards to the stages, I don't think Zelda and the Pokemon are good examples because Zelda already has a stage. The Bridge of Eldin. I mean, Zelda was in the game, too right? Who's to say the stage belongs to Link? Same could be said about the Pokemon stages. Personally, I'd like to see a bit more diversification. Since not every decent game series can be represented by a character, why not see a stage for them instead? I suspect that may be the case with AC personally, though y'never know.
Either I don't understand what you're saying or you don't understand what I said. But...I think that this is what I meant. Ah, hell, shaddup Sensai.

I agree with Gojira. (nothing else to add)

Um...what else...oh, jeah. Why does everyone think that we'll get one character per week? Is it just a pattern that you have noticed, or are you basing it on the observation that he did that for Melee once the date was announced?

Also: don't write Zamus off as unplayable without items just yet. Sakurai wouldn't do that to a character as it'd be a waste. He knows we, the competitive community, exist and he wouldn't make a character that we wouldn't have available to us.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Um...what else...oh, jeah. Why does everyone think that we'll get one character per week? Is it just a pattern that you have noticed, or are you basing it on the observation that he did that for Melee once the date was announced?
Both, actually. :)


Smash Apprentice
Sep 24, 2005
I worry that Zamus will become the new sheick, extremelly fast and combo happy character that eventually becomes too high tier once people master her. So long as Bowser can still have a chance to the likes of fox and probably Zamus (if she's indeed fast, this is just speculation) then ill consider it balanced and be happy.


Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2007
Alberta, Canada
It's looks that way. But maybe using the Final Smash is a side affect to turn into Zamus. Maybe there's another way you can you can be Zamus optionally


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
I wouldn't expect Luigi anytime soon; my guess is that he'll be secret once again. CF is a likely candidate, though, as is Yoshi. I'd personally prefer Peach, but that's me. =) Zamus would be the most helpful, or at least in light of today's update.


Smash Ace
May 15, 2006
Hiram, Ga
I posted this in the ZSS discussion thread:

"Now, this update seems grim to me. I think it would be a really big mistake to make a final smash the only way to play a character with a completely different and original moveset. This does not confirm that she will not be a seperate character, there are other ways for it to work. She could have her own slot as if you unlock her by using the final smash. She could be like sheik(I don't mean transforming) and hold A or something at the start of the match to become ZSS. The problem with this is that you can't just change back which isn't really a big problem. She could be like an "alternate costume" for samus by cycling through the colors, but she would still have a unique moveset. These are some of my thoughts about what could happen. Something i am wondering though, if samus uses the final smash then turns into ZSS and then dies... do you think she would stay suitless or gain it back? Either way, hopefully more updates will enlighten us on this situation."


Smash Apprentice
May 31, 2007
I think Solid Snake is a worthy addition to the game, HE might be the new Shiek. Also, anyone who complains about him being in the game due to him being "non-Nintendo", just bear this in mind: MGS 1 was remade specificlly for the Gamecube. Any other 3rd-party characters that would be added to the game would have to have a game on an Nintendo console. Sorry if I got a bit off-topic, this is my first post in a long while.

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
In response to people's responses to me, the reason I asked was because of the number of weeks until the game is released, I was wondering if anyone thinks Sakurai will forego an actual character reveal this week in favor of giving us an official explanation of the Zamus transeformation.

Also, there is a small flaw in your sig, Fawriel. You see, you also cannot spell 'antidisestablishmentarianism' without an 'a' (several, in fact). And we all know that antidisestablishmentarianism has very little to do with Smash. Or does it?

Sensai, perhaps I read you wrong, but my overall point was more that we think of character/stage representation as a 1:1 ratio, but if two characters come from the same game, and there is a stage representing that game, then technically both characters have a stage. Therefore, I don't think it makes sense to have a bunch of stages representing the same game series when there are game series which didn't get a character in Brawl who could get representation through stage form. It wasn't really an arguement with what you were saying, so much as piggybacking off of something you said to go off on my own personal vendetta.

As far as multiple transeformation modes. This one is a tough call in my book. On the one hand, Sakurai has to know that if this the only way to access the character it will go to waste quite often, but at the same time, Sakurai seems to really be pushing the new gimmicks and 'innovations' he's been making over the last game. Makes me wonder if Zelda's Final Smash will end with her as Shiek?

Finally, Aeris my thoughts exactly in regards to Luigi, CF, Peach, Yoshi, and Zamus. Except I'm looking for CF, personally.


Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2005
Southern Illinois
I don't know if this has been brought up, but could Captain Falcon be considered semi-official? Just look at this page.


If you notice, even though the page is about Samurai Goroh, there is Falcon's logo at the top. I know that isn't much, though. One could argue that whoever updates the site just used Falcon's logo from Melee since Goroh is from the same game. Still, one could argue that the Yoshi-themed stage doesn't necessarily mean that he/she/it is on the game. What do you guy's think?


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
what you say if you woke up and nees's profile was up?
I wouldn't say anything. Rather, I would close my eyes, inhale and exhale deeply, then look towards the heavens thinking "Finally some good news and a pleasant day at the forums."
I was wondering if anyone thinks Sakurai will forego an actual character reveal this week in favor of giving us an official explanation of the Zamus transeformation.
YES! I'm actually hoping for that today. I posted a lengthy post on the reasons, why, but unfortunately, it's in the Smashbros.com page. Thus, it's now buried under approximately 40 pages of posts.
Also, there is a small flaw in your sig, Fawriel. You see, you also cannot spell 'antidisestablishmentarianism' without an 'a' (several, in fact). And we all know that antidisestablishmentarianism has very little to do with Smash. Or does it?
It was the snappiest way I could come up with to get my point across. Can you think of something better? Seriously, can you? :p


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I've been thinking...for once. Bring up the Dojo and look towards ZZS' bottom left picture. Get a good look.

I remember a time when people watched the Brawl trailers frame-by-frame. These people said that purple kcockback lines appear each time a character is struck, and that these purple hitboxes might suggest which direction the struck player should DI. Remember ZSS' picture? Above her knee there is a co-spherical arch of purplely-blue light, as well as a ray of purple in the bottom left hand corner. Therefore, should not this suggest that possible knockbacks for this attack should include a trajectory angled towards Zamus, as well as away from her? What might ariel comboes look like if her Fair had the effect of not only a nerfed godsmack (Shiek's Fair), but also the affect of Zelda's Ftilt? ((I assume that this downwards knockback line is similar to that of Melee Shiek's nerfed Fair, and that the latter is one which drags the opponent closer to the player (Like Samus' Dsmash and Dtilt pull you towards Samus.).)) Just like in Melee, we have an attack which can be used for one of two knockback trajectories (like DK's Fair). However, in Brawl, these two knockback trajectories will not be fourty-five degrees away and two seventy down, they will instead be up-towards and down-away. (Picture a character facing off the right side of FD for the above example. Ehh...I'm also assuming piccie numero quatro tiene un cuadro de Zamus' Nair (affectionately coined "neutch").) This could make for some tense mindgames and epic strats.

Just popping in to say "Hi!" after having left un-announced and un-accounted for, so don't go getting used to my smashing interruptions here. I wish I could have been a part of this past week's discussion, and I hope to become a regular again soon enough.

Crooked Crow

drank from lakes of sorrow
Jun 11, 2007
ZSamus has her own character profile.
Probably suggested before, but maybe you can start a game with ZSamus,
and her final smash of course would cause her to turn to Power Suit Samus.

She seems like a fast person with range. Marth rival?

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
This final smash stuff is nonsense. I don't see how it makes sense to make a character only playable by use of a rare item [I doubt it's going to fall that often] only restricts certain players such as:

People who don't want to play with items [not all of them go to tournaments, so don't even bring that up]

People who want to play ZSS from the beginning of the match

People who want to play Samus and use her Final smash but don't want to play as ZSS.

I don't see anyway to make this into a good thing, ZSS is to Samus what Giga Bowser is to Bowser. The only difference is ZSS has much more potential to be her own character.

chiyo-chan' dad

Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2007
So if Zamus can only be played by a item, should she be a comfirmed character, because I really don' think Giga Bowser will get comfirmed. So why would Zamus get a comfirmed spot and Giga doesn't get one, you must able to play as her without a item.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
That's almost a good point, but Giga Bowser has a probably very brief time limit and the same moveset as Bowser, so he doesn't really count as a complete character much more than Pika's Volt Tackle energy ball...
[EDIT: That was directed at Chiyo-chan's dad.]

And isn't it just a ***** when you type a lengthy reply to a thread only to find they closed it in the mean time?

Here's my reply to the "Tier List" thread ( it's almost to be taken seriously? ):

Fawriel said:
Not like I have anything better to do. Whee!


Low Tier:


Low to Mid Tier:


Middle Tier:

Zelda: The power of brown hair gives her super strength! Instant mid-tier!

Kirby: Kirby shall absorb his rival Jigglypuff and take his rightful place as the pink master of the skies with improved aerial mobility!

Wario: A lot like Mario in terms of mobility, without projectile(?) and some mean tricks... I really can't say about this guy.

DK: Has always been in the middle and will always be. Balanced guy, don't see him changing much.

Mario: Defines mid-to-high tier. Nothing much to say?

Metaknight: I can't see him having any reliable killers and his constant slashies leave him open. Maybe his smashes will be escapable like Zeldas? Think about it...

Pika: Improved cuteness! Also, they'll probably give him some more tricks to compensate for his lousy tilts. I hope so at least. They might make him even faster, too.

Mid-to-high Tier:

Snake: Something between Captain Falcon and Ganondorf... but with boomies! Sounds like potential to me!

Fox: Meh.

Zamus: Sure, she seems like Sheik, but something tells me that the team isn't too stupid to learn from past mistakes.

High Tier:

Samus: Boom-shacka-lacka-boom-shacka-lacka-boom-boom.

FRIKKIN LINK: Swooooooooooooooooooooooooooooord. Faster arrows. Sexier FSmash? He started at the bottom, went to the middle, now he's shooting for the top! It's the Hylian Dream!

Pit: Floaty Link with less range and power and better combos, plus a pretty awesome projectile. Also, every female player will main him.

Too Awesome Tier:

Bowser: <3


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Oopsiedaisy. Fixed.
Also, thanks!

I demand money if that list turns out to be correct.
Especially Bowser. ^_^
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