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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2007
Miss you Ryan
Well, I'd say that alternate costumes haven't been looked into too much because SSB was basically coming up with a game that was totally different the most others out there. Melee added more characters, more attacks, and an overall additional complexity to the game. With brawl, they're bringing new control schemes, more complex characters, refined aspects of play, and I hope with the third iteration, the alternate costumes are a little improved upon. I mean, it is unrealistic in some cases, but like as far as samus goes, she could have the varia suit or any other suit from the Prime games, I think that would be great, but I DON'T think every character needs the change pikachu and jiggs got. We don't need mario with goggles on or DK with a cape on. In some cases some characters just deserve more attention to alternate costumes, and some jsut don't.

chiyo-chan' dad

Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2007
2) roy_owns said:
elaborate[/I] costumes, but they were costumes. Jigglypuff and Pichu had similar options. Every other character simply got color scheme changes, I believe that is what you thought I meant. My point was that if they can give the pokemon alternate costumes (though they are admittedly very basic), why shouldn't they include alternate costumes for other characters, too?
5) Chrome Pikachu? Don't we already have that when he goes metal? Pink Pikachu? Over Pichu's dead body. Actually...
Hats aren't good to be a costumes, we need surfing Pikachu, that other Pikachu in the anime, I think it's called "sparky" with that hair he has, and I do like the one with Ash's hat, so they should keep that one.

You say "Pink Pikachu? Over Pikachu's dead body" ( well I do wish that, but that's another story,well the dead thing anyway) What's wong with Pikachu being pink? :p

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
I think that the pikachu with a little puft of hair is hardly noticable.Give them something that you can easily differentiate from.The hats were fine,so we'll see if the deviate from that or not.

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
If think that for Mario,you can have a alternate costume of Dr.Mario.It's easy to tell who he is,and it still looks cool.With Pikachu,you can't change his whole person,just something to make him noticable.Thus saying the hat is good enough for him.


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2007
Miss you Ryan
More like The Village People Pikachu. What if he had costumes that spoofed other characters? Like how kirby dons a disguise of an opponent after swallowing them.

chiyo-chan' dad

Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2007
Nnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooo! leather jacket, Biker pikachu? That's not cool, man.

I said the hair thing, because it would be good for the fans. So what if it's hardly noticable that's what the name thing is for. :p


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Also, glad to see you're participating, Rhyme. This forum needs more color club.
I actually didn't notice that you italicized a single word until about ten seconds ago (Yes, I am in fact THAT slow of a typer.). Unfortunately for you (I think?) I wasn't planning to hang around long. One half day spent on this site is more than my parents can handle, I won't be actively involved in discussion like on that day very often.

And...you're right. We need more colors. Everyone display your colors, show them proudly!

Hey Rhyme, long time no see. I've been off getting my degree and trying to figure out what happens afterwards. But fortunately I've given up on that, which leaves me plenty of time to post in my favorite forum.
How is it fortunate that you've given up on a degree? Obviously said decision is saving you time and money, but it's not going to get you quite as far in the real world. So you didn't actually get your degree? That's not cool money, I expected more from a fellow enthusiast. :(

Where do you think? Sakauri has a little dart board in his office and throw's a dart at it everyday to determine the next update. Meta's in the the middle and he has horrible aim.
LMAO. You're wrong though, Metaknight isn't in the middle, but I can tell you what is: The Official Release Date.

chiyo-chan, your disrespect for the two dimensional one is not appreciated. Sure, he's not the best in the game, but he's a far cry from being the worst. I believe that spot will always belong to a certain little yellow brain-damaged mini-masochist. (Not to be confused with the almighty chosen one, who is slightly taller and doesn't hurt himself)

As far as alternate costumes for Zelda; not a bad idea, but I'm going to take it up a notch (BAM!!) and say it would be nice to have alternate costumes for all the characters.
Rock the Futurama quote! ^^ I can't believe absolutely nobody else commented about that. Creative rAt, you've redeemed yourself from that past failure of not obtaining a degree.

Haha, and I'm the one who once said, "He's a boring character who's lacking in one dimension."

I think it was regarding to Pikachu having an alternate costume, and was saying that's because Pikachu's aren't green, so in order to have a green team version they gave him a green costume, because a green Pikachu would just look silly.
Pikachu should get cloths, like a nice vest/suit or a scarf (not pink).

what if u can jump with the chopper? that would be cool :cool: and better than yoshi's egg roll.
Hog ollie ftw! Seriously, though, I think chopper jumping would be broken.

I've decided to put my post in numeric bullet point for your convenience. If you approve, tap your foot once. If you disapprove, keep it to yourself.

5) Chrome Pikachu? Don't we already have that when he goes metal? Pink Pikachu? Over Pichu's dead body. Actually...
I will say this; I didn't tap my foot. ;)

Yes, yes, we're all aware of your hatred for Pikachu's rip-off by now, must you involve your opinion of him in EVERY post you make?

Alas! He is a naked little rodent! Give him a party hat or a cowboy hat and he's ready to rumble.
ZOMG Pikachu's naked. Give him a banana hamock, quick! (Oh $hit, it's DK.) :laugh:

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
New characters don't seem to be beginning of the week material.I'm expecting a new item or music or maybe even a stage.

Newcomer:Biker Pikachu?


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Way more likely than "Biker Pikachu" silly.

I'm expecting either a stage or new music, but that's just me. I agree, though, that a character most likely won't be featured as "beginning of the week" material.

roy_owns: I like to quote because it lets people know exactly what I'm referring to. The stuff I wanted to talk about was also several pages back, so I thought it would help.

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
Way more likely than "Biker Pikachu" silly.

I'm expecting either a stage or new music, but that's just me. I agree, though, that a character most likely won't be featured as "beginning of the week" material.

roy_owns: I like to quote because it lets people know exactly what I'm referring to. The stuff I wanted to talk about was also several pages back, so I thought it would help.

Agreed.Music and stage are usually beginning of the week fodder. -_-

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Actually, I got the degree. It's in psych if you're curious. What I gave up on (temporarily, of course), was trying to figure out what the heck I'm supposed to be doing now (jobs are hard to find in that particular field without a masters or a ph. d, and I'm just bit burnt out). Also, I'm glad you got the Futurama reference; I assumed after a post or two that nobody noticed. I guess I kinda see myself as the Dr. Zoidberg of these forums.
In regards to Pichu, perhaps I overstate myself, but I just like people to know my stance on things I hate. Like Pichu. Whom I hate. Too much? :p

Chiyo-chan, in regards to the a pink Pikachu, I just think it would look goofy. And I meant over Pichu's dead body, but that was just more of an expression of afor mentioned rage toward the character. See previous posts for more info.

I think I'm actually gonna shift towards the general public on the alternate costumes issue. Actually, I'm not changing my opinion, just defining it better. See, I agree that things like Biker Pikachu are not really what this game needs. But on the flip side, I like the idea of Dr. Mario as a different costume. I meant more character-appropriate things. As in having minor cosmetic changes for each color. Or having Link's Zora attire from TP for his blue costume. In other words, I just thought it would be interesting to include previously established alternate looks where appropriate in addition to color changes.

But feel free to disagree with me. As if you needed my permission.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Yeah, the F-Zero symbol has been revealed now, so he's now on the same level as Yoshi (except we don't have an F-Zero stage or music yet:ohwell:)

Sucks for people wanting Samurai Goroh though, he is officially 'not confirmed' for Brawl as a playable character.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Only pokemon can come out of pokeballs. Everything else can come out of Assist Trophies.

It seems to be a way to allow people to see some of their favourites duke it out, despite the fact they didn't make the roster.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Not at all. They're like summons in the FF games. Personally, I'm more stoked on Assist Capsules more than anything, even Pokeballs. It's going to be confusing though, when you wake up in the morning and see someone like Ray MK2 (just a guess), only to be overwhelmed with joy screaming "OH MA GAWD! I KNEW HE'D MAKE THE CUT! I CAN'T WAIT TO PLAY AS RAY MK2! CUSTOM ROBO DOMINANCE FTW!", and then be slightly discouraged that you won't physically be able to get your hands on him, but will have to suffice with having him wreck your opponents alongside you.

"Pokeballs and Assist Capsules On Very High" Matches FORTHEWIN!!!


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Yeah, I get the feeling we're probably going to get a few "OMG!!! __________ CONFIRMED!! Oh... they're just an assistant trophy >_<".


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2007
non of your concern yet lol
I am so going to hate that lolz but maybe this may be a good thing it may show who may be in the next (i'm sure this game will sell so they MAY make another) i mean no one thought kindomheart would go pass two look whats comming out lolz but anyway i just hope they give us something amazing tomorrow


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2007
Miss you Ryan
If I'm correct, the headings of the update have a different color corresponding to the type of update,
How To Play/Blue
Game Modes/ Orange

Just use my patented slow-scroll and you'll know right off the bat! It's slow-scrollerific!

EDIT: Got blood, you've got a sick sig. Just thought you should know.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
If I'm correct, the headings of the update have a different color corresponding to the type of update,
How To Play/Blue
Game Modes/ Orange
Ummm... yea... we've all noticed that WGW. I'm just saying if you see your desired/main/best character's name you're going to get stoked beyond belief, but if you notice the color yellow and the item icon in the window, it's going to hurt so badly. So, so badly.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Yea, but it's too bad for the people who wanted Samurai Goroh and the Hammer Bros. I wasn't one of them... but it's too bad for everyone else. I'm still hoping for Sonic, Megaman, Geno, Lucario, and the return of Falco, Ganondorf, and Sheik. (And I don't want to debate about Sheik please. Can't we just leave it at me just wanting her back?)


Smash Apprentice
Jul 26, 2006
Las Vegas
Samurai Goro could have been a good playable character, but I don't want alot of sword users. Link and Meta-Knight are already great swordsmen. So long Goro ><


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2007
Miss you Ryan
Well there will be a period of time where we can jsut enjoy the game in its entirety, but after a little bit of that people will just be like "Alright, now that I got that out of my system, time to play this in a competitive manner."


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Actually, I got the degree. It's in psych if you're curious. What I gave up on (temporarily, of course), was trying to figure out what the heck I'm supposed to be doing now (jobs are hard to find in that particular field without a masters or a ph. d, and I'm just bit burnt out). Also, I'm glad you got the Futurama reference; I assumed after a post or two that nobody noticed. I guess I kinda see myself as the Dr. Zoidberg of these forums.

In regards to Pichu, perhaps I overstate myself, but I just like people to know my stance on things I hate. Like Pichu. Whom I hate. Too much? :p
I was about to ask what you chose as a major, but you guessed correctly in thinking I would ask and wrote it there for me. ^.^ Take your time on the job search, it's now teH most important priority right now. Finding a job can be stressfull because, in the back of your mind, there's this "I'm going to be doing this for the rest of my life!" thing going on. Stay calm, don't shun away from the help your parents might offer, and keep it cool. After all, you've got a six month period before your first tuition payment is due. :chuckle:

Haha, deffinately, so underappreciated, which is the opposite of Pichu, who deserves no appreciation. ;) Maybe that's why you hate Pichu so much, he's your polar opposite.

Thats not the point they work just as a Pokeball so there's no point of them
The point is that you have an idea of what to expect. When there were a few Poke'mon in Smash64, the possible evasion strategies you must be prepared to do upon Poke'mon release were few. In Melee, there were many more things the players must be prepared for, which made Poke'balls more effective. This is a positive sign for Brawl, because Sakurai must have woken up one day and said, "Crap, there's WAAAY too many Poke'mon, I need a new strategy." Hopefully we will get THAT many more Poke'mon, in addition to these Assist Capsules.

Also, only Poke'mon come out of Poke'balls.

If I'm correct, the headings of the update have a different color corresponding to the type of update,

Just use my patented slow-scroll and you'll know right off the bat! It's slow-scrollerific!
I like your motto, however I think only Sensai would be naive enough to not have noticed that color coding system. :laugh: Don't feel bad, you know I <3 you most!

it's going to hurt so badly. So, so badly.
it's going to hurt so badly. So, so badly.
I'm just like you, I look at the pictures before the words, and I'll get 4-stocked if DS' picture appears there, but then I find out DS is just an Assist Capsule fighter. (A word to the wise: don't start a DS or Shiek debate; post quoted for effect.)

it's going to hurt so badly. So, so badly.
True, that's why I don't like items on the update.
I enjoy the item updates, they show the kind of variety that we expect from a game of this caliber. Like I said earlier, the only downside is potential disappointment from missinterpretation.


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2007
Miss you Ryan
My outrageous amount of sarcasm goes unnoticed. I'm saying it's as simple as looking at what kind of update it is first, scrolling down, and then you don't get all worked up before you get disappointed XD


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2007
Miss you Ryan
Well I got like 20 IM's this morning when I logged on AIM. " GOROH IS IN! GOROH IS IN!"
I decided to go look for myself and I saw it wasn't of the red color code as I scrolled down (my patented technique XD ) I knew right off the bat and I had to break the news to alot of unhappy smashers.
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