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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
...Poor Dyce...
Next time, don't worry about the n00bs or school. Remember this:
(I have school too but who cares!)


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
So...NiGHTS music, Chrono Trigger music, Kingdom Hearts music, Devil May Cry music...

What exactly is Sakurai making again? A Smash Bros. game? Oh, fooled me.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Dante isn't going to be in the game. No one from the DMC games will be in. DMC never made it onto a Nintendo system so therefore he has ZERO CHANCE of making it into Brawl.

NiGHTS has a game for Wii coming out soon. They could pull a Roy and put NiGHTS in to advertise it's new game.

Kingdom Hearts was on GBA. It seems a bit obscure, but Kingdom Hearts is friendly to all ages and is a popular series. Sora very well could make it in. Most likely he won't, but there's still that chance.


(P.S.: Go Sonic! I still believe in you!)


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
What game has possible characters from creators of DMC(not Resident Evil)because they can't have the music and not the character.
Sonic is in just not announced. He could advertise as well as NiGHTS who I want badly.
Crono for Brawl would be good.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Wow, I've been raising some hell on these boards recently concerning speculation. :-D.

Someone in the Wii thread pointed out kindly (2 people, actually) that just because it has 'Name - Devil May Cry' doesn't mean that music from DMC will be in there. It could just be that that person is contributing to the musical score of the game.

You get the idea. Still....

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
I thought that was a given...Vergil (cool as he is) won't be smashing anytime soon. Axel won't be included just because Koshiro remixes a Nintendo song.

On that note, remember that these composers are supposedly (according to the dojo) just covering Nintendo music.

Other than the obvious (the MGS4 composer doing Snake's music)...all of the music will be from Nintendo games.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I don't think that list means anything. If I get my hopes up there's a high chance I'll be disappointed, so no hope = no disappointment.

Anyway, the biggest thing is probably the weekdaily updates they have now, which means weekends will now suck and we can finally look forward to days like Monday, which is probably the most hated day EVAR!

I think most of the music is going to be original due to the musical power they have now. But one thing we have to remember about music is that each character has his/her game music, which means Sakurai will have to seek the help of the musicians/directors from that game in order to get the music right.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Yeah, so someone from SEGA might do Sonic's tunes, KONAMI for Snake and a CAPCOM guy for Viewtiful Joe Megaman.

But as much as I'd like original music (and there will be some, see: Braw's main theme)...it says clear as day on the dojo that the listed composers are going to redo "an elite selection" of classic tunes.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Oops, I forgot to mention that music *could* semi-confirm characters, but only if they have more evidence behind them.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Ok look: Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Killer 7, Contact, God Hand; all are Capcom games. You know who else is owned by Capcom?

Sorry man, I shouldn't have been inbetween, stuck choosing to stay on or off, I bet that might have made you stoppped. Oh well, this night/early morning (or morning on your side of the coast) is gonna probably be better. ;)

Anyways Megaman ftw!

@ Cheif
Agreed, but I don't get the Kingdom Hearts composer. Is some Square Enix character in Brawl, because the only one I know has a decent shot is...Geno (and a even smaller chance goes to Sora). Could this be hinting something....and not to mention the amazing guy who did one of the greatest games ever, Chrono Trigger is helping, but I don't think it means anything, because he isn't working with Square Enix (other than possibly that Blue Dragon game for the 360).

Also people note that there are no composers from the Donkey kong franchise, but I think one of those composers (probably one of the Nintendo/HAL labs ones) will be doing the DK songs, so don't worry there. ;)

Olimar's chances might have gone up, along with Krystal and Wolf, considering the composer of the Star Fox series/Pikmin series is on that list. So overall, I don;t think the DK series is in worry, and all the others 1st party series could be represented musician wise. The only question is will this effect the 3rd party characters we get=? That is debateable, but I think it is safe to assume Megaman's chances are much better, which you can tell by my sig, makes me quite pleased! :)


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I would be so pissed if we only got one more 3rd party character. We really do need 3 all together. That's a good amount. There are a million high ranking 3rd party characters that helped put Nintendo on the map, why couldn't they easily pick 3? Personally, I say make it an even 4.



Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2007
did anyone else see the guy from Golden Sun in that list?

that never even occured to me, to play as Isaac or Felix.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Dyce: Because Chrono Trigger's a big name in the mainstream. Yeah.

So what if Yoko Shimomura (KH) is up there? Uematsu composed the main theme, but I don't see anyone citing that as a reason why a Black Mage should be in. Could it be that these composers are just there to bring some diversity to the soundtrack whilst paying tribute to what is (probably) one of their most-respected companies: Nintendo?

P.S. If any Square character gets in, it'd more than likely be a FF character. I say Garland, just because he looks kickin' in FF Dissidia.

debaser? Moar liek "freebaser", ecks dee!

I kid, I kid. I don't think any GS peoples will be playable: it's not a very recognizable, original, or popular franchise. And the composer you're thinking of (Sakuraba) has much better stuff in his resumé...like Valkyrie Profile and the Star Ocean series.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
...With really generic RPG gameplay and plots. I can't reccomend them in the same way I can't reccomend the cast of Legend of Heroes (yup, that's a real game).

That said, they are pretty decent games.


Smash Rookie
May 20, 2007
I think if we might have through scout through our trophy section in melee to see who could possibly be a secret charcter. Pit, MetaKnight, and Wario are all trophies, and so are Ridley, Ballon Boy,etc,.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I don't think that list means anything. If I get my hopes up there's a high chance I'll be disappointed, so no hope = no disappointment.

Anyway, the biggest thing is probably the weekdaily updates they have now, which means weekends will now suck and we can finally look forward to days like Monday, which is probably the most hated day EVAR!

I think most of the music is going to be original due to the musical power they have now. But one thing we have to remember about music is that each character has his/her game music, which means Sakurai will have to seek the help of the musicians/directors from that game in order to get the music right.
What a great philosophy. That should be on a T-shirt or something, "No Hope = No Disappointment"

That makes Sunday's my new worst day of the week. Now I have to work a seven and a half hour shift, after partying the night before, and have that whole time to think about the great new updates I'll be getting the following morning. You're with me on this everyone, especially you Sensai, right? rAt?

Olimar's chances might have gone up, along with Krystal and Wolf, considering the composer of the Star Fox series/Pikmin series is on that list. So overall, I don;t think the DK series is in worry, and all the others 1st party series could be represented musician wise. The only question is will this effect the 3rd party characters we get=? That is debateable, but I think it is safe to assume Megaman's chances are much better, which you can tell by my sig, makes me quite pleased! :)
That...doesn't make Wolf's or Krystal's chances any greater, the justification for the Starfox composer is "Fox". However, I would like to say that Olimar's chances have improved from zero point whatever. And Megaman, his chances were fairly good to begin with anyway so I don't have a prediction there.

It would make much sense that, for whatever character is in the game, that they have music composed by the original musician. It adds that extra tweak to the soundtrack and makes the game richer. After all, a MGS game just wouldn't feel complete without...um...I'm such a n00b I don't know the composer...but you understand my point. Same would go for Kirby, Mario, or any other character.

Dyce: Because Chrono Trigger's a big name in the mainstream. Yeah.

So what if Yoko Shimomura (KH) is up there? Uematsu composed the main theme, but I don't see anyone citing that as a reason why a Black Mage should be in. Could it be that these composers are just there to bring some diversity to the soundtrack whilst paying tribute to what is (probably) one of their most-respected companies: Nintendo?

They may just be there to bring some diversity, but that can't be the full list and already it's huge. It also seems like the composer of "X" game should be, like, part of the package that comes with the contract to include that character, ya' know?

They would be pretty sweet to play as. I've never played a Golden Sun game, but they look fun, and the characters look like they would fit in very well. They're like cartoony Fire Emblem/ Final Fantasy characters.
Golden Sun was nothing to go crazy over, however I could easily imagine any one of those characters in Brawl. They've got some awesome psy powers, although many of the physical attacks would have to be made up because they don't use many different ones. It'd still be sweetness.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Uh, I think it's Henry(Harry?) Gregson-Williams. The MGS composer that is.

And considering there was only one composer in Melee...I think that list is all we're going to get.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
@ Chief Mendez
GS is one of the most popular RPG's on the GBA, but it's nowhere near as big as the FF series of course. If Square got a character in Brawl, it would be either Geno or Crono, either way we get a awsome character. O, and if any FF character made it, they would have to make a appearance on a Nintendo system, and no Valkryie Profile character will make it because it is a PS title (not 100% positive though) Plus overall they aren't as reconizable.

O, and since most of the FF characters who have appeared on Nintendo consoles aren't even 1/10th as reconizable as Cloud or Sephiroth, you can pretty much cross them off your list. Also Shimura is gonna be one of the better of these already amazing composers, and I REALLY wonder what song each composer will choose and do=more questions, less answers...

That huge list of composers raises even more questions, and I'm guessing Sakurai's goal is to keep us guessing and anticipated, and it is clearly working. I hope we at least get a few remixes of some of my favorite games. It'd be awsome if we got a remix from tons of our favorite games and classics!

@ X-x-Dyce-x-X
Seriously, we do need 4 third party characters, that would be awsome. Here's my 4 3rd party chacter picks:


As much as I like Crono, I don't see him in Brawl, unless of course there are 4 3rd party characters in Brawl, and Geno doesn't make it. As much as I like Geno, I like Crono just as much, but either way I'm more than good.

@ Rhyme
The Star Fox/Pikmin series composer (Hajime Wakai) increases the possibilities for Wolf, Krystal, and Capt. Olmiar's chances for being in Brawl. Sure this only raises Wolf and Krystals individual chances just a bit, but it also increases the chances of them both being in Brawl even more. It also definitely increases the already seemingly decent/good shot Capt. Olimar, which makes me pretty happy. ;)

@ Cheif Mendez
Nobuo Uematsu isn't on there, and I suspect he'll be doing more music for Brawl. Other than that, your right about we'll only get the composers on that list.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
@ Rhyme
The Star Fox/Pikmin series composer (Hajime Wakai) increases the possibilities for Wolf, Krystal, and Capt. Olmiar's chances for being in Brawl. Sure this only raises Wolf and Krystals individual chances just a bit, but it also increases the chances of them both being in Brawl even more. It also definitely increases the already seemingly decent/good shot Capt. Olimar, which makes me pretty happy. ;)
You're making a bad connection in my humble opinion. What you're saying is like assuming that Diddy will be in Brawl because DK made it. Without Krystal or Wolf in the roster, the Starfox composer would still make sense, simply because of Fox's inclusion. Thought I will agree with you that Captain Olimar's chances improved.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
^^^^ Ya I know, but what I mean is they're individual chances just barely increased (wayyy below 1% IMO, but there chances are high already), and the chances of both of them being in Brawl is just a tad bit higher (about 1% IMO). So nothing has changed very much when it comes to Krystal and Wolf. Also, Capt. Olmiar's chances ahve definitely increased (I'd say at most 5%), and he had like a 65% chance of being in Brawl already IMO, but I'm not going to get overhopeful. ;)

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Personal picks:

1. Snake (KON)
2. Viewtiful Joe (CAP)
3. Simon Belmont (KON)
4. Terra Bradford (S-E)

Realistic picks:

1. Snake (KON)
2. Sonic (SEGA)
3. Megaman (CAP)
4. Light Warrior (S-E)

Hooray for following a trend!

Anyway...Snake's confirmed, Joe is a much cooler character than Megaman (his games are funner too), Sonic's gone downhill so much that the only reason I think he'd be in is because of all this (undeserved) demand for him, and FF VI is basically the best RPG ever. But that's just me.

Realistically: Snake's in, Megaman is Capcom's definite mascot, Sonic is requested way to much to be ignored...

And then there's the Light Warrior (i.e. everyone in your party from FF I, II and III). This could be a Black Mage, a Fighter, a Dragoon, or whatever. But I can't for the life of me think of an iconic S-E character that exists either primarily or exclusively on Nintendo platforms other than the early FF characters. Geno is a character from a (in my opinion, overrated) bad selling, incredibly niche game, and Crono is largely forgotten, both by gamers today and by it's creators (seriously, how many other "Chrono" games have been made? It's way better than some other Square stuff like Front Mission and all those ****ed Chocobo games, but Square's always more concerned with selling FF as THE RPG series...so there can't be any competition, especially from it's own camp).

Of course, S-E might not get a character at all. They're being absolute ***** about supporting the VC, and if not for the DSs massive user base, they'd most assuredly be a soley Sony supporter (outside of the occasional Crystal Chronicles, which is no concession for not getting stuff like Kingdom Hearts).

...But maybe I just don't heart Square like I once did.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I'm not sure how this will be recieved by you, but I think that Wolf's chances are greater than that of Krystal's, simply because the villian WILL be added before the teammate. It just makes sense. Starfox has grown significantly, though, and could easily warrant three character slots, four in my opinion.

That's the spirit Johnny, don't hope too much.

[pointlessness]I have been thinking...Sakurai will most likely tell us as little new information for as long as possible, given that he must say something different with each and every blog post. How long before he simply HAS to say something that we havn't been told already? Each character(minus their brawl attack?) is one day each, up to seven stages I think we've seen so far(?), a song for each stage, an elaboration of the brawl attack item, that makes my total thirty-five different posts, which translates to seven weeks. This means that by July 10th at the lastest we MUST recieve new Brawl information. I'd sincerely hope it doesn't take so long and Sakurai condenses the dispension of information, but the above is the worst case scenario. I'd hope that we will have a new character by the start of June, which is about ten days from now.[/pointlessness]


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
@Chief Mendez:
Light Warrior isn't going to make it. Your point is valid, he is a blank slate and that can make him anything, but at the same time that would be his downfall. He's just to generic, barely a character at all. Every character in Brawl has two things that get them in: Personality and Soul. Light Warrior has neither. Light Warrior is the ultimate tabula rasa, he is just one of 4+ characters that look exactly like him and don't have a personality or individual purpose of their own, making it too obscure for people to pinpoint what game they came from. They would need an over-hyped star of a FF game, someone with a name. Like Terra Bradford! I think she has more chance of making it in than Light Warrior IMO. You're right to dream.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007


...Eh? Sorry, but I don't quite get what you mean by that. Anyway, it's not like Captain Falcon, Ice Climbers, Game & Watch, or even pre-Windwaker Link had much of a personality to speak of. The Ice Climber's personalities in particular (just like Light Warrior's) were defined by the player, which is arguably the best defining factor.

So it's not impossible, and I think a Black Mage is more recognizable than Terra in today's environment.

Personally, I think a good Smash character needs to be relevant to Nintendo's history (hence the "if it wasn't on a Ninty console, it ain't in Smash" rule), needs to be original (a good origin game doesn't hurt either), and needs to be at least somewhat popular/recognizable.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Ya, that would place them conveniently at around E3 time. They could always do multiple posts like they did with the first one. I'm sure we'll get one awesome chunk of info once a week. :(

...I hope.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
What a great philosophy. That should be on a T-shirt or something, "No Hope = No Disappointment"

That makes Sunday's my new worst day of the week. Now I have to work a seven and a half hour shift, after partying the night before, and have that whole time to think about the great new updates I'll be getting the following morning. You're with me on this everyone, especially you Sensai, right? rAt?
Lol, people always say I'm kinda philosophical, it's a gift, and a curse [inside Mr. Monk joke]

I agree, Sunday is now the worst day of the week, I never liked Sundays anyway :ohwell:

I'm not sure how this will be recieved by you, but I think that Wolf's chances are greater than that of Krystal's, simply because the villian WILL be added before the teammate. It just makes sense. Starfox has grown significantly, though, and could easily warrant three character slots, four in my opinion.
I also agree with this. The odds of villians being a brawl are much higher now. There's already Meta-Knight and Wario [he's more of an anti-hero but :ohwell:] we'll probably get back our old badies but then new villians still have a chance.

There's Wolf from Starfox
There's Ridley [he's basically semi-confirmed] and DS from Metroid
There's Baby Bowser or Bowser Jr. [not fond of either]
And there are still villians from series not yet introduced to smash.

[pointlessness]I have been thinking...Sakurai will most likely tell us as little new information for as long as possible, given that he must say something different with each and every blog post. How long before he simply HAS to say something that we havn't been told already? Each character(minus their brawl attack?) is one day each, up to seven stages I think we've seen so far(?), a song for each stage, an elaboration of the brawl attack item, that makes my total thirty-five different posts, which translates to seven weeks. This means that by July 10th at the lastest we MUST recieve new Brawl information. I'd sincerely hope it doesn't take so long and Sakurai condenses the dispension of information, but the above is the worst case scenario. I'd hope that we will have a new character by the start of June, which is about ten days from now.[/pointlessness]

Some guy worked it out by saying 6 months, times 5 days a week, times something to do with 4 [probably weeks in a month] = 120 different blogs by Sakurai, he said it'd take us down to November.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
6x4=24. 24x5=120.

That's assuming there will be only one update per day for six months. If Prime 3 is a late summer game, we can assume that the other two (Galaxy y Brawl) will be mid-autumn and early winter releases. So six seems logical, but give or take a month when thinking about it.

Hopefully posts aren't just: "the bomb-omb returns! (Goes on to explain how to use bomb-ombs)".

EDIT - Found this on IGN. They've got the entire transcript of Reggie's speech today at the summit; it's a good read, but there's something that may interest you guys.

Reggie said:
So let me take a final minute to talk a little bit more about the core. By some people's definition, the last time Nintendo published a true core game was GoldenEye. But in our minds Mario, Zelda and Smash are also core games and that's because you can't find a core gamer who can say that they've never played those games. And later on this year you'll be playing Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.

...Whether you're a hardcore or first-time player, it all boils down to this -- it all boils down to a definition of fun. It's not enough to define fun just based on things looking a little bit better; they've got to feel a whole lot better. I hope you're going to get that feeling when you're upstairs demoing these games. And I know that feeling is going to grow as we prepare for the new E3 and as we get further into the fall and prepare for the holiday season. So with that, I want to thank you.
Again, it's confirmed for this year.

But are people really playing it right now (or a short while ago)!? NOA usually applies media embargos on stuff like this for at least a day (the speech was originally under such a restraint until some independent blogs started posting it)...so that could explain why we haven't seen any impressions yet.

P.S. Is it just me, or are you guys trying to catch the new update at 3AM (or whatever it is where you live)?


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I actually was about to go right to bed after posting this, but if you plus at least one other person wanted to stay up tonight and talk about the update than I could manage. Provided it's 300 and not 600, in which case we'd all be pwned for school tomorrow, automatically so. I wouldn't mind a late night discussion. -Considers AIM a reasonable alternative to the lag nuke which is destined to be dropped upon Smashboards this morning.-

So far all I know is this: Prime 3 -> Aug 20, Brawl -> 2007 Not sure what that has to do with your last post Chief, but when I thought to post that I DID have a reason, so maybe you people can figure it out.:lick:

And to whoever "that guy" who figured one hundred and twenty days, he obviously has reached a level of not simply desiring, but requiring a schedule for his new information. +repsect around these parts :psycho:

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Oh, that edit's completely unrelated. Just didn't want to double post is all. I...think that's what you're talking about...the IGN transcript, that is. If it's not...just don't worry about it: no point wasting bandwidth typing out an explanation.

Yeah, I'm game until 3. That's my max though, I too must attend a certain institution on the 'morrow.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I heard the embargo on the Nintendo stuff isn't lifted until Friday. :/

Also, I'll be up until the update.
Awesomness! Break out the scooby snacks...or english muffin pizzas, whichever you'd prefer.

Embargo? How can they ban information? That's not right.

Oh, that edit's completely unrelated. Just didn't want to double post is all. I...think that's what you're talking about...the IGN transcript, that is. If it's not...just don't worry about it: no point wasting bandwidth typing out an explanation.

Yeah, I'm game until 3. That's my max though, I too must attend a certain institution on the 'morrow.
Um...alright, I won't worry. By the way, care to share the institution which you dared not disclose? Ya' know, since I asked reeeal nicely?


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Hm...that's not of much importance now that we do know about it.

I think I'll go leave for the next hour and twenty minutes and watch television instead. From two until three I can watch Futurama, which will help time pass more quickly than discussing what information might be revealed at three, assuming the follow-up arrives on time. So, until then everyone.
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