No, you're not the only one not crying. Most newbs are not crying because nothing has happened to them. You're content to play the Party Game. Competitives have good reason to believe that competitive Brawl will be campy and unfun. If you don't understand why it's because you've never played competitively, don't know what playing competitively even means, and have never listened to them when they actually tried to explain why they think Brawl will suck for them.
Really, now? I play Melee as both a fighting AND party game...I'll slice up my methods for you:
-Items on Very Low or None
-Only advanced technique being applied is L-cancelling
-Matches are still pretty fast-paced, calculating my opponent's next move, getting into a better stance than him, dodging and rolling out of his attacks, attacking where I see openings, and killing when I see the opportunity
-Learning each characters strengths and weaknesses, and applying that knowledge to battles
-"Maining" a character that I feel the most comfortable playing, and therefore, more efficient at playing (Marth, in my case)
-1 vs. 1
**In other words, I play it as a thinking man's game: not depending on the randomness of items, learning about each character's ups and downs, picking one I'm best at, and applying all of my knowledge at the right time in order to become victorious (or lose graciously)**
-Items turned ON
-Any stage (except for Ice Climbers')
-More variety of characters
-More than two people playing
-Trying to win (or lose) in the coolest way possible
**Party Smash is different than Fighting Smash in the way that it isn't as cold and calculating as it is charged-smash-happy and crazy...I do it this way with friends or to introduce newbies to Smash**
But if you can multi-cancel waveshine combo, I'm fine with that, but I'm guessing that in Brawl, it'll be more of who can play their character better, smarter, and more efficiently, than who can apply wavedashing, shffling, and dash-dancing the best...I am really not that disappointed about Competitive Brawl in any way (I know how to pull of many advanced techniques well, but I don't use them because I, a competitive smasher, don't like them very much), and I'm assured that it will be more fun than Competitive Melee...And brighten up, all of you tourneysots, there will probably be many more, cooler, not-as-necessary-for-being-able-to-play-competitively advanced techs, you just need to look for them...Besides, wavelanding is still in...